

522 Uppsatser om Green IT - Sida 19 av 35

Regional demokrati : om en framtida regional samhällsorganisation i Östergötland

The purpose of this essay is to present, from a theoretical framwork about regional democracy, possible methods to handle the regional democratic problems in Östergötland in Sweden and to investigate the opinion of the political parties regarding this issue. Both the national and the local/regional level are investigated. The contents of the essay is based on literature studies and interviews of politicians in Östergötland. Regional democratic problems that is discussed are the political responsibility and the power distribution between the political actors on the regional level. A solution of the problem could be to organize the regional society structure in accordance with one of the following organization models"Statligt regionalt ansvar","Kommuner i samverkan"or"Regionalt folkstyre".

Samha?llsplanering med BREEAM Communities : Certifieringsverktygets pa?verkan med ha?nsyn till miljo?ma?ssig ha?llbarhet

I takt med urbanisering och samha?llstrender har utvecklingen och samha?llsplaneringen av sta?der blivit allt viktigare. BREEAM Communities a?r ett relativt nytt, brittiskt, certifieringssystem fo?r stadsdelar och fungerar som ett verktyg samt bedo?mningsunderlag fo?r samha?llsplanerare. Verktyget fungerar som ett systematiskt underlag fo?r att kunna bygga ha?llbara stadsdelar och tar sa?ledes ha?nsyn till alla tre dimensioner av ha?llbarhet; sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska.I Sverige har stadsdelscertifiering pa? senare a?r uppma?rksammats.

Dagvatten i Märsta : förslag till anläggning för ekologisk hantering samt metodöversikt

Stormwater in urban areas has been treated as a problem for a long time. The large proportion of impermeable surfaces inhibits the water from infiltrating in the ground to the same extent that it does in nature. This causes intensive surface flow during rain, which in turn causes inconveniences such as decreased accessability, floods and increased risk of desease spreading. Drainage through pipes is the traditional and usually functional metod for storm water disposal. That is as long as water flows are moderate. But precipitation varies naturally in amount and intensity and additional impermeable surfaces make some pipes insufficient for heavy or lasting precipitation.

Miljöcertifieringssystemet BREEAM ? En studie av processen och dess effekter

Denna kandidatuppsats behandlar miljöcertifieringssystemet BREEAM med fokus på processen och systemets effekter. I studien har pågående BREEAM-projekt i Sverige studerats för att undersöka vad som görs specifikt vid en BREEAM-certifiering, vad det kostar samt vilka nyttor en BREEAM-certifiering genererar.Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för en betydande del av miljöpåverkan i Sverige idag och förhoppningen är att miljöcertifieringar av byggnader kan minska miljöbelastningen. Studien visar på att det finns en växande efterfrågan på miljöcertifierade kontor och lokaler från hyresgästen trots att innebörden än är något oklar.BREEAM är relativt nytt på svenska marknaden och behöver fortsätta att utvecklas och anpassas. Ett svenskt företag, med en redan god intern byggstandard, behöver dock inte göra några större åtaganden för att nå ett bra betyg i BREEAM. En BREEAM-certifiering intygar att en byggnad håller en bra nivå miljömässigt, visar att företaget är på väg åt rätt håll och hjälper till att strukturera upp miljöarbetet under ett byggprojekt.

Comparison of Different Electrophoretic Methods for Haptoglobin Phenotyping and an Investigation in Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Haptoglobin is an acute phase protein with important biological role because of its capacity to bind to haemoglobin. Haptoglobin exists in three major genetic polymorphism types: Hp1-1, Hp2-1 and Hp2-2, the distribution of which has been associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), an asymptomatic aortic disease common among men older than 65 years.    Five different electrophoretic methods were tested according to their ability to separate the haptoglobin phenotypes. The detection was based on a produced hemolysate of blood in which haemoglobin binds to haptoglobin thereby forming a complex that can be detected by specific haemoglobin staining using TMB-dihydrochloride and hydro peroxide as substrate resulting in an azure-green color of the bands. Samples from 15 patients who had suffered surgery for not broken AAA, that is more than5.0 cmaortic diameter, and 15 samples from matched controls were analyzed.    Among the five tested electrophoretic methods best migration and separation was seen on the pre-cast agarosgel Hydragel HR on the instrument Hydrasys. The other four methods gave less successful results.

Europeisering och politisk integration av nationella politiska partier : En studie av Vänsterpartiets och Miljöpartiets utveckling i synen på det europeiska samarbetet 1987-2010

This paper examines if European integration has had an impact on national political parties by looking at the stances of the Swedish Green Party and the Left Party on the issue of the European Community and the European Union over time. With the development of the European Community and the European Union, national political parties face the challenge of an emerging political arena. European integration research has recently become more involved with what is called europeanization and political integration within the member states them self, this paper aims to provide further leverage to the thesis that national political actors undergo some degree of europeanization and are politically integrated in the EU, by examining manifestos of two historically eurosceptic Swedish political parties. The theoretical framework provided by neo-functional integration theory as well as europeanization is used to examine the empirical material in order to see if the political parties at the focal point of this study can be said to have undergone a change in political policy regarding the EC and EU, both in quantity and content. The analysis show that indeed both parties has undergone a change and what might be considered a europeanization, considering that the presence of the EU as a political issue seem to have risen in prominence and importance in the examined manifestos.

Energikonsumtion hos en diskmaskin

The dishwasher is a wide spread product that occurs in many households. It saves the user time,water and energy. When using a dishwasher instead of doing dishes by hand a lot of energy issaved.The importance of lowering the energy consumption does not only come from the consumerwinnings but also from an environmental point of view. Scientists are certain that the globalwarming comes from the emission of green house gasses that is created by human consumptionof oil, gas and coal.Dishwashers today are a lot more energy efficient than older dishwashers, but there are stillmargins to lower the energy consumption. The aim with this project is to investigate thedishwasher and it?s washing cycle, noting different phases and components that contribute towaste of energy.

Den moderata rationalismen : Kommentarer, preciseringar och kritik av några begrepp och teser som framlagts av Laurence Bonjour i dennes In Defense of Pure Reason

The paper contains comment, clarification and criticism, even constructive criticism, of some theses that have been put forward by Laurence Bonjour in his In Defense of Pure Reason.It presents a concept of experience that deals with the relation between cognizer and object of experience that has a great similarity to that of Bonjour. Through analysis it is shown that the concept of a priori entails that Bonjour has two concepts of a priori, a narrow and a broad one. The narrow one is, in my own words: According to moderate rationalism a proposition p is a priori justified if and only if you apprehend that p must be true in every possible world. This doesn?t mean that Bonjour doesn?t believe in an epistemological, metaphysical and semantic realm.

Goat production in Laos and the potential of using Erythrina variegata as a feedstuff

Lao People?s Democratic Republic (PDR) is a country where the majority of the population works within the sector agriculture in one way or another. The number of goats are increasing and the animals can be an important income source for families. However, during the dry season, lack of feed is a great problem for the farmers. Fodder trees have shown great potential as dry season feeding, due to that the trees often hold green and fresh leaves a long time into the season, compared to grass that dry out quickly.

Hemodialyspatienters självrapporterande saltvanor

The purpose of the study was to describe hemodialysis patients self-reporting salt habits associated with cooking and food intake. Furthermore, the purpose was to investigate possible differences in inter Dialyze significant weight gain at low and high self-reported salt consumption. The study was an empirical descriptive study of comparative features and consisted of a convenience sample from two hemodialysis units in southern Norrland. Study group consisted of 37 persons who had been ongoing hemodialysis treatment and their age ranged from 42-86 years. A questionnaire was used in two parts and both parts contained 15 foods.

Hur ett företag kan uppmärksammas genom en grafisk profil och en gerillamarknadsföring

The purpose of this thesis was to create a visual identity to the café Trädgårdscafét. This was to increase the awareness of the cafe among the population of Borlänge. To make the company's visual identity visible, we also organized a guerrilla marketing. The outcome of the guerrilla marketing were then measured by calculating the number of guests during a certain period of time and also through a survey conducted in Borlänge.Graphic material, such as a graphic identity, business cards, feel good-cards, store signs, standing information folders to place on the tables and pavement board was created. Flyers and posters were also created for the guerrilla marketing.

Energisystem med utnyttjande av restprodukter för gödsling av Salixodling för energiproduktion : studier av kretslopprojektet i Enköping och dess applicering på en kommun i Ryssland.

The purpose of this work is to study a circulation project in Enköping municipality, where the society?s rest products are used to make beneficial products. In Enköping the rest products from waste treatment plants and private sewers are used to fertilize and irrigate Salix plantations that later are harvested and burned at the local combined heating and power plant, ENA Energy AB, to produce electricity and heat. Possibilities to apply this kind of project ona municipality in Russia are also explored.Guryevsk municipality in Kaliningrad region was chosen since there is a need to improve energy systems and reduce emissions to water and air. This municipality strives to become environmentally friendly.

Färgkonnotationer i spel : Hur val av färg påverkar hur vi upplever en spelkaraktär

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to identify the relationship between color and semiotics and how a person?s opinon, regarding a game character?s different characteristics, can be affected by the use of various colors. Prior to this study people were asked, through an online survey, to write down words that they associated with different colors. The colors were then divided into four different groups depending on whether they had been associated with positive-strong words, positive-weak words, negative-strong words or negative-weak words. In order to further shed light on the effect of colors, the four palettes, consisting of the colors associated with the different words, were then used separately to give color to two characters: a man and a woman.

Från inre harmoni till yttre välklang : En studie av idrottspsykologins mentala träning anpassad för musiker

SammanfattningSyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det är möjligt att från idrottspsykologins mentala träning anpassa och skräddarsy den för mig, som musiker, för att på så sätt kunna sänka både stress och nervositetsnivå.Min tanke med uppsatsen är att den förhoppningsvis ska kunna väcka ett intresse för idrottspsykologins mentala träning inom musikaliska kretsar.De aspekter av den mentala träningen som jag valt att fokuserat på är att med hjälp av den mentala träningen strukturera upp den mentala förberedelseprocessen: inför, under och efter ett uppträdande.De metoder som jag använt mig av är litteraturstudier och praktiska undersökningar, på mig själv som musiker, med hjälp av de olika övningar och teorier som presenteras i den litteratur som jag studerat. Dessa övningar och teorier har jag sen anpassat för mig, som musiker.Jag har även valt att läsa boken The inner game of music av Berry Green och W. Timothy Gallwey för att se vilka teorier som redan finns översatta för musiker och för att se om det finns något mer att tillägga.Resultatet visar att det är möjligt att sänka både stress och nervositetsnivån med hjälp av de teorier och övningar som jag tagit del av och sedan omvandlat.Vidare diskuteras det i analysen och i diskussionen hur en musiker på bästa sätt kan ta till vara på dessa metoder och övningar..

Grön logistik vid globala logistikföretag : En undersökning av godstransporters hållbarhet

På senare år med den fortsatta globaliseringen har miljöfrågor blivit allt viktigare. Eftersom transportsektorn står för en stor del av den totala miljöpåverkan är det viktigt att logistikföretagen tar ett miljömässigt ansvar och arbetar med så kallad grön logistik. På grund avde ökade avstånden vid global handel och ökade bränslepriser är det viktigt med miljövänliga alternativ. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur de globala logistikföretagen bedriver sitt miljöarbete, främst kring transporterna. Detta sker genom en studie av vetenskapliga artiklar och intervjuer med miljöansvariga hos Schenker, DHL och Green Cargo.

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