

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 18 av 219

Matematikdidaktik : En teoretisk studie av att lära algebra

This is a literature study of learning mathematics in general and algebra in particular. The goal is to explore and investigate the learning procedure and the difficulties pupils have with their understanding. Furthermore, to understand what qualities is requested of pupils in their effort to be successful in mathematics and algebra. I have also explored different pupil thinking styles in mathematics and what consequences that has on their learning and understanding. Moreover, I have investigated some different learning styles and how they can be addressed in teaching of mathematics in general and algebra in particular.

Mobilitet, abstraktioner och kontextmedvetenhet:Nya vägar för SRÖ i Karlskrona att övervaka driften av fastigheter

Denna magisteruppsats beskriver framtagande och utveckling av riktlinjer för ett system vars mål är att förändra och förbättra en organisation, där arbetet idag utgår ifrån en stationär plats men där vi hävdar att arbetssättet skulle kunna vara helt mobilt. I uppsatsen beskriver och diskuterar vi vårt tillvägagångssätt, resultatet av fältstudier och analys samt en diskussion som behandlar konstruktionen av ett mobilt anpassningsbart system. Uppsatsen resulterar i framtagandet av designriktlinjer för en mobil artefakt. Denna artefakt ska kunna stödja det arbete som utförs av personalen som arbetar med drift och övervakning av fastigheter i Karlskrona kommun. Artefakten ska vara anpassningsbar till den miljö som den används inom, den ska ha förmågan att känna av den kontext den opererar inom samt ha förmågan att följa de interaktioner som personalen utför.

Pojkar leker rövare och flickor leker med Barbie : En studie om hur kön representeras och framställs språkligt i läseböcker för barn i årskurs 1

In this essay there will be four text books from grade 1 studied, the first one are from the year 1976 and it will be going forward to the year 2012. The aim of this study is to see how the genders are depicted and represented, as well as what roles the genders are given. I do also want to see if there is a notable change in this over time. I will be doing a study based on the quantity of the contents, and I will also be doing a critical discourse analysis.The result of the study showed that there were more gender-based constructions that referred to women in all of the four books, which indicates that women are represented more often in these reading books. It is most common to portray the genders in their stereotypical roles, which again are present in society, but sometimes these roles are depart from what?s present in society.

Företagsbibliotekariers identitet, kompetens och professionsutveckling : Exemplet Astra Zeneca

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the identity, competences and professional development of corporate librarians. I have done an empirical study based on semi structured interviews with 11 information professionals who were working at Astra Zeneca at the time of the re-organizations of the company in 2009 which ultimately led to the closing of the libraries. I have also examined the views on competences and professional development of librarians in general, both in Sweden and in Denmark. I have used Thomas Brante?s theories on profession types as well as Anders Ørom?s theories on librarian identities as my theoretical framework.

Utvärdering av beräkningskoden APROS för användning i inneslutningsanalyser

At Forsmark nuclear power plant the rather old-fashioned software COPTA is used in containment safety analysis. There exists a desire within the organisation to introduce a more modern software with ability to more detailed modeling and increased usability.The goal of this thesis was to evaluate the software APROS in containment safety analysis. APROS models describing one of the containments at Forsmark NPP have been developed. Two simulations of typical containment incidents, one of them a large pipe break, have been made where containment safety parameters such as pressure and temperature are studied. Results are analyzed and verified against results from corresponding COPTA models.

Bolagsstyrning och tillgänglighet : Hur funkar det?

AbstractThe OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm requires all large companies to apply the Swedish Code ofCorporate Governance. A revised code will be applied from July 2008. The purpose of this paper is toidentify the accessibility of information on corporate governance and in particular how the compliance,concerning the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance in the perspective of an internet active generalpublic.This paper is a complete census of the companies at the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm whocomplies with the code. Each company website has been visited and a comparison between the sectorsat the OMX Exchange Stockholm has been performed.Results: 96% of the companies present the members of the nomination committee. 94% presents thenomination committees proposal of the company board members, though only 33% of the companies inthe Energy sector.

Att mäta generell skam : En analys baserad på Raschmodellen

The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether Suzanne Retzinger?s linguistic cues for shame and verbal behaviors for hiding shame could be used to measure shame in surveys based on Thomas Scheff?s theory of shame. I created a measurement instrument consisting of 30 statements, which were all meant to measure general shame.The instrument was administrated to 180 respondents studying at Karlstad University, of whom 4 respondents were removed from the data set due to lack of standardization. With the polytomous rasch model used for the analysis, data from 176 respondents were analyzed, of whom 124 respondents were female and 52 were male.The result showed that the measurement instrument?s statements should not be used together because the analysis indicated multidimensionality.

Valfrihetens konsekvenser : medvetna och omedvetna skolval

This study illuminates chosen parts of the present opportunities, in the Western World, for parents and children to choose which school the child will attend (freedom of choice), along with possible consequences that may follow. My research questions are: 1) Do tendencies show that freedom of choice leads to increased segregation, and if that is the case, how is it manifested and does it matter? 2) What relations between the student composition of schools and teachers' expectations and attitudes toward students are there? 3) Do the results from previous studies match with the result from my interviews? The methods used for answering the questions are literature studies and interviews made with six teachers who are working in two upper secondary schools in the northern part of Sweden, i.e. three from each school.The result shows that freedom of choice, regarding schools, seems to lead to student compositions that contribute to increased segregation in societies. It leads to more homogenous student compositions, in the form of ethnicity and social class, in schools in general, with consequences like different expectations and attitudes among teachers depending on the status of the composition.

En titt på konsten Hur ser boråsarna på sin offentliga konst?

This thesis explores how public art is received by the general public in Borås, Sweden. As a point of departure it was assumed that a study of the local papers would offer an accurate insight in to the debate of public art. Hence, press clippings were chosen as primary source material together with the works of art. The questions addressed in the study are: what is written in the local daily press about public art? Who writes in or makes statements to the local dailies about public art? Textual analysis is the predominant method employed while hermeneutics is the underlying theory.

Anhörigas upplevelser av den allmänpsykiatriska vården

ABSTRACTAim: The aim of this study is to chart the experiences of Swedish general psychiatric care on a Swedish University hospital from a relative?s point of view. The study focus on how they are meet, satisfaction with and participation in the care. The study is done as an improvement project.Methods: The study was conducted by performing semi-structured interviews with eight close relatives to patients on a general psychiatric ward. The interviews lasted for 20-40 minutes.Results: The result shows that relatives are satisfied with the way they are meet by the staff on the ward, that they appreciate staff that are open, down to earth and are inviting to form a good relationship.

Diskussioner om trygghet i planeringssammanhang :

This is a bachelor?s essay in the landscape architect programme in Alnarp. The purpose of the essay is to describe discussions about security in planning contexts in Sweden. Written material from three levels of the discussions has been studied: Swedish research, governmental directives and practisers. I have tried to obtain a variation in types of material.

Datorisering av släktforskarens källor : vad släktforskarföreningar gör och hur de ser på fenomenet

The purpose of this MA thesis is to examine the computerisation of sources that are of interest to genealogists. The primary focus of the thesis is an empirical study, by using a questionnaire addressed to 118 genealogical societies in Sweden, in order to find out what kind of computerisation is being performed by these genealogical societies and what their opinion is of the computerisation of sources of interest to genealogists. The result of this questionnaire has shown, together with printed and electronic material, that there is a good deal of interest from genealogical societies in the computerisation of sources. About half of the genealogical societies who answered the questionnaire are computerising sources themselves and the societies have a positive view in general of the computerisation that is being done and of the increased usage of modern information technology in genealogy. There are on the other hand certain issues that are being discussed such as the important question of the quality of the computerised material.

Det är inte endast mobbaren som mobbar : En studie om det sociala fenomenet mobbning och dess roller

The purpose of this study is to do a research about some pedagogues? perceptions of the social phenomenon of bullying, about the roles that can occur and how these pedagogues consider themselves to work accordingly. Our research questions are therefore:What beliefs about the social phenomenon of bullying has the pedagogues?What roles emerge in different bullying situations according to the pedagogues?How do the pedagogues work with bullying and the roles that emerge?The study provides insight into how different approaches to bullying can contribute to various pedagogical implications in anti-bullying work. In our theoretical part we present general issues and the roles that different writers describe.

Kontraheringsplikt inom förmögenhetsrätten ? Avtalsfrihetens gränser

Swedish contract law is based on the main principle of freedom of contract, which means that a contract is built on a voluntary agreement of both parties. There are exceptions from the principle of freedom of contract. In some instances a party is obliged to contract (kontraheringsplikt), which also is the subject for this paper. Kontraheringsplikt can be described as an obligation for one of the parts in a relation to come to an agreement under normal circumstances with everyone who ask for it. The cases of kontraheringsplikt are rather different.

Teknikens Under - En problemrapport över arbetet på diariet, Regionens Hus i Mariestad

Att en dator hänger sig, inte gör som man vill eller bara är obegriplig är inget nytt fenomen. Dock är detta en del av vardagen på diariet i Regionens Hus i Mariestad, där de tre registratorernas arbetsprocesser innehåller ett antal problem som bland annat är datorrelaterade. Rapporten beskriver arbetet på diariet, de problem som finns, vem som äger problemen, och innehåller också en diskussion runt de befintliga problemen. Rapporten tar upp allt från postöppning till sökfel i programmet Diabas och mycket annat som ingår i arbetet som registrator. De problem som finns i arbetet på diariet har hopat sig över registratorerna som känner att det inte finns någon självklar part som de kan vända sig till för att få hjälp.

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