

3508 Uppsatser om General obligation to inform - Sida 53 av 234

Analys av konsignationslager : inom tillverkande industri

In this composition, a study of consignment inventory on basis of the factors which are important for implementation and application of consignment inventory are made. Logistics chain from subcontractor to end customer is becoming more complex when the volume of items constantly increases to satisfy the needs of the market. From that perspective, companies had large inventories but today it is a lot of different solutions to streamline inventory management. One way that recently becomes increasingly common is to let the subcontractor fill up the customers stock using different approaches such as VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory). A further step in the evolution can be to make use of consignment inventory where the vendor owns the stock of the customer.

Utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada i länder under snabb ekonomisk utveckling

Purpose.The purpose of this essay was formulated as to examine the relationship between the development of deaths caused by unintentional injury and fast economic development in a country. The purpose is to create a picture of the development in the chosen countries.Background.Injuries and the deaths that sometimes follow are a problem for all communities, if nothing else just because of costs and the absence of incomes for the state. Countries ability to restrain these deaths should be of interest. Studies show that the number of deaths causedby unintentional injuries correlates inversely with the GDP/c, we can therefore expect that better economic conditions leads to fewer deaths and vice versa. It has been shown that an economic crisis often leads to considerably higher death rates.

"Ändå vill vi tala om en kris" : Problematiken kring konfirmationens utveckling och förändrade betydelse 1942-2000

Uppsatsen behandlar konfirmationen inom Svenska kyrkan och dess förändrade teologiska betydelse. Materialet sträcker sig från handboken 1942 till det senaste nytrycket av "Riktlinjer för Svenska kyrkans konfirmandarbete" år 2000 och utgörs av i första hand kyrkans offentliga dokument. Fokus ligger på konfirmationsgudstjänsten och därtill hörande ritual..

Simma nu, annars sjunker du! : Lärares arbete med simning i ämnet idrott och hälsa.

This study aims to examine the way of teaching swim lessons. In addition, the study also examines the actual swimming proficiency of pupils in the 9th grade in different areas in Sweden.These are the question specifics which this study wishes to examine.How do teachers define the ability to swim?How do swim lessons differ, regarding to which area they are conducted in? How many of the 9th grade pupils in each examined community passes the bar for swimming proficiency?What does PE teachers do if one or several of the 9th grade pupils fails to show an adequate swimming proficiency?How do results in swimming proficiency differ regarding to different schools in different parts of the country?MethodThis study consists of two major surveys, one based on material gathered from qualitative interviews and the other on material gathered from observations. Four PE teachers and one swimming instructor were interviewed, as well as six different 9th grade classes, with a total of 145 pupils. In the observation the pupils participated in a swim test, where they should swim 200 meters from which 50 meters must be on their back and were categorized in three categories.

Grafisk design med kreativitet som främsta resurs : Reflektioner över en designprocess

Denna rapport beskriver vårt projektarbete på ComOpt i Helsingborg. Uppgiften har varit att göra presentationer av företagets produkter. Det centrala i arbetet har varit grafisk design, i det här fallet gränssnittsdesign till de presentationer vi har gjort. I vår rapport reflekterar vi över den designprocess vi har genomgått och ställer frågor som: Vad gör en designer till en bra designer? Och: Var får vi kreativitet och inspiration ifrån? Det vi har kommit fram till är att en bra designer kännetecknas av förmågan att kunna prestera bra trots bristande resurser.

Kvantifiering och kartering av föroreningstransport inom ett avrinningsområde

The aim with my master thesis is to develop and test the applicability of methods to quantify and map solute advective travel times and pollutant transport at the catchment scale. Such quantification and mapping can increase the understanding of catchment-scale pollutant transport in general and contribute to the identification of the main sources of water pollution and the most efficient measures to reduce such pollution. The study area is the catchment of Oxundaån, about 20 km north of Stockholm. For detailed GIS modeling of water flow and catchment-scale contaminant transport in water, I´ve used new high-resolution elevation maps, land cover maps and soil maps combined with other available relevant data..

Större möjligheter än intresse : Medborgarkultur och deliberativ diskurs på svenska socialpolitiska hemsidor

Engelsk titel: Greater opportunities than interests : Civic culture and deliberative discourse on Swedish NGO websitesThis is a critical and normative study, which examines a selection of Swedish NGO websites as potential forums for civic culture and deliberative discourse in the public sphere. Sociocultural, political and sociological and media and communication theories are combined.The work is made within a Habermasian tradition, but the importance of a hermeneutic methodology is stressed, along with the sociocultural perspective to reach an understanding of why citizens engage in politics. In contrast to much of the earlier research concerning deliberative discourses on the Internet, a more informal understanding of how people discuss politics is stressed.The questions are: What kind of civic role do the websites discursive dimensions address? What kind of civic identity do the users address in the websites resource dimensions?The empirical results are both discouraging and encouraging for advocates who put their trust in the Internet as a potential civic tool, in these times when neoliberal models of citiziens are prioritizing citizens as consumers, thus neglecting citizens as political actors. The study reveals that the websites show good results in general, regarding the civic roles and identities of the websites as both discourse and resource for the users.

Diasporakulturen mot väggen - En analys av Gegen die Wand och dess filmspråk.

Denna analys behandlar frågeställningar om diasporakultur, identitet och representation i relation till dess inverkan på tolkningen av Gegen die Wand och dess filmspråk (2004, Fatih Akin). Finns det ett specifikt diasporafilmspråk som kännetecknar Gegen die Wand?.

Mixi Print AB

Detta projekt är en hemsida för Mixi Print AB. Den ska fungera som en framsida för företaget ur ett digitalt synsätt, en plats där det går att få fram information om företaget och dess produkter snabbt och enkelt. Jag har arbetat med programmet flash eftersom det ger möjlighet till bra och enkel men ändå fräsch design. Till detta så har jag kombinerat php och MySQL för att kunna koppla det till en databas. Som en del i projektet så har jag också reflekterat över grafiska bitar på Internet jämfört med hur det var innan..

"Från mörkret stiga vi mot ljuset". Den socialdemokratiska memoaren som retorisk genre: exemplen Palm, Erlander och Persson

Although Social Democratic Memoirs comprise an extensive material, these texts have not attracted any systematic analysis as a distinct and yet varied form of textual genre. The focus in this MA-paper is the Swedish Social Democratic Memoir as a rhetoric genre. The main primary material is memoirs of the pioneer August Palm (1849?1922), the father of the nation Tage Erlander (1901?1985) and the political leader Göran Persson (1949?), published 1905, 1972?82 and 2007, respectively.The general aim is to find out what is the driving power of the memoirs and, more specifically, to shed light on the images of the party history and the history of the welfare state. The method is a comparative analysis of these texts.

Att konstruera en gemenskap -teori och konstruktion av virtuella samhällen

Virtual communities are a phenomenon that is becoming more common as the information technology comes with in reach for the general public. This report will bring the theories and construction of a virtual community together. The purpose of this report is to describe the different theories that have emerged from the research within this field and to examine the work procedures that have been used during the development of a site for a MDA-community. The MDA-website is a homepage on the Internet that was developed to bring the students closer together. The report describes the work of the project group, why the website was not completed and at the end the theories are looked at on the basis of the construction of the website..

Kvinnligt eller manligt - En studie av könsbedömningsmetodernas utveckling för humant material

This study focuses on the development of methods for sexual determination of human skeletal remains, mainly between the years 1981 to 2007. By comparing an older analysis from 1983 (Persson and Persson) with my own on the same material, a difference of 40% was shown, which indicates that the methods has changed through time, and that these should not be used for newer conclusions about a population if the method is not throughoutly described.The main cause of the difference was identified as a change in the reliability of the sexual indicators, rather than a total change of method. Any general tendencies did not show, it is however considered that the pelvic bones are able to make a better conformity between the analyses as opposed to using the cranium..

Social kompetens : -inte bara att varatrevlig och snäll

AbstractMy study is based on that I think there is a problem at the Handicraft program for hairdressers where I currently work as a hairdresser teacher. I believe that there are clear objectives and a wide range of courses focusing in craft knowledge, but the social competence goals are unclear and there are no courses on the subject. Since I have 13 years hairdressing experience and know roughly what it requires, I wonder where and how the teaching of social skills is performed at the Handicraft program for hairdressersThe purpose of this study is therefore to find out how some of my colleagues perceive the teaching of social skills. The issues I have focused on are what these teachers believe that social skills are, how they perceive their teaching of it and when they believe that teaching really should be. There is not much literature on this subject because it is a relatively unexplored area. I have therefore concentrated on literature dealing with social skills in general, and theses and essays dealing with the quality of hairdressing education. I have chosen to make a qualitative interview study. The objectives related to social skills can be incorporated in the teaching of many subjects; I chose to interview two core-subject teachers and four vocational teachers. The interviews have been based on respondents' own interpretations of social skills. They have been individual interviews of about 30 minutes. My results show that most teachers believe that social competence is about a good meeting between people and to coping with different situations in a good way.

Kontraktsstyrning och kvalitetsindikatorers utformning vid kommunal upphandling : En flerfallsstudie

Management by contract is nowadays a common method within the public sector since the NPM overtook as paradigm with its mechanisms of control inspired by the private sector. The public agency is foremost a service provider where they interact with citizens in the service process. Swedish eldercare has significantly increased its expose to competition which means that eldercare can be executed not only by the municipalities own provider. Such an adaption increases the requirements to inspect quality and how the purchasers assure goal achievement by control. The outmost liability stays with the municipality to ensure that the service produces god care since their position as the service purchaser implies the responsibility to plan, precise and evaluate the required work that the executor has to accomplish.

Är resebranschens webbplatser strukturerade? - kriterier för en tydlig webbplats.

Internet består av väldigt många webbplatser där både kvalitet och kvantitet varierar. Dagens webbplatser är ofta kompakta genom att de innehåller mycket länkar, information och grafik. Detta medför att sidorna blir röriga och ger för många synintryck för användaren. Det blir svårt för användaren att ta till sig informationen och att tyda budskapet. I detta arbete utreds hur en webbplats bör se ut för att vara så tydlig som möjligt gentemot användaren.

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