575 Uppsatser om Guide Michelin - Sida 31 av 39
Klassifikationens roll på www: en studie av webbmiljöns påverkan på klassifikationens principer och funktioner
Principles that guide how a classification system should be structured have existed for more than a century. Traditional classification principles can be of great value for the design of classification schemes directories on the web. However, there are differences between the library context in which these principles originated, and the web. This thesis aims at investigating how changes in the context of classification affect the application of traditional principles of classification on the web. Another purpose is to see what implications this has for the design of classification schemes on the web.
Value Stream Mapping över brevets väg i Uppsamlingsprocessen : En fallstudie på Postens brevterminal i Alvesta
Background: The demand for sending letters, in the traditional aspect, has decreased because of electronic sources which have replaced a big part of letter communication. The Postal Service constantly strives for lowering costs and due to the changeable demand, a greater awareness is required regarding recourses and their usage. The previously mentioned measures in combination with commonly occurring quality issues during the collective process at the letter terminal in Alvesta would be improved by applying a lean-perspective to the process. A first step towards saving of time is to apply the ?value stream mapping?-method on the collective process for small and large letters.Purpose: To map the process of collection for small and large letters to be able to identify waste of recourses and furthermore give suggestions on how the Postal Service would be able to reduce the waste of recourses identified.
How to work with parents of malnourished children: The experience of six Kenyan nurses
Background In Nyanza in western Kenya are 30,5% of children estimated as malnourished. It is a family situation that nurses often come in contact with. Therefore it is of interest to know how nurses work with parents of malnourished children when they have a significant role in developing the family's knowledge and child health. Aim. The aim is to investigate how nurses experience that they are working with parents of malnourished children.
Interkulturellt förhållningssätt i förskolan : ambitioner och paradoxer
Background: Sweden has become a society with a multicultural population. Many children start preschools with different backgrounds and experiences. Teachers today face the task of meet those children in the best way. Södertörn University has a special profile on their teacher education, the intercultural profile.Aims: My report focuses on teachers who have been working in preschools for about one to two years after graduating from the intercultural education at Södertörn University. The report aims at finding out more about their experiences and thoughts about the intercultural approach after having worked in the Swedish preschool with a special focus on the intersectional perspective on cultural phenomena class, gender and ethnicity.
"Säg aldrig till ditt barn att matematik är svårt" : Sex pedagogers tankar och resonemang kring sitt arbetssätt i matematikundervisning för elever i år F-6
There has been a lot of debate in media about mathematics teaching in grade school in Sweden. Many students experience that mathematics in grade school is abstract, which leads to decreased interest of mathematics in early years. An international study indicates that Swedish students in class 4 do not fulfill the mean for mathematics according to EU/OECD countries. The study also shows that Sweden practice a textbook driven education, compared to other countries. The aim for this study was to find out how a few pedagogues for class F-6 teach mathematics, and why they have chosen to educate the way they do.
Vision eller Verklighet ? Vad säger kontoret om företaget som sitter där?
This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.
Munvård: Den eftersatta munvårdsaktiviteten
Vår allmänna litteraturöversikt baserades på artiklar avseende munvården hos äldre eller patienter som är beroende av hjälp. Dålig munhälsa kan leda till lidande och olika sjukdomstillstånd. Sjuksköterskors ansvarsområde omfattar munhälsan; de visade sig väl medvetna om dess inverkan på patientens livskvalitet. Undersökningarna visar olika brister: bristfälliga kunskaper hos vårdpersonalen, brister i vårdrutinerna samt tidsbrist. Vårdarnas motvilja och osäkerhet om patientens integritet och vårdtagarnas egna ointresse ända intill våldsamt motstånd bidrar till svårigheter.
Från uttalande till inslag: hur arbetar en utrikeskorrespondent vid Sveriges Radio?
Detta examensarbete är en undersökning om hur en utrikeskorrespondent vid Sveriges Radio arbetar, samtidigt som det ger en inblick i deras vardag och tankegångar. Det är även menat att vara en guide, främst för studerande inom radioproduktion och journalistik inom högre utbildning, som vill arbeta med utrikesrapportering för Sveriges Radio. För att få tillgång till information har nio av korrespondenterna, samt utrikeschefen, vid Sveriges Radio intervjuats. Vidare har jag även varit i Moskva, där jag följt och arbetat tillsammans med Fredrik Wadström, korrespondent för Sveriges Radio, för att själv kunna observera och uppleva hur en korrespondent arbetar. Vidare har relevant litteratur använts för att få en vetenskaplig grund i arbetet, bland annat interndokument från Sveriges Radio och välrenommerad litteratur inom ämnet.
Turism i filmens värld : En fallstudie rörande tv-serien "Morden i Midsomers" potential som turismprodukt
This essay notice film and TV-series as a resource, which can be utililized by the tourism industry. To be more concrete, the aim of this essay is to examine if and how the Television series ?Midsomer murders? can be utilized as a tourism product. To fulfill the purpose of this essay, two different methods have been used: the study off literature and a content analyses, the later in form of a picture & film analyses. The results of this study showed that ?Midsomer murders? have qualifications enough to be a successful tourism product.
Barnets rätt till försäkringsskydd : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av barnets möjligheter att täckas av privat och allmän försäkring
Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.
Modernisering av en fotbollsarena : Örjans Vall
The purpose of this study is to show the technical building requirements for modern arenas inSweden. The study will also create an understanding of how the requirements affect theSwedish football arenas which are affected by the regulations valid from 2014. As one of theSwedish football arenas there is Örjans Vall located in Halmstad. The aim of this study is todevelop alternative solutions regarding the technical problems Örjans Vall is facing 2014,when the new arena requirements for ?Svensk elitfotboll? are taken into use.
Bara en välkomstgrej? : Om förhållningssätt till sociala medier i kyrkan
Sociala medier får en allt viktigare roll i samhället. Detta gäller även för organisationer och där implementerandet av dessa medier innebär att kommunikationen med organisationens medlemmar övergår från att vara en monolog till att istället anta formen av en dialog. En av dessa organisationer som nyligen börjat använda sociala medier är Svenska kyrkan. Detta är en organisation som till stor del präglas av traditionellt tänkande, men som samtidigt har som mål att sprida sitt budskap. Enligt denna studies antagande styrs dock förhållningssättet till de sociala medierna av både hur man ser på lärande, men även hur man uppfattar teknikens påverkan på omvärldens utveckling.
Implementera en guide för allmänna transporter med buss på mobiltelefoner med Java 2 Micro Edition
Detta examensarbete går ut på att ta fram en applikation, avsedd för mobiltelefoner, där man på ett enkelt sätt kan få reda på avgångarna för Dalarnas kollektivtrafik. Det stigande bensinpriset och bilåkningens negativa miljöpåverkan ligger som grund till att Etex AB och Balanz AB vill undersöka om det går att få människor att välja bussen framför personbilen. Om man genom denna applikation kan underlätta planeringen av människors dagliga resor, hur påverkas då valet av fortskaffningsmedel?Resultatet blev en applikation där man, via sin mobiltelefon, bland annat kan ta reda på avgångar för utvalda linjer av Dalatrafiks bussar, hantera linjekartor och synkronisera avgångar med telefonens kalender. Alla tidtabeller sparas i telefonen för att minska nätverkstrafiken och för att informationen enkelt ska kunna återanvändas.Dalatrafik är det företag som ansvarar för kollektivtrafiken i Dalarna.
Hur man blåser liv i en slumrande organisation : En studie om organisationsutveckling och hälsopromotivt arbete
This is an essay about health promotion and organisation development. The problem concerning all health issues that can be tied to work related illnesses has long been a problem in Sweden. For example did this problem alone cost the Swedish government 25 million crones a day between the years 2000-2001. This is a major issue and there is lots of money to save in this area. This is why we wanted to research how to promote health by changing the structure of the selected company.
Ledningsarbetet hos ett krisföretag : en analys av ledningens hantering av en ekonomisk kris
Almost every company sooner or later ends up in a more or less difficult economical situation. The reason for the economical crisis varies for each individual case but common for them all is that it is the management group that has failed in their work to guide the organisation to avoid a negative result. The next common denominator is that it is the management group that has to handle the changes in the company's environment and lead the company out of the crisis. But how can they do this and take decisions in a rational and effective way and is there warnings signals that the management group missed before the crisis was a fact? This is
some of the questions that this study is going to discuss and analyze.
The aim of the study is from a management perspective chart the strategic work of the company's management work when handling an economical crisis.