

1468 Uppsatser om Global hćllbarhet - Sida 43 av 98

Beslut som fattas a?r inte ba?ttre a?n den information besluten grundas i

Over the last 25 year IT development has greatly influenced the waycompanies are managed, the tremendous growth in the information society has made a huge amount of information extremely accessible. This has resulted in the problem of information overload where the large amount of information can affect the quality of a decision basis collected by a controller.The purpose of the study is to examine how a controller is affected by information overload and how this influences the decision basis. We intend to highlight the important elements to represent a high quality of information.A survey was conducted through a case study within a global affiliated company in the packaging industry. An adductive approach has been applied with a qualitative research method. Collected empirical material from interviews has been put into relation with existing theories.The case study indicates that there is no relationship between the problem of information overload and flawed decision basis.

Lokomotivföretag i Norrbotten: en studie om tvÄ ledande företag

I Sverige idag pratas det flitigt om hur företagandet kan förbÀttras och blickarna har i allt större utstrÀckning riktats mot Norditaliens industriella distrikt dÀr företag samverkar i dynamiska kluster och nÀtverk. I fronten för dessa stÄr ett sÄ kallat lokomotivföretag. Karakteristiskt för denna aktör Àr att den Àr mycket framgÄngsrik och Àr djupt rotade i den lokala dimensionen, samtidigt som den Àr ledande pÄ en global marknad. De viktigaste egenskaperna Àr omsorgen för den lokala miljön och den sociala funktionen, gedigna yrkeskunskaper samt betydelse för företagens kompetensutveckling. Syftet med studien var att pÄ ett induktivt, aktörsorienterat metodsynsÀtt studera vad som kan kÀnneteckna ett Norrbottniskt lokomotivföretag och vilken nytta dessa skapar i sin region.

NÀr internet kom till GÀrdet : En studie om public service pÄ internet

In the mid-1990?s, the global computer network known as the Internet was introduced in Sweden. With this study, we are shining a light on the entrance of Swedish Public Service media on the Internet. The two major Swedish Public Service companies Sveriges Television (?Swedish Television?, also called SVT) and Sveriges Radio (?Swedish Radio?, also called SR) are included in this study.SR published its first website in 1994 and the site featured a presentation of the results from the Swedish parliament elections of that year.

Abort, ett sjÀlvklart val?

Hur fungerar Internet som politiskt verktyg i praktiken? PÄ vilka sÀtt förÀndras förutsÀttningarna för politisk kamp med ökade möjligheter till oberoende medieproduktion och global distribution? Med ett tvÀrvetenskapligt förhÄllningssÀtt grundat i ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv intervjuas representanter frÄn den svenska miljörörelsen samt organisationer som arbetar för mÀnskliga rÀttigheter i Tibet. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att sociala rörelser arbetar i digitala nÀtverk dÀr autonomi, decentralisation och flexibilitet Àr nyckelord ? precis samma organisationslogik som globaliserade företag arbetar under. Detta möjliggör en oberoende sfÀr för information och kommunikation som i sin tur leder till ett symbiotiskt förhÄllande med etablerade mediekanaler. Vi gÄr dÀrmed ifrÄn att vara ?konsumenter? till att bli ?anvÀndare? ? en radikalt förÀndrad maktrelation mellan producent och mottagare.

Introduktion av mat till barn som ammas : Vad BVC ger för information och hur förÀldrar gör

In 2001 the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a revised global recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for a child ÂŽs first six months. The aim of this study was to investigate what information parents receiving from the Child Health Care about introduction of solids to breastfed infants and if they follow the recommendation. A further aim is to document reasons for introduction of solids at the selected time and describe what food parents start with.The method has a descriptive and a qualitative design. Users of several Swedish parenting websites were asked to participate in the study. A total of 27 users completed the anonymous open-ended questions posted on the websites.

GrundskollÀrare och psykosocial (o)hÀlsa : En kvalitativ fallstudie om relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv

Work environment has been an important part of the Swedish working life for a long time and with the help of the Working Environment Law the work environment is mandatory. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper insight into how the system of middle managers systematic work environment looks like. The question was: How do six middle managers perceive and deal with systematic work environment? A qualitative study was conducted with six middle managers from a global company. During the analysis, there were three main themes to be recognized (cooperation and support facilitates the work environment, problem with the systematic work and difficulties with staff) and six sub themes.

Vart bör Kiribati, Tuvalu och Marshallöarnas befolkningar ta vÀgen? : En normativ analys inom Àmnet för klimatförÀndringarnas utmaningar

The effects of anthropogenic climate change are becoming more and more visible as being highlighted by scientists, politicians and media. The causes of droughts, floods, melting ice caps and rising sea levels can all partially be traced back to human activities. In this study, I examine where the future climate refugees of Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands should go when inhabitants of these low lying island nations are forced to leave their disappearing territories due to sea level rise. By using a normative method of analysis i egentlig mening, arguments deriving from certain values will be presented to confront the problem. These values originate from Edward A.

Hur tiggeri konstrueras som ett socialt problem i den massmediala debatten

The Swedish stock-market gives investors an opportunity to benefit from the global growth while financing companies invests and contributes to a socio-economic development. Parallel to the ownership of the funds also follows a responsibility as companies in the funds affect society and the environment. The growth of savings in funds, combined with an increased focus on sustainability has developed SRI (socially responsible investment). Therefore it is interesting to examine whether responsibility is an exception, which only concerns SRI-funds or a general principle, which includes the whole Swedish stock-market.The results of the survey makes it clear that all the Swedish major banks actively works to integrate sustainability within the respective bank's business to achieve a more sustainable financial system. Thus concludes the investigation that responsible investments are a general principle on the Swedish mutual stock-market.How responsibility is integrated in fund management differ between the banks.

Solenergisystem i Hammarby Sjöstad

Problems with the current energy system, which partially relies on non-renewable fuels, are increasingly recognized. Emissions of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels may speed up global warming, which in turn leads to a number of negative consequences. Nuclear energy is risky and relies on consumption of a scarce resource. This leads to a demand of renewable energy that is also economically feasible. One possible renewable source of energy is solar energy.

Vi och vÄra andra Om konstruktionen av de andra i svenska lÀromedel. En diskursanalys av fem samhÀllskunskapsböcker för högstadiet.

The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent the senior level Swedish school can be viewed as supporting, or counteracting, a colonial discourse that legitimizes global and national injustices. The study is executed through a discourse analysis of five textbooks in social science for senior level Swedish schools.Using elements from Foucault and Edward Said a theoretical framework is constructed, in which a colonial discourse is perceived as structured around four clusters of ideas, namely (i) the use of dichotomies, (ii) the concept of progress and civilization, (iii) the construction of -we- as synonymous with (ii), and (iv) the construction of -the others- as the opposite of (ii) and, therefore, the opposite of -us-.The results show that a colonial discourse is still highly present in the textbooks, in that the texts are structured around dichotomies such as tradition/modernity and democracy/dictatorship. Sweden and the Western world are perceived as closely associated with democracy, freedom, and modernity, whereas -the others- of the world are being associated with e.g. poverty, conflict, tradition, and ignorance. -The others- within Sweden, i.e.

Bankernas syn pÄ hÄllbarhetsredovisning : en kartlÀggning av svenska bankers engagemang och det upplevda mervÀrdet

Bakgrund: I dagens samhÀlle ökar medvetenheten om vÄr omgivning mer och mer. Miljö, samhÀlls- och etiska frÄgor blir allt viktigare att ta hÀnsyn till, bÄde för privatpersoner och för företag. Banksektorn har lÀnge legat pÄ efterkÀlken nÀr det kommer till hÄllbarhetsredovisning. Dock blir bankernas intressenter mer och mer medvetna om hÄllbarhetsfrÄgor och för att vara konkurrenskraftiga har bankerna dÀrför börjat engagera sig i detta. Dock kostar engagemanget bÄde tid och pengar för bankerna sÄ dÀrför gÀller det att mervÀrdet av hÄllbarhetsarbetet Àr större Àn de resurser som lÀggs ner.Syfte: Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka varför endast vissa banker vÀljer att hÄllbarhetsredovisa enligt GRI, samt varför de banker som redovisar enligt GRI vÀljer att stanna pÄ en B- eller C-nivÄ.

Emissions for Sale : The Ethics of Emissions Trading

International regulations target a global reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through the allocation of national reduction targets and the definition of mechanisms to achieve these targets. One of these mechanisms is international emissions trading, these trading programs have been the targets of widespread criticism since they were introduced into the policy-making arena. The point of departure in this study has been that the trading raises questions about morality, since it implies signals, which legitimates pollution. The main purpose with this study has been to find out if emissions trading systems can be morally justified with the method of wide reflective equilibrium. From the study it was found that the moral intuition; it is wrong to pollute the environment, and perform activities, which legitimates pollution, finds support from the different theories within environmental ethics and Kantian ethics.

Relationsmarknadsföring i dagens företag

Dagens företag som sysslar med tillverkning och distribuering tvingas idag till konkurrens pÄ global nivÄ, deras produkter fÄr en allt kortare livscykel och kundernas smak och tycke förÀndras snabbt och dramatiskt. Kundlojalitet kan inte lÀngre tas för givet och kundanpassning Àr ett mÄste om företagen vill behÄlla sina kunder. Om dagens företag inte vÀljer att satsa pÄ en lÄngtgÄende relation med sina kunder, under vilket utbytet av varor och pengar sker, sÄ kommer de inte att klara sig.Till sin hjÀlp har företag en mÀngd olika hjÀlpmedel sÄsom kundorienterad marknadsföring och olika datoriserade informationssystem och verktyg. Alla dessa hjÀlpmedel anvÀnder sig av kundinformation som företag mÄste antingen köpa eller samla in. Rapportens syfte Àr att undersöka hur dagens företag anvÀnder kundinformation och strategiska teknologiska hjÀlpmedel för att förbÀttra sina kundrelationerRapporten presenterar först en bakgrund som bygger upp ett problemomrÄde dÀr problemformuleringen presenteras.

Assuandammens pÄverkan pÄ Nilen, Egypten

Regulation of rivers by dams and reservoirs is a good example where anthropogenic impact could be considerable both in the local environment, but also has major implications upstream and downstream. This study was accomplished as a literature study of the river Nile, which is extremely important for water supply. The purpose of this study was to investigate the consequences of the construction of the Aswan High Dam, to obtain a consistent flow for water supply, irrigation and power generation in Egypt. Since Egypt has a very hot and dry climate large amounts of water in reservoir is lost to the Nubian aquifer system and by evaporation. The consequences from constructing the dam are considerable.

Industriell symbios som affÀr : Hur kan ett Ätervinningsföretag facilitera utvecklingen av regionala industriella ekosystem?

Addressing increasing global environmental problems requires greater resource efficiency, and one way of working towards this is through industrial symbiosis. Industrial symbiosis means that companies collaborate through sharing of resources for collective benefits. The documented benefits of working with industrial symbiosis indicate that there is potential for companies to operate commercially with facilitation of industrial symbiosis. An interesting company to study within this context is Econova. Econova operates within the recycling and gardening industry and has been identified as a possible catalyst for industrial symbiosis.

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