575 Uppsatser om Guide Michelin - Sida 29 av 39
Myten om användaren - En studie av användardiskursen och dess visionärer
The myth of the user - a study of the user discourse and its visionariesThis study is a discourse analysis of the visions that implicitly are expressed in different texts about user-centered library theory. Several other studies have analyzed the discourse and conceptualization of how the user is expressed in the library debate. Therefore we have chosen to analyze the visions that are expressed by three different sources: the evaluation of the Swedish GÖK project, which was an reorganization of three different libraries in Sweden (Greenhalgh, Worpole & Landry 1995). The influential book by Michael E. Casey and Laura C.
Arboga möter miljöutmaningar och klimatförändringar
Municipalities in Sweden are responsible for physical planning by developing a general plan. This plan contains intended land and water use for the area. This study aims to investigate the level of integration of environmental issues in the general plan of Arboga municipality and also how well adapted the municipality is for climate change. Further on, the study intends to examine the focus of the general plan and at what rate the national environmental strategies are implemented in the local physical planning of Arboga municipality. Methods used for this study are interviews and reviewing of the general plan itself and other key documents.
Militärteoretiska principer för amfibieoperationer : en teoriprövande och jämförande studie med utgångspunkt i två historiska amfibieoperationer
Det ställs stora krav på den militära organisationen vid genomförandet av en amfibieoperation. Denna uppgift är något som den svenska försvarsmaktens amfibiekår ej har förmåga till att lösa ut inom ramen för vår organisation. I framtiden ställs det krav på att den svenska amfibiekåren skall kunna vara delaktig i en multinationell expeditionär landstigningsstyrka. Sverige saknar dock doktriner och en militärteoretisk grund för amfibieoperationer. För att tillhandahålla en sådan teoretisk grund avser författaren att använda sig av den brittiska militärteorin för vad en amfibieoperation kräver.
Onyx - Helautomatiserad trygghet i hemmet
SammanfattningDet kan finnas miljö- och hälsofarliga ämnen i olika material och produkter som används vid om- och nybyggnationer. De kan finnas i till exempel betong, golvmaterial, isolering, lim och fog, plast, spackel, färg och lack. Kemikalieinspektionen har en PRIO- guide där utfasningsämnen, ämnen som har så allvarliga egenskaper att de inte bör användas och riskminskningsämnen, ämnen som ska ges särskild uppmärksamhet finns inlagda. Dessa typer av ämnen finns markerade i SundaHus databas där materialen får bedömningen A-D beroende på innehåll och egenskaper. Region Jämtland Härjedalen vill minska på dessa ämnen i sina lokaler.
?Söker du en perfekt vän så lär du bli utan? ? En kvalitativ studie om konflikter i kvinnliga vänskapsrelationer.
Tema: Konflikthantering mellan vännerSyfte: Att undersöka bakgrunden och förekomsten för hur konflikter tar sig uttryck i vänskapsrelationer samt hur konflikter hanteras i deras relation. Studien tar även upp respondenternas tankar kring kön och ålders inverkan av vänskapsrelationen.Frågeställningar: Vilken betydelse får konflikter och hur hanteras dem i en vänskapsrelation? Vad kännetecknar de konflikter som uppstår i vuxnas vänskapsrelationer? Vad anser respondenterna vara orsakerna vara till att en konflikt uppstår i en vänskapsrelation?Teorianknytning: Intervjupersonernas berättelser analyserades med hjälp av tre teorier vilka utgjordes av Konfliktteori, Anknytningsteori samt Kommunikationsteori. Metod: Studie är av deskriptiv karaktär, vi har valt att göra en kvalitativ studie vilket är en bättre metod för att fånga erfarenheter och betydelser utifrån respondenternas vardag. Med hjälp av en intervjuformulär-guide undersöks kvinnors upplevelser av deras vänskapsrelationer med betoning på konflikter och relation.Resultat: Vi kan utifrån vårt resultat urskilja att respondenternas beskrivningar av vad som är en bra vän innehåller både beteenden och egenskaper.
Medling enligt föräldrabalken (FB) : En studie om domarnas syn på medling
This paper is based on a study seeking answers to questions about how the judges at district courts look at mediation as a way to deal with custody and visitation disputes between parents who do not live together. The questions posed in this study are: When is a mediator appointed? What result do judges expect to mediation? What do the judges say about how a mediator should work? What are the judge?s opinions about the lawyer?s role in these cases? Finally, how do the judges define the children?s needs and how do the judges check that the solution is best for the child? The study also aims to compile theories of mediation, to create new knowledge and to possibly develop new research questions related to mediation. The study is a qualitative case study with law sociological and abductive approach. The interviewed judges all have a lot of experience in family law cases.
Vad håller vi på med? En kartläggning av kommunikationsprocessen kring kampanjen "Vad håller du på med?"
The aim of this thesis is to use Gabriel Tardes theories concerning imitation, repetition and the public opinion as a way of understanding how transmedial communication develops over time. This involves a study of social media, traditional press and public organizations in relation to each other. The campaign, What are you doing? (Vad håller du på med?, 2013), launched by the Swedish military as a way of drafting more soldiers, is used as an example of how the theories can be applied to help us understand connections, patterns and social behavior in the rapid mutation and viral spreading of information. By discussing the campaign and its effects, the ambition is to give an understanding of how a campaign of this scale could be planned for and structured.
Gymnasieelevers upplevelser av hälsoprojekt : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie
Studies show that children?s and adolescents health decreases, especially the mental health. There are today many health methods that flourish in the school area. Methods that is external and used as individual interventions and methods that have the intention to integrate health in all aspects of the school curriculum.Research on health projects often show what the intervention or method has produced. Few studies have been found who discuss the pupil?s own experience regarding health projects.
Extra, extra läsvärt? : Vad användare säger om förmedlingen av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek
Mediation of fiction for adult users in Swedish public libraries is a subject which has been little studied from a theoretical perspective. The motivation for this thesis was based on this realization, and the opinion that actual library users too seldom get their voices heard in library and information science-research. The thesis analyzes interviews with seven library users in which they have been asked to talk about the librarys work with mediating fiction. The answers are analyzed using a discourse analytic approach to see how the librarys work with mediating fiction is constructed in the users talk.Two main discourses are identified, one authoritative and one neutral. In the authoritative discourse librarians are talked of as experts who have the knowledge to guide users to the ?right? literature.
Att tala och att komma till tals : En undersökning om vilka som kom till tals i 1940 års skolutredning
The purpose of this study is to examine who were given the opportunity to express their opinions in the government proposition concerning the future of the school system ? particularly regarding the proposal that pupils do compulsory military service - submitted to the Swedish parliament 21 March 1941. Our focus is mainly on three parts of the proposition: the proposal to introduce shooting- and grenade practice for all pupils, the proposal to introduce an obligatory military leadership training course for teachers and the proposal to introduce an obligatory summer camp for all pupils.Using primarily a qualitative method we examine how different opinions and views are expressed in the statements and utterances responding to the pending proposition and who the responders are. We will attempt to clarify who were considered to be undisputed authorities and experts, and whose opinions, for that reason, carried a lot of weight in the decision making process, comparing them to the statements and utterances submitted on a voluntary basis by non-experts. And finally, to what extent the opinions in the statements and utterances were allowed to guide the propositional work.Results show that the statements and utterances were submitted by authorities, chapter, county administrative boards and religious, non-profit and political organizations as well as different types of schools, representatives from the Board of Education and elementary school boards not a part of county councils or other types of associations.
Jakten på de optimala lösningarna : En vetenskaplig essä om förskollärarens ansvar och yrkesetik
Swedish childcare has undergone radical changes in the last 15 to 20 years. It has evolved from kindergarten to pre-school, in other words, gone from simple childcare to an active learning environment with the child as the center. Official documents, such as the pre-school curriculum and other guide documents, define the role and work ethics of the pre-school teacher. In my thesis I argue that it is essential to have an ongoing and continuous discussion at pre-schools on the practical applications of these frameworks and ambitious goals.What do you do when you simply cannot give every child the individual time they should have according to rules and regulations? How do you stay an active and present pedagogue in today?s pre-school with large classes and heavy workloads? How do you establish a common professional work ethics within a pre-school so that all children are treated equally? In my scientific essay, I examine these issues based on a real-life situation: Ellen in the hallway.A pedagogue must continuously make balanced decisions based on rules and regulations, on life- and work experience which, in many cases, contradict each other.
Den kvarlämnade mamman : När ett vuxet barn får cancer och dör. Seniora mammors upplevelse av sitt vuxna barns cancersjukdom och död
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva seniora mammors upplevelse av att förlora ett vuxet barn i samband med cancersjukdom. Fem mammor intervjuades om deras upplevelse av sjukdomstiden och tiden efter dödsfallet. Barnens ålder vid dödsfallen varierade mellan 31 och 48 år. En explorativ och beskrivande analysmetod, med inspiration från Glaser och Strauss grounded theory, har använts. Kärnkategori som framträdde ur materialet var en oplanerad tidsresa, både bakåt och framåt i tiden, mot ett främmande mål med ett behov av ressällskap och guide.
?Jag trodde i min värld att man skulle få hjälp? : - En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar upplever kuratorers hjälp och stöd.
Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.
Materialval ur hälso- och miljösynpunkt. : En ekonomisk jämförelse vid val av byggmaterial med Bedömning A i SundaHus.
SammanfattningDet kan finnas miljö- och hälsofarliga ämnen i olika material och produkter som används vid om- och nybyggnationer. De kan finnas i till exempel betong, golvmaterial, isolering, lim och fog, plast, spackel, färg och lack. Kemikalieinspektionen har en PRIO- guide där utfasningsämnen, ämnen som har så allvarliga egenskaper att de inte bör användas och riskminskningsämnen, ämnen som ska ges särskild uppmärksamhet finns inlagda. Dessa typer av ämnen finns markerade i SundaHus databas där materialen får bedömningen A-D beroende på innehåll och egenskaper. Region Jämtland Härjedalen vill minska på dessa ämnen i sina lokaler.
Det går som tåget : Organisationers kommunikativa krisutmaningar
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine different organizations' views on their communicative crisis work. The study will analyze organizations' crisis prevention efforts, its views on the crisis of accountability in relation to stakeholders and to work for a crisis to be elucidated. In order to delineate the study focuses the investigation on various train organizations. Then the concept of crisis is something that circulated widely in the train sector in recent years.Theory: This examination has chosen to use the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory. It is an empirically tested theory of a collection of different strategies.