

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 4 av 132

Programverksamhet i Kriminalvården : ur ett klientperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to look at how clients, in the Swedish criminal justice, experience their involvement in treatment programs. The spotlight in the study was to examine which helpful and unhelpful factors are involved in a treatment process, in the view of individual experiences. The study is based on a qualitative method, with interviews as an instrument for collection of data.The result is summarized in three fields; is it possible to show vulnerable, the therapist and the meaning of the program. The result is based on interviews with six informants; five of them have been partaking in treatment programs in prison and one in the probation office. The study shows that partaking in treatment programs in prison is combined with problems in aspect of the different roles criminals play in prison.

Terapival vid behandling av lunginflammation hos kalv : en enkätundersökning

The purpose of this study was to investigate the kind of treatment strategies used by Swedish Veterinarians with cattle practice when treating calves with symptoms of pneumonia. A questionnaire, consisting of seven questions, was sent to one hundred veterinarians who have had practice with cattle and are employed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The survey was answered by a total of 73% of the Veterinarians. Of the respondents, 73 % use Penicillins as their first choice of drug for treating calves with symptoms of pneumonia, and as their second choice 64 % use Tetracycline. Supplementary treatment such as NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and/or SAID (steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) are used by 97.5 % of the respondents.

Tonårsflickors val att avbryta eller fullfölja en behandling

Summary:Teenage girls? choice of dropping out or complete a treatment.The purpose of this study is to investigate, from a client?s perspective, why teenage girls (age 13 to 17) drop-out or complete a treatment at Familjehuset in Karlstad, Sweden. We also want to investigate if the teenage girls? experiences coordinate with the social workers opinion of why the teenage girls choose to drop-out or complete the treatment. Earlier research shows that many factors influence the client?s choice.

Sjuksköterskors kunskap om smärta och smärtbehandling : En enkätstudie

Knowledge regarding pain and pain treatment is an essential part within nursing that a nurse is responsible for. Earlier studies have shown that lack of that kind of knowledge often results in inadequate treatment for pain. The purpose with the study was to describe nurses? knowledge regarding pain and pain treatment at a medical unit in a hospital in central Sweden, and to see if there was a distinction in knowledge related to professional experience. Data was collected through a questionnaire with questions referring to pain (6 questions) and pain treatment (6 questions).

Skolprestationer räknas! : Studie om hur ungdomars skolsituation verkar ha påverkats av multisystemisk terapi

The purpose of this study was to describe the school situation of adolescents who were subject to multisystemic therapy in Sweden, and also if a change could be measured after treatment. Factors that preceded the need for treament were also investigated. The sample consisted of 83 adolescents, boys (65 %) and girls (35 %), with an average age of 14 years. The method used was a secondary data analysis using pre-treatment- and post-treatment data collected from a 7-month follow-up conducted by Lunds Universitet. Results showed that the adolescents were low in school performance and high in truancy at pre-treatment.

Samtalsterapi på vårdcentral ? varför, hur och för vem?

Approximately one third of all patients in primary care have a psychosocial component to their illness that requires adequate professional treatment. However, primary care is insufficiently prepared for these patients. The aim of this case-study was to evaluate a pilot project in primary care offering psychotherapy as a treatment alternative. The data collected includes 1) data from 352 referred patients regarding demographics, diagnosis, treatment duration and pre- and post health status, 2) a patient-satisfaction questionnaire and 3) interviews with six therapists and five medical doctors. The treated patients improved significantly and showed a high degree of satisfaction.

Interdependence between seed age and aerated steam treatment intensities

Aerated steam treatment is a modern and environmental friendly method for seed borne fungus sanitation, mainly used on cereals. The method involves exposure to heat and high humidity, factors which are known to induce a fast ageing of seeds, thus resulting in reduced storability. This thesis clarifies the interdependence between seed age and the aerated steam treatment intensities. Two studies were carried out in this thesis. In the first study the storage longevity of seeds treated with aerated steam was examined. The second study investigated the shelf-life of the pre-tests used to determine the aerated steam treatment tolerance of a seed lot, by testing the treatment tolerance of seeds aged prior to the treatment.

Metadonbehandling : en studie kring två klinikers sociala arbete

The purpose with this essay was to study how the social work is shaped in the methadone programme and how the staffs treat and work with the social integration for the patients.We have studied the experience of a medical assisted treatment from two different treatment clinics and focused on their treatment programme. We have chosen to focus on the social aspect but we have also been taking part of the medical treatment - the methadone. In order to get a bigger picture of our problem area we also studied how Sweden's narcotic politic is constructed and how a narcotic life could look like before the entrance in the program. We describe this with the help of the theory about the narcotic carrer and the society's view on a normal living..

Arbete mot mobbning innom skolan - följs kommunens riktlinjer?

AbstractThe purpose of this research is to examine which methods the municipality of Örebro recommends its schools to use in their work against mobbing and bad treatment, and to see if the school investigated follows these guidelines. By means of interviews I will examine which methods the Group for Equal Treatment at the school has found effective when dealing with these issues. My conclusions are that the municipality of Örebro clearly states what is important for the schools to work with, and a lot of effort has been put into creating a common model for all schools to use, in order to fulfill the goals of the law (2006:67) which forbids discrimination and any other kind of bad treatment of children and students. The school investigated follows the municipality guidelines to great extent. Early on the Group for Equal Treatment, including both principals, teachers and students, worked out a detailed plan for equal treatment. The Group for Equal Treatment mentioned some successful methods to use against mobbing and other forms of bad treatment. One of these methods is the annual theme week where the students get to participate in outlining the contents. Another success factor is to establish a good atmosphere between teachers and students, which is possible only if the teachers have time and opportunity to get to know their students. My examination shows that it is important to have a well thought-out plan to follow, but it must be adjusted to the needs and preconditions of the school in question..

Mobbning och kränkande behandling : En undersökning om skolors förebyggande arbete mot mobbning och kränkande behandling

The purpose of the work is to highlight schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment, find out about schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment follow what is written in the governing documents and how schools can work preventively against the same. The questions have been investigated through qualitative interviews and analysis of documents or in the theoretical background. The interviewees and partially schools were selected through an arbitrarily selection. In each plan against abusive treatment states that the monitoring and evaluation should be conducted in a manner that is not consistent with the responses from leisure educator 1, 2 and 3. School B's plan does not contain an overview of the measures needed to prevent and stop abusive treatment of children.

Är en lojal kund mer förtjänt av en bättre behandling En kvantitativ studie om favoriserande behandlingar till kunder med olika input.

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

"Det var ju den här vården jag behövde" : En jämförelse mellan ett klient- och behandlarperspektiv på behandling vid rattfylleri

Statistics shows that drunk driving and relapse increases in the Swedish society and it?s a problem that can be considered worth examining because of all the negative consequences that it conveys. To reduce the number of relapse it?s urgent that individuals that have been drunk and driving begins treatment and precedes it. The purpose of this study was to, from a client and therapeutic perspective, examine why drunk drivers begin treatment for their alcohol abuse and furthermore to investigate what?s important for the individual so that he completes the treatment.

Membranbioreaktorteknik- en framtida lösning på Lundåkraverket? : Membrane bioreactors- A future solution at Lundåkra wastewater treatment plant?

Membrane bioreactors (MBR) combined with biological phosphorous treatment (Bio-P) has been investigated if that could be an alternative to the future expansion with conventional active sludge treatment at Lundåkra wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the proximity of Landskrona, Sweden.The results showed that the surface demand in the biological treatment will be reduced with 67% with the MBR-alternative compared to a conventional activated sludge process. The nutrient removal in the MBR-solution was decreased or unchanged for nitrogen-, phosphorous- and organic parameters. However, the energy demand will increase with an estimated cost of approximately 1 million SEK annually. Moreover, the extra chemical consumption is estimated to cost 370 000 SEK annually.The disturbances caused by filamentous bacteria such as sludge dispersal could be resolved with MBR-technology because the membranes are not affected by these organisms. The Bio-P process combined with MBR-technology works if the wastewater recirculates from the membranes to an aerobic zone.In the proposal, there will be a new pre-treatment step, for instance hole screens.

Familjen är den enda vägen tillbaka hem. : En kvalitativ studie om personalens syn på familjens delaktighet i behandling av ungdomar.

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesProgram of social workSocial Work CC-essay in Social Work, 15 creditsAutumn term 2013The family is the only way back home? A qualitative study on staff?s view on family involvement in the treatment of adolescentsAuthors: Cakici, Nahrin and Claesson, SandraAbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate how the staff at residential treatment centers works to involve the family and the social network in youth?s treatment and how they experience that the involvement affects the young person. The aim is also to study the difficulties the staff experience in their work to involve the family and the social network. In this study, staff from two residential treatment centers in Sweden participated. The study is conducted based in on qualitative method in which four semi-structured telephone interviews and one group interview have been conducted.

Likabehandling : Men på vilka grunder?

The Act Prohibiting Discrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and School Students (2006:67) entered into force on 1 of April 2006. The purpose of this Act is to promote equal rights for children and school students and to combat discrimination on the five discrimination grounds of sex, ethnic origin, religion or other belief, sexual orientation or disability. This Act also has the purpose of combating other degrading treatment. According to the Act the organiser of the activity shall insure that there is an equal treatment plan that aims to promote the equal rights for children and school students irrespective of the five discrimination grounds. Discrimination is a result of the social norms which tends to exclude people who does not fit in and therefore considerers as being abnormal.

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