

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 34 av 219

Myrorna - subkulturens butikskedja : en studie i varumärkesutvecklande

AIM This report studies the Swedish vintage store company Myrorna from a branding perspective.METHOD The study has applied the qualitative method where four personal interviews have taken a fundamental ground. The four respondents are taken from different professionals and from different positions by the reason that the brand would be based on a fair assessment. The study is obtaining data that further was collected from the library of University of Gävle, the articles from Emerladinsight.com and remaining pictures- and text materials is taken from the organization Myrorna. The theoretical material have been adapted on the brand Myrorna and then been used to analyze the empirical part. From the general impression that portrays the brand the researcher leads the discussion.RESULT AND CONCLUSION The result shows that the brand Myrorna in some extent do not fulfill the image the brand in the media mediate, between the illusion and the reality there is an empty space according to the research.

Katalogisering av ljudupptagningar: En komparativ studie av Statens ljud- och Bildarkiv och Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv

The aim of this thesis is to explore and outline the cataloguing of sound recordings at two main Swedish audiovisual archives, The National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images Statens ljud- och bildarkiv, SLBA and The Grammophone Record Archive of the Swedish Radio Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv and its data base GAMBA. As non-book, non-printed, material in many ways differs from printed material, the institutions that deal with this kind of material have often developed their own rules for the cataloguing of it. The general codes for cataloguing, AACR2 and KRS, are insufficiently suited for audiovisual material. That is the reason why the IASA Cataloguing Rules, presented in this thesis, have been created. After the presentation of the IASA rules the problems of accounting for important sections of the catalogue record are discussed such as title, statement of respeonsbility, performers, physical description and notes.

Skålgropar i Kronobergs län : - en diskussion om alternativt medvetandetillstånd och passageritualer i bronsålderssamhället

This thesis discusses South Scandinavian cup marks in general, and cup marks in Kronobergs County in particular. The question is whether the cup mark phenomena can be viewed as an ordinary family-based cult for a kind of everyday use, or more likely as a community passage ritual. The thesis also suggests that cup marks were made by ritual participants in, or in the process of trying to reach, an altered state of consciousness..

Fallen som föll : en studie av kasusbortfall i ett medeltida brev

There is an old saying, that after Epaminondas nothing was ever the same again. In this thesis I will focus on three questions: "Epaminondas the man." Who was he? "Epaminondas the general." How did he change the technique of warfare that made it possible to beat the Spartans? "Epaminondas, founder of cities and wall-builder." How did he build the walls around the cities he initiated, that made them resist enemy attacks for many years to come?While seeking the answers to yhese questions I will make a contextual analysis to get the historical background to all the phenomina involved..

Medborgardeltagande i planering - Uppsala kommuns trafikplan

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting an individual's working life mobility and how this mobility is perceived by the individual. The study has a qualitative approach and the theoretical part is based on Castells', Giddens' and Bauman's theories of modern society and employment in relation to the individual. The study concludes that external circumstances in combination with internal driving forces are the reasons behind changing careers. The process is predominantly perceived as positive, especially education tends to strengthen self-identity. Work in general is regarded as important for a person's identity and new career changes are expected in the future..

Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?

People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.

Webbdesign för iPhone

Detta kandidatarbete utgår ifrån vilka aspekter som är viktiga att tänka på när man anpassar av en webbsida till en mobil enhet och de problem som uppstår när en webbsida skalas ner till en låg skärmupplösning. Vi har behandlat användarvänlighet, designprinciper, grafiska element och tekniska aspekter för att svara på problemformuleringen. Slutsatsen vi kommit fram till är ett antal punkter inom områdena ovan..

Utökning av LaTeX med stöd för semantisk information

The semantic web is a vision of the Internets future, there machines and humans can understand the same information. To make this possible, documents have to be provided with metadata in a general language. W3C has created Web Ontology Language (owl) for this purpose.This report present the creation of a LaTeX package, which makes it possible to include metadata in pdf files. It also presents how you can create annotations, which are bound to the metadata that's been generated. With the help of this package it's easy to create pdf documents with automatically generated metadata and annotations..

Japansk skräckfilm ? en kontemplativ succé?

Japanese horror film has since the late 1990: ies been extremely successful. The success could probably, at least partly, be due to the Japanese narrative style (which in my own opinion is quite suitable and effective in horror films). In what way does the Japanese narrative tradition work in matter of expression? My results point towards a narrative discrepancy between J-horror and American horror film, possibly due to the Japanese narrative tradition ? a narrative tradition under the influence of various forms of ancient Japanese theatre and general Japanese culture..

Twittra, gilla, mäta - En studie av åtta företags arbete med sociala medier

This thesis investigates and analyses the social media strategy of eight companies. How the companies measure and evaluate their activity and investments in social media channels in general, and Facebook in particular is studied through qualitative interviews. The findings are then compared and analysed. Findings indicate that companies' social media presences to a large extent are dependent on individual employees with high levels of interest for the area and that companies that have integrated social media into their others operations see more value from their efforts..

Utveckling av ledningsmodell : Utredning av en sektions framtida ledning och styrning på Saab AB

As a consequence of the exports of Saab AB?s airplane 39 Gripen the departmentFATPA has grown and developed substantially in a short period of time. With the aim toclearly define and describe the establishment and its new work procedures and routines,which are meant to be applied after the turn of the year 2005/2006, FATPA is aiming todevelop a management model which will contain the above. The purpose of themanagement model is to describe how the department FATPA wants to work, especiallywith consideration to the department?s management.

Den polska lastbilschaufförens verksamhet : Att i Sverige betraktas som egenföretagare eller anställd och vad blir inkomstbeskattningskonsekvensen?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

Rätten till naturaprestation : Bortfaller rätten efter det att ett långvarigt embargo har lyfts?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

Miljöledningssystem vid Wilhelm Haglunds Gymnasium : Tillvägagångssätt för införande och certifiering

This report describes necessary steps for an implementation of an environmental managementsystem at a secondary school and what would hopefully lead to an environmentalcertification, using ISO14001 ? or as a possibility ? one of the so called environmentalawards. To the largest part, the descriptions and activities are general and can be used at anysecondary school at all, but the current status analysis ? with the started environmentalinvestigation ? and the environmental policy are directly coupled to Wilhelm HaglundsGymnasium. The document should work as a process support for implementation of anenvironmental management system at a secondary school..

A comparison of two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare in relation to resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures

Traditionally risk-based measures have been used to assess animal welfare in legislation and certification schemes. With increased knowledge and research, debate today tends to focus on and advocate the use of animal-based measures. However this is not a panacea for welfare and the most sound conclusion should be that assessment of animal welfare needs both. The aim of this thesis is to identify the points that need to be taken into consideration to find the optimal balance in the use of input and outcome measures according to the aim of the assessment and how these should be applied when designing a certification scheme? To answer this, a comparison of the use of resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures in two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare, Freedom Food (UK) and Svenskt Sigill (SWE), was made.

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