

365 Uppsatser om Habits - Sida 6 av 25

Turismindustrin - ett verktyg för att hjälpa människor välja Klimatsmartare Mat.

About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food Habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly..

Suicidefterlevande familjers upplevelse av stöd i samband med en stödhelgsinsats

About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food Habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly..

Motionsvanor bland gymnasieflickor - En enkätstudie om motionsvanor samt faktorer som bidrar till regelbunden motion

Individuals of today are living in a community that encourages an inactive life. For many individuals exercise is an important part in their life and can be a health factor and contribute to the joy of living. Some environments in the individuals? everyday life are of supportive character. These supportive environments can make it easier for the individual to make healthier choices.

"Första boken är aldrig bra när det gäller böcker" en kvalitativ studie av pojkars läsning i mediesamhället

Children of today are surrounded by many different kinds of media. Books have to compete with new media like computers, video games, many TV-channels etc. The aim of this study has been to investigate the reading Habits of 9-12-year old boys in their spare time, and their reasons for reading related to their use of other media. Our interest has been to shed light on the boys reading Habits, their preferences and motives for reading and their reading functions. Even though our focus has been on their reading, we also have examined their use of other media and the function of this use.

Vilken ställning har dagens ungdomsbok? En studie om hur dagens ungdomslitteratur bemöts av sin målgrupp

The purpose of this study was to investigate young teenagers 13-16 reading Habits and attitudes concerning todays modern teenage literature especially written for the young teenagers. The study also includes the readers apprehension of the literature and how the target group is reached. The study is based on results from questionnaires, interviews and by compiling summaries of literature relevant to this study. Earlier research has been compared with results from this study. Reflections made by teachers and librarians concerning the youths reading Habits are an integral part of the study.

Gymnasieelevers intresse för tecknade serier

This master's thesis deals with the interest in comics among students at the social science programme in an upper secondary school. The history of comics and the reading Habits of comics have also been examined. For the completion of this study 54 students, 19 boys and 35 girls, took part in a questionnaire. The results of this statistical survey shows that the department of comics at Malmö city public library plays an insignificant role concerning the interest and reading of comics for the students. The main readings of comics for the students are in the daily paper, which resembles reading Habits of adults.

Motiv till motion : En uppsats om sjukvårdspersonals motionsvanor

This study is an assignment from Västerbottens läns landsting (VLL). The study?s main objective is to examine physical exercise Habits and the most common motives for exercise among employees at VLL. It also compares educational status and gender differences to see if there is any significant dissimilarity regarding motives. The study is a quantitative study that used an electronic questionnaire to collect data from the respondents.

Synliggörandet av skönlitteraturen: exponering som förmedlingsmetod på folkbibliotek

The aim of this study is to examine the fiction promoting role of public librarians through their fiction displays. The study covers three problems: What reasons do public librarians give for their selection of displayed fiction? How do public librarians view fiction displays in relation to other promotion strategies? How do public librarians think that promotion through fiction displays will evolve in the future?The results of the study have been analyzed using Jofrid Karner Smidt?s theory of how public librarians view their promotion of fiction. The concepts used are promotion due to public demand, actively recommending and informative promotion, and through dialogue. To account for the problems investigated in the study, eight librarians have been questioned through semi-structured interviews.

Motivation till motion och upprätthållande av motionsvanor, en studie kring hälsoprojekten på Albany International

The specified purpose was, based on gender, age and type of employment, study the employees motivation to participate in health projects and their reason to maintain exercise Habits after the termination of the health projects. Exercise frequency was studied in relation to the other background variables. A revised version of the questionnaire Motivation for Maintenance of Exercise Habits (Josefsson, 2005) was distributed at Albany International, Halmstad. The most frequent cause to exercise was ?enhance my condition?.

"Inte som alla andra" : En kvalitativ studie om en grupp vuxna med Asperger syndrom

Normal children acquire the necessary social Habits without being consciously aware of this, they learn instinctively. (Author?s translation from Swedish to English) (Asperger & Frith, 1998, s. 21) This essay is about people who do not learn to socialize, the social Habits, instinctively but through conscious learning. We have interviewed three adults with the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome with the aim to let them tell us about what it means to have a neuropsychiatric disability.

Ungdomars kunskaper om dental erosion och deras konsumtionsvanor av sura drycker- en enkätstudie i åk 2 vid en gymnasieskolaAdolescents? knowledge of dental erosion and their consumption habits of soft drinks -a questionnaire study among secondary school

The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of dental erosion and the consumption Habits of soft drinks among secondary school students. Differences between the sexes should also be investigated. The study consisted of 102 students, 60 women and 42 men, in the eleventh grade from a school in the south of Sweden. A questionnaire with 25 questions, divided in two parts with focus on knowledge respective consumption pattern and behaviour, was handed out and collected by the authors. The data showed that more than 50% of the participants had knowledge about dental erosion.

Ung och full : en kvantitativ studie om ungas riskbruk av alkohol

Recent statistic shows that about 28% of adolescents living in Stockholm drink alcohol at such a high level that their consumption counts as risky drinking. The correct term to use in this matter would be binge drinking adolescents.  In the more wealthy areas of Stockholm this group of binge drinking adolescents counts for as much as a third of the population. In contrast, the adolescents living in exposed areas do not drink nearly as much. Binge drinking adolescents in these areas only counts for 15%, nearly half as much as in the wealthy areas.In light of this the intentions of this study is to investigate which explanatory factors that can clarify the range-rated differences in binge drinking between adolescents in Stockholm.

Ungdomars läsvanor och hur vi skulle kunna inspirera ungdomar att läsa mer skönlitteratur

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to try to find out how young people's reading Habits among students look at different types of secondary school, ie. both theoretical and practical, and what factors might encourage them to read more. My questions have been; do young people read today? Is there any difference between city, gender or program? What can a teacher do to inspire young people to read more? I have made a questionnaire survey among different students at two different high schools in Skaraborg. The first school is a high school located in a medium sized town, where I made inquiries to the scientific program, social program, Business and Administration Program and the Electricity Program.

?Vad gör bibblan på Facebook?? En studie av ungdomars uppfattningar om bibliotekens marknadsföring och kommunikation i sociala medier

The purpose of this study is to examine young people?s opinions about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes. There are three research questions: What do young people think about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes? Do they want to interact with libraries in social media and, if so, in what way? Are their opinions and their will to interact influenced by what kind of relationship they have with libraries, their reading Habits, and whether or not they use libraries? digital services? Prior research is divided into three themes: library development, marketing, and young people. The theoretical framework is made up of a combination of relationship marketing, using Evert Gummesson?s three catchwords relationships, networks, and interaction, and the engagement pyramid, as depicted by Brit Stakston.

12-åringars kunskap om karies, munhygienvanor, kostvanor samt erfarenhet av tobak

A tendency of impaired oral health has lately been seen among children and adolescents. The consumption of soft drinks and fruit juices is rising and at the same time many children and adolescents skip breakfast and lunch at school. That in combination with a frequent snacking increases the risk of caries. The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge of caries, oral hygiene- and dietary Habits and experience of tobacco among 12-year-old schoolchildren. The study was performed in 5th grade in four different schools in the North East of Skåne in cooperation with the dental health board clinic in Näsby, Kristianstad.

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