

4677 Uppsatser om Growth model - Sida 65 av 312

MEMS baserad referensoscillator

The interest in tiny wireless applications raises the demand for an integrated reference oscillator with the same performance as the macroscopic quartz crystal reference oscillators. The main challenge of the thesis is to prove that it is possible to build a MEMS based oscillator that approaches the accuracy level of existing quartz crystal oscillators. The MEMS resonator samples which Philips provides are measured and an equivalent electrical model is designed for them. This model is used in the simulations of the Pierce oscillator and the transresistance amplifier oscillator that are evaluated in this thesis. Finally the Pierce oscillator is implemented in the A BCD2 process and manufactured at Philips Semiconductors in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

?Om inte vi mammor mår bra mår inte barnen bra heller? : En studie om kvinnor som har barn med frihetsberövade män

The purpose of the essay is to analyze the welfare state from a gender perspective. Further, the paper analyzes and critically examines three different normative solutions provided by Irish Marion Young, Nancy Fraser and Jürgen Habermas for the realization of a welfare state that includes women.Habermas argues that the welfare state has created a situation of dependency and state paternalism which reduces both individual and collective self-determination. Young follows Habermas? argument. She argues for a political climate where justice is reduced to the distribution of material goods rather than the elimination of underlying relations of domination and gender specific patterns.

Vilka makroekonomiska faktorer styr köp av kapitalvaror? : en teoretisk och empirisk studie av faktorer som påverkar hushållens val av nybilsinköp.

I detta projektarbete kommer följande att behandlas;Efter en definition och begreppsförklarande inledande del presenteras en teoretisk genomgång av konsumtionsteori med en mer specifik vinkling mot teorier om kapitalvaror. Därefter kommer en empirisk studie där faktorer som behandlats i teoridelen tas upp som beroendevariabler för efterfrågan på kapitalvaran bil. Slutsatserna som dras är att räntenivån påverkar bilinköp mest, troligen för att kreditkostnaderna utgör en allt större del av hushållens disponibla inkomster. Dessutom bekräftas det att inkomsten fluktuerar mer än konsumtionen och detta gäller också för hushållens konsumtion av nya bilar..

eWOM-kommunikation på Facebook & Prisjakt : En studie av skillnader i konsumenters uppfattning om eWOM

Purpose ? The purpose of this study is to identify and describe how consumer perceptions regarding information quality, sender credibility and effect of eWOM-communication differ between Facebook and Prisjakt.Approach ? Based on previous research an analytical model was designed. The parts in the model were the aspects of the problem which the present study aimed to examine. An experimental design was applied in which ten students at Örebro University were exposed to a scenario where they took part of eWOM-communication concerning a specific product on Facebook and Prisjakt and then had to answer questions in an interview. The analytical model formed the base of the interview guide used in the interview and the specific product was chosen with help from a focus group.Implication ? The study illustrates that consumers may perceive the quality higher on Prisjakt while the sender credibility can be perceived higher on Facebook.

Behandlingsresultat av kliniska mastiter : en studie av mastitbehandlingar utförda i mjölkkobesättningen på Jälla naturbruksgymnasium 1997-2008

Mastitis is an important disease in dairy cattle. It is very costly for the farmers and affects a large number of animals. Few studies have been made investigating the outcome of treatment for acute clinical mastitis under Swedish conditions, and it can be problematic to use the results in foreign studies since both the microbial flora as well as treatments may be different from the situation in Sweden. In this project we have investigated data on clinical mastitis and antibiotic treatment in the dairy herd at Jällaskolan, Uppsala based on recordings during the last ten years. The material includes both Swedish Red (SRB) and Swedish Holstein (SLB) breeds, which have been kept at the farm under similar conditions.

Folkbibliotekets roll i det lokala samhället ? Tre kvalitativa fallstudier

The aim of this master?s study is to examine the function of the public library in the local community at present. I have searched for the answers to the following questions: Which position has the public library in the local cultural policy? What characterizes each library and which are the priorities? What is the local profile of the public library? What cooperation partners does the public library have and what do they mean to the library? Does the public library intensify the local community in any way? To answer this, I have made three qualitative case studies. Interviews and collection of documents were carried out in three different communities.

Delårsrapporter - osäkerheter och bedömningar i praktiken

certain building or environment can get a protection as a notable building if it contains certainvalues. These values are established by a certain category of people from the cultural sector.These people use established criterions to define the cultural value of the object. The objects canbe evaluated differently depending on who has done the evaluation. The people who protect thecultural environment and choose which buildings that are to be defining as notable buildingsoften uses a special model to characterise the different cultural values. This model is produced bya man called Axel Unnerbäck.

Modellstudie av föroreningsretention i Bäckaslövs våtmark : Tillämpning av modellverktygen MIKE SHE WET och MIKE 21

During the nineties, ecological handling of urban storm water became very popular in Sweden. Together with Chalmers University of Technology and two Swedish communities, DHI Water and Environment has been doing research of storm water ponds and constructed wetlands. This thesis work is a part of that research project. The work has been applied at the Bäckaslöv storm water treatment plant in Växjö, Sweden. The plant consists of one storm water pond and a downstream constructed wetland.

Breeding practices of Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities

A survey was undertaken to understand sheep management, breeding practices and selection criteria for Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities in Kajiado District, Kenya. Differences between North and South Kajiado District were investigated to gain knowledge about farmers having different prerequisites and how it can affect the sheep production. The reason for keeping sheep and the specific breeds show the multiple objectives of the Maasai farmers. Adaptive traits, such as resistance to diseases and droughts, and productive traits, such as increased growth and carcass weight, were both ranked highly. In addition to this, the sheep has a social and traditional value in Maasai culture.

Gallring av böcker på svenska folkbibliotek idag ? hur kan den se ut? Några exempel

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how books are weeded in some Swedish public libraries today. It tries to shed light on some of the problems and obstacles that may arise, and on the criteria used by staff for weeding. I also hope to build a model for weeding, based on the results of my investigation. The method I have chosen for my work is qualitative interviews. The results of my thesis indicate that weeding is not the top priority of the staff at the investigated libraries.

Dried distiller?s grains with solubles and Swedish grown soya beans as protein feeds for dairy bull calves

The cattle production in the world has been questioned in Sweden due to its negative impacts on the environment. The use of imported soya bean meal as a protein feed for Swedish cattle results in the cutting of rainforest and an extensive use of pesticides in the countries were the soya beans are produced. As a consequence, the environmental impacts caused by cattle production increases. A production of protein feeds in Sweden would decrease the transportations and the cutting of rainforest. For organic beef producers the possibility to produce home-grown protein feeds is important since organic protein feeds can be difficult to obtain in another way.

Dutch Disease and Tourism - The Case of Thailand

Tourism is often being viewed as one of the worlds largest sectors and a great contribution to growth and development. There is a large motivation amongst developing countries to promote themselves as a tourist destination, since they expect the tourism to generate economic growth. The government of Thailand has been promoting tourism since 1960, and the number of foreign visitors has increased from 100 000 back then to 13.5 million in 2006. The purpose of this paper was to investigate weather the increasing tourism industry in Thailand has pulled resources away from other sectors of the economy towards the tourism sector, and in that way harming Thailand?s international competitiveness and causing deindustrialization.

Skötsel av ekholmar och eftersatta ekbestånd på låga boniteter : en fallstudie

This case study is made on assignment of Södra, region Öst, as a part of a campaign promoting more active management of the oak forests in the region. Hardwood trees of good quality, especially oak, has a high value due to that the sawn material is highly estimated by the market. It is important that the Swedish oak forests are managed in a proper way in order to meet the future demand. Södra has therefore decided to increase the focus on oak in the Kalmar region and they would like to find out if continues cover forestry (CCF) under certain conditions can be an appropriate management model. The motive is to make use of the existing oak forests more efficient, not just considering well managed forests but also the more neglected oak forests, on poorer soils. Thus, the objective for this study is to examine if CCF is appropriate method in the three stand types; broadleaved mixtures oak forest, oak islet, and oak/spruce forest. Existing management models were surveyed in the literature.

Innovera eller stagnera! : Öppen innovation inom tillverkande små och medelstora företag i Småland

Titel: Innovate or Stagnate! ? Open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized businesses in Småland.The purpose of the study is that, from a leadership perspective (innovationmanagement), create a better understanding of open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises. The study therefore intends to contribute to the understanding of how open innovation processes leads to greater innovation in manufacturing small and medium sized businesses.We have used a qualitative research method and adopted an abductiveapproach. We made interpretations and created meaning based on our research results.Our theoretical framework is based primarily on Chesbroughs (2003) research on open innovation. Based on this model, we have selected a number of other theories, which we perceived as prerequisites for small andmedium sized companies in open innovation processes.

Är det någon skillnad? : En kvalitativ undersökning om bibliotekariers uppfattningar om den användarstyrda förvärvsmodellen Patron Driven Acquisition.

This thesis is about new technology in academic libraries in the form of Patron Driven Acquisition. As libraries take part in the digital era, a new model of patron driven acquisition has emerged. This model gives users more influence over the libraries electronic book collection. The collection development model changes libraries traditional role in the collection development process, from collecting for the future to the present.The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of what acquisition librarians think about the effects of PDA on the collection, the acquisitions role and the cost structure. The theoretical framework relies on Christensen?s theory about disruptive technology and was used to interpret outcomes of new technology in libraries and its staff.Five librarians from four different Swedish university libraries were interviewed using a qualitative semi-structured method to carry out the investigative part of this thesis.

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