

907 Uppsatser om Governmental regulations - Sida 46 av 61

Implementeringen av Basel II-regelverket i Sverige : En jämförande studie över svenska storbankers kapitaltäckning

Problem and purpose: The authors were interested in studying how large Swedish banks managed liquidity risks when facing the financial crisis of 2008 and whether the implementation of Basel II framework had an impact on the major Swedish banks' capital adequacy. Furthermore, the authors intend to examine how, based on the analysis of the implementation of Basel II, the introduction of Basel III will affect major Swedish banks' liquidity in the future.Method: The essay is written from a quantitative approach and has a deductive perspective. Data was collected from the annual reports of the selected banks to later use relevant theories to analyze the work.Theory: This part of the essay presents relevant theories, a detailed description of the Basel regulatory framework and its requirements, rules for capital adequacy and to relevant key to achieve the Basel regulatory requirements are considered. Furthermore the authors present criticism of the Basel framework and a summary of the key theoretical points to be used for analyzing empirical data.Empirical: In this chapter the data collected from selected banks is presented and processed.Conclusion: The essay authors present the deficiencies and weaknesses that make the Basel II regulatory framework inadequate for the Swedish financial market. Essay authors also present their opinions regarding how the latest form of the Basel regulations could have a more significant influence on the long-term stability of Swedish banks and how this may increase protection against potential liquidity risks..

?Vi kan bli ett Barbielag!? : En studie om yngre barns sociala relationer och identitetsskapande i ett postmodernt konsumtionssamhälle

One of the main goals in this study is to investigate how young children's identity formation and social relationships are depicted by today's consumer society.  In order to reach the goals of the study I also concentrated myself on questions regarding the reflection of symbolic aspects consumption in younger children's interaction and preschool-teachers' ideas about how and in what ways children's consumption patterns are created and developed nowadays. In order to answer the presented research questions I used the theoretical arguments of researchers in the field of pedagogy Gert Biesta in connection with the ideas and concepts of the consumer society characteristics developed by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman.The thesis' methodological approach consists of a combination of semi-structured interviews with teachers and observations of children's interaction, which contributed to a systematic investigation of the thesis' problem area and served as a tool for obtaining answers to the research questions.The results demonstrate that consumption occupies a lot of space in young children's lives, which means that it greatly affects their social relationships today. Both consumption and knowledge of the known brands prove to be the child's path to the desired community on the one hand, and the children's way to the consumer world on the other (hand), which in turn points to an obvious dependence between children's consumption and their social relationships.The results also show that there is a tension between the perception of identity formation as preschool-policy-document on the one hand and the attitude of the identity prescribed by consumer society norms and regulations on the other..

36 § avtalslagen mot oskäliga ansvarsfriskrivningar i kommersiella avtal : En komparativ studie med Common Law

In claims for unfair dismissal due to alleged redundancy, the burden of proof should be shared to enable an employee to have the cause of redundancy tried. In such a case, the employee should present evidence of an invalid cause ? such as personal reasons ? and the employer should account for the redundancy. With reference to their conflicting interests, the law favours the employer if the redundancy can be accounted for even if the employee maintains his or her position. This would have been reasonable practice if the employer?s evidence was subject to the same scrutiny as that of the employee but, as long as redundancy is considered a valid cause in itself, this is not the case.Redundancy does not come from nowhere, but it occurs when employers carry out their management decisions.

Energieffektivisering av befintlig bebyggelse med exempel från Göteborgsområdet

This thesis concerns to investigate renovations of existing buildings aiming at enabling energy efficiency, from a conservation and restoration perspective. This includes performing case studies of three projects in the Gothenburg area where renovations has been done and an analysis of directives raised by the EU and later implemented by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. In addition to these, regulations enforced by the Swedish law, related to the topic, have been considered.The investigated projects in this case were the housing cooperative Välten in Brämaregården, the Solar Buildings in Järnbrott and Gårdsten as well as Katjas Gata 119 at Backa Röd. In order to measure and compare the results of these projects a comparison between the pre- and post-restoration energy consumption have been performed. To capture additional perspectives the grading system Operation Kungsörn has been applied.Regarding the comparison of energy consumption the renovation of Katjas Gata 119 was found preferable but showed in my view lacking attention to the cultural heritage of the area.

Svenskt Sigills kvalitetssäkring av spannmål :

Today there is a limited demand for quality certified cereal in Sweden. The demand can in the future increase and become a requirement for the entire market. Since the first of January 2005, grain producers in Sweden are food producers and traceability is important for the food industry. It is possible for grain producers to certify the productions under the certification IP SIGILL. The purpose of this essay is to explore why some grain producers continue to be certified while other producers end the IP SIGILL certification.

Havremalt : relansering av en hälsokostprodukt

Launching and marketing a health food product is associated with larger problems than a launch of a traditional food product. There are several sales channels that can be used for a health food product, for example the product can be sold as a traditional food product, natural health food product or as a prescription drug. A smaller company can however experience problems while launching its product as a prescription drug because of the large costs associated with this particular sales channel. There is often no other alternative than to launch the product as a traditional food product, this can however create other problems because of the existing regulations on what can and cannot be mentioned in the marketing of a health food product. The limited amount of information about the product that can be enclosed together with it makes it hard for a company to differentiate and position it on the market.

En studie om möjligheter att stoppa förfalskningar : Spårbarheten i en global värld

The purpose of this study is to describe the traceability of products that protect against counterfeiting and examine how protection against counterfeit products have been developed to date, and to display the opportunity to streamline the protection of products and brands.Nowadays, in the global world, it is getting increasingly more difficult to track the products. Especially for the last link in the chain, which in most cases is the customer and who is constantly exposed to risks. This report deals with the possibilities of preventing and detecting counterfeit products. Fake products are not unusual in an historical perspective. It has been common with counterfeits ever since the Middle Ages continuously until today. Forgers have become more skillful and they are successful in most industries. Many of the fake products are of poor quality and can be downright dangerous to the customer.To answer the question, the author used a qualitative collection method.

Nya regler i sjukförsäkringen - fler personer i utanförskap?

The purpose of this paper is to study the rules of the bill 2007/08: 136 "Areformed sick-leave process of increased return to work" as related to therehabilitation chain. In the interpretation of the material I have used the ?practicallegal method? and a minor empirical study has been conducted to find out howRegion Skåne and UMAS adjust their activities to the new regulations.The government aims to reduce sick leave and on March 19, 2008,the above mentioned bill was presented to the Riksdag. The bill is a part of thegovernment's package of measures and contains proposals for a revised sick-leaveprocess. The rehabilitation chain is a part of the package and includes actions witha tighter schedule.The employer is still after the new rules playing a central role in thesick-leave process and must through early and continuous contact with theworkers start the rehabilitation process.

Kränkande särbehandling i arbetslivet : Arbetsgivares ansvar och utköp av arbetstagare som utsatts för kränkande särbehandling

The main subject for this essay is victimization at work. The first question concerns victimization and the responsibility of the employer when bullying and harassments occur. The second question regards agreements between the employer and the employee, where the latter is paid to quit the employment because he or she is subjected to victimization, but also if any specific group of employees is especially affected. The purpose of the essay is to create understanding and clarification within current law, but also awareness of the possibilities where employers can create agreements with employees in order to make them finish their employments. In order to manage finding information some labour market parties were asked questions about their experiences of victimization at work and agreements among their members or employees.

Riskhanteringens utmaning : En studie som identifierar svenska organisationers riskhantering avseende informationssäkerhet samt dess prioritering.

Background: Risk Management plays an important part of the enterprises strategic business activity. Efficient Risk Management will secure the businesses survival, assets and creates market advantages. The interest of information security has consequently gained in Swedish corporations. Corporations have realized the importance of the information which is stored in the IT systems. IT is the tool for businesses future progress and growth and therefore a source of risks.

Papperslöst motstånd : Om strategier och praktiker i post-välfärdens marginaler

The post-modern western city is going through two central changes in the organization of paid labour. One is the switch from production of goods to production of services, and the other is the increasing rift between well-paid labour with permanent jobs, and temporarily employed workers with low wages. Both of these processes are rasified and gendered, and strike harder against women, young persons and people of emigrant background. The flexible capitalism creates an informalization of the economy, breaking with earlier regulations of the labour markets, in which workers also need to find informal strategies in their individual and collective struggles. In this paper, I search for these ?new? experiences of living and working in late capitalist society, by doing open interviews with three women of Latin-American origin, working without official permission (without documents) in the informal economy of Stockholm.

Tyst Motarbete? : En studie om kvinnor i styrelsen påverkar avkastning på kapitalet.

ABSTRACTTitle: The exact title used in the thesis will be mentioned here.Level: Bachelor thesis in BusinessAuthor: Mattias Lindqvist & Jonas TesfaySupervisor: Peter LindbergDate: 2011 ? JuneAim: In Sweden the representation of women on company boards is discussed extensively. It has also been suggested that regulations such as quotas should be imposed, in hopes of getting the gender balance on the board of directors. Measures such as these have been presented when this problem attacks our democratic values about how a society should look like. The aim is to study and analyze whether there is any connection between the return on assets and the proportion of women on company boards.Method: The paper is made from a quantitative with a deductive approach.

Kan en standard för miljökommunikation förbättra miljöprestanda? : Ett examensarbete i samarbete med NQA Nordic AB

Mankind has always been communicating, it is almost impossible to not communicate. The communication tree has grown a new branch, the environmental communication branch, and an ISO standard, the ISO 14 063 Environmental communication- guidelines and examples was issued October 2006. The purpose of this thesis is commissioned by the managing director of NQA Nordic AB in order to examine and analyse how organisations communicate environmental issues today, and how big the need for ISO 14 063 actually is, and further more if there are needs and wishes to make ISO 14 063 a certifiable standard. The main conclusion is that the there is a need for the standard, but it is difficult to say in which form since the knowledge about the standard is far to low among the organisations examined in this thesis. Clarity and transparency as ISO 14 063 promotes are important ingredients in organisations? environmental work, so sure a standard for environmental communication can help improve environmental performance, for example through opening up for two-way communication and from that on take part of the stakeholders? opinions.This study is based on a literature study and a questionnaire survey where 70 organisations (in this case authorities, corporations and non-governmental organisations) randomly chosen from the seven criteria, which ISO 14 001 defines as the environment: land, water, air, flora, fauna, natural resources and man and his collaboration with those.

Bostadsbubbla i Stockholm kommun : Sann existens eller falsk spekulation?

In light of the massive property bubbles that have been bursting in the USA, Spain and Ireland during the last decade, the aim of this thesis is to clarify whether ? or to what degree - the municipality of Stockholm might experience a property bubble in the near future. The municipality of Stockholm is undergoing a housing shortage and house prices have risen during the last few years. Neoliberalism and property bubbles are used as a theoretical framework in this paper. The methodology consist of semi structured interviews, analysis of documents and statistical data from Eurostat, Valueguard and the Swedish administrative authority; Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB).

Diakoni och välfärd. : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan diakoni och socialt arbete.

This study discloses the responsibility of social work for the Swedish welfare state respective deacons in the Swedish protestant church, which roll the Swedish protestant church have in the existent welfare and also if deacons experience any expectations and how these expectations in that case are expressed.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationbetween deacons working within the Swedish protestant church and social work, as it appears for professional deacons. The method of investigating the questions raised by the aim of this study has been qualitative analysis of answers derived from six deacons working in different workplaces. The data derived from these interviews was then analysed through the theory of Gösta Esping-Andersen about welfare states and also through background research and earlier science research about the social work within the Swedish protestant church and other social work. The result of the study show that the welfare state in Sweden has the comprehensive responsibility for the citizens. Deacons working within the Swedish protestant church does not have the same responsibility.

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