

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 61 av 132

Pre-treatment of grain for ethanol production during storage

Ethanol for automotive purposes is an issue much debated and researchers disagree about the benefits of bioethanol. Converting energy-rich crops into ethanol suitable as motor fuel is a complex process and continuous development and improvements of processes and material used are important steps in the work of developing environmental friendly fuels. Grain is usually preserved by drying which consumes a lot of energy. Alternative storage of high-moisture grain in airtight storage systems reduce the energy required to produce bioethanol and studies have also shown that ethanol yields are increased more than 10% in ethanol fermentations of moist grain compared to dry. Airtight storage is often not perfectly airtight so biocontrol agents are necessary in order to preserve the grain.

Vårdpersonalens syn på äldres sexualitet

Sundqvist, K & Svensson, A. Vårdpersonalens syn på äldres sexualitet. En intervjustudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 hp. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2011.

Brukardemokrati i grundskolan - En studie av fyra brukarstyrelsers påverkan på skolledning och politiker

According to the theory of elitist democracy civic political participation should be reduced to participation in the democratic elections. This essay examines whether a high rate of institutionalized political participation beyond the elections leads to: (a) that those who are included gets a more favourable treatment at the expense of the common interest, in other words that their self interest threatens the political equality, (b) reduced freedom of action for the politicians and the headmasters, (c) the emergence of vague conditions of responsibility. These hypotheses are examined in an empirical study of user-boards at four schools on three locations in southern Sweden. In these user-boards the parents are in majority and have the right of decision, which has been delegated to them from the local government and the headmaster. The main conclusion is that, based on this empirical investigation, there is no support in any of the hypotheses.

Det räcker inte att laga bron över livsfloden, man måste även lära barnen att simma! : En kvalitativ studie för att få en djupare förståelse om socialarbetare upplever att barn som deltar i Trappan-insatsen får en känsla av sammanhang?

The aim of this qualitative study was to get a deeper understanding of social workers experience that children who participate in the Trappan-insatsen get a sense of coherence. To achieve an empirical material social workers who perform Trappan-samtal have been interviewed. The study shows that it is important that children get help and support to talk about the trauma they experienced. The support of the narrative, however, differ depending on the child's age, it is important to have a flexible approach as a Trappan-user. It appears that it is essential that parents give their consent to the children so they can talk about the violence.

Serum Amyloid A as a possible marker of health and disease in non-domesticated mammals : a retrospective pilot study of SAA levels in dolphins, elephants and tapirs at Kolmården Wildlife Park

The veterinary handling of wildlife, both in zoos and in the wild, commonly requires that the patients need to be captured and immobilized for examination or treatment. This emphasises the need for quick, on-site, laboratory equipment, in order to minimize the analysis time and thus the stress for the animal and also in order to increase the possibility of starting relevant treatment early on. The aim of this pilot study was to determine whether Serum Amyloid A (SAA) could be a measured in blood samples from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and South American tapirs (Tapirus terrestris). SAA rises to its maximum about 24 hours after the introduction of an inflammatory agent in companion animals. This also correlates with the estimated time it takes for animals at Kolmården Wildlife Park to be examined and having blood samples collected after being observed as sick. The study also evaluated whether the Eurolyser SOLO, using a turbidometric immunoassay (TIA) developed for human diagnostics, could be used for such analysis. This pilot study was a retrospective analysis of SAA in convenience sampled frozen serum, collected from dolphins, elephants and tapirs.

Örter som fodertillskott till häst : populärt komplement utan risker?

In the Swedish market, there is a wide selection of herbs as supplement to the horse´s feed. A trend today is that many companies are marketing herbal remedies with allegations of medical effects. If you want to sell the product for that purpose it must be verified and approved as drug or natural remedy by the Medical Products Agency. Some herbs may contain active substances. Nevertheless, only a few studies have been conducted on single herbs to investigate safe doses for horses.

Jämförelse av olika veterinärers bedömning av hälta hos häst

The most common reason for a horse owner to seek veterinary care for their horse is related to the musculoskeletal system. Assessment of the horse's movement pattern is essential in the equine veterinary work. How uniformly veterinarians evaluate the lame horse may have both diagnostic and prognostic significance, such as follow up examination by the same or different veterinarian. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether there are between-veterinarian differences in assessing lameness in the same horse. In total 12 veterinarians evaluated 80 video sequences of 4 horses with induced lameness and made an evaluation of the affected limb as well as the degree of lameness.

Upplevelsen kring en fysisk livsförändring : En studie som undersöker 4 personers upplevelse av att avvika och tillhöra normen

This is a qualitative study that has investigated four people's experiences of making a physical change of life. With narrative depth interviews, the study was characterized by the informants own experience of their experiences and thoughts. With questions surrounding their experiences of alienation, belonging to the standard, people's attitude and prejudices against their appearance. The investigation revealed that the informants experienced shared experiences and things that separated them. The conclusion based on the people in this study was that people with low self-esteem are at greater risk for experiencing alienation.

Vuxenstuderande med funktionsnedsättning

More and more people in our society take part in adult education. In this study, eight students in adult education, the majority with a diagnosis such as ADHD and/or reading- and writing disorders/dyslexia,have been interviewed about their current study situation. The interviews have so party treated topics related to earlier schooling and the future. Earlier studies and available literature is to a large extent written from the perspective of children?s and adolescents? study situation and the question is if this is applicable to students in adult education.

Barns kostvanor : En kvantitativ studie om huruvida näringsrekommendationerna efterföljs, samt hur moderns ålder och utbildninagsnivå påverkar intaget

The purpose of this thesis is, through both a quantitative and qualitative study, to map out how the interaction appears between the established parties and the radical right-wing party, the Sweden Democrat?s (SD) and their core issue ? immigration in the Swedish parliament. By applying analytical dimensions on the parliamentary protocols regarding the immigration issue between the years of 2010-2012 this study will get an insight on how the argumentation concerning immigration has developed since their entrance into the Swedish parliament in 2010. The result shows that SD, through the rejection treatment of the established parties, fulfilled the three conditions which accordingly to the study's theoretical framework are crucial for the party's future success. In the established parties? reception of SD regarding immigration, SD is, to a large extent, left unchallenged as the established parties rather focus on integration instead of challenge SD in the immigration issue.

?Innanfo?r hemmets va?ggar? : En kvalitativ studie om bista?ndshandla?ggares erfarenheter och uppfattningar kring a?ldre personer med problematiskt fo?rha?llande till alkohol

This study is qualitative and aims to describe and analyze how senior citizens with alcohol- related problems are recognized by social workers within local care for the elderly. The empirical material consists of eleven semi-structured interviews which was completed with the help of social workers within local elderly care. The findings of the study shows that the processing of the senior citizens alcohol related problem can be explained as an identified ?awareness process.? Further, the findings of the study shows that awareness is often made by others than the social workers themselves. The study has also showed that known versus unknown information about present alcohol-related problems, tends to be crucial for when and how awareness is made in the ?awareness process?. .

Pulsed inhaled Nitric Oxide - a possible way to treat hypoxemia in colic horses during abdominal surgery

The aim of the present study was to evaluate if pulsed inhaled nitric oxide (PiNO) could be used as a treatment for hypoxemia during general anaesthesia in colic horses. Previous studies have shown a positive response in horses receiving PiNO in comparison to controls, but these studies have only included healthy individuals. A total of 30 horses were included in this present study, they all underwent abdominal surgery because of acute colic that could not be medically treated. Fifteen of the horses received PiNO and 15 horses served as a control group. Arterial oxygenation was improved in all horses receiving PiNO.

Barns upplevelse av rädsla vid vård på sjukhus, samt hur sjuksköterskan kan minska densamma

When children are hospitalized they will face a new and unknown environment. Many children experience this situation as stressful and with fear. It is important that the nurse is aware of this fact in order to facilitate the hospitalization for the child. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fear that children feel when they are hospitalized, and to investigate the meaning of being well prepared for clinical examinations and procedures. The method used was a literature review.

Egenvårdskapacitetens inverkan på välbefinnandet hos personer som lever med stomi / Self-care agencies affect on the well-being for people living with a stoma

Most of the stoma-operated persons must work themselves through difficult feelings. The task for the nurse is to deliver a care that promotes as much independence as possible. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate how the self-care agencies affect the well-being for the persons who are operated for stoma. A systematic literature study was done based on eleven scientific studies. Three categories, which describe how self-care agencies affect the physical, psychological and social well-being, are presented in the result.

Per oral cancerbehandling: patientens följsamhet till ordination

Användningen av per oral cancerbehandling har ökat de senaste åren. Per oral cancerbehandling är inte automatiskt förknippat med samma strikta riktlinjer som vid intravenös behandling, däremot så är biverkningsprofilen med allvarliga och ibland livshotande tillstånd i stort sett densamma. Forskning har visat att följsamheten till den per orala cancerbehandlingen varierar, ibland är låg och inte är bättre än andra kroniskt sjuka gruppers följsamhet. Patienten sköter till stor del behandlingen själv. Konsekvenserna av detta kan vara ett försämrat behandlingsresultat, risk för över resp.

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