

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 10 av 219

Utmattningssyndrom och KASAM. En möjlighet till en ökad känsla av sammanhang?

Some people who recovered from exhaustion disorder report that their lives feel more meaningful after the disease than before, despite residual symptoms and difficulties. This experience of increased meaningfulness has been linked to sense of coherence, SOC. The research question was whether individuals with exhaustion disorder at onset has a weak SOC, and if there is a general increase towards a higher SOC value ??during the recovery process. In a cross-sectional study, data were gathered on the SOC value via the SOC 29 form.

Att utvärdera AdApt, ett multimodalt konverserande dialogsystem, med PARADISE

This master?s thesis presents experiences from an evaluation of AdApt, a multi- modal, conversational dialogue system, using PARADISE, PARAdigm for Dialogue System Evaluation, a general framework for evaluation. The purpose of this master?s thesis was to assess PARADISE as an evaluation tool for such a system. An experimental study with 26 subjects was performed.

Traumateamsövningar - vad kommer patienten till del?

Background: In today's Swedish health care, it is required that the various professionals must work together in teams to safer care. Several professionals with various skills expected working together in the traumateam at the care of the traumapatient. At the same time, research shows that substandard teamwork leads to avoidable errors in care. One way to improve teamwork is to practice. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to shed light on the experiences of the traumateam exercises that exercise participants feel has been favorable for the patient at the initial care of trauma patients.

Riksdagsvalet 2010 : En GIS-analys

Our social lives and where we live shape our choices in life. One of those choices is which party we vote for in the general election. The aim of this thesis is to see if there are any connections between the Swedish general election of 2010, demography, socioeconomic factors and geography. This is done with regression analysis and chosen variables. Another aim is to see where in Sweden the chosen variables aren?t enough to explain the results of the election.

Kromförångning i fastoxidbränsleceller

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Ställtidsreduktion på förpackningslina

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Ämnesindexering av spelfilm

The aim of this thesis is to examine possibilities concerning subject access to fiction film, i.e. appropriate ways to describe fiction film for subject retrieval. Problems regarding subject indexing in general, and subject indexing of fiction film in particular, are identified, as well as the uniqueness of fiction film and film genres. Four types of subject aspects are discussed: form and genre, fictitious characters, setting, and general topics. Several guidelines, form- and genre lists, and subject headings lists are examined and treated as potential indexing tools.

Lärarna på barrikaderna : En jämförande studie av den socialdemokratiska och borgerliga dagspressens syn på lärarstrejken 1989

1989 there was a big strike among teachers in Sweden. The strike lasted for over five weeks and got a lot of space in the media. In this study the author has focused on the Swedish press opinion about the strike and the striking teachers. The study is comparative one between Non-socialists press and press connected to the Socialists. The author has used a form of qualitative text analysis to examine the data which consists of editorials from six different morning papers.

Joint Venture inom finansbranschen : En fallstudie av samarbetet mellan Credit Suisse och Orn & Cie SA

AbstractThis paper intends, through a qualitative study to examine and analyze how a particular type of financial firms cooperate, and what this entails. The case study issue which shall be answered is "What does the firms Credit Suisse and Orn & Cie SA gain out of cooperating with each other?". By setting the general theories in the subject joint ventures, partnerships, against the empirical material gathered via interviews and data collection in Geneva, Switzerland  answers to what the cooperation between the two parties has resulted in for the respective companies has been found. The survey shows that the prevailing model of cooperation creates significant benefits for the two companies.

Frivilligt arbete = frivillig könsfördelning?

This paper attempts to illustrate a gap when it comes to the knowledge about unpaid volunteers in Swedish organisations. The person-oriented explanations of individual preferences when choosing an orientation in which to volunteer does not suffice to explain and enlighten the fact that there is a gender-based division that orientates women towards voluntary work within organisations with a social direction, while men tend to choose sports-oriented voluntary tasks. This illustrates a pattern that is common in society in general. Eight interviews including four women volunteering in socially oriented organisations and four men in sports-oriented organisations have been conducted. An attempt has been made to explain results from earlier research as well as the respondents reasoning about their voluntary work with gender related theories.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE - KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system.

Tranchering av Collateralized Debt Obligations med en portfölj av simulerade tillgångar

This thesis gives an introduction to securitization in general and the tranching of collateralized debt obligations in particular. It does this by using a firm-value model to simulate the underlying portfolio via monte-carlo simulations.The simulations in turn give a loss-distribution from which the various tranchings of the CDO?s are derived. To get an understanding of the influence of different variables involved in the tranching the simulations are repeated several times where the portfolio variables are changed to generate different tranchings. This to give a understanding of the influence different variables have on the tranching and consequently risks involved in CDO?s in particular but also general risks and problems of securitizations..

Ungdomar och sexualitet : Attityder hos anställda på ungdomsmottagningar i Gävleborgs län

AbstractBruzelius, E. (2010). Adolescents and sexuality ? Attitudes among employees at Juvenile receptions in Gävleborgs län. Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv.The aim of the current study was to examine and describe what perceptions and values of em-ployees at Juvenile receptions in the county of Gävleborg have about adolescents? sexual and general health.

Avlivning av häst : en enkätstudie

Today there are various methods to use when euthanizing horses. Earlier the use of free or captive bullet was the most common method, but in recent decades this has changed and chemical euthanasia is now considered the most common method. The chemical euthanasia has in Sweden been dominated by the use of barbiturates. Somulose® entered the market in the beginning of the 90?s as an alternative to previous chemical euthanasia.

Hinder och framgångsfaktorer för personer med Aspergers syndrom : I steget från skola till arbete

The aim of this paper was to describe hindering and facilitating factors in the transition from upper secondary school and employment for a person with Asperger?s syndrome. In the process we used general systems theory and made semi-structured interviews with five persons in the network of institutions and associations working with the individual. Our findings showed that the hindering and facilitating factors were basically the same depending of the environmental adjustments. The interviews highlighted the following factors: the recent general unemployment rate in Sweden, selfawareness of the individual and the surrounding environment?s knowledge of the individual?s impairment in relation to Asperger?s syndrome.

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