5455 Uppsatser om Gender family policy - Sida 51 av 364
Maskulinitet och makt : En studie av Georgs maskulinitet i Lars Noréns drama Natten är dagens mor
In the following essay I have read the drama Natten är dagens mor (The Night is the Day's Mother) by Lars Norén. My main focus has been on the older brother Georg. By using post structuralist gender theories I have sought answers to the following two questions: How is Georg's masculinity constructed and maintained, when seen from a gender perspective? What power structures arise between Georg's and the other men's masculinities? In my analysis I have approached Georg via three perspectives. First, I have by the help of Judith Butler's theory concerning gender performative actions tried to define the men's gender codes.
Starkare konflikt mellan familjeliv och arbete bland män än bland kvinnor : Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse bland högskoleanställda
Syftet med studien var att bland högskoleanställda undersöka skillnader i Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas kön samt beroende på om deltagarna hade barn under 18 år eller ej. Studien syftade även till att undersöka skillnader i arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas ålder. I studien ingick manliga och kvinnliga högskoleanställda som arbetade minst 80 % och som undervisade och/eller forskade inom den aktuella tjänsten. Studien genomfördes som en web-enkätundersökning på två högskolor i Sverige. Totalt besvarade 125 deltagare på enkäten som utgick ifrån två olika mätinstrument; Netemeyers, Boless och McMurrians (1996) skala som användes för att mäta Work-Life Balance uppdelat på Family-Work Conflict samt Work-Family Conflict och Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) som mätte inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse.
?Det är det som är att vara lärare? : En kvalitativ studie om sex pedagogers tolkning av individanpassad undervisning
According to Swedish school policy documents, every teacher?s assignment is to individually adapt the education to meet every student?s needs. There are no exact guidelines about how to make these adaptations. The purpose of this study is to investigate how six teachers interpret the policy documents and how they, according to themselves, work to achieve this. This study is built on six interviews with teachers who work with children in the ages from seven to ten.
En förändrad socialdemokratisk utrikespolitik? : En motivanalys av socialdemokratiska ställningstaganden gällande försvarsavtalet med Saudiarabien mellan år 2005 till år 2015.
In 2005 the Swedish social democratic government settled a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia. Ten years later, a new Social democratic government ends the treaty. This thesis will study the Social democratic party?s motives behind their actions regarding the treaty. Kjell Goldmanns theory regarding the three fields of interest concerning state?s foreign policy, security policy, economy and international values, will serve as the theory and operationalization of this thesis.
Tills döden eller äldreomsorgen skiljer oss åt : En studie om äldre personers upplevelse av att separera från sin partner på grund av att han eller hon blir beviljad ett särskilt boende.
Elderly couples have a right to live together. On June 1st 2006 the Swedish government extended couples? rights, granting special consideration to elderly partners to enable them to receive care in the same home. But what happens if only one of them is eligible for care? This paper has studied how elderly couples were affected in situations where one partner was unable to continue living at home, and what measures could be taken to improve their situation.
Hur könsroller skapas och reproduceras i läromedel : En undersökning av bilder i läroböcker för matematik för de yngre åldrarna
The purpose with this essay was to see how the mathematic books showed sexual roles in pictures and if they confirm or deny the traditional sexual roles that school shall counteract according to the curriculum, Lgr11. The questions I focused on were this:How sexual roles are introduced on the pictures in the chosen mathematic books?What are the similarities and differences between the presentations of the gender in the chosen education materials?I used a semiotic method to analyze my pictures. The central parts of my theories were how we think that gender is created using characteristics and attribute. In my analyze I found out that the pictures in one of the book series showed more stereotypic sexual roles than the other book series did..
Hur publicera efter policyn? Ett antal seniora forskares förhållningssätt till open access efter Vetenskapsrådets open access-policy.
Since the 1990?s Open Access has developed into an alternative model for scientific publication. Today an increasing political interest in promoting Open Access is commonly channeled through the implementation of policies by research funders. However, in the scientific community the uptake and acceptance of the model has been of notably different character.This Master?s thesis examines the understanding of and attitudes towards open access among eight senior Swedish researchers and how these have been affected by the implementation of the Swedish Research Council?s Open Access-policy as implemented in 2010.
Betyg i gymnasiesärskolan : En studie kring elevers erfarenheter av att få betyg
The purpose of this study is to examine pupils´ experiences from getting grades in upper secondary education for pupils with learning disabilities and which impact this has on these pupils how they form and get formed as schoolchildren. Four pupils in upper secondary education for pupils with learning disabilities in a Swedish community have participated in qualitative semi-structured interviews. All analysis that has been made has focused on these pupils´ stories about getting grades. I have asked openly formulated questions so that the pupils themselves have had the possibility to highlight those experiences that they want to share.Three categories that I have used, with starting point from the questions in this study, to analyze the answers in the interview material is how the pupils talk about the bases for grading, the pupils´ self-awareness when they talk about their own grades and the pupils´ view when they talk about the importance of grades. The theoretical base of the study is policy enactment.One conclusion of this study is that both teachers and pupils in upper secondary education for pupils with learning disabilities often is based on other factors than what different policy documents says about what should be the ground for teachers grading.
Det svenska utvecklingsbiståndet : Enbart till de behövande?
The purpose of this essay is to review the Swedish international development cooperation carried out by Sida to control whether the implementation of the international aid is compatible with the policy. There are a lot of different ways to implement the economic aid that are being used by the donors today. The Swedish method has since the 1960s mainly been focused on attempting to diminish the poverty in the world. In the latest time another goal has been added, that is a focus on supporting the civil rights. This essay will be concentrated to aim on what kind of countries receiving aid from Sweden, and exactly why these countries are being chosen.The main question of this essay is: What countries are receiving the international developing aid, and how can this distribution be understood? To answer the main question there are two themes in the essay:? What kind of countries is supposed to receive developing aid from Sweden according to the policy?? What kind of countries is receiving the aid, and how can this be understood?This essay is mainly based on quantitative data obtained from Sida, together with index of corruption and poverty will the different types of Swedish cooperation countries be described.The conclusions of this essay are that there are two objectives of the policy: to fight poverty, and to strengthen the civil rights.
Attityd till könsneutrala pronomen Hen : Kognitiva, affektiva och beteendemässiga aspekter på ordet hen
Abstrakt: Sedan en tid tillbaka pågår en intensiv debatt i Sverige kring könsneutrala ordet Hen och om man överhuvudtaget ska använda sig av ett könsneutralt ord och undvika att benämna kön i en del sammanhang. Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka hur könsneutrala pronomen ? Hen påverkar människors attityder. Det är en kvantitativ studie i experimentell design, utförd genom enkätundersökningar där frågor om känslor, beteende och uppfattningar om ordet Hen efterfrågas. Antas det generellt att en text handlar om män även om det inte är definierat? Blir samhället mer förutsättningslöst med användning av könsneutrala ordet hen? Attityder är inte lätta att förutspå, människor vet vad som är rätt och fel men agerar inte alltid utifrån sin vetskap, samt med tillräckligt stor påverkan kan en person ändra sin attityd.
Krig, mäktiga kungar samt en och annan "påsmetad" notis om kvinnor : En genusstudie av läromedel i historia
This study revolves around calculating the extent of appearance of both anonymously and named men and women as well as determining whether or not Yvonne Hirdman?s gender theory is applicable on two versions of a Swedish educational history textbook called Epos: historia: för gymnasieskolans kurs A (2008) and Epos [historia] 1b (2012), published for two different curriculum. Our qualitative investigation of two parts of the book?s content proves that the two principles of gender system are present in both books, although to a lesser extent in the latter version. Calculating the material, results have shown that anonymous men and women are almost equally presented in Epos 2012, which is not the case in the 2008 version.
I äran att vara kvinna : Genussyn och dess användning inom new age
New Age has often been described as a religion pertaining to women and studies has shown that women do indeed constitute the vast majority. A reversal of hierarchy between feminine and masculine attributes and values, common in a modern western society, has also been shown to occur.This study looks at how the feminine is visible in written text and pictures depicting people, more specifically in the periodical magazine Free that has a circulation of circa 25,000. The main bulk of the magazine is advertisements, and one reoccurring part is the article Frimodigt where several of the magazine?s advertisers take part in a short interview. Twelve of these interviews have been analyzed, along with depictions of 518 people from three issues.The theoretical framework that has been applied to the outcome of my analysis has been social constructivism, with particular emphasis on the paper Doing gender by the professors of sociology Candace West and Don Zimmerman.My findings indicate that the feminine, indeed, is thought of as very positive and sometimes contrasted with the masculine.
EU:s gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik - En studie om dess uppkomst och institutionella utformning
This thesis aims to explain the emergence of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, and its institutional shaping, by using elements of Neofunctionalism and Liberal Intergovernmentalism.Using Neofunctionalism, the Common Foreign and Security Policy can be explained both as a side-effect of Europe's economic integration, and as a way to maintain the former and the European Union's position as an economic superpower. The institutional shaping is a result of lack of convergence between important national interests. Therefore it rests on a firm intergovernmental base, with rigorously limited use of supranational decision-making.For Liberal Intergovernmentalism, geopolitics and ideology, and to a certain level log-rolling, have played important roles. The reunification of Germany convinced France to form an alliance between the two countries. France, determined to achieve an economic and monetary union, thus offered Germany a political union, including a Common Foreign and Security Policy on intergovernmental terms.
Ungdomstid, Framtid, Vuxentid : gymnasieungdomars tankar kring utbildning, karriär, vagabonderande och familjebildande
The purpose of this essay was to study how youths think about their youth and future. Our intention was to study in which order of priority today's high school students in Helsingborg ranked family life, education, career and vagabonding. We also investigated what the term adolescence meant to them.Our main questions were how our respondents looked upon their youth and their future. In which way did they give priority to family life, education, career and vagabonding and why did they give these priorities? Which meaning did the respondents lay in the term adolescence?The study was based on interviews with seven young people, studying at a communal high school in Helsingborg.
Studenters hälsa vid Växjö universitet : ? en studie med KASAM, symtom och krav-kontroll-socialt stöd som utgångspunkt
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between gender and self reported symptoms (physiological and psychological) and sense of coherence (SOC) and Job Demand-Control-Social support (JDCS). The sample consisted of 360 respondents (nfemale= 261, nmale= 99), in the ages between 19-53 (M=25,57, SD=5,77), all students from Växjö University. A quantitative work method was used in the study; data was collected using questionnaires that consisted of self-reported questions, based on three parts: A modified symptom checklist, SOC 13 and a modified JDCS questionnaire. The result of our study showed that both SOC and JDCS had an effect on self-reported symptoms but there were no interaction between SOC and JDCS. No significant gender differences were found regarding the level of SOC.