

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 54 av 219

"Låtom oss enligt gammal bömisk sed kasta ut dem genom fönstret!" : Historieläroböcker ur ett berättelseperspektiv

This thesis deals with the question of how and to what degree Swedish history books for schools changed between the early 20th century and the 1960s. The theoretical foundation for this study is a perspective which treats historical accounts as narratives, bringing meaning and orientation to the present. According to this perspective, historical accounts may be divided into four different types of narratives, traditional, exemplary, critical and genetical. The basis for this division is how the narratives use the past to make the present understandable.The following conclusions are reached:That Swedish history books for schools have changed less, and in a moore gradual way than those dealing with general history. There is a growing use of genetical narratives at the expense of mainly exemplary ones.

"They Don't Know About Us" : Fanbloggandets vad, hur och varför på Tumblr

This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.

Påverkas hästens hudtemperatur av magnettäcken?

The market offers more and more products that are claimed to have medicallypositive effects (like increased blood perfusion etc.) due to their magneticproperties. The objective of this study was to investigate if blankets containingpermanent (static) magnets have a greater impact on cutaneous blood circulationthan ordinary blankets without magnets. Eight standard bred horses were used in across-over study. The cutaneous temperature was presumed to reflect blood flowin the skin and therefore thermography and local thermistors were used to indicatechanges in circulation. Baseline values were registered before the blanket wasapplied.

En bostadsrättsförenings påverkan i kommunikation genom en Internetportal

Internet  has  given  possibilities  to  a  whole  new world within communication. Nowadays  the communication  inside organisations and companies  takes place  through  the Internet. The  idea  of  this paper  arose when one of  the  authors discussed  the  general  involvement of  the  tenant-owner?s association  in  the committee. Providing a new channel  for  communication  through a homepage  could  affect  the  attitude  of  the  tenants.  We  were  curious  of  what  effect  on communication  introducing a homepage would give.

Påverkar grad av self-efficacy samt fysisk aktivitet studenters upplevelse av stress?

Stress är idag ett område som är allt mer omdiskuterat och anses ha inverkan på den psykiska hälsan. Många studerande på universitetsnivå upplever någon gång under utbildningen stress, och detta kan bland annat förklaras utifrån tidspress, ny stad samt ekonomi. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på huruvida stress hos studenter kan förklaras utifrån self-efficacy och fysisk aktivitet, samt om det finns någon skillnad i upplevd stress mellan manliga och kvinnliga studenter. Det var 76 av 92 tillfrågade studenter som svarade på hela enkäten (39 män och 37 kvinnor) som innehöll två standardiserade tester, General Self-Efficacy Scale respektive perceived stress scale. Resultatet visade ett signifikant samband mellan variablerna stress samt self-efficacy.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : En kvantitativ studie inom Luftfartsverket

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services). The aim was to study what characterizes an employer of choice and further to examine how well the employees at Luftfartsverket feel that their employer lives up to this image. A quantitative method was applied in the form of a selfdeveloped questionnaire. It was answered by a random sample of employees at Luftfartsverket.The results showed that salary, good leadership, good relations to colleagues and a sense of participation were important factors to be an employer of choice. In the organization at hand good colleagues were the most fulfilled factor whereas good leadership were the least fulfilled factor.

Smartphones på arbetsplatsen : En studie av smartphones påverkan på effektivitet och välmående bland yrkesverksamma människor

In todays society IT in general and the Internet in particular are given elements in people´s everyday lives, and smartphones has come to be a big part of those elements. This study focuses on how the use of Smartphones in particular influences the individuals in their working environment, and how this use influence the efficiency and the well-being of said individuals.  To answer our research question regarding how said use comes to effect the efficiency and the well-being for proffesionals in their working environment we have used data from qualitative interviews who is enriched by a short initial diary study. This data has then been analyzed using the Affinity Diagrams Technique, leading to four central themes emerging from the data. The results show that smartphone use at work comes with both positive and negative effects; efficiency increased through the use of smartphones due to the great versatility that comes with the technology, while in terms of well-being issues of stress emerged.

Recovering common ground : landscape architecture as a tool for post-conflict recovery and spatial reconciliation in divided cities

The following chapters examine landscape architecture which engages in contested territories with an emphasis on the way in which landscape architecture can engage with the issues of divided cities or landscapes with similar social, cultural and physical properties. The project focuses specifically on the potential landscape architecture has for promoting or aiding in the reconciliation process of these areas, by examining the following questions. How can landscape architecture be used to benefit the peace building process of divided cities and landscapes? How can landscape architecture be used in the process of promoting spatial reconciliation in the case of Belfast? The investigation begins with a description of the background to the project in Chapter 1, which functions as a brief introduction to the urban phenomena that is divided cities. It then goes on to introduce the different methods and data employed in order to answer the research questions in Chapter 2. After introducing the problem and the methodology, a global overview of divided cities is performed in Chapter 3. This chapter is divided into two sections.

I döda kungars sällskap : Historiebruk och historiemedvetande kopplat till Sverigedemokratisk ungdom på Facebook mellan 2010-2014

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

Lika, Olika? : en materiell studie av skogsfinska bosättningar i Sverige

The main purpose of this essay is to examine if it is possible to identify farms of ?forest Finnish? people in Sweden, by means of an archaeological analysis, comparing the forest Finnish settlement with known none-forest Finnish settlements. This study is based on material excavated from the farms of Grannäs, and Råsjö, in the Swedish provinces of Jämtland and Medelpad. Both farms are dated to the 17th and 18th century. The study itself is divided into three parts, firstly a general study to get an overview of the material, secondly a study of ceramics as an attempt to discern social status and lastly a study of the animal bone material for analyzing the forest Finns? livestock and possible hunting habits.

Cannabis påverkan på kognitiva funktioner : ? en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.

Query expansion med semantiskt relaterade termer

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine query expansion. Query expansion is the process of adding new terms to a query to improve the retrieval effectiveness. In this study the baseline query was expanded in five different modes. The first expansion strategy was formulated by the inflected terms as the system does not allow truncation, I have inflected the terms, e. g.

Den önskvärda demokratin? - Om demokratins tillstånd och försvar

This thesis deals with non-wanted political parties e.g. right wing populism. How should a democracy handle these opinions? So far these parties have been neglected and not even considered as real parties. By excluding them from the debate and the political arena, media and more established parties have seen them merely as a threat than as democratic parties.

Hur snabb tillit till ledare skapas i tillfälligt sammansatta grupper

Leaders in modern working life are confronted with frequent use of temporary groups. The purpose of this study was to examine possible reasons for swift trust towards leaders in temporary groups. The target group of the study was school employees. An opinion poll was carried out in the occupational group (n = 35) which made it possible to make statistical comparisons. The result showed that the following aspects were important for the development of swift trust in leaders: personal attributes, image related attributes, competence and experience, leadership and also social competence.

Debatten om sexköpslagen : - en studie med fokus på argumenten

The purpose of this study was to investigate which kind of arguments that were used during the debate before the law of sexual services was introduced in Sweden. The study refers to the debate which was in the Swedish parliament The study has been structured the arguments in different categories.  The study has not found other researchers about the debate in the Swedish parliament. The study has just found several studies about the prostitution problem in general. The method for this study has been idea centered content analysis.

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