8074 Uppsatser om Global Software Development - Sida 12 av 539
Tying på en innovativ marknad - Microsoft mot Kommissionen
Förstainstansrättens dom i målet Microsoft mot Kommissionen har gett upphov tillmånga konkurrensrättsliga frågor, bl.a. gällande Microsofts tying av WindowsMedia Player till sitt operativsystem Windows. Denna uppsats för framförallt ettresonemang kring frågan om huruvida de ?traditionella? EG-rättsliga metodersom idag används vid bedömningen av kopplingsförbehåll (tying) är förlegade närdessa ska appliceras på en ?ny? produkt som mjukvara. En analys av konkurrensrättsligdoktrin och rättspraxis visar att Microsoftdomen i delen vad gäller tying ärkonsekvent gentemot den praxis som etablerats på området genom målen T-30/89Hilti AG mot Kommissionen samt C-333/94 P Tetra Pak International SA motKommissionen.
TVÄTTÄKTA ANSVAR? - En studie av Global Compacts svenska medlemsföretag.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att kasta ljus över ämnet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Inom detta ämne kommer fokus att ligga på det initiativ som heter Global Compact (GC), och som blivit föremål för såväl beundran som skepticism. Målet är att utröna om GC i Sverige blivit, eller är i riskzonen för att bli, en front för det som i uppsatsen kallas kulörtvätt, eller om det tvärtom är en välfungerande sammanslutning som hjälper till att sprida CSR. Frågeställning: ?Hur och vart åberopar de svenska företagen sitt medlemskap i Global Compact??, ?Av vilka anledningar ansluter sig företag till Global Compact??, ?Vilka effekter kan företagens frivilliga val av Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) som rapporteringssystem ha på de åtaganden av transparens och kommunikation som Global Compact medlemskapet för med sig?? Metod: För att uppfylla syftet och frågeställningarna används en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metodel.
FN:s Milleniemål och deras påverkan på den svenska biståndspolitiken
The purpose of this thesis is to study to what extent the UN millennium development goals have influenced Sweden?s development policy. The research method that I have used is a qualitative text analysis and I have studied the ideas in governmental texts and millennium development goals reports from 1995-2008.My hypothesis is that the basic ideas that has symbolized Sweden?s development policy has not changed much since the adoption of the millennium development goals in year 2000. This hypothesis is based on different ideas that the basic perspectives in international development policy are rather constant.My conclusion is that many of the areas that are affected by the millennium development goals already are prioritized areas within Swedish development policy, for example poverty reduction and gender equality.
Är OSSg2 ett lämpligt steg mot Open Source på verksamhetskritiska IT-system?
Sun Microsystems chose its own Open Source path by not following competitors in their commitment toGNU/Linux. Sun instead created its own Open Source project from the source of Solaris under the name ofOpenSolaris. The business model of OpenSolaris belongs to the new and more commercially viable OpenSource, referred to as OSSg2. This survey was based on articles on the adoption of Open Source in organizationsand István Orci?s publication Kritiska IT-System.
Spelutveckling för Facebook ? från koncept till produkt
Under vårt kandidatarbete arbetade vi under 20 veckor med att utveckla ett
webbaserat spel riktat
mot Facebook. Vi använde Agile/Scrum som projektmetod för vårt arbete och
förändrade metoden
och utvecklade verkyg för att effektivisera den för vårt syfte.
Vi kom fram till att det är svårt att göra ett socialt spel och att det
viktigaste i produktionen är att
se till att det finns en tydlig koppling mellan spelarnas interaktion med
varandra och den
grundläggande spelmekaniken. Vi tappade fokus under utvecklingen och lärde oss
den hårda vägen
vikten av att planera realistiskt och börja ifrån grunden när man utvecklar ett
Spelet vi skapade använder sig av slumpässigt genererad terräng, är skrivet i
JavaScript och
utspelar sig i en viktoriansk miljö.
Nyckelord: Facebook, spelutveckling, webbutveckling, internet, sociala spel
During our bachelor thesis we worked for 20 weeks with the development of a
web-based game
for Facebook. We used Agile/Scrum as our project planning method, changed the
method to make
it more effective for our purpose and developed tools for the method.
We came to the conclusion that it's hard to make a social game and that the
most important thing
in the production is to make sure that there's a clear connection between the
players' interaction
with each other and the foundations of the game mechanics. We lost focus during
development and learned the hard way the value of planning realistically and to
start from the
core when developing a game.
The game we created uses a random generated terrain, is written in JavaScript
and takes place in a
Victorian environment.
Keywords: Facebook, game development, web development, internet, social games.
Loggning av användares interaktioner : utvärdering av användbarhet
The disconnect between assumptions regarding computer users interactions made by software engineers and the actual interactions do, for various reasons, not always match. Gathering actual usage data from user interfaces can enable software designers to make better educated decisions. By buildning a prototype for collecting such data from a diagnosis tool for the automotive industry this project has shown not only how to benefit from the data but also how to perform the work. The data is 1 600 sessions consisting of 26 000 individual events. From this it has shown that available tools can assist in rudimentary questions regarding usage.
Nulägesanalys och verifiering av autentiseringsmetoder : En studie på ett konsultbolag i nätverksbranschen
This report is written for a consultant networking company with the purpose to review the development ofthe company's remote connections from a user friendly and security perspective.This includes an investigation of the possibilities to consolidate existing authentication methods foraccessing customers. The problem lies in the amount of methods being used. Through case study wefound that smart cards, SMS-service, software and hardware tokens exist.The only method feasible from a security perspective is smart cards. Since the method is not commonlyused by the company's customers a standardization of it would be counterproductive.Also, the purpose of this report is to investigate how the ongoing internal development of the remoteconnection will affect the company's clients. Within this framework we have also verified a designsuggestion.We interpret, after the completion of the case study, that the internal development of the remoteconnection is marginally affected by legal perspectives.
Inventering av Hårsbäcksdalen och Örsundaåns övre dalgång ur ett geodiversitetsperspektiv
The area around the stream Orsundaan, which runs trough the valley Harsbacksdalen, is famous for its beautiful landscape. The upper area of Orsundaan and Harsbacksdalen is situated just south of Heby in Uppland, Sweden. Even though the area is protected by different nature conservation acts, it is difficult to find any information about the geodiversity in the area. Geodiversity, or geological and geomorphological diversity, includes the concepts of geoprocesses and geoelements. Very high geodiversity could be seen at an inventory of the geomorphology in the upper area of Orsundaan and Harsbacksdalen.
Bellman Marknadsföring : Marknadspotential och förslag till lanseringsplan
This Master thesis was written in collaboration with the Kalmar-based consulting company Sederkvist Kommunikation. The purpose was to explore the market potential for Sederkvist Kommunikations new software Bellman Marketing. Based on these results a launch plan was created and advoice were given to Sederkvist Kommunikation as to how their new administrative tool could be introduced on the market. Data were collected through semi-structured telephone interviews. The population was Swedish so called Gazelle-companies (growth-companies listed yearly by the business newspaper Dagens Industri) and totally 27 units were examined.
Born Global - Konsten att överleva en tidig globalisering
SammanfattningI takt med att världen krymper och gränserna mellan världens länder suddas ut ökar möjligheterna för små- och medelstora företag att snabbt slå sig in på den globala marknaden. De företag som inom de närmaste åren efter sin etablering får en snabb tillväxt på internationella marknader brukar benämnas Born Global företag. Det är just denna kategori av företag vi har valt att undersöka. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka faktorer som gör det möjligt för ett Born Global företag att överleva en tidig internationalisering. De traditionella teorierna om internationalisering domineras av Uppsalamodellen som förespråkar att denna process sker gradvis hos företagen.
RAFFLES CITY - Lokala och globala dimensioner av ett urbant komplex i Chengdu
In a time where many Asian metropolises experience an expansive development new urbanconditions are created and the already existing disappears or being replaced. Asian cities develop ata pace that is unprecedented in our history and which, through a western perspective can seemharsh. By focusing on an urban complex in Chengdu, capital of the southwestern province ofSichuan China, the study asks; is it possible to see this rapid urbanization from another perspective?The study examines the local and global dimensions of Raffels City, and how concepts such asnostalgia and authenticity, related to the city, can be understood in an urbanization that is so markedby massive demolitions. The study shows that these concepts can be expressed in several ways, andthat an awareness of them does not necessarily control the view of the city..
Trummor för iPhone & iPad
This project is about development of virtual drums for iPhone and iPad. The project aims to provide the company Toontrack AB with a good foundation to build drumbased apps. The focus has been on getting a quick response when playing and that user interfaces should be easy to use, intuitive and customizable. The result is impressive and both audio and graphics are of excellent quality thanks to good collaboration with Toontrack, that previously has developed drum-based software. The drum kit offers a variety of articulations and even the ability to play various dynamics, although the screens are not pressure sensitive..
Produktutveckling - från idé till genomförande : skillnader i arbetsprocess mellan små och stora resebyråer
Tourism has been an expanding market since the first travel agency started in the middle of the 18?Th century, and today it is a global industry, with intensified competition and high demands from the customers. Product development is therefore one of the most important aspects for successful companies, and scientists also agree that the first stages in product development are the most critical. This essay is focusing on those stages, regarding product development on travel agencies, and the research question is as follows: How are new tourism destinations developed and what is the difference in working process between small and big travel agencies? The empirical research consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with two big and two small travel agencies.
Undersökning av global epigenetisk metyleringsstatus hos juvertumörer på hund :
Mammary tumors are the most frequent type of tumors in bitches in Sweden. Many
studies have been published concerning mammary tumors, but there is still much to
be learned about this disease.
One has, since some time ago, had the knowledge that addition to or removal of
methyl groups to genes can inhibit or activate gene-expression. Methylation and
demethylation is a normal phenomenon in the body and it is essential for the
development and survival of the individual. The risk of developing a tumor disease is
increased if the global methylationstatus is changed; if oncogenes demethylates
(activates) or if tumor suppressor genes methylates (inactivates). In the human
medicine one has seen that there are differences in methylationstatus between
different tumors.
In this study tumor and normal tissue from ten dogs were examined with regard to
Automatisk räkning med monokrom visionsteknik
The use of vision applications are growing and the demand for integration and connectivity with other industrial automation control devices is increasing. Some businesses that are using vision technology follow US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) regulation concerning audit trail. This thesis investigates the possibility to use vision technology for counting objects, achieving connectivity and to follow FDAs audit trail regulation. A market survey has been used to select suitable hardware and software to be used in the design of an application that is able to count objects and that uses standard industrial network connection i.e. OPC data access and Microsoft?s .NET components over Ethernet.