

365 Uppsatser om Habits - Sida 22 av 25

Förskolors inställning till och användning avstadens natur :

This master thesis is made in co-operation with the Department of Forest Management and Products at the Swedish University of Agriculture in Uppsala and the Forestry Association in Stockholm. The purpose of the Master thesis was to describe how pre-schools in Sweden use forests and green areas, and to understand how different factors can affect the use of the nature. The purpose of the interviews was to create a picture of attitudes and routines of the pre-schools, in the matter of visiting the nature. The thesis is built on interviews where fifteen pre-schools in five large cities around Sweden participated. Among these pre-schools, five of them worked with special focus on nature, while the other ten did not have any particular focus connected to their activity.

The Never Ending Story : En läroplansteoretisk studie om GY11-reformens påverkan ur ett lärarperspektiv

New national curriculums are issued in order to change the present state of the educational system in a nation. In 2011 the old curriculum, the Läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna (LPF94) was replaced by the Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011 (GY11). As future teachers we are interested in how a new curriculum affects the work of teachers concerning planning, teaching and examination from the teacher?s point of view.We conducted interviews with five teachers working at upper secondary schools (16-19 year olds) in Kalmar county. Our theoretical framework is based on curriculum theory and concepts of Leonard Bernstein: framing and classification.

Svenska sojabönor - finns marknadsmöjligheter?

The large-scale soy cultivation has negative consequences for the habitat of local populations because of the intensive use of pesticides and the destruction of rain forests and eco-systems. GM soya, varieties are often used. The majority of Swedish people, however, do not want GM products in their food. It will be hard in future to ensure GM free food, particularly foods that come from countries where GM crops are grown on a large scale. It is very difficult to avoid cross- contamination when both GM and non-GM crops are grown in the same area.

Allergifritt boende genom val av invändiga ytmaterial

The number of people of getting allergic symptoms is increasing and the reasons are considered to be many. The human have changed their Habits and spend more time indoor. In combination with new building technologies where denser housing constructions and new materials this causes bad indoor climate contributes to a higher occurrence of allergiesThere are several courses of action to deal with this problem. One action is by choosing allergy-free interior surface materials. An allergy-free material emits low concentrations of harmful substances resulting in a great indoor air quality.

Vanans makt : En kritisk granskning av Pierre Bourdieus bidrag till aktör-strukturdebatten genom George Herbert Meads tänkande

The purpose of this essay is to critically review Pierre Bourdieus contribution to agency ? structure debate. I will do this with help from the thinking of George Herbert Mead. My aim is to show that Mead can provide valuable knowledge to Bourdieus theory.Pierre Bourdieus notion of habitus is his solution to the dilemma between agency and structure. It is in the habitus that the objective structures meet the inner, subjective structures and this results in various actions.

för att förstå tänker jag på arabiska Arabisktalande barns möte med litteraturen i skolbiblioteket, en intervjustudie med åttaåringar och elvaåringar

The purpose of this study is to the increase knowledge and understanding of the meeting between children with Arabian as native language and a Swedish school library. The study is made as a qualitative investigation built on interviews with eight-year-olds and eleven-year-olds. Only the childrens needs and views are considered. The study is centred on twelve key issues and aims to document the childrens thoughts and views of reading as well as their reading Habits and their use of the school library. Through the childrens own words their evaluation of reading and literature, their abilities to assimilate the text and their de facto use of the books can be known.

Dogs on the move : a study of the travel habits of Swedish dogs and their owners? awareness of infectious diseases.

ABSTRACTThe principal aim of the study was to compare the feeding behaviour of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture and explain any differences between speices. Furthermore, I compared foraging behaviour between dry season and the beginning of the rainy season, in order to see any relationships between weather and behaviour.The study was carried out in Shompole in southern Kenya. Behavioural data were collected by observing herds of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture. The livestock were herded on pasture during the days and kept in bomas, where people live, during the nights. The weather in Shompole is characterized by high ambient temperature and low, bimodal rainfall.

Läs mig : Att omarbeta längre texter ur dagstidningen för webben

Most swedish newspapers have a homepage where their news are presented. Existing guidelines describing how to write for the web often recommends you to keep it short and stay objective. But how about longer pieces of content presented in the print version? What will become of reports, interviews and essays as we?ve come to know them as the printed newspaper goes digital?Interviews with representatives of five swedish newspapers shows that the extent to wich content is being published on the web is connected to the overall purpose of the web presence. The fact that many newspapers does not publish longer pieces of text on the web rather seems to be an economic issue, than a matter of good readability.Past studies shows that longer pieces of text may well work on the web, if the reader?s interest is big enough.

Konsumenternas köpvanor inom olika försäljningskanaler : Skillnader mellan konsumenter som handlar i fysiska butiker, onlinebutiker samt inom brick and click

In Sweden today, the consumers have the opportunity to use the different sales channels; physical store, online store and brick and click, a combination of both. For the past decade, the use of ecommerce has spread tremendously and the fashion industry is one of the top three industries in this category. This, together with the growth of technology, have created new opportunities for consumers during their online shopping. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between consumers who use physical store, online store or both. This study aims to look into consumers' shopping Habits within these sales channels and factors that are affecting them.

PRESTIGE, KARRIÄR OCH OPEN ACCESS Forskares syn på publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter

Dissatisfaction with the current market for scientific publishing, dominated by a few large publishers able to obtain high subscription fees, gave birth to the Open Access movement. One problem for the Open Access movement, which aims at making research results freely available, is that scientists are reluctant to publish in journals that are free on the Internet, so called Open Access journals. This master's thesis aims at showing how scientists reason about their own publishing in scientific journals. It is investigated which factors are important when scientist decide on which journals to send their articles. The aim is to increase the understanding of scientists' views on Open Access.Six interviews were conducted with scientists in Biomedicine at Lund University.

Stress och välmående i restaurangbranschen : Sex gymnasielevers uppfattning om restaurangbranschens sociala arbetsmiljö och utbildningens förberedelse för den

Most swedish newspapers have a homepage where their news are presented. Existing guidelines describing how to write for the web often recommends you to keep it short and stay objective. But how about longer pieces of content presented in the print version? What will become of reports, interviews and essays as we?ve come to know them as the printed newspaper goes digital?Interviews with representatives of five swedish newspapers shows that the extent to wich content is being published on the web is connected to the overall purpose of the web presence. The fact that many newspapers does not publish longer pieces of text on the web rather seems to be an economic issue, than a matter of good readability.Past studies shows that longer pieces of text may well work on the web, if the reader?s interest is big enough.

Studenters upplevelse av vad som påverkar studenters sömnvanor

Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan är ett folkhälsoproblem som sträcker sig genom alla åldersgrupper. Psykisk ohälsa är som störst bland unga mellan 16-24 år där problem med sömnen är en del av det psykiska välbefinnandet.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka studenters upplevelse av vad som påverkar sömnvanor vid högre studier.Metod: Det genomfördes intervjuer med sex stycken studerande i åldrarna 20-30 år på en högskola i sydvästra Sverige. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades ordagrant och sedan analyserades dem. Analysmetod som valdes var temaanalys där tre stycken teman framkom. Hänsyn togs till de etiska aspekterna och även informerat samtycke av deltagarna.

Mötet med föräldrar till överviktiga barn : En intervjustudie ur barnhälsovårdssköterskans perspektiv

Background: Overweight in children is a growing problem around the world. Studies has shown that children suffering from overweight, are at a greater risk to remain overweight as adults as well. Child health care nurses have an important task by trying to motivate parents to better diet and exercise Habits for their children. Previous research proves that overweight and obesity in children is a very complex problem which requires a good caring relationship between child health care nurses and parents.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to illuminate the experiences of child health care nurses of meeting parents of overweight children.Method: An inductive qualitative approach was used as method. The collection of data was conducted by using semi-structured interviews.

Silva Quattro-S : Utveckling av träningsprodukt med multifunktion

In the spring of 2009 Silva Sweden AB was contacted for a collaboration within the scope of a MasterThesis project. The company had discussed the possibility to develop a device that monitors usermovement during different types of exercise. The objective of this Master Thesis has therefore been todevelop and design a multi training device that records the user?s physical performance during severalactivities. The purpose of the thesis project has been to use scientific methods for product development inorder to design a multi device that supplements Silva?s range of products.The project followed a product development process divided into four phases; Market Analysis, ConceptCreation, Concept Development and Construction.

Marknadsföring i podcast

Podcast is a new audio media in Sweden and has become larger and increasingly more popular in the past few years. In line with this, companies have seen the opportunity to use this type of marketing in the new coveted media and have created a new marketing tool in the form of sponsorship. Previous studies in this field indicate that this is a very effective method to reach a broad audience, but it still is a relatively new area with very little research in existence today. This study is an analysis of how receptive listeners are to marketing through podcasts and the ability companies have to create a sustainable and effective strategy for successful marketing through this type of medium. The collection of data for this study consists of two different qualitative interviews, the first one with listeners that were chosen, and the second with the sponsor company for two of the largest podcasts in Sweden. The essay´s empirical evidence shows how receptive listeners are to marketing via podcasts, what their podcast Habits look like, what form of approach in marketing they prefer, and how often they take part in different offers. From the interviews with listeners and sponsoring companies in the study, it is concluded that the best and most effective strategy for marketing through podcasts is to weave advertising in the conversation and therefore increase the credibility and disturb the listener as little as possible.

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