

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 63 av 219

Dtourist: Historieskapande, interaktion och planering med rörlig media på webben

Bachelor thesis in Interaction Design by Håkan Carlsson, spring term 2007, Malmö University, School of Arts & Communication. The climate for video sharing online is somewhere in the border of becoming a place for only the big companies to distribute material with general interest, or small communities with genre-specific interest to attract a larger audience. In this article I will look at the travelindustry to see what possibilities can be implemented into communities with interest in planning and travelling. I will argue that the importance of collaboration with different media can create a bigger picture so that more people can use and discover each other?s travel videos and experiences. I have also taken a closer look at social interaction at online communities such as MySpace and YouTube.

Behuggning av betongytor: ett test av hantverksmetoder

During the latter half of the 18th century, when concrete started seeing general use in modern cities, the use of different methods to give the concrete a finished surface texture saw use. One of these was using different methods of mechanically altering the surface using a slew of cutting and crushing techniques with mallet and chisel. This was done in order to hide the often dull and gray look of concrete, and allude to other more expensive and luxurious stones. The work would possibly have been done by experienced stonemasons, using much of the same techniques and tools they would have used while working natural stones. Or did they? This essay explores, through the use of traditional handcrafts and tools, the claim that the working of concrete surfaces can be done with the same tools and skillset as the working of natural stone.

Anställdas uppfattning av arbetsplatslärande

Den här studien utgår från en fenomenografisk ansats. Vi avser att fånga skilda uppfattningar om arbetsplatslärande och studera hur uppfattningarna påverkar medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse. Vi utgick från två frågeställningar: vilka uppfattningar har medarbetare av hur de lär på sin arbetsplats, och finns det skillnader i medarbetarnas uppfattningar av vad de lär? Resultatet visar att deltagarnas uppfattningar om fenomenet skiljer sig åt. Tolkningen av resultatet visar att deltagarna lär på olika sätt och använder kunskapen olika i deras yrkesutförande.

Voxelbaserad rendering med "Marching Cubes"-algoritmen

Det finns flera olika metoder och tekniker för tredimensionell rendering, alla med olika för- och nackdelar som lämpar sig för olika applikationer. Voxelbaserad rendering har använts flitigt inom vetenskapliga områden, främst inom det medicinska för visualisering av volymetrisk data. Tekniken används nu inom flera olika områden för tredimensionell rendering, t.ex. i datorspel, i matematiska applikationer och vid geologisk rekonstruktion. I den här rapporten kommer voxelbaserad rendering med Marching Cubes-algoritmen undersökas för att se hur den lämpar sig för realtidsapplikationer. Området behandlas dels teoretiskt, men även praktiskt då en implementering av Marching Cubes gjordes för att genomföra några tester för att se hur prestandan påverkades. Av testerna framkom det tydligt att algoritmen lämpar sig väl för realtidsapplikationer och dagens grafikkort.

Den "fria" rörligheten - en uppsats om svårigheterna kring att uppnå socialt hållbar mobilitet

The thesis Den ?fria? rörligheten aims to give deeper knowledge to the notion of social sustainable mobility. My previous knowledge within the subject is focused around mobility being biased and therefore gaining particular groups of actors within society and leaving others worse off. Therefore I chose to do a critical analysis of social sustainable mobility and more precisely show which problems that exist and why.To start with, I have created a framework for social sustainable mobility, from which I have looked at the empirical material. The general empirical material is mostly based on mobility in Sweden also a more specific study is made of the Öresundregion.

"Man vill ju bara visa det bästa". : Hur unga vuxna socionomstudenter presenterar sig och påverkas av interaktionen på Facebook.

This paper focuses on how young people use and are affected by Facebook. The study embodies students from the social work program in Sweden and their view on Facebook use. Earlier research has shown that Facebook use has increased among youths. At the same time research tells us that social interaction plays an important part in shaping our identity. It is from those stands that we base this paper on, and explore our interview persons answer after the theories of Erving Goffman and the people who have studied him, such as Bernie Hogan and Zeynep Tufekci.

Att välja perspektiv : "Arkitektur i Sverige - Funktion, konstruktion och estetik genom tiderna".

This essay tries to show how The Swedish Museum of Architecture, Stockholm, with the exibition Architecture in Sweden - Function, Design and Aesthetic through the Ages, presents and represents architecture. It is stated that this is done in a multi-perspectival, multimedial fashion, with the aid of, for example, photography, models and mixed material surrounding the wide concept of ?architecture?. One chapter discusses the relationships between the exhibition on site, the exhibition catalog and the museum´s website. Another chapter argues that there can be no essential or perfect representation of architecture, although this utopian wish most certainly exists even today.

En inventering av hälsoläget hos amerikansk bison (Bison bison bison) : i svenska besättningar

American bison (Bison bison bison) is a new species in Sweden and was introduced in the year 2000. In this study the result of an interview and a field investigation is presented. The aim was to investigate the health and parasite status in Swedish bison herds. The most common reason to begin with bison breeding was meat production and/or sale of breeding animals and tourism. The Swedish breeder?s experience of bison is that they in general are healthy.

Tillit i moldavien

Moldova is one of Europe?s poorest countries with a struggling business environment and an unpredictable political situation. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the implications of corruptions and why networks have come to play a key role in the Moldovan culture and if the formations of network are due to heritage or an effect of functionalism. The focus of the study is also to explain how the networks develop and the formation and maintenance of loyalty and trust among the members of the network. The study is of a qualitative nature that uses a key informant sampling method to get access to members of different business networks.

Ekologisk gestaltning : en utvärdering av hur landskapsarkitektur påverkas av ett ekologiskt förhållningssätt

This paper examines and compares several different sites in Sweden in addition to one in Mexico regarding whether the ecological requirements theses sites have had during planning and construction has affected the design in any way. Is it possible that, for different reasons, one thinks ?like nature? when one thinks of ecology and, if true, how does this reflect on the spatial and structural design? This paper tries to identify if some sort of general design expression is used in projects with requirements on ecological sustainability. In total, five projects have been compared in different areas such as choice of materials and their composition. These projects have an ecologically sustainable processing of water in common, although most also have ecological consideration in other areas as well.

Betryggande polisarbete? : En studie om implementeringen av lokala poliskontor i Stockholm län

The study consist of an investigation regarding the implementation of reassurance policing in Sweden and include a survey conducted among some of the local police offices in Stockholm County. The aim of the study is to investigate how the police officers working in the local polices offices experience the implementation of the local police offices and if the implementation of local the polices offices matches the police authority´s purpose with the project. The study uses the theoretical framework from political scientist Michael Lipsky calledStreet-level bureaucracy - Dilemmas of the individual in Public services which discuss the role of street-level bureaucrats and their influence in the implementation. Included in the study is also two different perspectives on governing in public sector called top-down perspective and bottom-up perspective. The findings of this paper shows that the police officers are in general positive towards the implementation and that there´s a duality among the police officers regarding the proximity to the citizens..

Mellan hopp och förtvivlan En rättslig studie om socialnämndens utredningsförfarande i ärende om ensamkommande barn

The purpose of our research is to explore the investigation process of the cases of unaccompanied children by the social authorities. We present both national and international legal documents which are of importance to subject we have chosen. We also aim to study how these are put into practice by social authorities. This can help us to identify the problems and shortcomings in social authorities` practices in dealing with unaccompanied children?s cases.

Högmonterat avgassystem

Denna rapport behandlar vårt examensarbete som genomfördes i samarbete med Metso Dynapac. Uppdraget bestod av att ta fram ett högmonterat avgassystem för jordpackningsmaskinerna CA 252/302/402-Vibratory Roller. Dagens avgassystemsystem är bakåtmonterat och slutar under och bakom kylaren. Ett högmonterat avgassystem finns som tillbehör och fästes på det bakåtmonterade systemet. Problemet är att befintlig ljuddämparplacering försvårar kylluftens passage genom motorrummet,vilket får till följd att en onödigt stor fläkt krävs för att få tillräckligt luftflöde genom kylaren.

Algebra i gymnasieskolan : Vilka svårigheter har eleverna?

During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils have difficulties with algebra. Also in a report from the National Agency for Education (1999) you can see that the students algebra knowledge get worse and worse. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in algebra during my training to become a qualified teacher I would like to get to know more about this. I also examine why you have to study algebra in upper secondary school.

Brister i veterinär intygsskrivning : en granskning av ärenden i Veterinära Ansvarsnämnden 2000 - 2007

After having reviewed the cases in the Veterinary Disciplinary Board of Sweden regarding certificates year 2000 to October 2007 I have found that these cases more often than in all other cases result in disciplinary action. The punishment is to a greater extent the more serious form, i.e. warning. When I examined the reasons for imposing the punishments and the material that constituted the foundations of the reports, I came to the conclusion that the statistics above do not depend on a general lack of knowledge in the Swedish veterinary profession. A possible cause is that the demands set upon the veterinarian are exceptional and that the responsibility board has a physical object to examine (the certificate) and regulations that describe how the certificates are supposed to be formulated. The fact that the knowledge about how to write veterinary certificates does not generally seem to be lacking does not exclude that lessons can be learned by examining the mistakes made by others.

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