

7 Uppsatser om Habitation - Sida 1 av 1

Den medeltida bebyggelsen i Kungsgårdsområdet i Gamla Uppsala

The intent with this paper is to investigate the medieval Habitation in central Old Uppsala. This time-period has over the years been neglected. Therefore I wish to summarize and ana-lyze the medieval Habitation to see what can be said about its continuity, and also to investi-gate why it is located in certain areas.Due to the amount of source material I have limited my investigation area to the central Old Uppsala. It is possible that this limitation will affect the result of the research but without the limitations the investigation area would have been too large to handle.The source material has been collected from excavation reports and the summarized. My theory is material culture and material agency.

Hållbar stadsutveckling genom förnyelse : med utgångspunkt i miljonprogrammets Gårdsten

In Sweden and in the rest of the world we face the problem how to create a sustainable development. At the same time the Swedish million program, a housing program made in the 1960:s and 1970:s, is facing a renewal due to lack of maintenance during many years. An attempt to join these two interests has been made in the residential area of Gårdsten north of Gothenburg. This paper is a case study to review the project and its approach to the sustainability concept. The purpose is to spread knowledge about the problems that can arise. By studying documentation about the reconstruction I have analyzed the approach that has been used. The housing company?s starting point was user participation and an intention to make the changes visible.

GRÖNYTEFAKTOR I ETT NYTT PERSPEKTIV - Går ekosystemtjänster att mäta med fjärranalys?

Due to an increased population in cities the need of densification of cities increases. This means that the amount of ecological elements in the city is at risk of decreasing. Ecological services contribute to the city?s climate by softening the negative impacts that densification of cities means. Thus increases the will and ambition in city planning in to preserve greenery.This is an interdisciplinary thesis within the subject of geography that studies Biotope Area Factor (BAF), a planning tool that is used in city planning with the purpose of compensating for lost ecological services associated with new housing estate.

Hjortpark, kronoskog och ladugård : En bebyggelseundersökning av Skyttsie Hage på Skanörs ljung

This essay is about a deserted medieval Habitation called Skyttsie Hage which is located in the south of Sweden in the Scania province where it lies on a moor on the Falsterbopeninsula. Remains of five to six larger buildings have been found here with a surrounding earthwork, although it's not known for sure what kind of Habitation they have been part of. Local folklore from the 17:th century states the area as a place where pirates lived, and that this was the reason for it's devastation. Another says that there once stood a breedingfarm belonging to the danish crown. Archaeologists have made several speculations which includes a deer park, a royal estate, an isolated farm or a smaller village.

Karlstad Vision 100 000 och dess implementering för Karlstads Elnät AB 2011-2015

The town of Karlstad has a long term project called Vision 100 000 which aim is to increase the population towards 100 000 inhabitants. This will of course put a strain for the town?s energy distribution grid. This is a work about trying to predict the grids power usage would be for the next five years if the city building plan is finalized. Those predictions are mainly going to be done through calculations with a database program called Facilplus and by checking the measured history of power usage per hour on certain selected customers by the program CustCom.

Med existensen i ett språkligt rum : Om relationen mellan språk och existens i Göran Tunströms roman Skimmer

Captured in the room of Göran Tunström?s spoken language, fenced behind his barrier of manic words. This essay is about the limit of language and world?s necessity to be spoken to be experience, about telling as a manufacturer of meaning and a subject?s motion between fiction and reality. Based on the novel Skimmer from 1996, my purpose is to identify ?a linguistic room? in Tunström?s narration and show how this room is given an existential character by its temporal and spatial dimensions.

Diskursanalys på den Etiopiska regeringens nationala handlingsplan om bekämpning av ökenspridning

In this paper discourse analysis on the Ethiopian National Action Program (NAP) to combat desertification is made. The aim is to describe how the overall image/picture of desertification, its causes, and effects and of possible solutions are presented in the NAP. The result of this analysis shows that the main cause of desertification is human activities mainly due to the poorly developed socio-economic situation in the dryland areas. It is indicated that an excessive dependency of the rural population on the natural resources, particularly land, is the major cause of land degradation and this deterioration of land is said to have been caused by the rapid population growth, overgrazing, forest clearing as well as past government and institutional failures. In addition it is indicated that the effect of desertification usually involves ecological changes that sap land of its ability to sustain agriculture and human Habitation, therefore the most serious threat to human welfare.