

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 1 av 201

Bronssvärd på Gotland : en typologi och genusdiskussion

On the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea there have been 18 archaeological find of bronze swords and five finds of bronze miniature swords and they have been dated to the bronze age periods II-VI. They have been found as ritual hoard offerings, as treasure hoards and in graves. These finds will be put in relation to each other and the bronze age landscape they have been found in. The purpose of this is to see if there is a pattern to be seen, if a specific sword-type can be found in a grave or hoard or if there?s a pattern to be seen in there placement in the landscape relating to other bronze age sites.

Barnbokens karaktärer ur ett genusperspektiv : normativt eller normutmanande

The aim of this paper is to examine how gender roles are described in two children's books and compare the results against the curriculum Lgr11 's values. The compared books have different aims though one of the analyzed books claimed to go against the gender roles and the other one isn?t. The method of analysis is discourse analysis and deconstruction of the text by using Nikolajeva´s (2004) pattern for stereotype gender descriptions and Kåreland´s (2005) analysis of story actions based on gender representations in children's literature. The analysis of the texts shows that there are differences between how the two books characters are described depending on gender. What emerges is that in one of the books femininity is valued high but instead it lacks equality between the sexes, while in the second book the main characters are described as equal even though the other characters are described in a stereotypical way.

Svenska FN- förbundet - En jämställd organisation? : En studie om jämställdheten inom en frivilligorganisation i Sverige

UN is a non-governmental organization which should promote gender equality within the organization. It is an organization which is based on human rights and claims that in order to solve the problem of poverty, famine and development we need to promote women?s status. In Sweden there is a strong tradition of gender balanced representation at the governmental level and this perspective raise the question if there is a spill-over effect to the civil society as in the case of a non-governmental organization. This makes it interesting to look at if a non-governmental organization which is not under state control work for gender equality within their own organization.

Näckrosdjuren. Ett utforskande mönsterprojekt om metoder och formspråk

The lily pad creatures arose out of my childhood memories of nature. This project has been an ongoing investigation of a workprocess as well as an exploration of my own sense of artistic idiom. I wanted to develop my knowledge in pattern design and focus on the artistic expression. I want the pattern to invite participation in storytelling in the same way that nature has inspired me..

Frivilligt arbete = frivillig könsfördelning?

This paper attempts to illustrate a gap when it comes to the knowledge about unpaid volunteers in Swedish organisations. The person-oriented explanations of individual preferences when choosing an orientation in which to volunteer does not suffice to explain and enlighten the fact that there is a gender-based division that orientates women towards voluntary work within organisations with a social direction, while men tend to choose sports-oriented voluntary tasks. This illustrates a pattern that is common in society in general. Eight interviews including four women volunteering in socially oriented organisations and four men in sports-oriented organisations have been conducted. An attempt has been made to explain results from earlier research as well as the respondents reasoning about their voluntary work with gender related theories.

Brand Personality and Gender ? How there is a woman inside Evian and a man inside Nike

The thesis provides with the broad overview about the consumer awareness of the gender dimension within brand personalities. The research contributes to branding theory and gender studies and demonstrates that consumer gender influences does not influence the perceived brand personality gender. However, it also shows that consumers prefer brands with a clear gender, but not necessarily the same gendered brands..

Hommage till slit och släp - västerbottniska arbetarskjortor i en undersökning om mönsters påverkan på kläder

Hommage till slit och släp is a tribute and a resarchabout patterns relation to clothes. The primary goalof the project was to examine how a pattern couldchange the apperance of a garment and how thegarment?s construction and material would impactthe pattern. The formative survey was about thesparsely populated areas in the north of Sweden andhow theese areas have been treated by the swedishgovernment. The issue worked as an inspiration andmethod which I used in the patternresearch.

Mönsterminnen - att skapa nya mönster av gamla minnen

This is a project about creating new patterns from childhood memories of patterns. I havebeen reaserching the possibility to add further value to a pattern in terms of memories, stories,associations and feelings.The goal has been to create new patterns from other peoples memories of patterns. It hasalso been my purpose to develop my skills and feel more comfortable in the creating of patterns.The questions at issu has been:How can I tell a story with a pattern?How can I communicate a feeling or a mood with a pattern?How does our memory image and an interpretation effect the process and the end result?I interviewed nine people. The questions during the interview was:Your name and age?Where was the pattern you?r going to talk about placed?How did it look like?What kind of feelings or emotions do you connect with this pattern?Someting else you whant to tell about the pattern?I created five patterns and during the process with the interviews I realised the importance ofshowing the stories in the end result.

Omtänksamma flickor och tävlande pojkar : En undersökning av hur flickor och pojkar framställs i sex utvalda matematikböcker för årskurs 3 och 4

The purpose with this essay was to study and analyze how gender roles is represented in six different mathematic books for children in the third and fourth grade and to see if the books counteract or reinforces traditional gender roles. It was also to see if the mathematic books follow the goals in the curriculum. I had four questions that I focused on while analyzing the mathematic books:What kind of activities does girls and boys like in the exercises in the mathematic books?What does girls and boys own in the exercises in the mathematic books?What does the relationships look like between different persons in the mathematic books?Based on the results from questions 1-3, do these six mathematic books try to follow the curriculum?The results of this study shows that girls often can be interested in things that usually is seen as either girlish or boyish, while boys mostly is interested in things that is seen as boyish. I got almost the same results when it comes to the second question, girls can buy things that is often seen as either girlish or boyish, while boys mostly buy things that is seen as boyish.

Genuspedagogiska samtal

The education curriculum states that one of the tasks for schools and preschools are to promote gender equality by discouraging traditional gender roles. Gender equality is therefore a part of the fundamental values of the education system. In order to be able to work with the issue of gender equality, the employees need help and further education. Therefore some schools and preeschools contact a teacher specialized in gender equality work.In this essay I have chosen to do a field study of such a teacher at work during different workshops with nurses and teachers. The aim is to examine how she discusses gender ideas and what discussions arises from the meetings with the attendents.

Den kvinnliga rollen i nyutgivna bilderböcker : Och hur pedagoger resonerar kring sitt arbete med att motverka stereotypa könsmönster i förskolan med hjälp av bilderböcker

Problem statement: Nowadays, women have a greater place in literature, both as a writer but also the role of the book and that is why I have chosen to examine how educators reason about their use of literature in preschool to combat the stereotype of gender roles.Motivation: An earlier survey shows that women now have a greater place in the recently released children's literature and, therefore, it is interesting to see how educators see their work on countering Gender patterns using picture books. It is also interesting to examine whether the female roles in the books are consistent with the research I've used.Approach: I chose to use qualitative interviews with teachers in two preschools and also examined the recently released children?s books they worked with.Results: The results of my survey shows that teachers thoughts about their work on combating Gender pattern occurs on an individual plan and depend on how the teacher interprets the guidelines. My survey also shows that the gender roles in the newly released picture books are consistent with earlier research I?ve used.Conclusion: It is therefore important that educators are aware of how easily Gender patterns are induced, it happens on a daily basis through words and expectations that educators have on children..

?Det går inte att tänka jämställdhet under mattelektionerna? : - Lärares tankar kring jämställdhet samt hur och varför det ska främjas i skolan

The aim with this thesis is to investigate teachers view on gender equality and what this may be due to. Teachers are supposed to follow the curriculum where it is written that gender equality should be encouraged. After interviewing teachers it has come to light that depending of the teacher?s personal interest and the school?s management of the question, there is a difference between how teachers are working with gender equality. That is why we want to know why gender equality should be encouraged and how teachers should reach the aim from the curriculum about gender equality.

Utan den andres bekräftelse är jag ingenting : En studie om kvinnan i kärleksrelationer och relationer

The aim of this essay is to analyse young peoples view and thoughts about women. I have studied how young people ?create women? in an opinion poll about love relations and relationships.The survey has been answered by high school student in a suburb in Stockholm. My main question is: What conceptions of the women are presented in love relationships and relationships in general?To analyse the data, I have used a qualitative method which means that I have tried to understand and interpret their answers.

Tapetmönster - en kollektion av form & färg i rum

The character of a pattern carries through to the context in which it is placed. Each pattern tells a story. By interpreting our surroundingenvironments we become inspired, and the patterns in turn can become part of our own narratives. This project was fuelled by my fascination and desire to explore patterns. My method of exploration was based on prior knowledge of patterns and interior design.The question became how can I apply my knowledge of interior design to pattern design and how could I best translate the brief intoa language of colour and shapes? The aim was to develop my knowledge of pattern design as well as to use this opportunity to combine my design methods with those of a professional designer.

Klimatförändringar, ett problem för vem? : En institutionell policystudie om könets betydelse i svensk klimatpolitik 

The UN has a goal to gender-mainstream all politics, but its politics in climate change is not gender-sensitive. The Swedish government has the same goal concerning gender mainstreaming, but does the Swedish politics of climate change reach this goal? The aim of this paper is to examine the relations between the Swedish politics of gender and climate change. In addition, the aim is also to investigate how gender is constructed in the climate politics. To reach these aims, an institutional, policy and gender analysis is used.

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