6245 Uppsatser om Graphic design, - Sida 39 av 417
Att lokalisera kompetenser på flexkontoret :
To find competencies on a workplace with flex office structure.Companies today, 2012 are facing new opportunities and challenges. Information technology develops, competition is bigger today than ever, increased environmental requirements will be added and new patterns of life and values are occurring. This means that people who work in offices feel strong pressure of conversion, which is something that people experience differently. Therefore it is essential how the working environment is designed in an office. Working in an office means a lot of information processing and we can see large changes taking place.
Kinematisk och dynamisk modellering av den haptiska enheten TAU i sex frihetsgrader
The thesis presents an optimally designed kinematic structure for a new 6-DOF haptic devicebased on TAU configuration. The configuration of the TAU-2 proposed by Suleman Khan andKjell Andersson [1] was modified and its mobility was verified by using Grübler criterion tohave a 6 DOF. Analytical kinematic models for the inverse and forward kinematics weredeveloped for the haptic TAU configuration to determine a set of optimal design parameters.Kinematic performance indices such as volume of the workspace, kinematic isotropy and payload index, were defined based on the singular values of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobianmatrix was scaled to homogenize the physical units. The Jacobian matrix dependent on theposition and orientation of the end-effector gives local isotropy and pay load index, so globaldesign indices were defined, which represent the performance of the mechanism in the wholeworkspace.
Scenografi, min käre Watson! : En studie i scenografiska teknikers påverkan på spelare
This study explores Environmental Storytelling techniques and whether these can beused in combination with each other to lead a player through a game scene in aspecific pattern, affect the player?s narrative and exploratory view and explorewhether Self-paced Exploration can be combined with these techniques.It is a qualitative study conducted by six gaming sessions with accompanyinginterviews in which six people get to play one of three versions of the same gamescene. The only differences between the scenes are the different guidance techniquesused. The informants' movement patterns are identified and interviews recorded byaudio, as well as screen recording. The results shows that Environmental Storytellingtechniques can very well be used to control the player's exploration patterns, bothnarratively and navigation purposes and Self-paced Exploration can be utilized to agreater efficiency in combination with these..
Multitorget :
This is a final project which makes up 20 credits at the Landscapearchitecture programme at SLU in Alnarp. The thesis is design based.
My final project is comprised two parts; of a competition entry for ? A New Square in the Centre of Täby? as well as a theoretical study that derives from the competition proposal. The competiton itself was announced on March 1st 2007 with the final hand-in date on May 28th 2007.
The program of the competition asked for a flexible urban square that offers a diverse range of activities that can be used during both night and day, all year around. I became interested in the term ?mutlifunctionality? and I went on to use the subject as a base for my design approach.
Incitament för fastighetsägare att omvandla bruna kontorsfastigheter till gröna - När och varför de väljer att investera
This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.
Design av förarhytt till skördare
This bachelor?s degree thesis was conducted in mechanical engineering at Halmstad University during spring semester 2010 in close collaboration with the company Gremo AB, located in Ätran, Sweden. Gremo AB produces, developes and sales forest machines in both Sweden and on the international market.Gremo AB belongs to one of the market leaders in forest industry, especially with their forwarder. In order to become a market leader even with their harvester, the company decided to change the harvester to have a swivel and a leveling driver cabin.The aim with this bachelor?s degree thesis was to develop a design concept for the harvester driver cabin, which Gremo AB can apply on the new harvester.
Förbättrad vakuumtätning mot kabeln under plastextruderingsprocessen
This thesis is about developing a design that provides improved vacuum seal between a lead coating and a plastic coating during plastic extrusion processes of cables. This report is a part of the course MSGC 17 for Bachelor Engineers in mechanical engineering.The work is performed at Nexans Norway AS in Halden where they have a production of high voltage cables for sea-, and offshore industry. A problem they face is that they do not get enough good seal at the attachment to the plastic extrusion machine. They want to achieve a vacuum between a lead coating on the cable and a plastic coating of the cable for plastic extrusion, which is something they do not achieve today. The thesis is thus to come up with a design that provides better sealing against the cable.The work involves a construction part with the phases of product development processes.
Geoteknisk bärförmåga hos borrade injekterade pålar i åsmaterial Fältförsök: Slussen i Stockholm
This thesis describes the redesign ofequipment designed for drying bags thatis used in Fresenius Kabis´manufacturing of their nutritionmedicine in Uppsala. The need of thistask arise during the start of thedevelopment of a new packaging line werethis equipment were meant to be used. Anevaluation of the bagdryers capacity andcapability was necessary.The work started with gathering ofinformation from suppliers of the usedcomponents and from the responsibleengineers for this equipment. Aneducation to learn how the equipmentworked and how to operate it were taken.That was followed by the creation of astudy plan were the tests were plannedto test different parameters effect onthe drying result and to see if thebagdryer managed to handle the bags ofthe correct format in the pace that theequipment should be designed for.The test results detected a need ofdesigning a unit with a function thatholds the bags in place while passingthrough the dryer in order to attainhigh quality results. The results werelater used for optimization of thedesign.
Aktiv design av internetbaserade självhjälpstjänster - gentemot spelberoende. Att påverka en individs förhållningssätt mot sitt spelande
Technological developments have affected many different areas. Something that has undergone major changes in this respect is gambling. Because of technology, the accessibility to games has never been greater. Using smartphones, tablets and online casinos makes it possible to play virtually any time of day no matter where you are. This development has caused that more people, got stuck in a gambling addiction which have become an increasing problem in the last decade.
Effekten av design och radla?ngd pa? en handha?llen dator - designriktlinjer fo?r presentation av text pa? ett litet ska?rmutrymme
Denna kandidatuppsats är en uppsats gjord på Programmet för Pedagogisk Mjukvaruutveckling vid Högskolan i Halmstad år 2004. Uppsatsen tar upp problemet med att presentera stora mängder text på små skärmar samt vad tidigare forskning framför om design mot dessa. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka effekter som kan påverka läsförståelsen och läsbarheten vid läsande på handhållna datorer. Den litteratur vi använde bestod främst av artiklar inom området för design, framförallt design mot små skärmar. Den primärdata vi fick fram insamlades genom ett läsförståelse test med efterföljande djupintervju angående läsbarhet.
Kognitiv träning vid depression
Depression är en vida utbredd sjukdom. Kognitiv träning skulle kunnavara en kostnadseffektiv och lättillgänglig intervention att bemötasjukdomen i ett tidigt skede. Tidigare forskning tyder på att kognitivträning har effekt på depression och kognitiva nedsättningar. Dennastudie ämnade undersöka om träning hemma skulle leda tillförbättringar av depression, och om dessa berodde på träningen i sig.Fyra deltagare med depressionssjukdomar genomförde träning medPaced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT). Studien hade en n=1-design med för- och eftermätningar, och kontroll genompseudointervention.
Att använda ornament som pedagogiska verktyg : för att utforska arkitektur och design ur olika perspektiv
The aim with this master's thesis is to describe the work process with the graduation film Player, by a composers perspective and given conditions. It provides a detailed insight into how the work was done from the script stage to the end result, scene by scene reflecting about both the musical performance and the collaboration between the director and me as a composer. The work was done during the spring term of 2012 at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts..
Smarta Hus : Nya behov och lösningar med participativ design
In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems.
3D Anpassning
This report summarize a simple and efficient way to convert 2D into 3D designs. It explains the benefits of a 3D design compared with 2D, and how those benefits may be used.It will also give the reader a presentation of the company Clean Air Technologies, which for the most part constructs cleaning facilities for power plants. How to create 3D-libraries for some of those facilities will be introduced in this composition.The collaboration with Clean Air Technologies has resulted in several 3D animated movies and rendered images. This has increased the quality of the companies offer presentations, which has made it easier for the prospective customer to get an improved overall image of the power plant design..
Användarvänlig systemdesign
Rapporten är skriven på svenska. För att utveckla användarvänliga system finns ett flertal riktlinjer angående hur man ska designa systemet. Rapporten tar huvudsakligen upp de designprinciper som Professor Donald Norman utvecklade, och som behandlar varje område i ett informationssystem. Det finns även andra riktlinjer som beskriver användarprinciper och universal design, och som med fördel kan följas vid design av ett informationssystem. En grupp på North Carolina State University i USA är en av många som har utvecklat sju principer för att behandla användarvänlighet[1].