

365 Uppsatser om Habits - Sida 11 av 25

Kvinnors roller i det vikingatida samhället : Spår av kvinnor i text och ting

This paper deals with rights of women and their social role during the Viking Age. The method is to compare things and written material.In the written material, three cases of rape have been identified. How each of these cases where looked upon differs; legally the punishment for rape was exile. Violence against wives implied their right to divorce, whereby they were entitled to take with them a great part of the family´s capital, namely their dowry and morning gift.A husband and wife did not inherit each other but a widow could inherit from her children if they died without offspring.Women buried in boat graves indicate that they had a function or were closely involved in the cult. From two graves, the Aska Grave and the Oseberg Grave, the findings can be interpreted as indicating a change in the social behaviour.

Att åka berg- och dalbana : en resa från barndom till vuxenliv med fyra vuxna barn till missbrukare

The aim of this degree project is to find out how people who have grown up in families with addiction problems have experienced their childhood and how their adult life has been affected by this. With the help of qualitative interviews with four grown up children to addicts, knowledge has been gained about what was experienced as problematic during childhood, what was beneficial and compensatory as well as how they feel today. The results have shown that their childhood was affected by a deficiency in the ability to parent, weak networks, adjusting, responsibility, a feeling of being left out and few positive experiences. Factors that have been protective are: important people, interests as well as attitude. In adult life many Habits from childhood remain.

Läsundervisning på mellanstadiet : En studie om svensklärares arbete och förutsättningar att stimulera elevers läsglädje

This thesis aims to study how teachers develop pupils' motivation to read. Using qualitative interviews, three Swedish middle school teachers describe their experiences regarding pupils' motivation to read. They comment on how they attempt to stimulate motivation and the conditions and circumstances they experience while carrying out their work. As a basis for the teacher interviews, their pupils completed a web based survey about how they value reading as an activity and how they see themselves as readers. An analysis of the interviews raises several issues for discussion: pupils have different needs, good readers are described through their abilities, not through their experiences or reading Habits, and teachers feel they can be limited to implement the teaching they think is necessary to promote reading abilities.

AFK : chatt- och SMS-språk på väg in i klassrummet?

The new technology brings new opportunities for the language. The language, which is used when chatting or messaging, is full of linguistic devices, which facilitates writing and saves time and space. The purpose of my investigation is to find out if the chat- and- messaging- language is affecting the students' way of writing in school.To find out about this I have examined 79 essays written by students in grade 9 during the national test 2006. I have also to found out if the occurrence of these features differed between boys and girls. In addition, I have let the same students who have written the essays answer questions regarding their chatting- and messaging- Habits.The conclusions I have attained through my investigation shows that 58 % of the students are using features which are typical in chat and messaging language.

A Cup of Tea Please - a studie of cultural representation in English textbooks

The aim of this essay is to study how cultures are presented in English textbooks for A-level students in Sweden. The aim is divided into three research questions, what does culture in English teaching mean, how is the English-speaking world presented in the textbooks and is the image that is presented stereotyped or does it try to challenge it? The study comprises of four textbooks from 1998-2008. The theoretical frame used in the essay is Edward Said?s Orientalism.

Hur ser män på kvinnliga karaktärer i dataspel? : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning

My choice of topic for this essay is the Habits of television and computer gaming among young men; mostly their opinion of male and female objectives. My vision of this, being a woman, I often think of the possibilities men have of choosing games where the female characters, in my opinion, often are exposed in a degrading way. To my help I have earlier works on the topic by media scientist Mary Flanagan as the leading authority. She writes much of the character of Lara Croft, and the way she could be an icon for the computer gaming girls of today, despite she is having a stereotypical body shape. I even want to briefly share my thoughts of the always imminent discussion about media panicking; and whether gaming giving the players positive or negative influences.

Ungdomars attityder till det omgivande samhället : En enkätstudie av 35 ungdomars attityder analyserat utifrån socioekonomiska faktorer, uppväxtmiljö samt fritidsvanor

Youths tend to have a bad reputation. Their outspokenness and spontaneity are two of many reasons to why they are seen as rude and disrespectful. The creativity, curiosity and not least the courage to have opinions and attitudes are in such young age not yet weakened. Youths, their thoughts and attitudes change quickly. This essay will deal with a selected group of youths and their attitudes to the surrounding society.

Avtalsgodkännande på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie kring varför den enskilda individen ignorerar det elektroniska avtalet

Around the year 2007, several news segments appeared in the Swedish media with focus on the social website Facebook. At the time, an increasing number of people in Sweden started to join the social platform and accepted the terms of contract to get access of the website, without further consideration of what they were agreeing to. This resulted in some private individuals felt violated when it turned out that major points of the contract entail that user?s private information, photos, videos and other publications that was shared on the website, were considered property of Facebook cooperation. Even though this incident made users more aware of what they should, and should not publish on the website, the episode did not result in users closing there accounts on Facebook.

Stridsyxor eller båtyxor : En diskussion om symboliken och dess betydelse

My intention with this paper is to try to understand the meaning of the double sex symbols which can be identified on a number of Neolithic so called battle axes from the region round the lake Mälaren in Sweden. My conclusions are drawn after having studied a number of archaeological thesises. I have realized that the society was egalitarian from what is said about the funeral Habits since women and men were buried with the same care. Ceramics from the Skogsmossen site show a very long continuity over 15-20 generations. These facts indicate a peaceful society without traumatic breaks where knowledge would have been lost.

Stress och alkoholbruk : En studie om manliga och kvinnliga chefer på en socialförvaltning i Skåne

Occupational stress and the use of alcohol to reduce stress are both separately common in our society. A few researchers have combined the two factors.The aim of this essay was to obtain an increased understanding of how male and female managers estimate their alcohol Habits in relation to their occupational stress.We have interviewed nine managers who work at a social services department in Scania. Our main theories were the theory of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and cultural perspective.Our results were;· Psychosocial work environment contributes to if the interviewed people experienced stress at work.· The grade of control has great influence if the interviewed people experience stress.· There weren't any correlation between stress and increased consumption of alcohol..

Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars hälsa

In the age group 16-25 years, the Internet is the most powerful source of information. This age group is also the main user of social media. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people's experience of social media and any associations between social media and adolescents health by answering the questions: ?how does young people use social media?, ?what risks can occur in young people's use of social media? and ?how can social media influence young people's lifestyles?. The survey was conducted by a quantitative cross-sectional study using questionnaires.

"Men det är väl en vanesak" : En intervjustudie kring lokaltidningen i läsplattan

The objective of this study was to investigate how the local newspaper readers felt about reading the local newspaper in a tablet device, such as the iPad. We wanted to study the attitudes from consumers towards tablets and if the traditional local newspaper can be substituted with a tablet device. We decided to use qualitative interviews as our method. The selection of respondents was based upon age, whether or not they had a subscription and if they owned a tablet device or not. We accomplished fifteen interviews with respondents living within the area where the newspapers of Barometern and Oskarshamnstidningen are spread. The study shows that the majority of the respondents who already had a subscription tended to lack interest in changing their traditional newspaper consumption. Their Habits of reading the local news on paper were strong.

Skönlitteratur, inköp och folkbibliotek ? en kvalitativ ansats

The aim of this thesis is to examine the Swedish public libraries acquisition processes when it comes to fiction for adults. The thesis focus on how the librarians responsible for acquiring view literary quality when they manage their collections and how their views coincide with that of the user?s explicit wishes. Furthermore this thesis looks at the librarians reading Habits and how they coincide with that of their perceived users.The study uses literature pedagogic perspective theory to see how the librarians look at fiction and what they value in it. In order to get answers six librarians have been interviewed in this study that uses a qualitative approach to getting answers.

Skrylleområdet - naturupplevelse som motivation till motion? :

Our lives in urban areas are becoming more and more inactive with negative effects on our mental and physical health. Natural environments and physical activity have the power to both prevent and reduce mental fatigue. Meanwhile we engage ourselves with physical activity, the nature fascinates us with its complexity. In April 2006, some of the visitors to the recreational area of Skrylle were asked to fill in a questionnaire which included questions about their Habits within physical activity and the experience of nature. The questionnaires were then divided into two groups: those filled out by persons who exercise on regular basis (i.e. three or several times/week) and those who rarely exercise.

Mobil handel, tillit & sociala medier : En kvalitativ undersökning i hur sociala medier påverkar tillitsskapandet i samband med mobil handel

Our consumption Habits are today under development and alteration. The market for mobile commerce is increasing, as well as the use of social networks with mobile devices. This relatively new approach to online shopping requires that retailers adjust to new strategies related to trust issues. The purpose of this study is to examine how social networks affect the establishment of trust between retailers and customers in mobile commerce. We investigate what kind of strategies retailers apply in order for consumers to gain trust in the mobile environment.

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