

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 5 av 132

Institution är ett nödvändigt ont : Politikers och tjänstemäns syn på institutionsvård och forskning

The intention of this study was to examine how social workers, leaders within the social work administration and politicians in the social work committee in Helsingborg related to residential treatment of youth and the research showing signs of undesirable results.The main questions were:1. How do social workers, leaders within the social work administration and politicians in the social work committee relate to residential treatment of youth and the research existing about it?2. Which factors do the different categories mean justify the placements?3.

Ögonbehandling av häst med lavage system och infusionspump Omvårdnadsaspekter : omvårdnadsaspekter

Objective ? To study the requirement of nursing care of the equine patient during eye treatment with a lavage system together with a constant rate infusion pump. Procedures ? Three veterinary nurses at ATG: s Hästsjukhus in Skara were asked nine questions at individual interviews. Inclusion criteria for participation in the interview were that the nurse should have treated equines with and without the infusion pump to the lavage system, but also traditionally with eye drops. Results ? The equine had a higher well-being since it experienced less stress during eye treatment with the infusion pump compared to treatment given by hand through the lavage system. The treatment would be more effective with constant rate infusion and save costs for the owner.

Vem Tar Vem?: en undersökning om den sociala bakgrundens betydelse vid bedömning av vård vid alkoholproblem

The purpose with our essay was to examine which clients/patients get treatment for alcohol problems from either health care units or social service units. We also wanted to find out how staff in these units considers the importance of social background in the assessment of treatment. The questions we have focused are: How do the clients/patients get in contact with the units? How does staff in these units consider the importance of social background in the assessment of treatment? How is the social background like for the present clients/patients? To fulfil the purpose with our investigation and to get answers to our questions, we performed an explorative examination and applied a qualitative method in the form of a semi-structured interview with six persons. The investigation showed that clients/patients get in contact with the units by looking for treatment by themselves or by relatives and other organisations.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexualitet efter avslutad behandling av gynekologisk cancer : En litteraturöversikt

Background; Gynecological cancer is a common term for cancer in the female genitals and 2013 there were about 2800 women in Sweden that was diagnosed. This form of cancer and the treatment that is used, affects the sexuality and also the fertility of the women.Aim; The purpose with the essay was to illustrate the experience of the sexuality after the treatment of gynecological cancer.Method; The method used in the essay was a systematic translation of different literature. Of all the articles used there were eight that was qualitative, two quantitative and one was a combination of both methods. The analytic process was accomplish with the support of the Friberg (2006) analytic method.Results; The analysis resulted in two categories; Physical changes after the treatment and the treatments impact on the sexuality of the women. The physical changes that occurred because of the treatment was recurring and it showed that it was primarily surgery that hurt the woman body.

Positiv särbehandling - diskriminering eller ett nödvändigt led i jämställdhetsarbetet?

To achieve the goals that the government has put in place for equal opportunities in the labour market, the Swedish law is divided into two separate regulatory frameworks. One is positive action to promote equal opportunities and the other is the prohibition of sexual discrimination. Since males, despite the measures taken so far, still have a great advantage on the labour market, the law concerning equal opportunities has an exception from the prohibition of sexual discrimination, whose purpose is to promote the progress of equal opportunities, also known as preferential treatment. The regulations concerning preferential treatment allow the employer to hire a less qualified person from an underrepresented gender in spite of the presence of higher qualified applicants of the overrepresented gender. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the meaning and the application of preferential treatment as well as to give an insight to the argumentation around its application.

Skulden och skammen. : Närvaron av skuld och skam i missbruksbehandling av kvinnor.

The purpose of this study is to examine the personnel?s perspective on how the emotions shame and guilt are present in the treatment of female addicts on an LVM institution. Three questions have been designed to meet the objective: How do they work in the treatment with guilt and shame, how important is it to work with these feelings and what significance does genders have in relation to shame, guilt and treatment? A qualitative approach and techniques have been used to obtain the result. The study's theoretical starting point consists of three themes: gender theory, labeling theory and a theoretical approach to the concepts of guilt and shame.

Hellre sjuk och mager än frisk och fet : En litteraturbaserad studie av kvinnors upplevelser under behandlingen för anorexia nervosa

BackgroundAnorexia nervosa is a growing problem in society and it is most common among women. It is a complex disease that affects both the mental and the physical health. The disease expresses itself differently from person to person, therefore, treatment should be individualized. Nurses need to gain insight into how patients feel about the treatment in order to understand their experience. Previous studies use statistical research to evaluate treatment.

Två frivårdskontors syn på den procentuella skillnaden, vad gäller kontraktvårdsdomar

The aim of this paper is to spread some light over contract treatment from the perspective of the District Courts, Social Services and Probation Services, and understand the reason for local variation of the number of people sentenced to contractual treatment.Essential questions asked in this paper are; What advantages and disadvantages are known by the cooperating parties regarding contract treatment in comparison to prison? What parameters are considered when the cooperating parties decide upon contract treatment? What impact does the shared responsibility of cost have? What do the respondents think is the reason for the local variation?In order to answer the essential questions a qualitative and descriptive method has been used to highlight the main question of our study; What is the reason for the local variation in number of contract treatment sentences in Halmstad and Ystads district courts?The paper shows that the local variation between the Probation Services districts is dependent on the conditions to propose a contract treatment. In Halmstad it is not conditioned for the Probation Services to have a responsibility agreement with the Social Services to the same extent as for the Probation Services in Ystad..

Som att ha ett osynligt koppel på sig : Intervjustudie med tre patienter med erfarenhet av utskrivning från substitutionsbehandling mot opiatmissbruk

Aims: To examine how patients with experience of being involuntarily discharged from medication-assisted treatment with methadone or buprenorphine have coped with the consequences following the discharge. The study also aim to examine how the patients cope with the stigma related to their abuse of heroin and how they manage to cope with the rules regarding themedication-assisted treatment. Method: Three patients with experience of involuntary discharge from medication-assisted treatment have been interviewed. All were heroin abusing men living in Stockholm. The interviewees were recruited through the Swedish Drug Users Union and through a shelter for homeless people with drug problems.

Utvärdering av akupunktur som behandling vid ryggömhet hos häst : en pilotstudie

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China. Written documents concerning veterinary acupuncture has been found dated around 650 B.C. Acupuncture has gained greater acceptance in the western world the last decades and many countries have established their own veterinary acupuncture organizations. Many studies report good results after acupuncture treatment and back pain in horses is considered a good indication for acupuncture treatment. In studies published, the results are subjectively evaluated. To get a qualitative, scientific evaluation of acupuncture treatment, objective measurements, control groups and statistical analysis are needed. This pilot study presents a case where acupuncture has been used for treatment in a horse that was diagnosed with back pain.

En korrelationell studie om beröringsundvikande, hierarkier och kränkning bland intagna vid en sluten kriminalvårdsanstalt

The aim of this investigation was to assess if there was a correlation between touch avoidance and hierarchical position, perceived degradation, number of years spent in jail and age amongst men at a correctional institution. In addition, a possible correlation between hierarchical position and the amount of perceived degrading treatment was also explored. In the collection of the data a questionnaire containing 27 open and closed answer alternatives was utilized. A multiple regressional analysis was conducted to find possible correlations between touch avoidance and the other underlying variables. Also an independent t-test explored the possible effects of the control variables: place of birth and girlfriend.

De sökte substitutionsbehandling-vad skiljde dem åt? : Jämförelse i bakgrundsfaktorer mellan opiat- och opioidberoende utifrån ASI-intervjuer

Through changes in the code of statutes, SOSFS 2009:27 (M), opioid addicts are excluded since March 1 2010 from possibilities to be accepted for substitution treatment. Opiate addicts are solitary admitted for substitution treatment from that date. Opioid addicts are excluded admission for treatment regardless of the fact that they fulfil the ICD-10 diagnosis F.11.2, i.e. opioid/opiate addictive criteria. The alteration in the statutes was carried out in reference to the fact that evidence for this kind of treatment intended for opioid addicts was missing.Both groups i.e.

Lika Olika

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Studio för mekanik och hållfasthetslära - Tillverkning och utveckling av demonstrationsexperiment

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Hemodialyspatienters uppskattade vätskeintag och det faktiska vätskeintaget: En empirisk studie om samvariation

AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine the relation between estimated fluidintake and real fluidintake among dialysis patients. The data were collected through study specific questionnaire and data from the medical record. Patients attached to eleven Swedish dialysis units were asked to participate. The number of patients that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were 222 persons of whom145 (65%) chose to participate in the study. The dialysis patients estimated their fluid intake for a day in average 9,06 deciliter.

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