

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 6 av 201

Sverige, Eu och Jämställdheten : En studie av europeisering

This study is set out to examine if there is any kind of influence between the EU and Swedish gender policy. More specific the Swedish efforts within the gender policy area, especially in the area of social policy and employment, during the Swedish presidency in the Council of Ministers 2001. And also to examine the impact of Europeanization in Swedish gender policy. We have decided to delimit our study to care of elderly and children when it comes to the area of social policy. We are using a descriptive, examining qualitative method.

Genusmedvetenhet i förskolan : Pedagogers genusmedvetenhet i dagliga arbetsituationer inom förskolan

My purpose with this study is to examine whether or how teachers are gender-conscious in preschool everyday situations. That is, if they are aware of their attitude and treatment of work on gender and what gender concept has relevance for educators. In much of the practical literature that I read, it appears that many teachers are not aware of their responses and attitudes to children based on gender aspect. I have examined how the gender work differs in the two preschools that I chosen to study.The questions that this study is based on isDoes the educators at the preschools work gender conscious in everyday situations?-Is it boys or girls who get the most attention from educators in everyday situations?What do the teachers at the preschool concept of gender?What approach have been the teachers of preschool to counteract traditional Gender patterns in everyday situations?I have made ??a qualitative study where I interviewed five educators and made ??observations on the two preschools.

Synen på kön och jämställdhet i den svenska förskolan

The present Equality Project in the Swedish preschool has been studied according to its view on sex and equality. The purpose was to find out how the Equality Project is described, interpreted and implemented.The research questions focused the central concepts sex (gender identity, gender roles and Gender patterns) and equality in the political level, the educational level and the executing level of the Equality Project. From each level some central texts were chosen and analysed.The results indicated that equality is interpreted as connected to an absence of Gender patterns and gender roles. The concept of gender identity is differently understood in the different texts. The normative focus and the lack of psychology in the Equality Project are discussed..

Socialarbetares genusmedvetenhet i bedömningar av behov och insatser : En kvalitativ vinjettstudie

The aim of this essay was to study if social workers have a gender awareness in the social work they perform and if it appears in the assessment of needs and intervention. A qualitative vignette study with four social workers who handle adult- and addictive clients have been performed. Gender theory is used to interpret the empirical results. The results of the study show that social workers doesn´t see any differences in the clients situation, or make any different assessment of needs depending on if the client is a man or a woman. Social workers also propose the same interventions to men and women.

Hårda män i mörka kostymer : - En bildanalytisk studie med utgångspunkt i genus

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the media presents policymakers from a gender perspective. We have made an analysis on the basis of genderdichotomies. We have studied images from the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet as well as the French newspaper Le Monde in order to achieve a greater understanding in which way the both medias contributes to the reproduction of gender in the media.The conclusion of the study has shown that the gender system is somewhat confirmed by the way in which men and women are presented in the medias. Men are presented with more traditional gender related associations than women who is shown in a more dynamic constellation, this is mostly evident in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet..

Bibliotekarieutbildningskritik. En undersökning av ett urval tidskrifter ur svensk bibliotekspress 1990-2005.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the criticisms of the Swedish library education 1990-2005. By studying four different magazines, we tried to find the various opinions. The years investigated are 1990 to 2005. We have studied articulated opinions, not all opinions, in four library journals.

Att bevara och förändra: en diskurspsykologisk studie av jämställdhetssamtal på Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master's thesis is to study how gender equity is discussed and worked with at a Swedish public library, and what potential consequences these discussions will bring. By analysing different types of documents and interviews with library staff using discourse psychological theories and methods we show that two dominating discourses coexist and determine the direction of how gender equity is discussed. These discourses are argued to create and uphold gender and gender roles within the organisation as well as in society at large.In our study we find that one of the identified discourses has, as one of its consequences, that it preserves and regenerates traditional gender roles. This discourse is mainly used when discussing personnel policies and when recruiting. We call this the discourse of gender role preservation.The second discourse is mainly seen when discussing the public dimension of the library's functions.

Shamyana, the out door pleasure

The present work is a continuation of the ideas developed in previous projects during my Masters studies that explored the relation between pattern, form and space. Starting from the pattern multiplication for space construction the present project proposes textiles as an assortment of flexible expressions. The purpose of the project is to explore aesthetic and functional potential of textiles for out door temporary structures. This is to create a pattern interface which filters sunlight through a textile surface to offer instant sheltering solutions for out door activities. The project combines research and analyses of outdoor temporary structures and scope of textile in the area.

Från behov till bistånd : Föreställningen om kön och dess betydelse vid biståndsbedömning enligt LSS

The purpose of this study is to research whether or not gender has an impact on assessments regarding the support for persons with special nedds (LSS personkrets 3). Administrators working in disability care are to make decisions on the basis of the individual's needs when assessing the need for aid and support. This study is based on qualitative interviews, with six administrators, and one head of operations. The empirical data collected has been thoroughly analysed from a gender perspective, rooted in Butler's theory regarding performativity and subversive actions, as well as Connell's gender regime, and Hirdman's gender contracts. Results show that administrators have ackknowledged and noticed differences in how male and female users express their needs, where the difference lies in the communication; females seem more reserved and shy, whereas males seem more outward and extroverted.

Jämställdhet och politik, går det ihop? : En kritisk diskursanalys

Gender and politics, how well do they match? An interesting way of studying gender and politics is therefore to look at the legislation proposals from the government. In Sweden when the government make a legislation proposal it have to have a chapter that consider the aspect of equality between men and women. This paper aim to study the language in the gender aspect of the legislation proposal. This is done from a gender perspective.

?Intoleransen får inte gå därifrån utan att bli ifrågasatt? : En undersökning av so-lärares upplevelser av intolerans på högstadiet och gymnasiet.

This Master's Thesis studies the attitude that library employees have regarding a sex and gender-neutral treatmentof their clients. The analysis is based upon replies to a questionnaire which was submitted though channels directedat library employees, like BIBLIST and BiblFeed. The respondent?s replies contained a number of welldevelopedcomments making the resultant analysis both quantitative and qualitative in nature.In performing the analysis a theoretical framework combining Hirdman?s gender system with symbolic interactionismhas been used together with literature about gender roles.The questionnaire showed that gender neutrality is a complex concept that can be interpreted in many differentways and is therefore easily misunderstood. It is obvious that sex is an important category when respondents aredealing with their clients, but also that sex and gender are problematic concepts which respondents find difficultto know exactly how to relate to.

Jämställdhetsutbildning och jämställdhetsarbete bland sjukhuschefer

This paper is about research carried out at a hospital at which managers had taken a course in gender equality. The aim was to get a deepened understanding of them and their work on gender equality. I wanted to find out if they themselves felt that they had obtained any new knowledge and if they had changed anything at their workplace because of this new knowledge. I also wanted to know if they had experienced any problems in this process. I found that the course has been more or less decisive in order for them to start working with questions concerning gender equality.

Det delade klassrummet : Det sociala rummets betydelse för särskiljande

We have, after three years of studying at Södertörns University Collage, experienced that there is great division in the classroom between students of foreign origin and ethnically Swedish students. How the students choose to place themselves in the classroom form a pattern on the basis of students? outer shells. The aim of this study is to understand what impact the student?s social orders has on the position they choose in the classroom.

Det ska böjas i tid det som krokigt skall bli ? Om reproduktion av kön på bibliotek

This Master's Thesis studies the attitude that library employees have regarding a sex and gender-neutral treatmentof their clients. The analysis is based upon replies to a questionnaire which was submitted though channels directedat library employees, like BIBLIST and BiblFeed. The respondent?s replies contained a number of welldevelopedcomments making the resultant analysis both quantitative and qualitative in nature.In performing the analysis a theoretical framework combining Hirdman?s gender system with symbolic interactionismhas been used together with literature about gender roles.The questionnaire showed that gender neutrality is a complex concept that can be interpreted in many differentways and is therefore easily misunderstood. It is obvious that sex is an important category when respondents aredealing with their clients, but also that sex and gender are problematic concepts which respondents find difficultto know exactly how to relate to.

Operatörsoberoende SMS-leverans med designmönstret Bridge

When different type of programs are developed one wants to make these adjustable to future changes and requirements. It must be done a good design of the program from the beginning to make it possible to continue development of it without having to redo big parts of it to high costs. In the area of object orientation there are design pattern, which can be used to design systems that can be adjusted to new changes in an easier way. I have in this thesis chosen to take a closer look at how to design a program that sends SMS to cell phones through a system of an operator. One requirement on the program is that it has to be possible to change what operator to send though in an easy way.

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