

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 54 av 56

NGO?s role in a public-private partnership : assessment of environmental educational efforts on short term

Business is changing and so are society?s expectations. Companies are expected to take responsibility for their trade and the context they are operating in, by looking at socially, economically and environmentally aspects. Many companies Handle it by implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) to their line of action. This is often Handled by collaborating with other organisations, such as non-governmental organisations.

Ruttplanering : Retursystem för pantade PET-flaskor och aluminiumburkar

This report is the final part within our education, Industrial Organization and Economy focusing on Logistics and Management at Jönköping School of Engineering. The aim with this report is to coordinate recycle drives for deposited aluminum-cans and bottles collected from grocery stores within Jönköping county and locality.In the present situation both aluminum cans and bottles filled with drinks are distributed to the grocery stores by the brewery?s own distributers. At the same time as they supply the drinks they also discharge the grocery stores units with restored aluminumcans and bottles. To make it easier for the grocery stores to Handle the goods in the future, all distribution of drinks ought to be directly delivered to the grocery stores own separate central warehouse.

Gestaltningsfloran : en brygga mellan hortikultur och biotopgestaltning

Contemporary plant design can be examined by how it relates to two extremes - Nature and Art. This idea is explained by Noel Kingsbury in the book The Dynamic Landscape where he places designers and their projects on a gradient (Kingsbury, 2004). Nature, one of the extremes can be represented by a dynamic, species-rich plant design with native species and with nature as the ideal. The other extreme - Art implies a more static view on plant design. Here, the designs consist of colourful flowers, exotic species and cultivars with double flowers.

Översyn av uppvärmning

The heating of companies premises is today functional with electrical heating and heating offossil fuel. The energy cost for these kinds of heating in buildings has heavily increased duringthe last years and the influence on the environment has become more visual. This leads to thatenterprises today become more anxious to render energy more effective and find alternativesolutions to their ancient heating systems. This is something that Skandinaviska kraftprodukterAB in Halmstad has become aware of.The purpose with this examination is to find the most cost-efficient and environmental measuresfor the office and workshop premises of SKP AB. Where one of the bigger things is to find agood alternative for their current oil furnace, which was heating the workshop.

Sametinget: en institutionell analys

The Saami, a Nordic indigenous people scattered over four countries, has for centuries been regarded as parts of the national populations of the countries in which they live. During the 19th century saami demands for greater influence resulted en several changes, among them the founding of a Swedish Saami Council in 1993. The council became a popularly elected, representative institution with an agenda of its own, but also a public authority answerable to the government. The decision to attribute the council this twofold role was unusual and, from a certain point of view, even controversial: it makes it difficult to determine the location of the power to act in saami-related issues and the legitimacy to do so.This essay is about how the twofold role came into existence, what it leads to and how the seemingly contradictive duality is managed. It has an institutional approach with theories concerning institutions and etnicity as well as institutional change and handling of complicated and ambiguous demands.

Gotland ponies on extensive pastures ? a welfare assessment

Swedish farmers have the possibility to be subsidized by EU rural development programme for grazing animals on pastures to promote the biodiversity of flora and fauna. The environmental remedy sometimes does not allow supplementary feed and at the same time the Swedish Animal Welfare Act and the Swedish Agricultural Board?s regulations for animal welfare and protection states that animals, in this case horses, shall be fed with food of good quality and adapted for the species. The regulations also state that they should have an individual feeding regime that enables them to maintain a normal body condition. The aim with this master thesis has been to investigate if it is possible to keep Gotland ponies on extensive pastures, during late spring and summer and still maintain animal welfare. The horses were assessed every fourth week using a welfare assessment protocol developed in line with the Welfare Quality® project (submitted, Viksten et al) where physical, behavioural and resourcebased parameters were observed. Twelve one-year old stallions of the breed Gotland ponies purchased from different breeders were used in the study.

Klimat i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar : hantering av klimatförändringar och extrema väderhändelser i MKB

There has always been global warming on earth and it is because of it that the earth is inhabitable. Without global warming the temperature on earth would be around -18 ° C instead of today's + 15 ° C. Global warming is generated by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane which trap long wave radiation in the earth's atmosphere. The problem today is that the global concentration of green house gases has significantly increased since the 1750's as a result of human activity. Today's values widely exceed the preindustrial values.

Handel med utsläppsrätter - hur företagsstrategier påverkas :

Climate change is one of the most difficult problems that humans have to deal with. Today, the evidence of human effects on the climate change and the rise of temperature on earth are strong. It is extremely important that all countries get together and cooperate in order to be able to solve the problem with climate change. One step in the work on climate changes is the Convention on Climate Change, which was agreed on in 1992. The Convention on Climate Change resulted in the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement between a number of industrialized countries to limit or reduce the green gas emissions.

För centrumhandeln i tiden

Background: It has been a common perception in the media in recent years that external shopping malls extinguish the trade in Swedish downtown areas. Factors that promote external shopping malls are that customers become more and more indolent and more people buy cars. Despite this fact, downtown areas have a great deal to offer when it comes to creating a pleasant atmosphere. Furthermore, customers are becoming more demanding and want something extra while doing their shopping. More and more shopkeepers therefore realize the importance of events as an instrument to offer experiences to the customers.Purpose: To investigate whether shopkeepers in downtown Linköping consider the external shopping mall in Tornby a competitor or not and, if so, in what ways the trade in the downtown area has been affected by Tornby.

Ingen besitter facit

I det dagliga mötet med elever ställs lärare inför utmaningar som kräver att läraren besitter en förmåga att ta ställning, både etiskt och moraliskt. Dessa utmaningar kan vara av det slaget att de resulterar i en konflikt. Denna konflikt blir ett dilemma då läraren tvingas göra avvägningar mellan olika etiska och moraliska hänsyn, i syfte att hantera situationen. Hanteringen av ett dilemma fodrar en god etisk medvetenhet. En etisk medvetenhet förutsätter ett ansenligt kunnande inom professionens yrkesetik.

Outsourcing av urval och inköp : En studie av hur bibliotekariens kompetens och yrkesroll påverkas av Bibliotekstjänsts profiltjänster

Traditionally, the majority of Swedish public libraries have carried out most of their acquisitions through Bibliotekstjänst's binding booklets. In recent years, however, many libraries have complemented the binding booklets and other services from Bibliotekstjänst by other ways of acquiring books, such as Internet bookshops, while other libraries have stopped using the binding booklets altogether. There are various reasons for this development, such as Information Technology making it possible for librarians to compare prizes and services from different retailers. Another important reason is the need for public libraries to meet new needs from their patrons, while remaining on a restrained budget, which often causes a need for reorganization of staff and resources.As a way of meeting the new needs for libraries, Bibliotekstjänst has created Profile Services (profiltjänster), a service in which a library outsources its acquisitions to Bibliotekstjänst. The staff of the library, in dialogue with Bibliotekstjänst, design a profile for the acquisitions for the library in question, in order to determinate which types and genres of literature the library and its patrons are requesting.

The role of relationships in lending to farmers : a study from the loan officer?s perspective

There have been significant changes in the agricultural sector during the past 20 years (Jordbruksverket, 2008). The development of today is towards deregulation and adaption to global market conditions. As farmers try to adapt to the changed and more competitive market conditions investments are often necessary (LRF Konsult et al, 2012). Loans to agriculture and forestry businesses have increased to record levels and debt has doubled over the past years. The financial turbulence of the past years has contributed to an increase of the meaningfulness and willingness of the banks to be able to understand and Handle risks associated with agriculture and forestry (Breiding, 2010).

I en värld av makroekonomisk osäkerhet - En scenarioanalys kring ränte- och inflationsförändringars inverkan på ett fastighetsbolags fria kassaflöde

Title: Valuing Real Estate FCFE and interest coverage under macroeconomic uncertainty with scenario analysisAuthors: Marcus Ewerstrand, Jakob MattssonAdvisor: Gert SandahlBackground and problem: After the collapse in the Swedish economy in the beginning of the 1990-ties, the company Secerum was launched. Securums objective was to Handle unsecured credits from Nordbanken by transferring a large portfolio of properties and to setup a number of companies who would be in charge for the prospects of these assets. One company that was established during this remarkable period was Castellum, in the year of 1994. After a successful process of raising capital to its development of corporate strategies and formation of several affiliated companies which operates locally, Castellum was publish on the Stockholm stock exchange 1997/1998. Now, thirteen years later after its establishment, the credit crunch in the US.


Husqvarna AB operates two warehouses located in the area of Jönköping. The most important task is to manage the large volume fluctuations during the peak season. DHL Exel Supply Chain (DESC) run the warehouses and the domestic transportations is outsourced to DHL Express. A number of forwarder agents are responsible for distributing the export gods. In the present situation a bottleneck occurs at the warehouse loading section, and the consequence is fulfill the time of delivery for all customer orders.

Metoder för att beskriva kumulativa effekter med avseende på biologisk mångfald och vägar :

Cumulative effects are seldom treated in Swedish Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). This report treats these questions and which procedures and methods that can be used when assessing cumulative effects in EIA. This report is a literature study where also a case study is a part. The case study shows how existing methods for cumulative effects can be used in practice. The report is concentrated on biology and treats cumulative effects on premises of biodiversity and roads. Cumulative effects include both direct and indirect effects.

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