

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 29 av 219

Bild och begrepp : Heideggers läsning av Kant ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

This thesis explores some key aspects of early Heidegger?s interpretations of Kant from a phenomenological perspective. In general terms, it analyzes Heidegger?s claim that Kant?s faculties share a common root in the transcendental imagination, as a critical development of motives found in Husserl?s phenomenology.More precisely, the thesis argues that the motive for deriving Kant?s first faculty, intuition, from the synthesis of imagination can be understood as an attempt to account for the receptivity of a finite subject, without yielding to a causal description of sensibility. Phenomenology shares this problem with Kant?s critical philosophy.

Personalens bedömning av tillämpningen av ett återhämtningsperspektiv inom vården

AbstractThe purpose was to investigate whether a recovery perspective, viewed from a psychosocial approach is applied in municipal / private and county related care and rehabilitation. A recovery perspective means that the attending staff ensures that the clients are viewed as holistic individuals, where all aspects of life are considered to ensure adequate care and rehabilitation. A questionnaire was answered by staff in psychiatry, social psychiatry and addiction treatment from different areas of the municipal / private and county related sector.The results show no difference in application of a recovery perspective between these two types of organizations. However, there is a slight tendency (non-significant) to lower-rated general individual competencies for municipal / private. There is also a strong tendency (non-significant) to a general difference between the aspects of the implemented recovery perspective, where the tendency is that the respondents as a whole estimate that the organization to a greater degree creates good conditions for a recovery perspective compared to the degree they are actually working on that basis.

Kompetent arbetskraft - Vad attraheras de av och vilka blir följderna för personalsammansättningen

Att ta reda på de kriterier som en kompetent arbetstagare anser vara viktiga när han eller hon söker sig till ett visst företag, samt de resonemang som de för kring dessa. Vi vill även ta reda på vad företagen erbjuder kompetent arbetskraft, för att tillsammans med arbetstagarnas svar se om detta kan ha några följder för personalsammansättningen..

Karolinsk Stridstaktik : artilleriets och pikens roll 1700-1712 samt bataljonens stridsformering

From a new perspective, this paper will examine the artillery and the pike role in the period 1700-1712 and the battalion´s battle formation in the Caroline combat tactics. Carolinian battle tactics were practiced during the period 1700-1721. The results from my study will be compared to existing research opinion regarding the selected subject areas, if the result confirms the thesis or question the existing research opinion. The source material used consists of eyewitness accounts from the period consisting of diaries, memoir, biography, general muster rolls and historical literature covering the subject. The analysis shows that the Caroline artillery took part in 12 battles during the period of 1700-1712.

Vägnätet före och efter "Den stora tidens våg": en ekokritisk studie i Harry Martinsons roman Vägen till Klockrike från 1948

Vägen till Klockrike kan läsas som vandringens och vägarnas historia i industrialiseringsprocessens skugga. Boken är också en litterär uppgörelse som Harry Martinson gör mot kollegor och motståndare i sitt naturengagemang.

Rosa entreprenörer: En studie av homosexuella män som entreprenörer i ett heteronormativt samhälle

Purpose This thesis tries to create an understanding of how male homosexual entrepreneurs, both as persons and as a concept, relates to the fact that entrepreneurship, as well as the society as a whole, is heteronormative. Moreover, it examines by what methods the male homosexual entrepreneurs cope with the seemingly paradox of a homosexual man who also is an entrepreneur. Method The method has been qualitative from a social construction-point of view. We have made semi-structured interviews with nine male homosexual entrepreneurs and structured the findings from the interviews with a computer programme and mind mapping techniques. We have compared the structured findings with theories, in an abducting manner, to find out an answer to the purpose of this thesis.

Beskrivning av systemfunktioner i kärnkraftverk med hjälp av objektorienterat modelleringsverktyg

In order to facilitate design and maintenance of such a large and complex site as a nuclear power plant, all system functions must be described in a stringent way. In the past, these descriptions consisted of text documents and logical diagrams, but today there are an increasing number of object-oriented programs available on the market which might be used for this purpose. This Master Thesis has made a closer study of one of these programs named Rational Rose. The principal of the program is to facilitate software design and development, not to create models of plants. However, using the program the same way as developing software, specifying actors then gradually extend the model with use cases, use cases diagrams etc, the same methods can be used when modelling plants.

Bedömning av prosodisk förmåga hos vuxna med förvärvad hjärnskada.

Prosody is the melody and rhythm of speech and language. Prosodic ability is of great importance for communication, and has been shown to be affected in adults with acquired brain injury. Studies have shown that Swedish children with specific language impairment have prosodic  difficulties to a greater extent than e.g. English speaking peers. It is thereby possible that prosodic ability is more vulnerable also in Swedish speaking adults with acquired brain injury.The aim of the present study was to assess prosodic ability in adults with acquired brain injury, and to evaluate the prosodic assessment procedure that was used.


Projektet bestod i att utveckla en anläggning för personsanering av biologiska-, kemiska- och nukleära stridsmedel, en så kallad NBCanläggning. Arbetet har initierats av Marinens Sjösäkerhetsskola i Karlskrona. Under arbetets gång har Fredy Olssons produktutvecklingsmodell tillämpats. Projektets tyngdpunkt har legat i att söka komponentalternativ för de önskade ändamålen och för att uppfylla kraven. Anläggningen är långt ifrån produktionsklar, men ett omfattande grundarbete har gjorts inför ytterligare bearbetning och komplettering med beräkningar samt vissa komponentval..

"Fratres in unum" En undersökning av enhetsbegreppet i den tidiga kristna kyrkan med utgångspunkt i Regula Benedicti 42 och Ps. 133:1

AbstractThis essay examines the idea of unity in the early church, based on Psalm 133:1. My interest in this was awakened during a seminar with the scholar Sr. Dr. Michaela Puzicha OSB, who proposed that St. Benedict of Nursia in his Rule, RB 42, alludes to Ps.

Analys av pop-ups genererade från adware

This thesis is about adware, which is very popular today. The adwares are used to, among other things, down- and upload files from other users on the Internet. One thing that most users of such programs are not aware of is that many of the adwares contain spyware. These spywares install themselves simultaneously with the adwares. Two of the spyware features is to generate pop-ups in the web browser and to direct advertisment from the users web habits.

Metodbeskrivning för identifikation av råvaror med TLC

In some cases there are no methods to identify raw material which are included in dietary supplements such as tablets. The identification can be done with TLC. A general method description was developed using the raw material gotukola and appel cider vinegar. This includes processing to achieve higher concentration of the active ingredient if needed; evaluation of solubility agents to dissolve the active substance; evaluation of mobile and stationary phase and visualization of the stationary phase. The report also includes an evaluation of stationary plates..

Oönskad perioperativ hypotermi : En kvalitativ studie om anestesisjuksköterskans upplevelse

Många patienter blir hypoterma under den perioperativa vården. Det finns en mängd åtgärder som kan vidtas för att minska oönskad hypotermi. Pre- och intraoperativ uppvärmning med värmetäcke, varmt på operationssalen, cirkelsystem och användning av varma infusioner kan vara en bra kombination. Oavsett vilken terapi som används är normotermi alltid högt prioriterat.  Det handlar om patientsäkerhet. Genom att effektivt motverka hypotermi skulle möjligheten öka till snabbare återhämtning, färre postoperativa infektioner, mindre kostnader för sjukhuset och minskat lidande för patienter.

Matavfall från livsmedelsbutiker : - En analys av den kommunala hanteringen i Sverige samt en detaljstudie av förhållandena i Umeå kommun

Food waste from grocery stores - An analysis of municipal management inSweden and a detailed study of the situation in Umeå municipalityThe objective of this thesis was to analyze the municipal management of food waste fromgrocery stores in Sweden in general and in Umeå municipality in particular. Furthermore theobjective was to account for the different waste treatment methods that can be used and toevaluate them from an environmental perspective. In order to analyze the municipalmanagement a survey was sent to all of the municipalities/municipal waste companies inSweden. A general comparison of treatment methods was carried out on the basis of ascientific review and a system analysis was performed in order to compare three differenttreatment alternatives for the food waste generated in grocery stores in Umeå. The surveyshowed that the legal definition of food waste from grocery stores is unclear and variesbetween municipalities.

TV-spel och folkbibliotek - nya medier, mediepanik och biblioteksdiskurser

The aim of this master's thesis is to study what attitude public libraries in Sweden show towards video games. By using critical discourse analysis as both theory and method we analyse several texts emerging from a debate mainly discussed in blogs. Main topics in the debate are video games in the library, the purpose of the public library and Library 2.0. Our analysis focus on views expressed concerning the work and purpose of the public library, the librarian and the library user - and to identify the main visible discourses in the discussion.Our findings consist of two discourses representing two different views in the debate. We call these two discourses the general educational discourse and the interactive discourse.

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