

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 21 av 56

Socialarbetares syn på datorspelande ungdomar : En intervjustudie om socialarbetares problematisering av ett nytt fenomen

The purpose of our study is to describe and understand whether, and if so, how social workers in school and in social services construct computer gaming adolescents as a social problem. We chose social workers who encounter adolescents with different problems. We have conducted qualitative interviews with vignettes to capture the social workers' reasoning about computer gaming adolescents and how they Handle this in their work. The study shows that all social workers we interviewed had encountered adolescents with troubling computer gaming habits. In the study, all agree that computer gaming becomes a problem when it leads to deviant behaviour such as not going to school, staying up all night and so on.

Små brottsoffer : En analys om barns bemästringstrategier av våld

The purpose of this paper is to give a view of how violence and victims has been portrayed in novels. I have chosen 6 books where the main character is a child who has been exposed to physical, mental and/or sexual violence. I have asked questions to the book and I have tried to find patterns in the child's strategy to cope with violence and how the violence is described. I have also written two chapters about earlier studies of this field and theoretical standpoints. The main perspective I present is the salutogenese perspective and how people create meaningfulness in their lives.The children in the books have different ways to Handle their situations.

Invasions- och insatsförsvaret : En professionsteoretisk jämförelse

This essay is on the subject of the changes that the Swedish military is undergoing. This essay will take the old ways of alignment thinking, were the military was to protect the nation against an invasion and compare it to the newer way of alignment thinking, where the military is to go abroad and do peacekeeping operations as there main objective. This comparison will be done by using Bengt Abrahamson theory about professions. He uses three parts one is specialised theoretical knowledge, another is ethics and the last is corps spirit. This theory will then be connected to four interviews.

Referenstaktiker : högskolebibliotekariers sätt att överbrygga kommunikativa gap

The aim of this master thesis is to study how academic librarians can overcome the gap between themselves and the user. The gap, as we see it, is generated by the user's deeper knowledge surrounding her subject in comparison to the librarian. This knowledge gives the user possibilities to Handle certain discourses attached to the subject and a knowledge how sub-subjects relate to each other within the main subject. At the same time the user is in need of help to find information within her subject, this need needs to be explained to the librarian as a search expert. The scope of this master thesis is to find how the librarian, tactically, can reach the users need despite lack of subject knowledge.

Kunddatabas i Java och MySQL

The purpose with this work that is the basis for this thesis was to help Nattavaara Economical association to develop a program for handling invoices, customer information, and storage. The program and this thesis have been done in cooperation with the economical association in Nattavaara. Some of the demands on the program are that it shall Handle customer information, storage status, invoices and diesel consumption. The program must be able to printout invoices, reminders, delivery notes, a customer list and a storage list. All information will be stored in a database.

Stress inom ämnet idrott och hälsa : I vilken utsträckning förekommer stress bland åttondeklassare och vilka är stressfaktorerna?

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and Handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

De ensammas sjukdom : tankar och önskemål kring stöd vid viktreducering

Obesity and overweight is the worst public health related disease today, and it is a constantly increasing problem in societies all over the world. In Sweden the number of overweight persons has been doubled in the last 20 years. Today about 500 000 persons suffer from obesity and overweight.The aim of this study was to investigate obese and overweight people´s thoughts and wishes regarding what support they would like, in order to be able to successfully manage a weightreduction. The study is qualitative and conducted through six interviews, the material was analysed with content analysis. The result of the analysed interviews led to four categories:offered support, wished support, are you strong enough to find support by your own and mental wellbeing.The conclusion of this study is that overweight person?s biggest wish is to get continuous and personal support from the health care system.

Kuratorers personliga upplevelser av stress och coping på ett akutsjukhus i Stockhol

AbstractTitle: Welfare officers personal experiences of stress and coping in an emergency hospital in StockholmThe purpose with this study was to describe how welfare officers in an emergency hospital experienced stress in their workplace and what coping strategies they used. Through qualitative interviews the welfare officers thoughts and experiences were examined. The result showed that welfare officers experienced some stress at the workplace; this was related to lacks in the organization, heavy workload and short of time. The most commonly used coping strategies were social support, physical training, short breaks during the day to Handle the stress at work. The conclusions of this study was that factors that reduces stress for welfare officers who work at emergency hospitals was a functioning organization and management, the ability to control and at some levels effect their own work, to have guidance and other opportunities to ventilate with co-workers.

Hot och våld inom socialtjänsten: socialsekrterares uppfattningar om hot och våld

The purpose of this essay was to investigate socialworker's perception of threats and violence in their daily work from the perspective of power. In order to obtain as clear and distinct responses as possible, I used qualitative interviews for this study. The respondents represent a "socialförvaltning" that Handles financial assistance in a medium-sized city. This department was chosen because the socialworkers that Handle financial assistance at this department have been identified by the media as particularly vulnerable. The study showed that verbal threats are commonplace but physical violence is rare.

Pedagogers sätt att hantera konflikter : - En jämförelse mellan två förskolor

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur pedagoger arbetar med att hantera konflikter mellan barn, samt att jämföra två olika förskolor för att se vilka likheter och skillnader som finns. Studien bygger på ett frågeformulär med sex pedagoger på två olika förskolor samt en litteraturstudie som jämförs med pedagogernas svar i frågeformulären. I bakgrunden beskrivs bland annat ett teoretiskt perspektiv samt olika författares syn på konflikter och hantering av konflikter. Resultatet visar på en viss skillnad i arbetet med konflikthantering. Detta genom att olika tankar kring barns känslor har visats samt att pedagogerna på ena förskolan gärna håller sig mer i närheten av de barn som ofta hamnar i konflikter till skillnad från de pedagogerna på den andra för skolan.

Men när sitter ni och läser alla böckerna? En intervjuundersökning av bibliotekariers syn på skönlitterära kunskaper

The aim of this thesis is to study librarians attitudes towards fiction and reading. I have examined librarians fiction reading habits and how they Handle the expectations that users may have regarding their knowledge in fiction literature. There have been many studies concerning the librarians information literacy. This work explores librarians competence in fiction literature. The primary question posted in this thesis is: What kind of fiction are librarians reading and how do they feel that they can correspond to the users expectations? The data collection is based on literature on the subject and qualitative interviews with eight librarians from different kinds of libraries.

OS i Kina, oberoende idrott eller politisk propaganda? : A Study of the Chinese Regime?s Political involvement, in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

The aim of this paper is to describe which view the Chinese government in connection with the Olympics wants to display for the natural world and analyze if this view coincide with China?s foreign-policy goals. A qualitative content analysis is used. By using the theory of rational choice and a model with three different political approaches I want to examine whether or not the foreign-policy goals of the Chinese regime comport with the view that displays in two major newspapers in China. Since the runoff voting in Moscow in 2001 for the 2008 Olympics the Chinese government has been able to act rational and to compose different strategies to use the Games in Beijing for political propaganda.

Nätmobbning : Skolkuratorernas kunskaper och handlingsutrymme gällande nätmobbning

The purpose of this study is to understand the knowledge of the school counselor and their room for manoeuvre regarding cyberbullying among students. We have used a qualitative method, which consists of eight semi-structured interviews with six middle school student counselors and two high school student counselors, in a middle-sized municipality in Sweden. Our study showed that the school counselors have limited knowledge about cyberbullying due to the fast development of the internet, and limited time in their work. The limited knowledge affects the school counselor?s way of work, and how they use their room for manoeuvre on cyberbullying.

Djurskyddsinspektörer : - Behovet av kunskap om exotiska djur

Psittacines and reptiles are exotic animals that are difficult to care for and it requires extra knowledge to make a correct assessment of their wellbeing. An animal welfare inspector, with an education in general animal welfare, may not have a deep enough knowledge of exotic animals to do a proper assessment of the animal?s general condition and its environment. In this paper it was therefore examined if animal welfare inspectors have enough knowledge to do a satisfying inspection of establishments working with selling of exotic animals. A literature study was used to examine difficulties with each species.

?Tur att man inte är arbetslös? : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens arbete med långtidsarbetslösa i två kommuner/stadsdelar

Unemployment and long term unemployment is a reality for a large number of people in Sweden. This may be the result of structural changes in the labor market, but involves a wide range of issues. Along with other actors, the social services are obliged to support the long term unemployed to find a job. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the work done by social workers towards the long term unemployed, 25-49 years old, in two municipalities. We performed altogether six qualitative interviews.

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