

4797 Uppsatser om Hand therapy - Sida 4 av 320

Gränser : En studie av den estetisk-praktiska miljöns pedagogisk-terapeutiska grundegenskaper utgående från två verksamheter: Hagastiftelsens verkstäder och Kristofferskolans bokbinderi

Borderlands. A study of the aesthetic-practical environment, its pedagogical and therapeutical properties based on the outline of two practices/institutions: the workshops at Hagastiftelsen and the bookbindery at the Kristofferschool. The perspective on education, pedagogy and therapy taken is an existential one where the main aims of an educational-therapeutic intervention is to support biographical development and integrity. In the process action research in my own bookbinding workshop as well as hermeneutic research at the workshops at Hagastiftelsen where adults with autism and other neuropsychological disorders work have been the sources of primary empirical data. Secondary sources are patient-histories written by Oliver Sacks as well as autobiographical narratives of some adults with autism.

Unga sexuella förövare : En studie om den professionella rollen i behandling

The purpose of this study is to examine what professionals tell about stress, rewards, impact and treatment in the professional treatment with young sexual offenders. Eleven qualitative interviews of half-structured design brought up results about the professional role in the treatment process. During the interviews the professionals described which methods of treatment they work with. We examined the methods through literature research, which was added to the study whit the purpose of strengthening the interview data. The professionals consider their work important and meaningful and they feel safe in their working role.

Kroppen i analytisk musikterapi : en studie av begreppet "Psychodynamic Movement in Analytical Music Therapy"

Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att beskriva och diskutera ?Psychodynamic Movement in Analytical Music Therapy?, en metod inom analytiskt orienterad musikterapi da?r kropp och ro?relse anva?nds som terapeutiska redskap, fo?r att stimulera till o?kad kunskap om psykodynamiskt ro?relsearbete i musikterapi. Metoden ?Psychodynamic Movement in Analytical Music Therapy?, har kroppen som medium fo?r ro?relseimprovisation och kroppsuppfattning i musikterapi. Anva?ndandet av kroppen i ro?relse anses stimulera till o?kad kontakt med inre ro?relse sa?som sinnesfo?rnimmelser, ka?nslor och blockerad psykisk energi, som i sin tur anses underla?tta uttryck och erfarenhet av dessa inre processer.

Patienters följsamhet till läkemedelsordinationer- en litteraturstudie -

Background: One of the main concerns related to medical therapy is non-compliance to drugs. More than half of all patients do not comply with prescribed medication. Non-compliance to drug therapy leads to unnecessary suffering for the patient and there are no easy solutions to the problem. In order to create understanding for the individual patient it is important that medical staffs are enlightened on the existing problems concerning this matter. Purpose: To describe factors that effect compliance to drug prescription.

Terapiskolan för barn med psykosociala problem : En uppföljning på Liljanskolan om vad barnens vårdnadshavare tycker om barnens utveckling Södertörns högskola

A study by Gulistan Kavak has been done about the therapy school, Liljanschool. The school handles children between the ages seven and twelve who suffer from psychosocial problems. These psychosocial problems may be the children?s? experiences of psychological trauma, attachment-difficulties and anxiety. Therapists, teachers, educators and medical professionals work at Liljanschool. The purpose of this thesis is to see how parents see their children?s? development at the school from there very first day until there last. Three questions have been formulated: How do parents of the children understand the development of the therapy that Liljanschool contributes with? How do the parents think that the school situation has been for their children? Do the school staff´s views and the parent´s views differ regarding cooperation between staff, parents and children?I have done a qualitative study.  In-depth interviews were conducted with the staff of the school and the children?s parents. The results show that the majority of respondents were positive about the school. The analysis shows that through the extension-theory, the children and parents have developed together.

?Rent kaos och ren lycka? : ? Några flickors beskrivningar av att ha genomgått behandling för självskadebeteende

The main purpose of this thesis was to take part of girl?s descriptions and experiences of their treatment for deliberate self-harm and to investigate whether they still experience effects of the treatment today. Our main research questions where; how do the girls describe their experiences of the treatment method, do the girls describe that they still experience any effects of the treatment, and finally how do the girls look back on their treatment today? In order to answer these questions, we carried out eight qualitative telephone interviews with girls that had undergone treatment in a specific treatment centre. We chose to analyze the material from the salutogenic theory and the concepts of SOC (sense of coherence) and with a hermeneutic approach.

Ut i det blå : en explorativ studie om korttidsbehandling av personer med migrän med Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

I föreliggande studie utforskades möjliga effekter av en individuell korttidsbehandling med Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) på individer med migrän. Två personer med mångårig migrändiagnos behandlades under 4 sessioner. Designen var av fallstudie-typ med förmätning, eftermätning och uppföljning. Behandlingen utvärderades med livskvalitetsformuläret QOLI, dagboksskattningar och intervju.Efter behandlingen har skattningar av migrän minskat hos en av deltagarna och ökat hos den andra. Skattningar av livskvalitet har vid uppföljningen ökat för båda deltagarna.

Primärvårdspatienters förväntningar på sjukgymnastik och hur sjukgymnasterna själva ser på sin yrkesroll: enkätstudie

The aim of this study was to explore whether the patients? expectations of physiotherapy correspond with the physiotherapists? view of their own professional role. Two separate questionnaires were used, one to the patients and one to the physiotherapists, which questions were able to compare. Totally 41 patients and 6 physiotherapists answered the questionnaires. The low number of answers from the physiotherapists made it impossible to fulfil the purpose.

Användandet av skapande aktiviteter inom arbetsterapi : en litteraturstudie

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva det nuvarande kunskapsläget gällande användning av skapande aktiviteter inom arbetsterapi.Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie valdes som undersökningsmetod och tio stycken vetenskapliga artiklar granskades utifrån Fribergs förslag. Artiklarna anträffades via en gemensam systematisk sökning i databaserna Cinahl, Amed och Medline. Sökorden som användes var creative therapy, creative activity, craft, handicraft, art therapy samt creativeness. Alla i kombination med occupational therapy.Resultat: Skapande aktiviteter används inom arbetsterapeutisk bedömning och behandling, både i grupp och individuellt. En rad värden har påvisats i samband med användandet av skapande aktiviteter ? de ger framgångskänsla, möjlighet att bearbeta sin livssituation samt möjlighet att strukturera sin dag och distrahera tankarna.

RELATIONSMARKNADSFÖRING : Att skapa relationer över Internet

Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.

Fotodynamisk terapi vid behandling av skivepitelskarcinom hos katt :

Photodynamic therapy is a relatively new treatment for superficial squamous cell carcinoma in cats. There are no publications indicating that the method is being used in veterinary practice in Sweden at the present time. The method uses the interaction between a photosensitive agent which has been administered to the tumor area, light of a wavelength that can be absorbed by the photosensitiser and the presence of oxygen. In this study photodynamic treatments were performed at the Queen?s Veterinary School Hopital of Cambridge University between 1998 and 2002.

Rytmik och musikterapi - En jämförande studie

I mitt arbete undersöker jag tre personers upplevelse av vad rytmik och musikterapi är. Jag bad dem också jämföra rytmik och musikterapi för att hitta likheter och skillnader. Jag har läst om Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, som anses vara rytmikens grundare. Jag drar också paralleller till Howard Gardner och John Dewey. För att få en djupare förståelse av vad musikterapi är har jag läst bland annat Even Ruuds ?Varma ögonblick?, och Anita Granbergs ?Tre svenska utbildningar i musikterapi?.

Om anhöriga och relationers betydelse vid psykossjukdom i det psykoterapeutiska arbetet

The purpose of this study is to better understand patients suffering from psychotic illness along with their family members, and to identify treatment factors that have been helpful for these patients and their families by investigating how their relationships have been affected by treatment. In this way, treatment methods can be put in a theoretical context, treatment efforts can be clearer, and the therapist can develop professionally.The research method used is a semistruktureted interview conducted with tree patients and their families. One conclusion one can draw in the successful treatment with psychotic patients is strongly based on the therapist?s ability to build a safe and secure treatment alliance with both the patient and his family members. Meeting with patients in situations outside of the therapy room have been of great importance for the therapeutic process.Important themes for recovery that come forth during the interviews with the patients are the quality of the therapy session as healing factor.

Följsamhet till handhygien : En litteraturstudie

Background Nightingale attention that hygiene was an important task to prevent health- related infection. Today there are guidelines how hand hygiene should be followed, to prevent health- related infection. Good knowledge and education in hand hygiene and its consequences if it?s not followed is of great importance. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after the clean and the unclean work with patients and materials.

Sjukgymnastik efter cancerbehandling : Utvärdering av behandling för att minska biverkningar

Bakgrund: Hand-fot syndrom är en form av perifer sensorisk neuropati orsakad av cytostatikabehandling. Syndromet kan ge biverkningar såsom smärta, obehag, domningar, svullnad och nedsatt balans. Utvärderade behandlingsmetoder saknas.Syfte: Undersöka hur tolv veckors sjukgymnastisk behandling med långvågsdiametri, interferens och balansträning påverkar biverkningar i fot/underben orsakad av cytostatikabehandling hos sju patienter med hand-fot syndrom.Metod: Gruppstudie, kvasiexperimentell resultatstudie. Sju patienter deltog. Variabler som mättes var, smärta, obehag, domningar och balans.

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