

4538 Uppsatser om Health benefits - Sida 45 av 303

Barn är oslagbara BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av primärpreventivt arbete för att barn inte ska fara illa i sin hemmiljö

Introduction: Child maltreatment, perpetrated by a caregiver, is a major health problem. The child suffers not only at the instance the abuse or maltreatment occurs, the consequences may persist into adulthood. The specialist nurse in child health (CHN), who works at a child health care unit, comes across almost every child growing up in Sweden. The CHN has an opportunity to implement primary prevention with the family during the child's first years. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe the CHN experiences regarding primary prevention to avoid domestic child maltreatment.

Mobil verksamhetsapplikation för Nationell patientöversikt : Implementation och automatiserad testning av mobil applikation

While the technological infrastructure that enables collaboration between municipalities, counties and private health care providers improves, so does the need for health-care providers to gain access to the right patient journal at the right time. For doctors, nurses and other health-care organization employees this goal is achieved by NPÖ, National Patient Summary. NPÖ effectively enables health-care records to be shared across organizational boundaries. This thesis is based on a demand by a mobile application that can give district nurses access to health-care records wherever they are.This thesis describes the development of a prototype of a mobile application aimed for NPÖ. This includes investigating a suitable mobile platform, investigating available card readers for reading electronic identification from SITHS cards and the ability to connect to external services such as NPÖ.

Rytmterapi som behandlingsmetod vid stroke: en pilotstudie

Stroke is caused by a bleeding or infarct in the brain and is one of the most common diseases in Sweden today. The purpose of the study was to evaluate if Ronnie Gardiner?s Rhythm Therapy (RGR-therapy) has any effect, regarding motor control and the subjective experienced health related quality of life, on people who have been affected by stroke. The examination group consisted of eight people. The intervention consisted of RGR-therapy once a week during a period of nine weeks.

Spelar hjärnan någon roll?

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att genom en litteraturstudie undersöka vilka huvudsakliga förklaringar som fanns till unga vuxnas psykiska ohälsa. Det var också av intresse att få se om det fanns någon skillnad i sättet att förklara orsakerna till psykisk ohälsa hos män respektive kvinnor. Studien innehöll artiklar ur Läkartidningen, Psykologtidningen, Transmittorn samt en rapport från SOU. Resultatet visade att unga vuxnas psykiska ohälsa bottnade till stor del i ett allt mer individualiserat samhälle. Det hade lett till att ett stort ansvar, många gånger högt över vad individen mäktade med, hade lagts ned på individnivå.

De sjukaste överlever : en osteologisk undersökning av nio gravlagda individer från karmeliterklostret i Ny Varberg

Osteological analysis was carried out on skeletons from nine graves from a medieval cemetery in Ny Varberg, Varberg, Halland. The graves originate from a monastery and a church, dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The main aim with this thesis has been to study health through the presence of pathologies and skeletal changes. Further aim was to compare the results from the present study with theresults from Torsten Sandbergs analysis of the same material from 1964. This comparison later showed coincidence.

Marketing and Branding a Nation : tillämpningen av ambassader som plattform för att stärka Sverige som varumärke

Problem: The authors have, during the process of development of this thesis, tried to create an understanding of how a number of organizations, all working with different approaches around the ?brand Sweden?, perceive the efficiency and benefits of using extended concept around embassies as a tool in their strategic work. The embassies in question have an evolved concept in the sense that they don not only hold a traditional political and legal role. The problem facing us authors was the issue whether theses embassies are efficient arenas to coordinate the forces and resources of the organizations concerned, in the mission to enhance the visibility and awareness of Sweden abroad.Purpose: The purpose is to describe the strategic work with marketing Sweden to be able to look in to whether the evolved concept behind the embassies in question are used as a tool in within the work of the organizations. We wish to research this to be able to evaluate if this arena is perceived as efficient for the organizations concerned.Method: In order to get a background to which one establish and communicate a nations brand the authors have studied literature within the subject.

A qualitative study about nurses' experiences of working and caring in a Palestine refugee camp in Jordan and methodological reflections while conducting a study within this field

Jordan is a developing country and there are ten Palestine refugee camps throughout Jordansince the Arab-Israel conflict in 1948 and the Arab-Israel war in 1967. The camps are run byUnited Nation Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)which is the main provider of health care in the camp. Today, the fourth generation ofrefugees lives in the camps which are extremely overpopulated. The social and economicconditions in the camps are poor. The nurses' workload in the Health care centre in the campis getting harder and UNRWA's resources are getting strained due to funding shortfalls.

Förutsättningar för chefer att hantera sjukfrånvaro

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Mindfulness -en evidensbaserad behandling mot depression?

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

ATT VARA ÖPPEN FÖR OLIKHETER I TIDER AV FÖRÄNDRING : Barnmorskors och BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av föräldrars behov av tidigt föräldrastöd

Society has an obligation to offer parents support of various types, an example of such a support is ?parent support?. The purpose of this study has been to describe midwives and child health care nurses conceptions of the need for early parent support. The definition of early parent support in this study is the first two weeks after delivery. Since the 1970:ies the Swedish delivery and ?BB? care has changed in that the time in hospital care after delivery has been reduced from in average six days, till an average of two days.

Ren Hand på rätt sätt - Inte alltid så lätt

Rätt utförd handhygien är en av de enklaste, mest betydelsefulla och minst kostsamma metoder för att minska spridning av vårdrelaterade infektioner, VRI. Trots omfattande kampanjer för förbättrad handhygien över hela världen för att förhindra VRI är det svårt att uppnå full följsamhet till rekommenderade riktlinjer. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa attityder som kan påverka hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals följsamhet av rekommenderade riktlinjer för handhygien på sjukhus. Litteraturstudien baseras på nio vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserats enligt Lundman och Graneheims (2008) kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Artiklarna har granskats och kvalitetsbedömts utifrån Willman, Stolz och Bahtsevanis (2011) bedömningsmall.

Faktorer som inverkar på lärandet i egenvården för personer med kronisk sjukdom

Vid en kronisk sjukdom gäller det att kunna ta hand om sig och ha en fungerande egenvård. Vårdtagaren idag bör bli mer involverad i sina egenvårdsval, för att kunna sköta om sin kroniska sjukdom. Syftet med denna kvalitativa litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som kunde inverka på lärandet i egenvården i samband med kroniska sjukdomar. Resultatet delades in i tre olika kategorier: gruppens betydelse för lärandet, trygghetens betydelse för lärandet och förebilders betydelse för lärandet. Det framgick att dessa faktorer hade stor inverkan på lärandet för personer med kronisk sjukdom i egenvården..

Att som sjuksköterska vårda patienter med ätstörningar

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor kan möta patienter med ätstörningar på olika avdelningar. Sjuksköterskor blir ofta överraskade av det stora omvårdnadsbehov som patienterna har. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelser av vården av patienter med ätstörningar. Metod: En litteraturstudie och granskning av sju vetenskapliga artiklar har genomförts, materialet analyserades med inspiration av Graneheims och Lundmans analysmetod. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor tycker inte att de har tillräcklig kunskap och utbildning för att vårda patienter med ätstörningar.

Upplevelser av koordinatorsrollen i rehabiliteringsprocessen : -en kvalitativ studie

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Nålsticksterapi eller helhetssyn : -två sätt att se på akupunktur

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

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