

3451 Uppsatser om Hairdressing program - Sida 5 av 231

Programvaruutveckling för en elektromagnetisk skanner med fokus på användaren, användarstudier och inlärning

The project was based on a request to improve an already existing program and hardware at the electrical engineering department at the royal institute of technology. For maximum ease of use, tests have been done on students to properly design the program for what it is meant to be used for. These tests have been transcribed and analysed, then brought back to the group in a discussion and then transcribed and analysed again, I call this process the ?four step process? (this process is presented and explained in chapter 6.4.). A part of this master thesis was also to analyse the four step process to enhance validity of this research.The project resulted in a new program with a new graphical view and features to help students and researchers to work with the technical tool for electromagnetic readings of planar objects.

Supply Chain Configuration : Ens studie av förbättringsarbetet "Supply Chain  Configuration

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Nytt uppföljningsprogram för komponenter åt SOS Flygambulans

Målet med detta examensarbete var att hitta, utvärdera och rekommendera ett nytt uppföljningsprogram för komponenter åt SOS Flygambulans. Genom kontakt med andra flygbolag hittades några olika program. Bland dem valdes två stycken ut som mest lämpade för SOS Flygambulans. Dessa två program var MTrax och CAMS. Med hjälp av demos från tillverkarna av programmen kunde de undersökas och beskrivas.

Byggprojektstyrning med hjälp av dator -Studie utförd vid byggföretaget NCC

Styr is a computer program that the construction company NCC use in their construction projects. The program is used to keep the economy of their projects in a good order and things for the best in an early phase. The problem is a low extent of utilization. During the latest decade NCC has put a lot of job and money trying to develop the program. The question is how to get the employees to use the program in a greater extent.

?Hur länge kan man vara i fas 3 egentligen?? : En kvalitativ studie av deltagares upplevelser av fas 3 i Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin

The purpose of this study was to examine what participants in the third phase (fas 3) of the Swedish unemployment program, Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin, think about their situation, what they think about the program and if they feel stigmatized due to their unemployment. The data for the study was collected at one of the organizers of the program, which provides an introduction program for the participants. A qualitative method was used and the data was collected through six semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed using Antonovskys theory of Sense of Coherence (SOC). The conclusions of the study were that the participants felt support from the staff at the organizer.

I en annan del av skolan : Hur elever under ett år på IV-programmet hittar sin studiemotivation

Under vår utbildning kom vi i kontakt med det individuella programmet på en skola där 82% av en årskull gjort sig behöriga till ett nationellt program. Det väckte vår nyfikenhet. Studiens syfte är att ta reda på vad som bidragit till att eleverna blivit studiemotiverade. En hermeneutisk undersökning har gjorts där både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder har använts genom intervjuer och enkäter. Resultatet visar att det inte är en tillfällighet att så många blir behöriga att söka ett nationellt program efter ett år på den undersökta skolan.

Kunskap under utveckling : En enkätundersöking på gymnasiets praktiska program.

Syftet med studien var att mäta elevernas kunskaper inom området evolution på yrkesförberedande program. En enkät delades ut till elever på en gymnasieskola med frågor som hade fasta och öppna svarsalternativ. Ett statistiskt test (Kurskal-Wallis) användes när materialet tolkades. De alternativa evolutionsidéerna dominerade svaren på flersarsfrågorna medan det hos de öppna frågorna var en dominans av vet ej/ingen aning svar. Det fanns ingen skillnad på rangen hos enkätfrågorna med öppna svar och intresset av att läsa naturkunskap b eller biologi.

Språkskillnader mellan Java och C# : En kvantitativt jämförande studie

Java och C# är två objektorienterade programmeringsspråk med många gemensamma egenskaper, dock har dessa egenskaper syntaxmässiga skillnader. En tidigare undersökning har visat att mindre än 5 % av källkoden behöver ändras för att konvertera ett fungerande Java-program till ett likadant fungerande C#-program. Frågeställningar baserade på denna upptäckt togs fram och besvarades genom att jämföra två identiska program skrivna i Java och C#, skillnader och likheter mellan programmens källkod pekas ut och sammanställs kvantitativt. Skillnader består av bl.a. språkens nyckelord, klasser och metoder som motsvarar varandra i språkens bibliotek har olika namn och beteenden samt att finesser som finns i ena språket återfinns inte i det andra.

Mat, omsorg och tid : En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstens syn på matproblem hos äldre

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

Validering av ett livsmedelsfrekvensformulär för uppskattning av fullkornsintag hos svenska män och kvinnor

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

Programming : En studie om förfinansierade TV-program

Med en allt mer konkurrensutsatt marknad är det svårt för företagen att nå ut med sina budskap till konsumenterna. Reklam är inget som lockar längre och möjligheterna  att  slippa  dem  blir  bara  fler  och  fler. Ett  relativt  nytt  sätt  att ändå få ut sitt budskap är att förpacka det i redaktionellt material och göra ett TV-  program  av  det  hela,  programming,  det  vill  säga  helt  eller  delvis förfinansierade program..

"Jag tänkte, wow vi är nästan hela världen här" : Åtta nyanlända elevers upplevelser av Språkintroduktionsprogrammet

The aim of the study is to elucidate and analyze newcomer students´ experiences of the Language Introduction Program, in more detail, how the students describe their time at the program and how experiences could differ between girls and boys. Finally, the study examines how the program, according to the students, can be significant for their future. The analysis of the students´ dictums is based on the perspective of intercultural education. To answer the study´s aim and research questions, the investigation consists of eight semi-structured interviews with students who are studying at the Language Introduction Program at an upper secondary school in Uppsala.The results show that the main advantages with studying at the Language Introduction Program are, according to the students, that they learn the Swedish language and that they meet students with several cultural backgrounds. The main disadvantages that were noted were that the Language Introduction Program takes a long time to finish, and furthermore, the contact with the students at the other programs at the school is not enough.

Lätta människor, men svårt språk! : En studie av flyktingars upplevelse av integration.

The aim of this study was to explore refugees experiences of an introduction program in a small Swedish municipality. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with six refugees and was conducted to explore how the introduction program contributed or has not contributed to feelings of being integrated. Our informants have got different backgrounds but have all been forced to flee their home country to Sweden. The interview data was interpreted through earlier research, theories about social exclusion and concepts which were relevant for our study. Our study showed that the informants felt kindly received in the small municipality.

Kvinnor är tysta och män avbryter : En studie om hur män och kvinnor kommer till tals i SVT:s program Debatt

In this study we have examined how men and women are heard on Sveriges Televisions program Debatt. Debatt broadcast on Sveriges Televison which is a public service broadcaster. Through the use of a quantitative content analysis and a dialogical approach, we have documented how many men and women who speak, how they speak, how long they have the word and the subjects they will be heard in, in the program Debatt. We have investigated the ten last broadcast programs from the fallseason 2011. Every program is 45 minutes long and contains from two to three discussiontopics each time. By categorizing our survey and enter the result in four different tables, we found that the majority, 63%, of those that are heard are men.

Ungdomars läsvanor och hur vi skulle kunna inspirera ungdomar att läsa mer skönlitteratur

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to try to find out how young people's reading habits among students look at different types of secondary school, ie. both theoretical and practical, and what factors might encourage them to read more. My questions have been; do young people read today? Is there any difference between city, gender or program? What can a teacher do to inspire young people to read more? I have made a questionnaire survey among different students at two different high schools in Skaraborg. The first school is a high school located in a medium sized town, where I made inquiries to the scientific program, social program, Business and Administration Program and the Electricity Program.

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