

522 Uppsatser om Green IT - Sida 13 av 35

Incitament för energibesparande åtgärder i den byggda miljön

More efficient energy consumption is essential to secure a sustainable future, not least within the building and real estate sector which answers for approximately 40 % of the EU countries total energy consumption. One part of EU: s work to reduce the energy consumption is the directive on energy performance of buildings which among other things have lead to stricter demands on energy performance in new and renovated buildings.One of the difficulties with making buildings more energy effective is that it often demands big investments and although it results in lower operating costs the extent of these savings and therefore also the repayment time can be difficult to decide beforehand. To make it interesting for property owners and also tenants to invest in energy efficient buildings powerful incentives are needed. Favorable loans to energy efficiency projects are one example of governmental instruments that have been tested in other European countries with good results.Reduced operating costs appear to be the main incentive for property owners to make their buildings more energy efficient. The best result of an energy efficiency project is usually achieved by cooperation between property owners and tenants but in order to make that interesting it is important that both parts can profit from the savings.

Underlag till klimatledningssystem för skolor

The climate issue is a significant question, and the problem is mainly caused by human activities. Everyone can help to counteract the enhanced Greenhouse effect by reducing the amounts of energy they use and by not consuming more products then they need.Schools are some of societies many consumers and therefore contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The School also has an important task; to teach and disseminate knowledge and information about the climate and the environment. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, Skolverket, must all schools regularly consider the environment and sustainable development throughout the entire education process. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many schools in Sweden today.One of many tools that can be used to coordinate environmental work and initiatives, and also to make it more efficient, is environmental management systems.

En färgglad studie om spelarbeteenden

This is the result of a 10 week long study about if player behaviors and choices are affectedby the surrounding colors in their environment. A number of players are asked to movethrough a virtual environment, while being clocked, where they have to make left and rightdecisions based on different colors (red, green, blue and gray). While most choices consist oftwo different colors, some use the same color. The result shows that the players most likelyprefer one color over another, and that they most likely prefer a non-neutral color over aneutral color. With these results and the interviews that are conducted the conclusion is madethat it is very likely the players choices are affected by the colors in the environment, but it isnot clear to say how they are affected..

Rhododendron ur undersläktet Vireya - något om dess karakteristika och användning i nordiska vinterträdgårdar :

Present essay aims to introduce the reader to central topics regarding Rhododendrons of subgenus Vireya. As a result of a donation, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, received a collection of Vireya from a local amateur grower, Kurt Myllenberg. Since the subgenus Vireya is uncommon in Scandinavian horticulture, the study tries to establish conditions for successful growing. The subgenus Vireya differ from the other Rhododendron species through mainly three characteristics: the presence of two tails, attached to each end of the seed; the ovary-style junction is tapering and the pedicels arises directly from a dome-like base and form an umbel and not a raceme. The subgenus is distributed mostly in the islands of Indonesia and New Guinea, but also from Malaysia to Nepal and in Australia. Since Vireya species mainly grows as epiphytes in the tree canopies, they need high drainage and not too much water.

In search for sustainable alternatives to lawns : connecting research and landscape design

A large part of Sweden?s green, urban landscape is covered by lawns. Approximately 80 000 ha of maintained grass lawns are part of public courtyards, schoolyards, parks, golf courses, sport fields and traffic environments. Beyond this figure, the lawn is also an essential element in most private villa-gardens. Lawns have become a universal phenomenon through the dispersion of landscape aesthetics from the Western world.

Vägen mot hållbar samdistribution : ett förslag till samordnade varutransporter i Uppsala

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

Hållbar utveckling genom miljöbaserad offentlig upphandling? Miljökriterier i utvärdering av det ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga anbudet

SummaryEurope?s public authorities are influential consumers. If they spend their money on greener products and services they can make an important contribution to the work towards a sustainable development. Green public procurement can thereby significantly improve the take-up of new environmental technologies. Through the effects of economies of scale, production costs be lowered and better equip us to fight environmental problems.

 "Hemma på min gata i stan..." :  Tillhörighet, identitetsskapande och fritid bland unga flickor i Gottsunda

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

En park genom tiden : observation, intervju och litteraturstudie över Berzelii park

This thesis is a study over changes and similarities of people's activities in Berzelii park, with focus on the second half of the 19th century and present time. As one of the oldest public parks in Stockholm, Berzelii park has been a place for outdoor activity for more than a hundred years. During that time both the park and the society have undergone changes, but people are still using this green area in the city centre in a similar way as generations before have done. It is still a place for social gathering and during the summer month the park invite for optional and social activities such as a pause in the sun and pic-nic with friends. Some customs has disappeared like the 19th century social stroll, but through small changes in rules or design others have become given, like using the lawns as seating..

Personlighetsskillnader mellan gymnasielärare och blivande gymnasielärare : Differences in personality between high school teachers and future high school teachers

The climate issue is a significant question, and the problem is mainly caused by human activities. Everyone can help to counteract the enhanced Greenhouse effect by reducing the amounts of energy they use and by not consuming more products then they need.Schools are some of societies many consumers and therefore contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The School also has an important task; to teach and disseminate knowledge and information about the climate and the environment. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, Skolverket, must all schools regularly consider the environment and sustainable development throughout the entire education process. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many schools in Sweden today.One of many tools that can be used to coordinate environmental work and initiatives, and also to make it more efficient, is environmental management systems.

 En modern kommun med ett modernt resemönster? :  en studie av pendlingsmönstret mellan män och kvinnor i Knivsta kommun

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

Fast fashion mot en hållbar framtid- En studie kring konsumenters attityder till hållbart mode

Under de senaste 15 åren har modeindustrin växt och blivit både snabbare och billigare och begreppet fast fashion har etablerats. Fast fashion är en affärsstrategi inom modeindustrin vars mål är att reducera ledtiderna från idé till butik. Strategin syftar till att tillfredsställa kundernas begär av de senaste trenderna på mycket kort tid. Fast fashion branschen kan sägas stå i motsägelse till en hållbar utveckling, då den representerar korta modecykler där kläder tenderar att bli ?slit och släng? varor.

Bredspridning av grönmassa :

There are a great possibility to shorten the time between mowing and preservation by spreading of ley crops in connection to the conditioning. In this case the cellular respiration (the plants breeding that consume sugar until the crop is ensiled) should not continue as long and the forage will perhaps get a higher nutritional value. The capacity of the next machine could also be higher because the rake gives swaths with a lot of material. There is also a possibility that spreading of ley crops gives the material a more homogeneous content of dry matter and that gives a reduced growth of clostridium. This is particularly important when the method of harvest doesn?t include any mixing of the material like it does with a round baler or silagewagon.

Vilka faktorer inverkar vid valet av transportföretag? : En fallstudie om företagskunders resonemang och prioriteringar vid köp av transporttjänster och val av transportföretag.

During the last couple of years the focus for many businesses have moved from just being price oriented to include such factors as quality, flexibility, service, delivery precision and environmentally friendliness. The shift in viewpoint arises from the increasingly competition on the market and the hard economic atmosphere. It has become more important to differentiate the company and its products to be able to increase market share. The purpose with this master?s thesis was to get a better understanding on how companies (customer to DHL) are reasoning and prioritizing when choosing Swedish carriers.

Hållbarhetsredovisning - varför regleras det för svenska statliga företag?

Bakgrund och problem; Den svenska staten har tidigare beslutat att de statliga företagen skall ligga i framkant och vara föredömen i allt sitt arbete. I arbetet mot en hållbar utveckling har inte detta varit fallet och det beslutades därför, år 2007, att från och med 2008 skulle alla de statliga företagen publicera en hållbarhetsredovisning. Då tre av de statliga företagen, Vattenfall, SAS och Green Cargo fått utmärkelser av FAR SRS för sina hållbarhetsredovisningar undrar vi om inte de statliga företagen i viss mån redan är föredömen och ställer oss därför frågan ?Varför regleras hållbarhetsredovisning för de statligt ägda företagen?Syfte; Syftet med denna uppsats är att får förståelse för beslutet. Genom att granska de belönade företagen, Vattenfall, SAS och Green Cargo, hoppas vi att kunna få detta.

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