

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 60 av 132

Relations in palliative care

AbstractBackground: Relation means the relationship between two parts. By creating a good relation between nurse and patient you can conduce a better caring. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the relation within palliative care from nurse- patient perspective. Method: The study is a literature review where ten articles were analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The findings showed that knowledge, communication, continuity, silence and availability were the most important thing for the nurse in the relationship.

Våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av bemötande inom vården

Våld mot kvinnor är ett omfattande och angeläget samhällsproblem. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen utgör en nyckelgrupp när det gäller att upptäcka och identifiera våldet. I mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan, likaväl som i mötet med andra patienter, är bemötandet och kommunikationen av stor betydelse. Syftet med studien var att belysa våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelse av hur de blivit bemötta i sin kontakt med olika sjukvårdsinstanser. Metoden har varit kvalitativ med en induktiv ansats där nio kvinnor har intervjuats.

Heteronormativa strukturer i asylprocessen : Dess uttryckssätt och påverkan

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study has been to analyse and understand the effects of heteronormative structures in the Swedish asylum process. Homosexual refugees, seeking asylum in Sweden, is in focus when proceeding an analysis about these social structures and normative phenomena. The main discourse, being handled in this study, is between homosexuality and heterosexuality. However, central findings in this study consists of how different approaches, such as gender based identities as well as sexual preferences and ethnic background, combined is influencing the asylum process and the treatment of the asylum seekers.The analysis is based upon legal material, as well as the guidelines and work ethics of the Migrationsverket, which is being compared with theoretical approaches on heteronormativity and structural hierarchy. To achieve a wider understanding of the area and to gain more information, we have also performed interviews with relevant sources.Key-words: Heteronormativity, asylum seekers, homosexuality, power structuresSara Haugbak & Jenny Thomsen, Sociology C, University of Växjö, Sweden.

Fina och fula brott : en intervjustudie om intagnas hierarkier på anstalt i ett genusperspektiv

The essay deals with hierarchies that occurs between inmates in prison. It deals with a theory that these hierarchies, when seen through a gender perspective, can be understood as a hierarchy where you are valued based on traditional male characteristics. Empirically, the paper consists of interviews with five inmates, or former inmates, who during a period in his life, has served a prison sentence at a closed institution. Based on the informants' statements, conclusions are drawn about which properties are valued low in the hierarchy. This becomes clear when the informants speak humiliating about sexually deviant groups, snitches, or sex offenders.

"Jag är en individ och jag är också värd någonting" : röster om att ha varit föremål för ett tvångsomhändertagande som barn

Syftet med studien var att undersöka personers upplevelser av att ha varit tvångsomhändertagna enligt LVU som barn. Detta har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats där fyra kvinnor intervjuades med stöd av en utarbetad intervjuguide. Denna täckte frågeområdena bemötande, skolgång, relationer och identitetsskapande. Resultaten tolkades utifrån livsmodellen, som är en del av den ekologiska systemteorin, samt utifrån kognitiv teori. De mest framträdande resultaten var att informanterna sällan känt sig hörda i utrednings- eller beslutssammanhang vilket medförde att deras åsikter sällan tagits i beaktande.

Skatteverket : Praktiska problem i kontrollerna av företag

Uppsatsen avser att undersöka hur Skatteverkets kontroller av företagare går till praktiskt. Utifrån detta ska uppsatsen utreda vilka problem som finns i det praktiska arbetet som Skatteverket gör i de olika kontrollformerna. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod vilken valts för att få en djupare förståelse för studieämnet. Det empiriska materialet till studien har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer med sammanlagt fem handläggare på Skatteverket. Material till den teoretiska referensramen har inhämtats från relevant litteratur och sökningar i databaser.

Hinder och möjligheter för att lindra smärta hos äldre personer - en empirisk studieObstacles and opportunities in dealing with pain management amongst older people - an empirical study

BACKGROUND: There is a high incidence of pain amongst older people. Several studies have shown that between 50 to 80 % of older people, who require domestic care or live in care homes, suffer from pain. Despite this many older people are under treated. AIM: The aim of this study was to explore what care providers perceive to be obstacles and opportunities of managing pain in older people. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used and the date was semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med fibromyalgi

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.

Distriktssköterskors dokumentation i omvårdnadsjournal vid telefonrådgivning.

The aim of the study was to describe what district nurses, who work with telephone- advice, document in patient record, to be able to develop their documentation. The Authors have examined 50 patient records. The examination tool is collected from ?Lokal anvisning för hälso- och sjukvården I Södra Älvsborg?. The audit areas was record keeping, review and planning, realization, individual nursing and the patients participation, information, education and agreement.

Djurägarbehandlingar inom renskötseln :

The aim of this study was to document treatments of sick and injured reindeer in Tornedalen and the area around Gällivare. I also wanted to find out the basis for the treatments, how they are considered to work and if they agree with established veterinary science. The occurrence of ?folk remedies? was especially studied. In all, 40 reindeer owners were interviewed.

Övervakning av ston i sen dräktighet genom transrektal ultraljudsundersökning av placentan :

Abortion during late gestation is often caused by placental dysfunction such as placentitis. To prevent this from happening the placenta can be monitored pre partum so treatment can be started at an early stage. Methods for monitoring the placenta include hormonal monitoring, presence of clinical signs of placental dysfunction and ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus and the placenta. Transrectal ultrasonography provides a very good image of the caudal portion of the allantochorion where an ascending placentitis normally establishes. An increased combined thickness of the uterus and the placenta, CTUP, has been associated with placental failure. This study included ten Swedish standardbred trotter mares in late gestation. They were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography of the placenta two times with approximately a month in between. CTUP was measured on each examination.

En kvalitativ undersökning om mobbning : En studie om skillnader och likheter mellan organisationen Friends och skolans arbetsmetod att motverka mobbning

This qualitative study is about the differences and similarities between the organization Friends and schools? methods to prevent bullying. Aggression, bullying and discomfort in schools result in that many students do not dare to go to school because of their fear that they might get attacked and become systematically bullied. Bullying is a universal and persistent problem. In this study the reader will receive a better understanding and get an insight into the problems that teachers and students experience and struggle with every day in dealing with bullying in schools.

Att vara förälder til barn med astma : En litteraturstudie

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.

The role of mast cells and mast cell mediators in the development of atopic dermatitis in a mouse model

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex, often lifelong allergic disease affecting around 10 % of both dogs and humans. The hallmark symptom is severe pruritus, causing a lowered quality of life. Mast cells (MCs) are known to play an important part of the immunopathogenesis, promoting a faulty T helper cell type 2 (Th-2) response which follows by a production of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies towards environmental allergens (Ag). To further investigate the role of MCs and its mediators in the progression of AD, a low-calcemic vitamin D3 analog (MC903) was used to induce AD-like symptoms locally on the ears of two different knock-out (KO) mouse strains. The first strain was Wsh-/- mice deficient in MCs.

Så tyckte jag det var... en retrospektiv studie av åtta ungdomars upplevelser av att vara på Staple behandlingshem

The aim of this university paper was to understand how eight former clients at Staple reformatory had experienced their stay there. The clients at Staple are young people between 13-20 years old, both boys and girls.The basic questions were: What picture do the clients have of the treatment they received?What has been, from their perspective, the most important during their stay? Do the clients think the time spent at Staple has helped them? And how do they describe their change, if there was any?We gathered the information from the youngsters with qualitative interviews based on a manual divided into covering different themesWe found that the time at Staple had been very positive for all the former clients that we interviewed. They described the relations with the staff at Staple as central for their rehabilitation. The most important task for the people that work there is to set a good example for the client, and to be role models.

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