

213 Uppsatser om Greenhouse gases - Sida 2 av 15

Restriktioner av växthusgasemissioner : hur påverkas lantbruksföretagens ekonomi och produktionsinriktning?

The agricultural sector accounts for about 13 percent of the total load of greenhouse gas emissions from Sweden (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 2007). The Swedish objective to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions with 40 percentage units to the year of 2020, based upon the year of 1990, might imply stricter regulations for Swedish farmers. A regulation or other forms of economic incentives is probably necessary to reduce the emissions originating from the agricultural sector. This study aims to investigate the economic and managerial impact on two agricultural firms with differing production system given that a constraint on green house gas emissions is introduced. Gases included in this study are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

Grönt resande : En studie om hur företag arbetar med klimatkompensation

Carbon offsetting means to offset those Greenhouse gases that are caused by our actions. The purpose of this paper is to examine how companies are working with carbon offsetting. The focus of the research is how travel agencies and companies that provides carbon offsetting. The writers also highlight the problems carbon offsetting is facing. The study was performed with qualitative methods through interviews with three companies working with carbon offsetting.

"ÄTA BÖR MAN, ANNARS DÖR MAN" : En studie om möjligheten till implementering av lakto-ovo-vegetarisk och ekologisk kost i Eskilstuna kommuns förskola

The purpose of this study was to describe the possibility of implementing a lacto-ovo-vegetarian and organic diet in Eskilstuna municipality?s public preschool. Furthermore the purpose was to identify and describe the most important components involved in the implementation and their influence in the process.  The methods used were a survey based on a literature study. This study includes general information about meat production and consumption and also the use of pesticides in farming. It also brings up the environmental and health effects caused by the previously mentioned areas.

Den globala uppvärmningen : vad kommer att hända med morgondagens värld?

Mankind faces a serious threat. Its activities, for example the burning of fossil fuels, have led to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect - something that has given rise to a global warming. The climate is becoming warmer, a change that has important effects on the nature as well as for humans and their society. Sea level rising, extreme temperatures are becoming more common, glaciers and other ice caps melt and storms becomes more intense when they appear. The main cause is the emission of Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere - carbon dioxide in particular.

Går det att lära gamla hundar att sitta? : En studie om att ändra på en verksamhets utskriftsvanor.

The consumer society exploits the earth?s resources more than the earth itself has capability to produce. This over-consumption causes a mass production of products, which mean that more Greenhouse gases are being emitted to the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why the earth?s temperature is rising, where the result of it is worldwide disasters.

Flexibilitet från försörjningskedjan : En fallstudie på ett globalt tillverkningsföretag

Man?s impact on the environment is something that increasingly becomes topical in today?s society. Because of this, several companies have started to take interest in the effects they?re responsible for, not least considering their image. Emissions of carbon dioxide generated from goods traffic are accountable for a large part of the total emissions of Greenhouse gases in the world.

Transporter för hållbar utveckling : En optimering av utsläppsberäkningarna inom Coop

Man?s impact on the environment is something that increasingly becomes topical in today?s society. Because of this, several companies have started to take interest in the effects they?re responsible for, not least considering their image. Emissions of carbon dioxide generated from goods traffic are accountable for a large part of the total emissions of Greenhouse gases in the world.

Process optimization in the steel plant

Blast furnace is the heart of every steel plant. Steel production is based on the blast furnace process, as it is where the iron is extracted from the iron ore and turned into liquid iron, which will subsequently be used to make liquid steel. Therefore, without hot iron, steel can not be produced. Blast furnaces in this process are supplied among others with pulverized coal. Raw coal should be prepared for the blast furnaces in the form of fine coal powder.

Vad påverkar företagens (o)intresse att välja biogasfordon?

Issues regarding the environment are commonly discussed in the media. The most common problem that is discussed is how to decrease the emissions of Greenhouse gases by human beings. The municipality of Kristianstad has chosen to work with a project named ?Biogas Kristianstad? which purposes are to use all of the produced biogas as motor fuel and to speed up the introduction of biogas on the local market. This is in an effort to decrease the effects on the environment in the municipality of Kristianstad.

Utsläpp av växthusgaser under islossning i små boreala sjöar

Freshwater ecosystems have long been neglected as an important part of the global carbon cycle. However, research shows that most of the world?s lakes are net-heterotrophic and consequently emitters of Greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. In many boreal and north-temperate lakes, most of the yearly emissions usually occur in spring, shortly after ice-thaw. The aim of this study was to quantify the flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in three boreal lakes, during this annual event.

Biological control of powdery mildew in greenhouse produced cucumber : an evaluation of two microbiological control agents

Powdery mildew is a serious problem in both field and greenhouse cucumber production and can cause serious infection and radically reduced yields. Today, powdery mildew is the main disease in greenhouse produced cucumber. Disease control should preferably be both efficient and environmentally friendly, which is not easy to achieve at all times. Alternatives to chemical control of powdery mildews are biological control, physical control, non-fungicide control and cultivation of resistant or tolerant varieties. Biological control can be described as the suppression of damaging activities inflicted of a harmful organism by one or more other organisms, which are called antagonists or natural enemies. In Sweden, there are currently no registered biological control products available to control cucumber powdery mildew. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two biological control products in order to evaluate their ability to prevent or reduce powdery mildew infection to an acceptable level in greenhouse produced cucumber. In the experiments, different application regimes were also studied.

Fra?n passivhus till NNE-hus : va?gen till ha?llbar utveckling

sustainable development by reducing the energy use by EU:s directive of energy efficiency and the UN Convention. The second purpose is to present the technical solutions regarding ventilation and heating system that is being used in passive houses. This was done using 8 passive houses, 4 germany and 4 swedish passive houses. Even the international and Swedish system requirements for passive houses have been addressed in this project. The goal was also to explain how and why the mechanical system in passive houses has developed to the technology used today.

handel med utsläppsrätter : en del av lösningen på koldioxidproblematiken?

In Rio De Janeiro, 1992, was the first document signed that meant a responsibility for industrial countries to decrease their emissions, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Thirteen years later was the first legal binding document signed, the Kyoto protocol, and for the first time industrial countries all over the world was bound to decrease their emissions on Greenhouse gases. Within the framework of this commitment, three flexible mechanisms (Clean Development mechanism, Joint Implementation and Emission trading) were introduced with the function to reduce the economical costs of the commitment. The flexible mechanisms Emission Trading (ET) is what this report is about.The report starts with a description of carbon dioxide and it?s effect on the environment, thereafter comes a background review of the national agreements who lies as a ground to the implementation of emission trading as a management control measure in Sweden and the rest of the world.Keywords: United Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto protocol, Flexible mechanisms, Emission trading, carbon dioxide .

Att hjälpa eller stjälpa en ko : Hur gårdsstödet i EU:s jordbrukspolitik påverkar växthusgasutsläppen från nötkött

En stor del av jordbrukets växthusgasutsläpp kommer från nötköttssektorn. Dess produktion påverkas i Sverige och EU av EU:s jordbrukspolitik. En större del av jordbrukssubventionerna var tidigare kopplade till produtionen vilket gav incitament att öka produktionen. 2003 infördes en reform med gårdsstöd som var frikopplat från produktionen. I uppsatsen studeras litteraturen kring hur nötköttsproduktionen påverkas av gårdsstödet, och utifrån detta görs egna beräkningar om förändringar i växthusgasutsläpp.

Systemlösningar för plus- eller passivhus : En studie med syftet att lösa energibehovet för ett specifikt hus.

The purpose of the house which is the basis of this report is to be able present itself on the market as a relatively cheap and at the same time a climate friendly choice. The house is supposed to be able to be built anywhere in Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia in a short period of time. This puts demand on what kind of heating system the house can have, since not all places have the geographic advantage of being able to use geothermal or district heating. Therefore the heating system choices will only include those that are not limited by their geographic location. The house will be built in modules which only require the groundwork to be done before the house can be erected. In this report "System solutions for plus or passive-housing" a comprehensive literature search has been conducted as well as a number of calculations.

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