

341 Uppsatser om Hartz-reform - Sida 19 av 23

Strävan efter det legitima polisväsendet : En jämförande studie mellan tre postkonfliktländer

Products and services have for a long time competed with their brands. For some time now, cities have begun to compete with each other to attract visitors and other stakeholders to come to their town. It is important that the citizens feel as they are a part of the message that the city sends out in its communication.Cities are today working actively with their brands, much like regular companies, in order to create the profile and image in order to be competitive against other cities and places. Cities and places are part of a dynamic process which includes both positive and negative events. These events might have an impact on the brands, and therefore it is a necessity to be able to react on these events to make the most of positive things and deal with the negative in a way that minimizes the effects on the brand.Citybranding as a research field is quite new.

Den utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnan : Ett lärarutbildningsinnehåll i vardande

Lärarutbildningsreformen 2011 införde utbildningsvetenskaplig kärna som ett kunskapsinnehåll för alla de nya lärarprogrammen. Kraven och förväntningarna på vetenskaplighet i lärarutbildning har successivt förstärkts och man kan tala om en vetenskaplig lärarutbildningsdiskurs. Men det är först med denna reform som begreppet utbildningsvetenskap används för att beskriva ett innehåll i utbildningen. Denna läroplansteoretiskt förankrade studie granskar hur begreppet utbildningsvetenskap ges en uttolkning i en kurs inom den utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnan på grundlärarprogrammet årskurs 4-6 vid fem lärosäten i Sverige. Empirin utgörs av de ansökningshandlingar som lärosätena lämnat in för examensrätt till de nya utbildningarna och de föreslagna kursplanerna för en specifik kurs i synnerhet.

Att knäcka koden - arbete med utveckling av läs- och skrivförmåga i tre förskoleklasser

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och beskriva uppfattningar hos pedagoger i tre förskoleklasser kring den egna verksamheten, med särskilt fokus på arbete med läs- och skrivinlärning. 5 lärare, varav 4 förskollärare och 1 grundskollärare, på 3 skolor i 3 olika kommuner har intervjuats. Samtliga arbetar i förskoleklasser, varav 1 klass är integrerad med grundskolans årskurser 1 till 3. De olika skolorna har valt olika modeller för implementation av förskoleklasser i sin verksamhet, vilket gör att verksamheten i klasserna skiljer sig ganska kraftigt åt. Samtliga intervjuade är överens om att införandet av förskoleklassen var en bra reform och de uppger att det främjar helhetssyn och kontinuitet, vilket bland annat är positivt vid arbete med läs- och skrivinlärning.

Revisorns oberoende vid fristående rådgivning ? det ständiga dilemmat

Revisorn anlitas för att ge ett oberoende yttrande som ska säkerställa pålitligheten i företagensfinansiella rapporter. Denna tilltrosskapandande effekt kan endast uppnås om revisorn görsina bedömningar och fattar beslut utan att låta sig påverkas av andra personers viljor ellerönskningar. Att revisorn är oberoende är särskilt viktigt i de fall revisorernas arbete påverkarintressenters beslutsfattande. Diskussionen kring revisorns oberoende i samband medtillhandahållandet av fristående rådgivning har debatterats flitigt. Vissa menar att denfristående rådgivningen medför positiva effekter på revisionen, medan andra anser att denborde förbjudas då den utgör ett hot mot revisorns oberoende och påverkar förtroendet förbranschen.

Förändringar i matematikundervisningen med avseende på problemlösning i samband med införandet av Lgr80. : Med utgångspunkt i en tematisk studie av den professionella debatten i lärartidskriften Nämnaren 1974 ? 1985.

Uppsatsens syfte är att studera förändringar i matematikundervisningen med avseende på problemlösning i samband med införandet av Lgr 80. För att undersöka detta studeras den professionella debatten i lärartidskriften Nämnaren. Det utvalda materialet för studien utgörs av artiklar från denna tidskrift för tidsperioden 1974-1985. För att lyfta fram det mest centrala i dessa texter används temaanalys. Politisk styrning och förändring i texter för matematikundervisningen studeras med utgångspunkt i läroplansteori utgående från Lundgren och tidskriften Nämnaren analyseras med utgångspunkt i Prytz definition av Lindensjö & Lundgrens arenamodell.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Uppslagsverkens diskursordning. En diskursanalytisk studie av Nationalencyklopedin och Wikipedia

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

Meningserbjudanden i läroböcker för samhällskunskap : En studie av läroböcker för yrkes- och studieförberedande gymnasieprogram

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att genom idéanalys få en bild av hur meningserbjudandet avseende medborgarfostran i fyra läroböcker idag ser ut för yrkes- respektive studieförberedande gymnasieprogram som läser 50 respektive 100 poäng samhällskunskap. Detta görs genom att undersöka vilka av Englunds tre medborgerliga utbildningskonceptioner som återfinns. Varje konception innebär olika sorters medborgarfostran och därmed också olika meningserbjudanden. Huvudfrågeställningen för uppsatsen är: Vilka tänkbara meningserbjudanden när det gäller medborgarfostran kan utläsas av innehållet i de nämnda läroböckerna utkomna i samband med GY11 för studie- respektive yrkesförberedande program? Metoden för att undersöka dessa fyra böcker, två från vardera inriktningen, är en idéanalys i vilken Englunds tre utbildningskonceptioner används.

Skola och bibliotek - en samhörighet? En undersökning av skolbiblioteksverksamheten i Växjö kommun

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

På barns och ungdomars villkor? En undersökning av Fisksätra folkbibliotek ur ett barnperspektiv

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

Onlinereferenssamtal ur ett kunskapsperspektiv. En diskursanalytisk studie av Jourhavande bibliotekaries chattreferenstjänst

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

Älmhults köping 1901 - 1970 : Från räls till IKEA

In the beginning of the 1860s, an important railway was built between Malmö and Stockholm. The railway became one of the most important projects that would influence the entire southern Sweden. The railway line was located to areas outside the ordinary routes and a number of communities were built up along its way.Älmhult was one of the communities that was built up due to the railway. In the beginning there were only a few farms and a station, but a community developed and the village grew. In 1901 the village became a small market town, which was an important event.

Från SPPB till SUB. En bibliotekssammanslagning och dess konsekvenser ur ett användarperspektiv

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

Biblioteksdebatt! En diskursanalys av debatten om folkbiblioteken i dagstidningar åren 1950–1960

The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.

Det krympande klassrummet : En studie av högstadielärares förutsättningar i ett reformerat skolsystem

Since the 1990?s the Swedish school system has undergone major and recurring structural reforms. Two of the most comprehensive changes has been the shift of primary schools as an integral part of the welfare state to the responsibility of the municipalities as well as the introduction of free school choice for the students. Through two months of participant observations and semi-structured interviews this thesis seeks to answer the question of how these reforms has come to effect the work of teachers in a medium sized public school in a small municipality in the outskirts of Stockholm. Earlier research has shown that public schools in socio-economically vulnerable areas are disadvantaged due to the reformation of the school system (Beach & Sernhede, 2011; Östh, Andersson, & Malmberg, 2013).

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