

2097 Uppsatser om Goal settings - Sida 4 av 140

Motivation och målsättning till att genomföra och återigen delta i Vasaloppet

Vasaloppet är världens äldsta och längsta skidlopp och inför loppet 2012 är 15800 deltagare anmälda. Tidigare forskning har rapporterat att 75 % av alla deltagare påverkas av yttre motivationsfaktorer till deltagande samt visat att målsättning är en effektiv strategi för att öka motivationen. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vad som motiverar människor att genomföra och senare återvända till Vasaloppet utifrån ett motivations- och målsättningsperspektiv. Undersökningen genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och omfattade tio manliga med åldern (M = 33,1) Vasaloppsdeltagare som har genomfört loppet en till fyra gånger och dessutom hade anmält sig till nästkommande lopp. Resultatet visade en förändring från yttre motivation vid det första genomförandet till en högre nivå av inre motivation men med prestationsmål som målsättning vid de båda sammanhangen.

SPELA MERA : ?vidareutveckling av design och funktion på Interaktiva VideoTerminaler

This Master of Science thesis is conducted at the faculty Integrated Product Development at theRoyal Institute of Technology and in cooperation with EssNet Interactive AB, both situated inStockholm. In the report the final results and the road to get there is described as well as thedesign process and how the process is used to obtain the goal of this thesis.The author of this thesis has developed the design and the function of an interactive videoterminal (IVT) and by using semantics created an encouraging gaming design. The projectspurpose was to change the anonymous withheld shape and produce an experience of gamingmachine that has been absent. The work was aimed to answer the question: How does oneproceed to develop the IVT and by using semantics creating an understanding of gamingmachine?In general the author wants to show that small changes, with the help of design and its signals,can completely change the overall picture of a product.

Utemiljöns betydelse för barns utveckling

The outdoor environment is the first thing you notices when you come to a pre-school and it also plays an important part in the development of children, their play and meeting their large motor needs. It is important that the outdoor playground is stimulating and inviting.My goal is to examine if the outdoor environment plays any role in the development of children and their interest in nature. What kind of thoughts do teachers and parents have about outdoor play, and is there a developmental goal for the children as well as what role do the teachers play in reaching these goals. In my work I want to show how an outdoor environment should be formed to help educationally as well as be safe and not least of all fun to be in..

Omvårdnadsdokumentation : granskning av omvårdnadsjournaler inom psykiatrisk slutenvård

Background Swedish nurses are required by law to document nursing care. Studies have proved scarce in nursing documentation with regard to written language, the nursing process and the nurse´s caring perspective. Educating nurses in using the VIPS model have improved nursing documentation. Few studies have included nursing documentation of psychiatric care.Aim The aim of this study was to describe nursing documentation within psychiatric care of inpatient settings.Method A quantitative, retrospective descriptive research design was applied. A total of 60 nursing journals from a psychiatric department of six wards were studied.

The man, the myth: Abraham och ICA.Stig : En narratologisk jämförelse av hur patriarkrollens gestaltas, med utgångspunkt i ledarskap och maskulinitet, i Abrahamscykeln och i en nutida reklamberättelse 

Abraham is the original patriarch. How does his leadership compare with a modern day popular culture patriarch with his roots in advertising, the shopkeeper Stig, star of the ICA advertising? The essay compares the leadership and masculinity of two male leaders from different backgrounds and settings, and discusses similiarities and differences.

Enkla kemiska processer inom förskolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förskollärares uppfattningar och tankar om läroplansmålet enkla kemiska processer

The aim of this study was to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions about the curriculum goal concerning simple chemical processes. The result was based on narratives received by a qualitative study and semi-structured interviews of six preschool teachers. The results of the study showed that preschool teachers perceive that they actually are working in a relatively small scale with simple chemical processes and they do not really know what simple chemical processes are, and do not feel very familiar with the subject. Water, dough, mud, paint and baking were the most common activities that were used when working towards the curricular goal. However, it was never explained to the children that it was simple chemical processes they were working with during the activities, neither was it discussed among colleagues because of the uncertainty about the concept.

En skola för alla : Är denna skola integrerande eller segregerande för barn i behov av särskilt stöd

In this paper integration and inclusion were analysed in both theory and practice to see what they mean for pupils who reqire special support or pupils who have Swedish as a second language in compulsory school. The purpose of this work was to investigate whether inclusion is the best way of reaching the goal of a school for all children. A literary study, was conducted to test this hypothesis. The literature used for this purpose includes non-fiction books, handbooks, newspaper articles, declarations, conventions, and learning and course plans. Qualitative interwiews were held whit a remedial teacher, a Swedish-as-a-second-language teacher, and a class teacher who contributed greatly to this work thoough their experiences and vast knowledge.

Inventering av sidoområden med hjälp av GPS

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Mod, motivation och motgångar - vägen till framgång inom entreprenörskap En kvalitativ studie baserad på djupintervjuer med framgångsrika entreprenörer och intraprenörer

Successful companies are built upon successful individuals. It is these individuals that will create, developand grow the companies and organizations of tomorrow. The primary aim of this paper is to highlight someof the key characteristics of extraordinary entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, as well as gain a deeper understandingof what motivates them, from a time and goal-oriented perspective. Despite the importance of theseindividuals and their massive impact on society's future, there is still a lot that hasn't been investigatedregarding their entrepreneurial drive, from an academic perspective. A comparison between two groups ofindividuals was made, with a total of twenty in-depth interviews.

Strömningssimulering i ett akvarium på Korsvägen Vetenskapscentrum

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Vad har hänt på biblioteket? En studie av kulturaktiviteter på Ulricehamns stadsbibliotek

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.


SammanfattningSyftet med studien var att studera skillnader i vilka mål bordtennisspelare använder sig av beroende på målinriktning. I studien deltog 103 bordtennisspelare (60 män och 43 kvinnor) tävlandes i division ett till tre. Metoden som användes i studien var en kvantitativ undersökning och bestod av enkäterna Collegiate Goal Setting in Sport Questionnaire (Weinberg, Burton, Yukelson, Weigand, 1993) och Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (Duda & Nicholls, 1992; ref i Duda, 1998). Resultatet i studien visade flera signifikanta skillnader mellan bordtennisspelarna med högre resultatinriktning och bordtennisspelare med en lägre resultatinriktning när det gäller uppfattning om målsättning. Resultatet visade exempelvis att bordtennisspelarna med högre resultatinriktning oftare satte resultatmål och prestationsmål jämfört med bordtennisspelare med en lägre resultatinriktning.

Den svenska varmblodiga hästens avelsmål : en enkätundersökning och analys av genetiska trender

As the quality of internationally competing horses is increasing, a debate concerning the breeding goal of the Swedish Warmblood horse has arisen. Some people claim that the breeding goal should be divided into two separate goals in the future; one for show jumping horses and another one for dressage horses. At the same time others claim that since the largest group of people using the Swedish Warmblood horse today is amateur riders, the needs of these riders should be taken into a larger consideration in the breeding program. The largest emphasis in this matter is on the horses? temperament. The objective of the study was to investigate what the majority of the Swedish horse people think about a variety of questions concerning today?s breeding goal of the Swedish Warmblood horse.

Automatisk benplockare för lax : En vidareutveckling av befintlig prototyp

This thesis describes a further development of an existing prototype named Automatic pin bone remover. The further development was requested from the Swedish consulting firm ATM AB. The request of automatic pin bone removers is high and has the potential to be a worldwide leading product.The goal with the thesis work is to further develop an existing prototype. In order to achieve the goal a pre-study of the prototype had to be made in order to define a customer demand specification. The thesis work is then continued by a function analysis which differs from a conservative one.

Audio Broadcast

This report is the written part of a bachelorthesis on the computer engineering program atUniversity of Halmstad. The project was a cooperate project that where done together withFree2move Holding AB. Free2move is a company with eight employees in Sweden and four inMalaysia. The company is today developing Bluetooth modules and RFID chips. The market forthis kind of products is growing very rapidly, last year it grew 71 percent.

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