

262 Uppsatser om Goffman - Sida 1 av 18

"The Bold and the Beautiful" : en studie om den svenska modejournalistiken och dess utmanare

Den här uppsatsen ska främst ses om en fältbeskrivning av en del av den svenska modebloggosfären som de senaste åren har etablerat sig som en ny aktör i rapporteringen kring mode. Vad betyder detta för modejournalistiken och kan man se modebloggandet som en ny karriärväg in till modejournalistiken? Med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieu och Erving Goffman teorier om kapital och personliga fasader vill jag påvisa hur modejournalistiken och modebloggandet skiljer sig ifrån- och liknar varandra samt hur förflyttningarna inom modebloggosfären ter sig..

Onstage/offstage : - om avvikande och normbrytande.

Den här uppsatsen tar avstamp i en personlig erfarenhet av när representationen på sociala medierorsakat konsekvenser i den fysiska världen. Uppsatsen undersöker, genom en autoetnografiskmetod, processer för normerande tillhörighet inom speciella diskurser. I texten användsmusikgenren Black Metal som exempel för att visa hur normer styr och kontrollerar socialthandlingsutrymme för kvinnor. Begrepp som används för att beskriva dessa processer kommer frånErving Goffman och har kallats för det dramaturgiska perspektivet. Begreppen används vidare iarbetet som verktyg i det gestaltande arbetet där normer för subjektspositioner undersöks iiscensatta fotografier..

Vågor mot klippan? ? en intervjustudie av godmanskapet inom funktionshinderomsorgen och dess praktik

Being a trustee within the disability care will, in most cases, put big responsibility on the trustee both as a representative for the klient but also as a representative for the standards of the society. The assignment as a trustee is to strengthen the client and ease his/her way of living in the society. The Swedish legislation that controls the process and the regulation of the trustees, is by the authors of this paper preceived as kind of vauge, leaving a lot of room for interpretation. So  how do trustees comprehend their assignment and how do they actually interpret it? Using material from eight interviews with trustees within the disability care, this paper aims to examine these questions, and focuses only on the trustees and their experiences.

Mäns identitetsskapande på en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att utifrån ett individperspektiv erhålla djupare förståelse och ökad insikt inom ramen för mäns identitetskapande på en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod med en tematisk, semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Urvalet utgjordes av fyra män som jobbar på ett sjukhus i Halmstad. Resultatet visar att männens identitet är flyktig och att den är situationsbunden. Resultatet påvisar även hur en identitet är bunden till olika slags sociala relationer.Resultatet analyseras utifrån George Herbert Mead, Sigmund Freud, Erwig Goffman, William James samt Gregory Stone.

Maskrosbarn : Att växa upp med minst en förälder som missbrukar alkohol

Our study aims to investigate whether resilient children share common factors that could explain them not following the expected course of development for said group. The study also sets out to explore which strategies resilient children implement in order to cope with their situation.The study is based on the following questions:How do resilient children describe their experiences from growing up with parents with substance abuse problems? What risk and protective factors do they mention in their biographies?We use the system theory and Goffman's dramaturgic perspective as analytical tools.  The system theory could help us see the family as a system, while Goffman's theory might help us understand how resilient children find different strategies, and why they implement these strategies, to hide their family problems.The results show that the most important factors with a positive effect on resilient children were: to have somebody else important in their lives, to have goals in life, to have a safe haven, to think independently and to develop a high level of independence early in life..

Svårigheter vid "Förmedlingstjänst för Bildtelefon"

The aim writing this essay is to understand and to explain difficulties with communications during sign language interpreting at the Video Relay Service (VRS). Another aim is also to identify the necessery conditions for communications at the VRS and to investigate why difficulties may arise in lack of these necessary conditions. The questions of this essay are: Which are the vital important difficulties in communication at the VRS and why do these difficulties arise?To answer these questions, four sign language interpreters working with the VRS, have been interviewed. These interviews constitute the empirical data of the essay.

Homosexuell och invandrare - hur går det ihop?

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of being a homosexual immigrant in the Swedish society. Our questions were how the interviewed homosexual immigrants experience being treated by the people in their surroundings and how they are influenced by their attitudes. We also wanted to know what kind of thoughts they have about affiliation considering origin and sexuality, and what positive and negative aspects they experience from the combination of being both homosexual and immigrants.To get the answers to these questions we used a qualitative method and interviewed seven homosexual immigrants between the ages of 25 and 40 years. We then compared our material with earlier studies of the living situation of homosexual immigrants in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. We also linked our findings to Goffman's stigma theory and to heteronormativity.The main result was that the combination of homosexuality and immigrantness can result in various difficulties.

?Jag är militär? : En undersökande studie i hur rollskiftet sker mellan yrkesroll och civil med utgångspunkt i uniformen för Försvarsmaktens soldater.

Den svenska Försvarsmakten är en myndighet med en annorlunda vardag för de anställda. Att arbeta som soldat inom försvaret är ett yrke som bidrar till stora kontraster hos de anställda, genom att växla mellan rollerna som yrkesverksam soldat till att vara civil. Vardagen är även annorlunda utifrån de arbetskläder som används, uniformer. Denna studie är gjord med utgångspunkt i vad uniformen har för del i det skifte som sker när en soldat växlar mellan yrkesroll och civil roll. Kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts om sex informanter, på soldat- och gruppchefsnivå.

Identitetshantering på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssättet till den egna identiteten hos två olika åldersgrupper på vår tids mest offentliga scen

Title: Identity management on Facebook: a qualitative study in approaches to personal identity between two different age groups on the most public stage of our time (Identitetshantering på Facebook: En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssättet till den egna identiteten hos två olika åldersgrupper på vår tids mest offentliga scen).Number of pages: 43.Author: Isabelle Kåge.Tutor: Amelie Hössjer.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall Semester 2010.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To identify differences in attitudes towards and management of personal identity onFacebook within two different age groups.Material/Method: Personal interviews, literature, electronic sources, Internet sources.Main results: Those in the younger age group present themselves differently depending on the person or persons with whom they are communicating. Those in the older age group however, present themselves in a more consequent matter based upon the visibility their actions have to all their friends on Facebook as a whole. The definitions of certain elements on Facebook, such as what constitutes private information or anexcess of photo-tags, differ between the two age groups. Comments and feedback differ in importance and effect between the two age groups. Those in the younger age group are more likely to modify their attitudes towards their identities based upon the functions of Facebook.

Samhällstjänst : Från kroppsbestraffning till ideell verkställighet

Samhällstjänsten har sedan den infördes i början av 1990-talet kommit att användas flitigt dåungdomar och yngre vuxna (under 25 år) blivit dömda för i första hand förstagångsförseelser.I slutet av 1990-talet kom ytterligare en ny verkställighet och det var IÖV eller den mer vardagligtkallade fotbojan. Ett övergripande syfte med denna uppsats var att göra en utvärderingmed Halland i fokus och avseende verkställighetsformerna ?skyddstillsyn med samhällstjänst?och ?villkorlig dom med samhällstjänst?. Dessutom var ett mer historisk syfte att reda ut vadsom har skapat ett samhälleligt behov av en verkställighetsform som ?samhällstjänst?.

Situationsanpassat ledarskap - en studie om vad i situationen som påverkar ledarskapets utformning :  

The purpose of this study has been to examine what it is in the situation that affects which leadership that is applied on the members of the organization. Our questions that we have explored were; What is it in the situation that influences the leadership applied on an individual or staff group? What similarities and differences have emerged by Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model?Further, we used qualitative semi-structured interviews at the interview procedures with three managers and three employees. Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model and Goffmans theory in the book "The presentation of self in everyday life" have been used as a foundation and inspiration in this study.We have found that circumstances like the size of the staff group along with the organizations financials and the resources affect the leadership behavior and how well it is matched with the employees. The function of the leaders position in the context, and the purpose of the situation influences how the leadership is formed.

?Det känns som en barnavdelning, det är ingen ungdomsdel liksom?: Ungdomar och det egna biblioteksrummet

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how young adults experience the library and the space that they have access to. I used semi-structured interviews to find out about this and interviewed eight youths between the ages of 15 and 18 in a medium sized city in the province of Västra Götaland in Sweden. I then analyzed the material with the help of Goffman?s theory about front stage and back stage. I also did a small comparison with results from previous studies.The result showed that the youths generally liked the library and the staff but they had opinions on some issues.

?Jag jobbar som polis men jag brukar inte säga att jag är en polis? : En kvalitativ studie om polisyrkets påverkan på den enskilde individen med fokus på roller samt emotioner

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding about the police profession's impact on the singular individual, with a focus on roles, regions and emotions. The main question is to understand if and then so, how individuals outside of work will be affected of the profession and professional events. In order to answer this question I carried out six semi-structured in-depth interviews with police officers who worked at the main office in a police region in a midsize city in Sweden. To ensure reliability and allow readers to conduct their own assessments the quotations in this study are anonymous. The analysis of the collected material is based on selected parts of Goffman's theories about dramaturgical perspective as well as selected emotion theories.

"J-vligt hög hitrate på sina bilder" : Identitetsskapande på Facebook ur betraktarnas ögon

I dagens allt mer virtuella samha?lle sker en stor del av interaktionen mellan individer i forum som inte la?ngre kra?ver fysisk na?rvaro. Vi bildar oss digitala identiteter och kan pa? ett enkelt tillva?gaga?ngssa?tt styra de intryck vi vill fo?rmedla. Denna uppsats bygger pa? materialinsamling fra?n en fokusgrupp, samt enskilda intervjuer da?r fiktiva Facebook-profiler tilla?mpas som stimulusmaterial.

Digitala julhälsningar : De virala kommunikatörerna, offentligheten och demokratin

Title: Digital christmas greetings - the viral communicators, public sphere and democracy(Digitala julhälsningar - de virala kommuniktörerna, offentligheten och demokratin)Number of pages: 41Author : Anna-Sara TorgnysdotterTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse : Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring, semester 2010University: Devision of Media and Communications, Department of Information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this study is to see if social media could be an arena for the usersto increase democracy and the public sphere. Studying the role and possibilitys of the individual.Is there a space for any one to act and debate?Method: A qualitative analysis based on interviews with ten users of social media - viralcommunicators. They were discussing public and private sphere, democracy, norms andbehavior in social media.Theoretical platform: The theoretical basis has its roots in sociology: Ervin Goffman´sidea on self-presentation and social interaction, Manuel Castels´ theories of the networksociety and Jürgen Habermas idea of the public spehere.Main result: The viral communicators are ambivalent in their use of socialmedia. They are users because they want to be but also because they feel forced to - professionalor private.

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