575 Uppsatser om Guide Michelin - Sida 17 av 39
?? det är ju så jäkla frustrerande? - en kvalitativ undersökning av fysiskt aktiva individers upplevelser av socialt stöd i samband med träningsuppehåll efter en skada.
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to better understanding of the importance of social support for physically active individuals' experiences of training residence following an injury.The physical activity's impact on public health is well known. Increased physical activity also increases the risk of suffering an injury related to physical activity. The importance of social support for those individuals who suffer an injury related to physical activity is where increased knowledge is needed.Four interviews to were conducted using a thematic interview guide with the following themes: The experience of the training break, two sides of social support, several ways of dealing with the experience, the design of the support, Varied support providers relationship changes. The most important property of the individual who gave support was an experience similar to that of the injured individuals underwent. That, combined with the close relationship with the individual who gave support was seen as crucial to the experience of the social support role for the injured individual.The Conclusion was that social support is important for the experience of a break from exercise due to an injury related to physical activity..
Närståendes upplevelser vid akut kritisk sjukdom
AbstractBackground: When an acute illness or trauma occurs, life becomes disorganised and shattered for the critically ill person and his/her family members. The family members are confronted with thoughts about life and death which can cause stress and anxiety. How the family members cope with the crisis is individual and depending on personality and earlier experiences. Aim: The purpose of this literary review was to illustrate the family members´ experiences when dealing with a critically ill family member. Method: A literary review was made based on fifteen qualitative and quantitative scientific articles and a literary book.
PSQS ? Power Supply Quality Simulator
Kitron had wishes to be able to test and measure how disturbance affects their vehicle electronic units before they have been verified by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in Borås. This work started with the writing of a demand specification together with Kitron for a product PSQS, Power Supply Quality Simulator, which can generate some test pulses according to a standard for electronic units to Volvos vehicles. A design proposal was developed with the help the demand specification and was verified with the help of simulations. All electric schematics was designed with the guide of the design proposal. The pulses realized in the works of this thesis are those which Kitron experienced that they have a need to test in their own premises and which are possible to generate with the means available.
Framgångsrikt strategiarbete : ett arbete om visioner och strategier inom Region Gotland
The usage of visions and strategies is something that helps an organisation to create an imaginary scenario and guide them of how to realize these goals. During the years of 2006-2008 Region Gotland presented a document that was supposed to show the region's visions. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the stakeholder theory, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Management Control Systems Package (MCS). Personal interviews were conducted within the organisation Region Gotland, with individuals whom are directly linked to the visions and strategies of the organisation. The purpose of this study is to clarify the concepts of vision and strategy, and what their impact is on the organisation's work on the operation level.
Om stenar kunde spela. Framst?llningen av musiker och ljudlandskap p? Trajanuskolonnen
This thesis aims to explore the representations of musicians and soundscapes on the column of Trajan in Rome. While many different parts of the column have been explored thoroughly, the musicians are not such a part. As such, this thesis aims to explore this gap in research as well as explore how the soundscapes have been represented on the column. By sorting and grouping scenes with musicians into different groups, this thesis has been able to find patterns of representation such as musicians being represented in religious scenes more often than in military scenes and the fact that there seem to be some compositional overlap between the different groups in how the musicians are represented. Grounding the thesis in a theoretical approach that uses the presumed audience and their experiences as a guide for how to represent different scenes, it is argued that part of the reason for musicians being more present in religious scenes than in military ones is because the roman audience were more aware of the actual religious soundscapes.
Att arbeta med strategier och mål i en offentlig verksamhet : En fallstudie om strategiimplementering inom ett kommunalt bostadsbolag
Background: During the 2000s, there has been an increased interest in studying business management and strategy implementation with customer focus in public organisations. To achieve business goals it is important to continuously work with strategies to meet customerdemands for increased efficiency and service. Purpose: The aim of the essay is to examine how to work on strategy implementation in a municipal real estate company from a management perspective in order to achieve overall goals. Method: The study?s methodology is a case study based on qualitative telephone interviews that were conducted with representatives in managerial positions from various levels of the company.
Vad är hälsa och ohälsa på arbetsplats?
Introduction: Increased ill health in the workplace in terms of increased workload, stress and pressure from employers is common in Sweden today, which may lead to a future variety of medical conditions and disabilities. Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe what employees at companies in the health industry experienced as a health and illhealth on a workplace. Method: A qualitative approach was used in which the interviews were based on an interview guide. The method of analysis was thematic analysis in which three themes emerged. Results: Tree themes emerged; a social interaction with colleagues, good leadership, and access to health care and movement.
Nätverkande, Deltagande och Interaktion : en studie baserad på Turismbranschens brukande av Social Media
This study is based on an inductive approach where the collected empirical data has been categorized in themes on which we have based the discussion in this paper. Using a qualitative method, nine appropriately selected respondents were questioned with an unstructured interview guide. The transition to a society characterized by interaction has caused a greater part for bilateral communication between consumer and consumer but also between consumer and company. The increased usage and integration on Internet has resulted in so called social media channels. User generated material is published on these media channels which leads to discussions about companies, products and services.
Bergvärme och solenergi i flerbostadshus : En förstudie över Kv. Uppfarten
The society strives for sustainable development, in the construction industry it is expressed through sustainable building. Energy and LCC analyzes increases the ability to make conscious decisions in the process. A problem in the construction industry is that energy and LCC analysis is not used to the desired extent, as they are perceived as complicated and time consuming. The report aims to achieve a more sustainable building through increased use of energy and LCC analyzes.The goal is to show how BIM can be used to improve the efficiency of the energy and LCC analyzes.The study was conducted with a literature review and a case study to answer which information that is required in a BIM model to perform energy and LCC analyzes. The study also shows which software can be used in BIM based energy and LCC analyzes and how the analyzes can be carried out efficiently.The result shows that effective analyzes may be performed if the BIM-model contains the relevant information for making analyzes.
Framtagning av Drag&Drop klassbibliotek för WPF-baserat användargränssnitt
System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.
Teknikens fokus i förskolan : En intervjustudie för att undersöka teknikarbetets väg genom förskolornas planering, inspiration och miljöcertifiering
System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.
Hälsoinspiratörer : En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinspiratörer inom kommunal verksamhet upplever stöd och motivation i det hälsofrämjande arbetet
The workplace is perhaps the most developed arena for prevention of diseases and injuries among employees. In addition, according to the Swedish Work Environment Act, the employer is responsible to address physical and psychosocial risk factors. Moreover, many employers use health promotion, primarily related to individuals and their ambition to maintain or improve health, for example through dietary means and exercise. The aim of this study is to investigate health inspirers in municipal activities and their perceived support and motivation in work related to health promotion at the workplace. A qualitative method was chosen where six health inspirers within Ludvika kommun were interviewed.
Riktlinjer för mobil applikationsutveckling
Marknaden för mobila system har utvecklats enormt snabbt de senaste åren. Idag
är det ett område med en allt större omsättning och det har vuxit fram som en
helt ny gren inom Software Engineering. Utvecklare av mobila applikationer står
ständigt inför en utmaning när det gäller att välja vilket mobilt system man
ska satsa på när man utvecklar applikationer. Valet av system kan vara helt
avgörande för om man hittar rätt målgrupp av konsumenter och därmed kan
generera tillräckligt med omsättning för att driva lönsam utveckling av
applikationer. Det räcker inte att enbart kolla på vilket system som har mest
användare eller vilket system som genererar mest omsättning, utan man bör
noggrant överväga de förhållande som gäller för just den applikation som ska
Genom att följa denna guiden och överväga de olika faktorer som vi har
sammanställt så kan man som utvecklare göra ett val som är baserat på aktuella
Prestationsmått: Ett verktyg för styrning - eller en rapport bland alla andra. Om mellanchefers tillämpning av prestationsmått i styrningen av operativa enheter.
A performance measurement system can be used as a means to evaluate past performances and to communicate prioritizations. It has also been proposed that a performance measurement system can serve as a method to execute strategies, guide in operational decisions and constitute a tool for making the organization more efficient. Yet one may question if such a system will ever reach this capacity if operating managers do not utilize it as a management tool, but rather treat it as a mere report in the bunch. This paper explores how middle managers in fact apply performance measures and what obstacles there are to integrating them in the management of subunits. Furthermore it serves to investigate whether these managers experience a conflict between how they are expected to use the measures and what they deem possible to adopt.
Fantasymiljö i 3D
Detta arbete visar processen och olika element som kan användas eller krävs för att skapa en trovärdig fantasymiljö. Genom att läsa, samla in och sammanfatta information om miljöer, växter, tekniska processer, färger, ljus och form från litteratur, internet och egna erfarenheter har vi skapat en slags guide över hur man kan skapa en trovärdig miljö. Växter kan inte ha för enformig placering i miljön utan måste placeras enligt slumpmässig naturligt kaos. De 3D-modeller som miljön innefattar måste ha vissa attribut så som smuts, damm, röta, brister, rivor och sprickor. Inget är kliniskt rent i naturen.