

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 34 av 132

Vad påverkar en travhästs hållbarhet? : en undersökning med fokus på djurskyddsaspekten gällande träningsrutiner och behandlingsmetoder för träningsrelaterade skador bland svenska travtränare

The harness racing industry has roots hundreds of years back in time and breeders through time have changed the horses to a mix of potential, harmony and speed. Breeding has changed the conditions and created a horse that perform better and better. A risk with high-performance horses is that injuries related to training and racing may occur more often. In training and racing situations, lameness is the most common injury. There are many factors affecting the occurrence of injuries and lameness of the trotter horses, such as how the horse is trained and raced, the surface condition of the racetrack, banking and angle of the curves of the racetrack and how fast injuries are discovered and treated.

Ur askan i elden? : Om psykologiskt arbete med asylsökande barn

This phenomenological study explores the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children in Sweden and highlights possible ways of meeting their needs. Open interviews with 13 clinically experienced psychologists were conducted.The results of the analysis suggest that experiences of trauma and separation, the child's developmental level, parental functioning and family dynamics contribute to the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children. When meeting these children the psychologists continuously face ethical dilemmas since the asylum-seeking process seems to aggravate the problems as well as complicate the use of traditional interventions. Promoting structure and activity, normalizing symptoms, educating about trauma and crisis, sharing and accepting anxieties and sometimes thoroughly working through traumatic experiences are treatment strategies found clinically useful. Systematic follow-up studies are needed to decide the effects of these interventions..

Spårning av miljöstörande ämnen i Uppsala stads spillvattennät

To the sewer systems households, industries and other activities are connected. The wastewater is collected at treatment plants where a nutritious sludge is produced. The sludge does not only contain nutrients, but also hazardous substances originating from different activities in society. To reduce the flow of hazardous substances to treatment plants and to create a sustainable recycling of plant nutrients the Swedish Water & Wastewater Association has developed the certificate system REVAQ. This certificate requires a good quality of the sludge but also that the treatment plants maps the origin of the unwanted substances.

"Målsättningen är en nöjd värmlänning" : Vårdpersonalens syn på tillgänglighet, bemötande och kvalitet i patientmötet

We have made a qualitative study where we have chosen to interview a number of respondents consisting of ophthalmologists, eye nurses and patients. The purpose of the study was to examine employees' perceptions of patient-related status and treatment and quality, and meaningful participation in the work. The conducted interviews, we then sat in relation to how patients experienced the visit to the eye clinic and their perception of accessibility and hospitality. The result is then compared against the policy of the Title use of internally and we have also tried to explain what is happening with the help of various theorists. Theorist that we made use of is Maslow, Foucault, Deming (TQM) and Herzberg.

Vattenkvalitet och risker vid ändrat intag för vattenförsörjning i Västerås

Water is the most essential resource for life. In cases where drinking water is processed from surface water it is important to ensure the raw water is of good quality, and is suitable for processing through the water treatment plant.The drinking water for Västerås is sourced from Västeråsfjärden, in the western side of Lake Mälaren. The city itself is home to marinas, ports, a wastewater treatment plant, the Svartån outlet, sewage pumping stations and stormwater outlets. Because of the negative effects these activities have on surface water quality, Mälarenergi AB is interested in relocating the raw water intake point to Granfjärden, 10 km east of Västeråsfjärden. At Granfjärden the intake point would be less exposed to the activities in Västerås, and could be placed at a greater depth, resulting in better water quality.In this Master?s thesis the water quality and the pollution risks at Västeråsfjärden and Granfjärden sites are compared.

Lucid dreaming treatment och lucida drömmars relation till locus of control, depression samt subjektivt välbefinnande

Lucida drömmar (LD) innebär att drömmaren inser, under drömmens gång, att omgivningen och händelserna runtomkring är en dröm och inger förmågan att kunna påverka och reflektera över händelserna i drömmen. I lucid dreaming treatment (LDT) får drömmaren lära sig att förändra mardrömmars händelseförlopp. Dock blir inte alla lucida och många tror att det är själva känslan av kontroll som ger en effekt. Studien kommer utforska om kontroll utgör en nyckelkomponent i LDT genom att undersöka sambandet mellan LD och locus of control (LoC), depression och subjektivt välbefinnande där LD verkar som en medierande variabel mellan å ena sidan LoC och å andra sidan depression samt subjektivt välbefinnande. Deltagarna (n = 54) i undersökningen har fyllt i formulär gällande frekvens av drömmar och LD samt formulären Rotter?s 29 item internal-external scale, Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale, International positive and negative affect schedule short form, Satisfaction with life scale och Pittsburgh sleep quality index.

Skyddande isolering i samband med stamcellstransplantation : Patienters upplevelser av den skyddande isoleringen samt uppfattningar om sjuksköterskans roll under vårdtiden

When going through a stem cell transplantation a patient is forced to undergo protective isolation to inhibit risk of opportunistic infections related to the low leucocyte count as a result of aggressive pre-transplant chemotherapy treatment. Protective isolation has shown to have an impact on patient experiences during treatment and the aim of this study is to elucidate experiences of protective isolation of patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and to deduce patient perceptions of the role of nurses in protective isolation care. The presented study was performed as a mixed qualitative and quantitative survey at a hematopoietic ward in Sweden. Results were analyzed by Mayring (2000) and by descriptive frequency charts and show that patients in protective isolation experience alienation, necessity, safety and anxiety with regards to their protective situation. Considering the role of nurses patients perceive their role to be attendant, informant and acting as an executioner of medical implementations.

Strategiska försvarsaktörer : En studie av NATO och EU:s kompatibilitet i rollen som säkerhetspolitiska aktörer

This essay conducts a descriptive analysis of the ideas expressed by NATO´s official security strategy "Strategic Concept" from 2010 and the European Union?s security strategy "A Secure Europe in a Better World" from 2003. The purpose of this analysis is to examine whether the ESDP and NATO are compatible with each other when it comes to the role of security policy actor. To do so, I´ve chosen to analyse the actors' security strategies based on three dimensions. These dimensions are: Their view of the international scene, their views on cooperation and their views on how to reach security.

Utredning om en ökad biologisk behandling av matavfall i Halmstads kommun

Environment and sustainable development are very current topics in today's society, bothnational and international. The government's bill 2004/05:150 ?Swedish environment objectives - a common commission? contains several environmental quality objectives, that in turn is divided up in smaller secondary objectives. One of the secondary objectives says: ?Latest year 2010 shall at least 35% of the food waste from households, restaurants, largescale kitchens and shops be recycled through biological treatment.

Anorexiterapi : En undersökande essä om att arrangera en kontext som subtilt förmedlar att förändring är möjlig

This scientific essay aims to more closely study how to best arrange a context that subtly conveys that change is possible in the treatment of patients who starve themselves. By describing a number of situations during the first weeks of a girl´s therapy, this essay focuses on some central themes in the initial stage. The essay is mainly aimed to explore the conditions for a meaningful communication with a patient who has a low BMI value and who quitted the nutrition-oriented care in her clinic. The essay is a form that allows for reflection on one´s own considerations about the wisest line of conduct in various situation. The work is based on an existential understanding of the starvation as a fragile person´s one and only way to reconcile with herself in the world that is hers.

Ungdomars egen upplevda psykiska hälsa och skolsituation

The aim of this study was to describe non-surgical treatment options for the diseases mucositis and peri-implantitis found in present literature. The literature review also illustrates the effect of the treatment opptions on soft tissue with mucositis and peri-implantitis surrounding dental implants. The study reviews twelve scientific articles that have been processed from the aim of the study. The result shows six therapy options, Er:YAG laser, air abrasive, ultrasonic device, hand instruments, hand instruments in combination with antibiotics and hand instruments in combination with clorhexidin. The following methods are described according to how they are used and how they affect the soft tissue surrounding dental implants.

Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet och psykosocial situation hos kvinnor som genomgått mastektomi med eller utan rekonstruktion

Abstract? Background: ?Breast?cancer is the?most?common cancer for?women,?with?over 8000?of?cancer?cases?per?year.?Surgery?is the?most?common form?of?treatment. Basis?of?illness?and?the?loss?of?a?breast?can?be a?big?trauma for the?individual?and?affect?many?aspects.?Aim: The?aim?of?this?study?was?to?investigate?health-related?quality?of?life?and?psychosocial?situation and the?need?for support and?care?for?women?who?undergone?a?mastectomy?with?or?without?reconstruction.?Method: The?study?design?was?a?descriptive?study?with?qualitative?approach.?The?selection?was?strategically?consisting?of?the?eight?women?from?five?cities?which?had?undergone?mastectomy?with?or?without?reconstruction. The?interviews?were?semi-structured?individual?that?analyzed?using? content?analysis.?Results:All?of?the?women?felt?that?the?body?changed?after?the?mastectomy.? Feelings?of?insecurity?and?discomfort?were?common.?Among?those?who?underwent?reconstruction?were?all?dissatisfied?with?the?results.

Preoperativ analgetisk behandling med vedaprofen vid kastration av unghingst : utvärdering av pre- och postoperativt beteende

Pain related behaviour in 1.5 year old colts was studied both prior to and following castration. The horses were filmed 24 h prior to surgery and 24 h postoperatively. Parameters, inactive and active behaviours, were recorded in terms of cumulative time observed. Both groups of horses were exercised three times and the gait quality was evaluated. Few differences were observed between the groups.

Djuromvårdnad vid fång

Laminitis is a common but devastating condition, and affected horses are often euthanized or influenced a very long time. Many horses never return to their original capacity. Laminitis is often associated with severe pain and a long time of convalescence. Symthoms includes lameness, hoof hyperthermia, strenghthened digital pulse and pain. The horse often tries to move the body weight away from the forelegs which are often more severly affected than the hindlimbs.

Intressemakt - Relationen mellan stat och intresseorganisationer i demokratiteoretisk belysning

Which general outlines are preferable in the relation between organizations and government? From normative theory and method I throw light upon this question by defining and comparing two different democratic standpoints. The substantial democratic standpoint focuses on political effectiveness and the procedural democratic standpoint focuses on equal representation. The normative discussion aims at comparing how well the different standpoints function in political praxis. Since the ambition is to discuss concrete praxis I have also chosen to analyse an extensive case of interest influence in Swedish politics empirically.

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