

1900 Uppsatser om Global expansion - Sida 9 av 127

Delat Ledarskap- En fallstudie om ett delat produktansvar på ledarskapsnivå

Leadership is essential for every company. Its strength or weakness of direction, clarity, and evaluation affects success or failure of its organization. With the complex structure of the big and global companies today leadership is more challenging. The traditional view of leadership, with the single individual possessing all the competences and skills, is therefore being challenged by an alternative way of leadership, a shared leadership. Existing research on the subject is still scarce, which makes further studies in this field important.

Självkänsla och idrottslig kompetens hos idrottare inom Special Olympics

Individer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar (IF), IK<70, tenderar att ha lägre självkänsla än individer utan IF. Låg självkänsla korrelerar med psykisk ohälsa, såsom depression, ångest och ätstörningar. Global självkänsla, en individs generella uppfattning av sig själv och sitt värde, påverkar och påverkas av undergrupper, såsom idrottslig kompetens (Shavelson, Hubner, & Stanton, 1976). Studier utanför Sverige visar att deltagande i organiserad idrottsverksamhet ökar global självkänsla och idrottslig kompetens hos individer med IF. Denna studies syfte var att undersöka självkänsla och idrottslig kompetens hos idrottare, 16 år och äldre, inom Special Olympics i Sverige.

Gränslöst. En global utställning på Historiska museet

This thesis is a report concerning the practical aspects on exhibition techniques. During an internship at the National History Museum in Stockholm I participated in the work with their new, temporary exhibition Gränslöst - en global utställning på Historiska museet [Boundless - a global voyage of discovery at the National Historical Museum]. I was part of a small project team of museum staff. The purpose of this exhibition was to show how cultures have met and influenced each other throughout history. The National Historical Museum has in its collections and exhibitions several examples of objects that has been imported from or inspired by other cultural areas.

Teachers Perspectives on Difficulties surrounding the Teaching of Global Climate Change in Primary School

To be educated in global climate issues can be challenging for pupils. This may contribute to anxiety and feelings of helplessness. Global climate change may also be a challenge for educators to convey to young learners, f-3. Educators can experience various problems when it comes to teaching about climate issues. The subject of climate change is a broad and complex area, according to the studied material in our thesis.

EU som global aktör : En fallstudie av klimatförhandlingarna i Köpenhamn

This essay examines the European Union?s (EU) ability to play a leading role as a global actor on the world stage in international relations. Specifically, this essay studies the EU?s role of negotiator in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.  This essay also analyzes explanations for this role. Research is based on case studies, with conclusions drawn using an inductive approach.

Vad för historia? : En kvalitativ undersökning om historieämnetsinnehåll ur ett interkulturellt perspektiv

This essay is called What kind of history? and is about how history teachers think when they chose what to teach about and why. In the curriculum there are no guidelines about what substance you have to teach about. This gives the schools and teachers a big freedom. At the same time there is a kind of informal canon which says that it is the European perspective that is the important one.

Samhällskunskap - Ett ämne i tiden? : En studie av globaliseringens inverkan på samhällskunskapen

In preparation for the autumn term in 2011, the Swedish elementary school adopted new syllabuses regarding, inter alia, the civic education (Sw. Samhällskunskap). The civic education has traditionally been a disciplinary subject with a main purpose of mediating democratic values as well as providing generalorientation in the society. Generally, the civic education intends to reflect the world in which people live in, being a complex society which to a large extent is regularly affected by global aspects and developments.      The purpose of this study is to review all the elementary school?s syllabuses relating to the civic education with specific focus on the globalisation perspective.

Kvalitet till Max-En undersökning av strategiers betydelse inom företaget Max

SammanfattningTitel: Kvalitet till max ? En undersökning om strategier's betydelse inom företaget MaxÄmne/Kur's: FEK 582 Kandidatuppsat's, 10 poäng Författare: Per Nordqvist, David Olhed och Kristin GrenHandledare: Han's Knutsson Företag: MaxNyckelord: Strategi, kvalitet, expansion, differentiering, strategiprocesser, restaurang- och måltidsbranschenSyfte: Vårt syfte är att undersöka, beskriva och analysera vilka strategier som ligger bakom företaget Max framgång.Metod: Vi har använt os's av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt där intervjuer bidragit till majoriteten av insamlad empiri.Teoretisk referensram: Strategiprocesser, Porter's Five Force's, tjänstekvalitet, strategiprocesser, de tre generiska strategierna.Empiri: Vi har genom intervjuer fått en inblick i Max strategiska arbete och verksamhet. Slutsatser: Den främsta slutsatsen som vi kommit fram till är att Max koncept bygger på kvalitet. Kvalitet genomsyrar hela organisationen, både internt och externt. De flesta av dera's strategiska beslut grunda's på kvalitetsaspekten och med kvalitet vinner de kunderna's förtroende..

Bristen på arrendemark som hinder för expansion av lantbruksföretag : arrendelagstiftningens och gårdsstödets påverkan på den svenska arrendemarknaden

Improved profitability, a reasonable yearly income or the possibility to have employees are all incentives for expansion. A prerequisite for farm businesses to expand is for land to be made available, either to buy or to rent. In Sweden, 43 % of the total arable land is leasehold land, which implies that a functioning leasehold market is of great importance for the Swedish agriculture. Several factors can affect the supply of leasehold land, for instance the leasehold legislation and the Single Payment Scheme. The fact that the leasehold legislation is compulsory, in protection of the leaseholder, might keep land owners from leasing their land out.

Hur har rollen för FAR och Revisorsnämnden förändrats? 1999-2005

Syfte Att utreda FAR och Revisorsnämndens förändrade roll. Metod För att möjliggöra syftet har både primär- samt sekundärdata använts. Primärdatan innehåller intervjuer med flertalet personer väl insatta i ämnet. Sekundärdatan består huvudsakligen av branschpublikationer samt hemsidor för relevanta organ. Litteratur Litteraturgenomgången fokuserar på teorier kring global governance.

Samhällskunskap - ett ämne i tiden? : En studie av globaliseringens inverkan på samhällskunskapen

In preparation for the autumn term in 2011, the Swedish elementary school adopted newsyllabuses regarding,inter alia, the civic education (Sw. Samhällskunskap). The civiceducation has traditionally been a disciplinary subject with a main purpose of mediatingdemocratic values as well as providing general orientation in the society. Generally, the civiceducation intends to reflect the world in which people live in, being a complex society whichto a large extent is regularly affected by global aspects and developments.The purpose of this study is to review all the elementary school?s syllabuses relating to thecivic education with specific focus on the globalisation perspective.

Hyttsten som ersättning för 0-8 mm gjutgrus i betong: Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att ta reda på vilken inverkan hyttsten har som ersättningsballast vid betongtillverkning

Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att ta reda på vilken inverkan hyttsten har som ersättningsballast vid betongtillverkning. Genom siktning av materialprover för att säkerställa kornstorleksfördelning, litteraturstudier samt intervjuer insamlades data om hyttsten. Utvärdering och analys av data från siktning, hållfasthetsförsök samt sättmått utfördes av Martin Åström. AKR-analysen genomfördes av Envix Nord AB Umeå. Resultaten från AKR-testen (expansion) resulterade i följande slutsatser: ?Korttids- och långtidstester med hyttsten i betong visar att det inte förekommer någon negativ expansion orsakad av AKR-reaktionen.?Från analysen (ASTM 1260) Mf framkommer det att undersökt naturballast är mer expansiv än hyttsten.Provtryckning visade på följande: ?Hållfastheten är mycket god.

Nordiska sjömäns arbetsutsikter inom offshorebranschen : Vad händer när olje- och gasreserverna i Nordsjön tar slut?

AbstractThis thesis is a qualitative study that provides an insight into the Nordic offshore market, focusing on the North Sea and investigates indications of how the near future may develop in the area and how these developments may affect the Nordic seafarers. Questions central to the work are aimed primarily at how shipping companies, agencies and seafarers active in the offshore industry look at future activity in the North Sea, Nordic seafarers' status in the global labor market, and how today's employment conditions look like for seafarers in the global offshore industry. The majority of the information was collected through interviewes and questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how the expected development in the North Sea, in terms of availability of oil and gas, may have effect on the Scandinavian seafarers' future work prospects and employment conditions in the global offshore labor. The conclusions that have been drawn are that competition among seafarers in the offshore industry is higher 2015 than previous years (2000-2014) and are expected to increase.

Islam på universitetet. En innehållsanalys av islamisk predikan på Chalmers

This paper analyzes the content of eight Islamic Friday-sermons, held at Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg in spring 2010, organized by Chalmers Islamiska Förening (CIF) (Chalmers Islamic community).The forces of globalization, the accessibility of information and the Internet have given rise to discourses and movements that know no national boundaries. The accessibility of these global movements and discourses through media, Internet, etc., affect the way Muslims in Sweden interpret and practice their religion. Thus, this paper includes discussions and descriptions of global Islamic revivalist-movements, and relates the contents of the sermons at Chalmers to these movements. In the sermons, the imams often discuss the concept of a global Muslim community, the umma, and their perceptions of the prescribed ethics linked to this community. They often relate this discussion of ethics to frequently discussed issues in the West such as equality, justice and ethical standards in war.

Deloittes konkurrensstrategier : Försäljning av ekonomisk fastighetsförvaltning åt bostadsrättsföreningar

The aim of this study is to find out in which way the education about climate in school is taught and how the students experience the world situation today. There are various theories about the greenhouse effect and its origin and these theories should be addressed to ensure that students get a broader understanding of how climate change occurs. This includes the natural phenomena and also the human impact on climate change. Students in school are a source of concern that only human are the cause of global warming, and know little or almost nothing about the natural phenomena of global warming.  I will mention what has emphasized in the national steering documents in the case of environmental education at school.I have used a qualitative method, where interviews and document analysis were used as techniques. The interviews took place with five students in ninth grade and with three science teachers in the same school..

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