

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 12 av 56

Webbportal för kreditlån

This report describes the development of a well?functioning and aesthetically appealing web portal and associated database for a company called Svensk Kredit & Försäkringsförmedling AB (Translated: Swedish Credit & Insurance intermediation AB). The portal will test customers' creditworthiness through another company called Business Check in Sweden AB.Administrators to the web portal have a special user interface to display all customers, to disburse the money to the customer and edit customer information. A super?user interface is available for administrators where they can change the information on all administrator accounts.Many aspects of security has been addressed because the web portal will Handle personal information.

En Fallstudie av Implementeringen av EU:s Minoritetsskydd

The intention of this thesis in political science is to understand how the European Union fights and prevents discrimination against the Roma minorities in Sweden and Romania, and how the implementation works in reality. The study consists of defining what it means to be objectively discriminated, what ethnicity really means and how the implementation process consist of a comparison and statement has been made by the national governments and comparing how two socioeconomically different member states Handle EU directives and implement them in Sweden and Romania. The main findings of this study was that EU policies lack the capital and explicitness that is needed for great results to be accomplished and that the governments in both countries have different issues with implementing the protection of the human rights and Roma culture, and that EU needs to be more practical and develop in a faster pace. .

En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland

There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.

Kalkylarbete för byggnadsprojekt med Vico Office : För- och nackdelar med 5D BIM

AbstractBuilding Information Model/Modeling/Management (BIM) is a tool that allows for efficient working methods. BIM saves time and money while providing the potential for visualization. This method of working is based on a 3D-model, and then a fourth and fifth dimension are connected. 5D modeling means that a spreadsheet creates cost estimates based on the 3D model. This provides opportunities to carry out calculations in the early stages of the projects. Calculations are currently performed manually and do not contribute to the development that the construction industry requires.

Lärares erfarenheter av att använda sociala medier i undervisning

This study aims to investigate how and why teachers use social media to reach their students, and how they Handle different levels of computer literacy among students.The purpose of this study is to investigate the experience of teachers using social media in their teaching. I have done interviews with two teachers, who use social media in different ways. One of the teachers makes her students publish their work on the Internet on wiki-spaces, and the other one use Facebook for discussions and teamwork. This report uses the pedagogy theories laid forth by Vygotskij as a vantage point to analyze the answers from the teachers. I have also looked at some of the published student texts on the Internet.This study concludes there are students who don?t have access to computers and Internet at home.

Att leva med venösa bensår- ur ett holistiskt perspektiv En litteraturstudie

Venous leg ulcers are a chronic disease mostly among elderly individuals. The leg ulcers are often painful and interfere with the individual?s daily life. The aim of this literature review was to describe individuals? experiences of living with venous leg ulcers.

Konstruktion av styrelektronik till testfixtur

The focus of this thesis is primarily in electronic construction and describes the design process for a microcontroller circuit board from concept development to prototyping. The client develops test fixtures for automated testing of products within the electronics industry and needs a new controller circuit for the test fixtures that can Handle controls and basic testing. An investigation into the needs of such a system is conducted and a prototype printed circuit board assembly is manufactured.The prototype is developed with focus on protection against electrostatic discharges and overvoltage. Among the functions that are included are voltage measurements, communication interfaces and control of input and output currents. Firmware for the prototype is developed and configured to communicate with a PC through USB interface for control and collecting of measurements..

BIM vid installationsprojektering

Planet rendering plays an important role in universe visualization and geographic visualization. The recent tools and methods allow better data acquisition, usually with very high resolution. However in computer graphics, there is always the limitation on the resolution of geometry and texture due to numerical imprecision. Not many applications can Handle high resolution data effectively.This thesis introduces, Implicit Surface Scene, a level of detail scene management inspired by dynamic coordinate system and SCALEGRAPH? which change over time depending on the current camera position relative to the planet surface.

"Bråk pågår" Om konflikthantering i en årskurs fem

Abstract The goal of the study was to conduct an in-depth investigation of how conflicts are resolved in schools, from a pupil- and a teacher perspective. Our intention was to view and compare pupils and teachers different opinions in the school environment. A major focus was put on different ways teacher Handle conflicts and how they try to prevent them. The material was acquired by interviews with both teachers and pupils. The study is based on Jean Piagets and Lev Vygotskijs visions about the cognitive developmental stage for children. The result of the study shows the teachers need to be attentive and also that the pupils generally do not notice when the teacher works to prevent conflicts.

Tio ungdomars upplevelser av stress

Stress is something that has increased in recent decades among adolescents. Several reports indicate that young people today are more stressed because of the many demands they wear. They should be good in school, achievement expectations, get an education or job, make choices and think about their future. The purpose of our essay is that we want to explore and gain an understanding of how young people in the third grade in high school looks to stress. To conduct this study, we used a qualitative approach, by doing interviews with 10 high school students attending third grade at Västerviks gymnasium. The result we got out of the interviews was that young people experience stress differently, depending on their different as individuals. We found that there are different causes of stress, such as school, media, friends, demands from various quarters and choosing education.The interviews showed that some kind of stress was possible to Handle for the adolescents, for instance by making schedule. Some stress from society was, on the other hand, more difficult to avoid..

Hur har det svenska handelsmönstret påverkats av ett medlemskap i EU?

Very often the interesting variables are explained by several underlying variables and in statistical analyses it is common to study the relationship between variables and groups of variables. Because of this multivariate analysis is commonly used in both science and industry. There are two problem with both univariate and multivariate analyses. One is when the variables are correlated. The other is when the number variables of exceeds the number of observations which makes the matrices algebra used in the analysis impossible to execute.

Volvo-Fordaffärens påverkan på Volvos leverantörer

Background: The literature concerning M&A has thus far concentrated on the merging companies, and on what kind of effects an acquisition has on these companies. The effects on the involved companies´ (customers and) suppliers have largely been ignored in the M & A literature. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse how the suppliers relationships to the aquired company are influenced by an acquisition and how the suppliers Handle the following situation. Method: The paper has been carried out in the form of a case-study and we have interviewed some suppliers to the automotive industry. Results: The full effect on the suppliers relationships to Volvo has not been seen yet, due to the fact that only two years has passed since the acquisition and that the current products have a lifecycle of 3-5 years.

Konstruktion och reglering av flygande plattform

This report describes the manufacture and control of a flying platform. The report describes the basic and fundamental theories required to get the platform flying. It touches on subjects such as A/D-conversion. PWM-control and PID-control. The sensors used in the platform are a gyro and an accelerometer.

Biståndsbedömning inom äldreomsorgen : En studie av genusperspektivet inom biståndsbedömning gällande hemtjänst

Our purpose was to study how care managers in practice evaluate needs in eldercare. A specific focus was set on elderly persons' sex, an area where former research show that decisions vary considerably. Were the care managers influenced in their decision making by the elderly person's sex? If so, in what ways? Were there variations in the definition of eldercare needs between the four chosen municipalities. And, finally, how did the care managers Handle set criteria and priorities in their evaluation of such needs?The study was based on literature as well as interviews with eight care managers, chosen from four Scanian municipalities.We arrived at the conclusion that there is no specific difference in how the care managers evaluate eldercare needs in relation to sex..

Barn med astma - resultatet av sjuksköterskans information och utbildning till barnet och dess familj

Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children. Re-admissions to hospital are common and asthma has a significant impact on children and their families. The purpose of this study was to describe the outcome of the nurses? information and education handed to the family. The result of this literature study was based on 14 scientific articles which evaluated the families? knowledge and the illness? impact on daily life after different ways of asthma information and education.

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