

1791 Uppsatser om Generic Strategies - Sida 6 av 120

The Impact of Customer Orientation on the Business Strategies: the Customisation Case of Nestlé on French and Chinese Dairy Markets

Background: As Porter?s diamond (1990) suggested, the business environment highly influences firms? strategies. Today, most of the companies have to decide their strategy depending from a worldwide business environment. Yet, strategy researches and the growing importance of marketing for business success also show that customer dimension must be taken into consideration. On some markets and in certain industries, the offer is much higher than the demand and then, companies need to attract customers.

Strategier på en dynamisk marknad - en analys av skånska gardencenters och handelsträdgårdar :

Garden center and market gardens are a growing trade, undergoing great changes with new actors and purchasing habits. The interest in gardens and plants is steadily increasing, official statistics show an increase of garden plants and flower consumption, of an annual 3 per cent. Garden centers and market gardens are in great need of development to be able to tackle the prevailing competition, and maintain a steady growth. Many companies are heading for a generation shift and are founding it difficult to find and employ younger managers. The aim of this report is to examine different strategies of garden centers and market gardens through the manager/ owner?s views and opinions about competition, growth and success.

Hanteringsstrategier hos personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

AbstractBackground: Inflammatory bowel disease involves major changes where psychological and physical stress becomes a part of ones daily life. The ability to adapt and cope well with the situation, increases the chances of feeling satisfied with life. There are various management strategies that people with IBD use to cope with their daily life.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe strategies that people with inflammatory bowel disease use to manage their daily lives. A further purpose is to describe the study group in the included articles.Method: A descriptive literature review. This study is based on 12 scientific articles, searched in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.

Revisorns oberoende i förhandlingen med klienten : Vilken betydelse har relationen?

Aim: Earlier studies have investigated what impact the relationship between the auditor and their clients have on the auditor?s objectivity. There are different opinions about whether a close relationship harms or promote the auditors work. Furthermore there are studies that show what strategies the auditor (and client) tends to use in the negotiation between the two of them. On this basis we have chosen to study if there are any correlation between the nature of the auditor client relationship, the auditor?s negotiation strategy against the client and the auditor?s objectivity.Method: Because of our purpose to study if there is any correlation between the relationship, the negotiation strategies and the auditor´s objectivity we have chosen to implement a quantitative survey.

Från sköna gummor till snygga brudar : En komparativ analys av Liv Strömquists Prins Charles känsla och dess franska översättning

The translation of culture-specific words and expressions as well as how to fully transmit the semantics and pragmatics of a text when translating are two things that often poses problems and challenges for translators. The strategies among which one can choose are many and the translation is more or less bound to lose something along the way. In this present essay, the Swedish comic album Prins Charles ka?nsla (2010) by Liv Stro?mquist and its French translation Les sentiments du Prince Charles (2012) have been studied. With the help of existing translation strategies, what is examined is initially what choices the translators have made and how this affects the French text.

Anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda sin partner med demens

Alzheimer?s disease has increasing effects on the Swedish population. Now, about 90 000 swedes have been diagnosed with the disease. Many of these persons are cared for by someone close to them. The aim of this study is to increase understanding for the situation and experiences of the persons caring for their affected partner and to examine which support they are given by the public sector.

VVA-strategier för avgastemperaturhöjning på en HD-Dieselmotor

Regulations on the exhaust emissions of HD-diesel engines are becoming more and more stringent, and therefore, emission after-treatment systems are commonly used. These systems rely on catalytic conversion of NOx,CO , and HC emissions, and are thus dependant on temperature. At low load of the engine, exhaust temperatures are not sufficient for the after-treatment components. Therefore, means to increase the exhaust temperature while maintaining low emissions and fuel consumption are needed.The focus of this project has been to develop strategies for the lift profiles of exhaust and intake valves in the engine, with the goal to raise exhaust temperature in combination with low emissions and fuel consumption. The strategies have been tested in a single-cylinder research engine equipped with a hydraulic variable valve actuation system.

08/21/2013 : En framingstudie av nyhetsrapporteringen kring gasattacken i Syrien

Denna uppsats har underso?kt hur tre globala nyhetskanaler, Al Jazeera English, CNN international och Russia Today English rapporterar om den pa?sta?dda gasattacken i Syrien den 21:a augusti 2013. Syftet var att underso?ka och identifiera vilka frames som respektive kanal anva?nder sig av samt hur de behandlar uppsatsens tre fra?gesta?llningar, A) Vad har ha?nt? B) Vem a?r ansvarig? och C) Hur bo?r man agera?. Studien har utga?tt ifra?n tidigare forskning och teorier om begreppet framing och dess olika variationer sa? som generic/issue specific, visual framing etc.

"Man måste brinna för det man gör": en studie av arbetsledarnas arbetssituation inom handikapp- och äldreomsorgen i Halmstad kommun.

The focus in this paper was on managers in the middle position in the care of the elderly and people with disabilities. The aim was to develop knowledge about the conditions of work among managers in the middle position and what they characterized as good leadership and which strategies they used in their work. The empirical data consisted of nine qualitative interviews with managers in the middle position in the municipality of Halmstad.The frameworks that mainly limited the middle managers' discretion were laws, political regulations and most of all it was the allocated budget. Their discretion was found closer to the operation such as working methods, recruitment and changes in job schedules. The middle managers spent the majority of their working hours with personnel administrative work and that they often had to prioritise among their tasks.

Copingstrategier under uppväxten och senare i vuxenlivet för individer som har funktionsnedsättningen ADHD

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities between coping strategies used by individuals with the disability ADHD in childhood and later adulthood. The questions we asked ourselves: Are the individuals using the same form of coping in adulthood as in childhood? What copingstrategies used individuals while growing up? What coping-strategies used the individuals in adulthood? To fulfill the purpose and answer the questions, we used qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted with four adults who have the disa-bility ADHD. The interviews were analyzed by the hermeneutic circle.

Matematik i förskolan : Barns antalsuppfattning i de tidiga åren

Purpose: The current thesis assignment aims to explain, understand and follow the strategies the young children employ into a conception of numbers. This thesis is based on a study performed by Doverborg and Pramling Samuelson.The following research questions serve to refine the stated goal:How mathematical thinking regarding conception of numbers occurs within younger children and which strategies they use?How is the interaction between the teacher and the younger children?Method: The study is organized as a qualitative study and was conducted in a pre-school with a group of four children. The children that have participated within my study are between two and three years old. They were filmed in four exercises.

En studie om ett bibliotekssamarbetes gemensamma arbete kring resurser : HelGe-bibliotekens resursfördelning

This bachelor thesis explores the library collaboration "HelGe-libraries" goals, guidelines and strategies for their resource sharing of library books and digital resources. The questions asked were: What does the resource sharing look like when it comes to media and services? What goals and guidelines do they have for the resource sharing? What common strategies do they have for the resource sharing? What challenges have they encountered with resource sharing and how have they dealt with them?The theoretical framework consists of Jennifer Rowleys theory of innovation strategies for libraries and Rosabeth Moss Kanters theory on the art of alliances. The method used to collect material was interviews and document analysis. Four informants were interviewed.My study concludes that the "HelGe-libraries" has formulated goals for their resource sharing and that the resource sharing is connected to their goals.

Nya Möjligheter för Kontroversiella Varumärken-En studie kring kontroversiella varumärkens framfart i sociala medier

As commonly known, Social Media is a rapidly growing area. Since consumers to a great extent are present in Social Media, this new internet environment is increasing in relevance for consumer marketing. For controversial brands that are regulated in conventional marketing channels Social Media is an extra ordinary marketing opportunity, since social media is a legal grey area. More and more controversial brands are taking advantage of this opportunity, but the effects of these marketing activities are fairly unknown. Therefore there is an interest in examining the controversial brands marketing progression in Social Media.

?Hemtjänst är inte bara att vara ute och städa, tvätta och diska? : En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av otillräcklighet samt strategier de använder sig av för att hantera dessa upplevelser

The purpose of this study is to, based on qualitative interviews, understand the home care staff's experiences of insufficiency and also which strategies they are using to deal with these experiences.The questions of this study are:In which situations are home care staff experiencing insufficiency?What copingstrategies do home care staff set out to deal with these experiences? Method: Interviews has been used as a method to gather empirical data.Theory: Theories of coping-strategies has been used as theory in the analyses of the empirical material.Results: The result of this study concludes that experiences of insufficiency mainly promotes in situations of lack of time for various reasons. The main strategies home care staff is using are planning, adapting, accepting, compensation, get themselves together, control and manage their emotions and understanding. Other situations that promote feelings of insufficiency are lack of competence and when the eldery person doesn't want to receive a planned effort. Other strategies they use are social support and changing the circumstances..

IKT-satsningar i skolan En jämförande studie av nationella IKT-satsningar mot grundskolan och gymnasiet i Japan och Sverige

Technological advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted ina need to use ICT in schools. Sweden has actively promoted ICT in schools since the early 1980's.In Japan, 1994 saw the government's first step towards active promotion of ICT in education. In thisstudy, we have compared the strategies used to promote the use of ICT in elementary and secondaryschools in Sweden and Japan. Our findings suggest that a similar 3-step approach was used in bothcountries: 1, infrastructure; 2, effective use of ICT; 3, implementation of ICT. A significantdifference was found in the way the two countries planned their strategies.

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