

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 39 av 56

Sverigedemokraterna i skolan : En undersökning om mellanstadielärares förhållningssätt till Sverigedemokraterna i samhällskunskapsundervisningen

A majority of conducted studies connected to democratic socialization and the party-political education has primary affected students in higher education. In this study I intend to find out how primary school teachers Handle controversial issues in social science connected to the political parties.  The Swedish Democrats are by many perceived as a controversial party and while the school?s mission is to educate students to think independently another mission implies that certain views are not to be uttered if they stand contrary to the basic democratic values. The aim of this study is to obtain knowledge in and about the teachers view on the dilemma between the more nurturing assignment versus the knowledge assignment and in connection to this how they approach the Swedish Democrats in the classroom. For further immersion the research treats the following questions:  How do teachers view their own role as intermediaries in democratic education?  How to teachers portray the Swedish democrats in education?The survey was conducted by using qualitative interviews.

Förslag till energieffektivisering och energideklarationsunderlag : Munkebergsskolan och Bredängens äldreboende i Luleå

This examination work is performed at the institution of industrial economy and production at Jonkoping technical university, for JELD-WEN Door Solutions plant in Forserum.Today the focus in the company is on to reduce their inventories binding of capitals as well as inventory of products and that includes to get a good control of the supply and handling of material which is of great importance.JELD-WEN Door Solutions is one of the worlds leading producers of windows and doors and the head-office is located in Oregon, USA.A great number of wooden doors are manufactured by the company in varying of constructions, classifications and performance.The production of the plant in Forserum has a project- and customer focus manufacturing where only internal doors are produced. The overall market they are concentrated on is to different institution such as schools, hospitals etc.The purpose of this work is to investigate possibilities to improvement of material- and production control at JELD-WEN. The report will Handle the master production schedule to and from the production divisions within manufacturing industry. Focus will be on the way for information- and material flows from arrival, transport within the company and further on to customers.Further a map of the flow was performed which gave a clearer picture of the connection between the flow of information- and material for the manufacturing process. On the basis of the mapping of the flow, the group discovered that the flow of material had some improvement potential.

Konflikthantering i skolan utifrån ett lärarperspektiv : om lärarens ansvar och roll i arbetet med och kring konflikter som uppstår i skolans vardag

In this thesis I have discussed about conflict management in school, from a teacher´s perspective. Focus has been on Swedish schools, especially on the teachers who are active in primary school. Several perspectives have been given, including an intercultural approach which has been the most recurrent. The importance of teachers? emotional maturity, knowledge about democracy and values, as well as teacher?s impact by being a sharp leader in different ways are other subjects the essay has touched.

Likhet och särart - en studie av Internationella biblioteket och dess besökare ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv

The underlying purpose of this study is to see whether a library focused solely on providing literature in other languages than Swedish serves as a unifying, integrating force, or as an agent for division and exclusion. The study focuses on the International Library in Stockholm. The authors have created a profile of the visitors of the selected library, concerning their characteristics, their library habits and their perceptions of the International library. This profile has then been compared with the staff?s perception of the visitors as a group.

I hamn : - En fallstudie av det privatoffentliga partnerskapet Vänerhamn

This study focuses upon the new societal objects that are termed public privatepartnerships where the public sector forms strategic alliances with the private sectorand the civil society to manage the wicked issues of today. An exampel of suchcooperation is Vänerhamn AB where the municipalities around the lake of Vänernand the private shipping companies got togheter to Handle an economic crisis of theshipping buisiness. The partnership Vänerhamn has developed from a problematicactivity to a healthy company and the aim of this thesis is to illuminate thisdevelopment through an historical institutional approach, focusing critical junctureto discover if the governance theory can be used to understand the partnershipspositive process. This will be done through research questions about the organisation of thepartnership, about the members interests with the partnership and about eventuallycoordination problems in the partnership. The questions derive from dimensions ingovernance theory, central for the activity of partnerships. Interviews with centralinformants where held and it was complemented through a document analyses inorder to search for indications of the dimensions and that is the methodologicalapproach of the study. The conclusion of this thesis is that the governance theory can be used tounderstand Vänerhamns postive development since the members interest with thepartnership to a begining was not at all conformed and that led to obviouscoordination problems.

Analys av QoS i mellanvaran Meteor

This thesis is closely related to the Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive System(DySCAS) project. DySCAS is a middleware for electronics in an automotive system. Thethesis work has been performed in cooperation with ENEA. Parts of the demonstrationplatform Self configurable High Availability and Policy based platform for Embeddedsystem (SHAPE) developed for the DySCAS project by ENEA have been used in theimplementation phase of this master thesis.The goal of this thesis was to evaluate how the Meteor MW, an offspring of the DySCASmiddleware, should Handle QoS and to design a Quality of Service Manager (QoSM) for theMeteor MW that fulfilled hard real-time requirements. The thesis also had the objectiveof analysing and identifying the requirements on such a QoSM from a QoS perspective.Specifically the requirements to guarantee real-time support for applications running onthe MW.

Relationskomponenternas betydelse i en upphandlingprocess mellan konsult och kund :  

This paper investigates a number of components that influence the relationship between consultant and client in a procurement process of ERP. The paper deals with Trust, Commitment, Cooperation and Satisfaction. The problem lies within the fact that consultants do not know how and to what extent the components affect relationship quality. Based on the theories in the areas of procurement, relationship marketing and relationship quality, information has been gathered about how the various authors believe a procurement process works, how they view relationship marketing and how relationship quality is created. The components discussed are trust, commitment, cooperation and satisfaction.

Utveckling av Vobbla Racing Produkters försäljning på internet

Vobbla Racing is a racing team who has an online sales department that is in need of an upgrade to be more efficient and easier to use. Before this study their present homepage was anything but structured. The products were sorted in an illogical order which made it difficult for the customer to find a wanted product. The customer had to summarize the products, transport sums and other costs. The order had to be e-mailed or phoned in to Vobbla Racing Produkter.

Sjuksköterskors strategier för att hantera arbetsrelaterad stress : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Yrkesrelaterad stress har ökat markant under de senaste tio åren. Vårdyrken anses vara bland de arbeten som är mest tyngda av stress. Långvarig stress kan ge individen fysiska såväl som psykiska problem och kan leda till utbrändhet. För att kunna fastställa en god och säker vård krävs stressförebyggande åtgärder, eftersom kraven på sjuksköterskor höjs allt mer. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors strategier för att hantera arbetsrelaterad stress.

Motvindens moderskap : en studie om moderskap och intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

The study seeks to from professionals perspectives describe and analyze the beliefs they have about women with intellectual disabilities and their pregnancy and motherhood. We will also discuss and reflect on the possible support that professionals find important for women to Handle pregnancy and motherhood. The information has been gathered through interviews with five different professions that have come in contact with the audience in their work. In our material we found three distinctive perspectives: a child´s perspective, a parent´s perspective and a community perspective. From these perspectives, we could find many similarities in the informants´ perceptions, which resulted in different themes.

AVREGLERINGEN AV APOTEKSMONOPOLET. En studie av de enskilda aktörernas förutsättningar att verka på den svenska apoteksmarknaden

With the globalization, companies in the West chose to shift production to developing countries to cut down costs. This had a major impact when child labor and very poor working conditions in these factories were discovered and led many companies to take responsibility for their suppliers and the employees by adopting voluntary so-called Codes of Conduct.There is a subtle balance to enforce improvement of working conditions for employees at suppliers´ factories and to keep costs down. On the one hand, companies would like to conduct extensive audits at their suppliers to ensure code of conduct compliance and thus protect their legitimacy. On the other hand, audits are expensive so companies would like to minimize audits to keep costs down. Companies thus have to strike a delicate balance in relation to how many and what suppliers they choose to audit.

Omvårdnad av den geriatriska hunden

Due to progresses constantly being made in veterinary medicine combined with increasing knowledge in pet owners, the dogs of today gets older than before. The population of geriatric dogs is there for constantly growing, which makes them an important group of patients on small animal clinics and hospitals. As dogs age, so do their interior organs. Geriatric dogs are prone to several diseases and in this text the author has decided to focus on three of the most common: Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS), cancer and osteoarthritis (AO). All of these illnesses are incurable in dogs, but it is important to remember that they are still treatable.

Moralisk stress : en explorativ undersökning om socialsekreterares upplevelser av när de är tvungna att gå emot de egna värderingarna inom det sociala arbetet

The purpose of our study is to examine whether social welfare secretaries experience obstacles in work to do their tasks in a way that they, from their own values, thinks is right. And if so, what are the reactions and what strategies do they use to manage this. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews, with five social welfare secretaries, which all work in southern Sweden. The social welfare secretaries both work at a children- and youth department and at a social allowance department.

Kulturkrockare eller Kommunikationskompetent? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om interkulturell kommunikation

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the implications and challenges of intercultural communication. An in-depth study was performed of the perspectives from people who work within an international organization. How they experience cultural differences and how they Handle them, in particular when it comes to communication. Also, their perceptions of communicative competence were explored. The study was carried out at Svalorna India Bangladesh, at the Swedish office in Lund.

Ibland känns det nästan som ett övergrepp - en studie om språkets betydelse i omsorgen för invandrare med demens som bor på särskilt boende

Purpose/aim: My purpose is to illustrate the significance of the language in communication with immigrants having a different native language, who suffers from dementia. The three main questions have been:How important is the native language in the communication with immigrant who suffers from dementia?What consequences can happen for the immigrant who does not understand Swedish? How can we use the salutogenesis point of view to create satisfactory care for immigrants who has difficulties to make them self understood in the Swedish language? Material/method: I made qualitative interviews with staff working in nursing homes with dementia care. I also searched scientific articles and other findings in this area of science. Main results: The best care for immigrants with dementia is nursing homes where the staff speaks the immigrant?s native language.

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