

5455 Uppsatser om Gender family policy - Sida 8 av 364

Förtroliga medarbetarsamtal : chefers och medarbetares uppfattningar

This master?s paper first presents some of the principal theories and concepts developed by the poverty researchers Rowntree, Titmuss, Townsend, Sen and Lister. These theoretical frameworks are then related to two documents from the EU and Sweden concerning combating poverty and social exclusion, bearing on the establishment of the ?Year 2010 against Poverty?. Finally, I discuss the value in practice of these theories and policy documents, as regards reducing poverty in Europe.It has become clear in this investigation that the theories and concepts from earlier research are still relevant to the formulation of contemporary policy programmes, and that earlier research helps us to avoid old traps in fighting poverty.

Syriska Muslimska Brödraskapet, En genusresa

The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has since the start of the Syrian uprising in March 2011 moved from a low-key position in exile to become one of the main actors in the political opposition. There appears to be a consensus among researchers today on the democratic commitment of the Syrian Brotherhood. However, ambiguity remains regarding its commitment towards gender equality, women?s rights and participation. This essay focuses on the gender discourse of the Syrian Brotherhood?s leadership, according to its policy-documents, from 2004 ? 2013.

Barns inflytande och demokrati i förskolan : ur pedagogers synvinkel

The purpose of this study was to find out what thoughts some preschool teachers had about gender andgender work. The aim was also to investigate whether preschool educational orientation had any impacton how teachers thought about gender and gender work.The scientific method for the study was qualitative research interviews. The interviews were conductedindividually with four preschool teachers from two different preschools. The first preschool was agender-oriented school and the other was a non-gender-oriented school.The results of the study show preschool teachers have good knowledge of gender and gender work andwhat they mean in preschool, and this is regardless of the pedagogical approach the preschool they?reworking for has.

J K Rowling och fantasygenren : En genreteoretisk studie av Harry Potter

This paper attempts to display how five teachers of social studies use and relate to the policy documents and their instructions on gender. To penetrate the subject, five teachers were intreviewed. Each interview focused on how the curriculum attempts to guide teachers regarding gender, sex differences and equality of opportunity. The collected information was processed, analyzed and discussed using gender studies and discourse theory.The results show that the interpretation and usage of the curriculum is very subjective and varies greatly between all the interviewed teachers. Their personal interpretation proves to be crucial when it comes to making reality of the stated goals in the curriculum, concerning actively working towards equality of opportunity between sexes.

Mellan klass och kön : En analys av det socialdemokratiska kvinnofo?rbundets aktionsprogram 1972 - 1993

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the conceptualisation of the social relations of class and gender within the Social Democratic Women?s Association during the period 1972 ? 1993, on the basis of their programmes for action. The analysis of the concepts is based on an ideology critical study focusing on the manifest ideology.The study is based upon the theoretical concepts of class and gender,  The class analysis is based upon the broadened concepts of class by Erik Olin Wright and Ira Katznelson. The gender analysis is mainly based upon a Marxist understanding and a critical point of view of Marxism and feminism in the context of patriarchy and capitalism.The period of the study is where the social democracy is challenged, both by radical socialism and feminist ideology and the economic crisis during the 1980?s, as well as the possible threat of an organised women?s party in Sweden.

Utredningar av socialt utsatta barn : en genomlysning av risk- och skyddsfaktorer

The aim of this study is to, from a child?s family relations, describe the usage of terms relating to factors of risk and safety in science and in investigations concerning children in need of protection. It is also of importance in what way the terms are used when the Social Services suggest that measures should be taken, and in which way the children have been heard in the investigations.The issues raised in this study are: (a) How is the current life situation and life quality of the children discussed? (b) The value of factors concerning risks and protection. (c) How is the children?s own descriptions taken in to consideration? (d) Is gender issues considered? (e) How is Lagerberg?s model (Lagerberg, 1998) useful in investigations?The method of analysis is mainly qualitative however it is combined with analysis of literature relevant to the study.

Barns grovmotoriska utveckling i förskolan : En undersökning om hur pedagoger arbetar med barns grovmotoriska utveckling

The purpose of this study was to find out what thoughts some preschool teachers had about gender andgender work. The aim was also to investigate whether preschool educational orientation had any impacton how teachers thought about gender and gender work.The scientific method for the study was qualitative research interviews. The interviews were conductedindividually with four preschool teachers from two different preschools. The first preschool was agender-oriented school and the other was a non-gender-oriented school.The results of the study show preschool teachers have good knowledge of gender and gender work andwhat they mean in preschool, and this is regardless of the pedagogical approach the preschool they?reworking for has.

Genus i bilderboken : En analys av hur karaktärerna framställs i tre bilderböcker

The picture book is the children's first contact with the world of literature. The aim of our study is to look at how children and adults are portrayed in the picture book, from a gender perspective. Our aim is to critically examine how girls and boys, men and women are presented when it comes to both characteristics and appearance. Our research also focuses on how the text and images complete each other and we conduct a qualitative text and image analysis. We use Nikolajevas (2000) analytical model for picture books and previous research that already exists within the subject.In our paper we have clarified the concepts related to gender: gender, gender roles, gender equality and the picture book.

Hur sker integreringen av särskoleelever på en högstadieskola?

This essay reflects upon how recruiters working at a recruitment-agency interpret their gender equality plan and their understanding of the term gender equality. This was done by semi-structured interviews with five recruiters. Through theories concerning the gender system, organization theory with a gender perspective and the doing-gender-perspective we have come to the conclusion that the employees of the company lack a coherent interpretation of gender equality. Concerning the gender equality plan there were diverse understandings of its meaning and the application of the plan is partly insufficient. As a recruitment agency there are a number of specific difficulties related to working towards gender equality.

Genom genus till jämställdhet : Fyra förskollärares tankar om genus

The purpose of this study was to find out what thoughts some preschool teachers had about gender andgender work. The aim was also to investigate whether preschool educational orientation had any impacton how teachers thought about gender and gender work.The scientific method for the study was qualitative research interviews. The interviews were conductedindividually with four preschool teachers from two different preschools. The first preschool was agender-oriented school and the other was a non-gender-oriented school.The results of the study show preschool teachers have good knowledge of gender and gender work andwhat they mean in preschool, and this is regardless of the pedagogical approach the preschool they?reworking for has.

Jämställdhetsarbete på en akademisk institution, från ord till handling

The essay discusses how to look at a equality plan of a academic department experiences the, gender equality in general and how power is portrayed from a gender perspective in the academic department. Through the use of qualitative interviews and a short survey the results have shown that few of the staff members have knowledge about the equality plan and few are familiar with its contents. Furthermore results show that the academic department is run hierarchyilly and that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation exists.The climate at the academic department is characterized by the will to work with gender equality but so far there have only been few exercised or planned efforts to do so. The gap between theory and practise is wide, the will to be seen as an equal academic department concerning equality of men and women seems important. The conscious or unconscious strategy of covering up the real gender equality seems to be done by focusing on the numerical equality..

Att lifta en policy Om den offentliga upphandlingen och ett nytt statsvetenskapligt begrepp

In the present case, the conception of policy hitchhiking gets evaluated in terms of its implications for democracy. This task is executed through the accomplishment of a case study of the use of social- and environmental clauses in the Swedish competitive tendering.A useful definition of policy hitchhiking, including different types of actors, is created.Through the defining of democracy and policy hitchhiking, the author comes to the conclusion that policy hitchhiking in some respects does meet democracy values.The thesis? result can in some sense be regarded as a contribution to the pursuit of knowledge of how power is distributed in the society and how the current distribution can be explained and understood..

Varför barn får kontaktperson och kontaktfamilj : En aktstudie om barnens bakgrund och skäl till insats

The aim of this study was to look into why children receive the interventions contact person and contact family. This was done by studying case-files. The main questions were:-       How common is it that there are reasons for the intervention linked to parents and which are the most common?-       How common is it that there are reasons for the intervention and problems linked to children and which are the most common?-       Is there any indication of connections between reasons, age, gender or type of intervention? If so, what are the connections?The main results of this study were that most of the children lived with a single mother, often with a weak social network, and in need of relief. It was more common that reasons were linked to children then parents and the most common reasons indicated a need for an extra adult.

Fyra manliga pedagogers tankar om genus och förskolans genusuppdrag : En kvalitativ undersökning

In this study I?ve used qualitative interviews to examine four male preschool teachers? interpretations of gender and their work with gender in preschool. Specifically, I?ve been interested in what thoughts male teachers have about the preschool gender assignment, how they express these thoughts in their work, and how they perceive their role as men in preschool in relation to gender and gender equality. The teachers express that the preschool gender assignment means that one should treat girls and boys equally and give them the same opportunities.

Partnerskap i samförstånd? En studie av den regionala partnerskapsmodellen ur ett intresseperspektiv

In 1998 a new regional development policy was introduced by the Swedish government. A central feature in the policy was the formation of partnerships at the regional level. The partnerships were meant to consist of local and regional stakeholders, representing a great variety of interests, who would collaborate in order to improve regional development. The new policy was promoted, besides being more efficient, as a way to broaden political participation and to break male-dominated structures.This thesis discusses whether the regional partnership actually favours ?women's interests?, in terms of how the relationship of power between women and men is constituted by the model.

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