5455 Uppsatser om Gender family policy - Sida 30 av 364
Är borderline personlighetsstörning en kvinnlig diagnos? : En kvalitativ studie om borderline personlighetsstörning och könsskillnader
The aim of the study is to investigate how clinicians in psychiatric care for adults consider borderline personality disorder to be manifested in men and women, respectively. Could there be a tendency to over-diagnose women and under-diagnose men? In addition, the purpose of the study is to bring clarity to the reasons for gender differences within borderline personality as perceived by the clinicians. The study is based on an inductive approach, in which interviews have been conducted with twelve clinicians working with borderline personality disorders to gain a deeper understanding of how the clinicians consider the manifestations of gender differences.The clinicians described tendencies for women to deliberate self-harm, have mood swings and problems in relations. Men with borderline personality disorders are described as having a higher degree of e.g.
"Jag känner liksom igen den på något sätt..." - en studie om implementering av värdegrund i en vård- och omsorgsförvaltning
The aim of our study was to increase the awareness of the importance of implementation when a policy document is widely introduced. We wanted to examine how a political decision was implemented on different levels in a social care administration. We also wanted to examine the discretion related to the decision on different levels in the organisation, and if the work is followed up. The theoretical frame of reference in our study is Vedung?s implementation model and Lipsky?s theory about street-level bureaucrats.
Den sociala dimensionen av EU-medborgarskapet
Since the introduction of the European citizenship in the Maastricht treaty, social rights havetaken a back seat to the economic and political elements. Nevertheless, over the past yearssocial issues have been increasingly included on the agenda following the universalrecognition of challenges resulting from further economic integration and demographicchange. The extensive research on European social policy so far tend to focus on initiativesput forward by the European Commission, and offers little to explain the multitude of lines ofreasoning on how far EU social policy should be taken or why it still remains one of the leastdeveloped policy areas. By examining plenary debates in the European Parliament concerningfamily policy, this Bachelor thesis aims to describe the complex of problems connected to afurther development of the social dimension of the European citizenship.The analysis finds that the most imminent problems impeding an expansion of the EU familypolicy lie not only in the many clashes of opinions between advocates of the various existingwelfare models, but also in the conflicts of interests and the different levels of ambitionbetween EU institutions - most notably the Commission and the European Parliament..
Familjen är den enda vägen tillbaka hem. : En kvalitativ studie om personalens syn på familjens delaktighet i behandling av ungdomar.
ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesProgram of social workSocial Work CC-essay in Social Work, 15 creditsAutumn term 2013The family is the only way back home? A qualitative study on staff?s view on family involvement in the treatment of adolescentsAuthors: Cakici, Nahrin and Claesson, SandraAbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate how the staff at residential treatment centers works to involve the family and the social network in youth?s treatment and how they experience that the involvement affects the young person. The aim is also to study the difficulties the staff experience in their work to involve the family and the social network. In this study, staff from two residential treatment centers in Sweden participated. The study is conducted based in on qualitative method in which four semi-structured telephone interviews and one group interview have been conducted.
Att tala fritt är stort, att tala rätt är större - En komparativ analys av statens användning av språk som instrument i nationsbyggnadsprocessen i Ukraina och Kazakstan
This thesis is a comparative analysis of language policy in the Post-Soviet states Ukraine and Kazakhstan, wherein the states are seen as rational actors using language as an instrument in the nation-building process. With a take-off point in an underframe of theories on the nation, national identity, instrumentalism, power and the particular role of language in the nation-building process, this thesis shows that language is a key instrument used by the two states.The Ukrainian and Kazakhian language policies create and put across a certain image of the nation, by emphasising the titular languages as symbols of the new states. The line of argument in the language policy is a balance act between large-scale promotion of titular languages and a careful and inclusive attitude towards the Russian language. The biggest differences are that Ukraine, compared to Kazakhstan, has a more comprehensive and consequent language policy with a deeply rooted historic rhetoric. The most obvious instruments of the states in language policy is censuses, corpus-planning and the state choosing one official language..
Folkbiblioteket i den statliga kulturpolitiken: En ideologianalytisk studie av propositionen Tid för kultur
This Bachelor's thesis examines and describes the ideas and ideological traits surrounding the public library within the governmental cultural policy. The Bachelor's thesis demonstrates how the public library ? even though its relevance in the modern society has shifted over time ? has maintained a connection to the governmental cultural policy and has therefore been shaped by the ideological changes in the political sphere as a whole. The main issues are: Which ideas concerning the public library's functions are expressed in the governmental cultural policy? Which ideological tendencies can be identified in the national cultural policy? Which ideas concerning the public library can be extracted through the found ideological tendencies? The method used in order to study the governmental bill is an ideology analysis based on a framework created by Dorte Skot-Hansen.
Den manliga heterosexuella normen En analys av SAB-systemet utifrån ett feministiskt och queerteoretiskt perspektiv
The aim of this Masters thesis is to conduct an analysis of the Swedish classification system the SAB-system from a feminist and queer theoretical perspective. The theoretical framework of the study is feminist and queer theory as well as theories from Library and Information Science, mainly classification theory. The study takes its departure from the idea of classification systems as social constructs, reflecting their time, place and society. Paul Ricoeurs critical hermeneutics is used as methodological guidance. This gives room for a critical perspective in the interpretation.
?VI MÅSTE VARA DÄR FOLK ÄR? : En studie om användningen av sociala medier i en mediekoncern
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att titta på hur uppfattningar kring sociala medier ser ut på en mediekoncern i Östergötland samt hur sociala medier används. Vi har även studerat behovet av en policy som kan vägleda användningen av sociala medier och vad denna i så fall bör innehålla. Detta har undersökts genom åtta djupgående intervjuer samt en mindre enkät.Resultatet visar att det råder en positiv syn kring sociala medier men även en viss skepticism. Användningen av sociala medier skiljer sig åt mellan olika verksamhetsområden och organisationskulturen spelar en avgörande roll. Ett dilemma som har framkommit är svårigheten att hantera balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv.
Varning för stereotyper : en studie med syfte att urskilja och diskutera identitet
Through this thesis I aimed to further investigate how we can adapt our western and modern views of masculinity and femininity in an ancient population, here on the Pitted Ware population from Ajvide on Gotland. A questionnaire survey was used to compile the modern view of masculinity and femininity. This modern view was then compared with patterns which had become visible through statistical processing of the burial gifts found on Ajvide. The thesis is mainly focused around the concept of gender, but age and status have also been discussed. Through several performed correspondence analysis, it became clear that the current view of male and female differed from the one that became visible in the archaeological record.
Från tvåsamhet till ensamhet - anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda en person med Alzheimers sjukdom : / From companionship to loneliness - the experience of caring for a family member with Alzheimer?s disease
Bakgrund: I Sverige är det mer än 160 000 personer som insjuknat i demens och hälften av dem har Alzheimers sjukdom, som är den vanligaste demenssjukdomen. När diagnosen Alzheimers sjukdom ställts förändras patientens och anhörigas livssituation. Anhöriga tar på sig ett ökat omvårdnadsansvar och känner en större ängslan och oro för framtiden. Syfte: Att belysa anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda en person med Alzheimers sjukdom. Metod: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie och sju vetenskapliga artiklar som motsvarade syftet granskades kritiskt och analyserades.
"Folk är inte lika för att dom kommer från Sudan" : en översikt av förekomsten av familjer med annan kulturell bakgrund vid Familjenheten i Lund
The purpose of this study was to, using statistical analysis, investigate to what extent families of a different cultural background have participated in family therapy and other family treatment programs at Familjeenheten in Lund. With questions regarding the goals of treatment, and the importance of cultural competence in the treatment process we have let two unit managers comment on the statistics. The population of the study is too small to allow general conclusions to be drawn, however, we have been able to ascertain that families of a different background are over-represented relative to their percentage of Lund´s population. Familjeenheten has no statistical record of ethnicity and the interviewed persons express no certain importance in the families´ cultural origins. They express no need to develop special treatment methods that take the clients´ cultural background in regard as they feel that so many of family issues are universal.
När barn behöver stöd i skolan : Direkta och indirekta målformuleringar
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the relation between different kinds ofremedial teaching models, not specifically addressed to pupils with physicaldisabilities, in the Swedish school context, and to describe and analyze theobjectives related to each model. Research focus was held on professionaldescriptions of school related problems and arguments for different kind of models,but also on objectives formulated in Swedish school policy. As theoretical toolswere used discourse analysis and interpretive policy analysis. The concept ofalienation as it appears throughout Foucault?s work was also used to understand howdifferent knowledge fields as education, special education, psychology and medicinedivide themselves from each other.
Jämställdhetens olika världar : Jämställdheten på ett företag och i det internationella arbetet
The purpose of the essay is to examine how issues concerning gender equality are perceived and to show what areas are defined as problematic in different discourses. It also raises the question of who is defined as responsible for dealing with issues concerning gender equality in these different contexts. Theories used are the gender system and intersectionality. The study builds on a mapping of a company that is active nationally and internationally, with emphasis on the problems that can arise when these two social contexts meet, with a special focus on cathegories such as gender and ?Swedishness?.
Vad har Gandhi med familjeterapi att göra?
Introduction: In this study an innovative and multimodal method in family therapy called NVR, Non-Violent Resistence, is examined. NVR is an approach developed by Haim Omer, professor in psychology at the University of Tel Aviv. This approach is described as coming from the ancient ideological roots used by Gandhi in the Nonviolent resistence of oppressive regimes. NVR advocates that the parents give up the desire to control their children. Instead parents should take control of their own lives by actively resisting any behaviors of the child that are damaging.
Lokal näringspolitik som nationell angelägenhet : - en teoriprövande studie av implementeringsproblemet i en näringspolitisk kontext
This study aims at contributing to the studies of political implementation. The theory of implementation claims that local implementation that meets the demands of national policies is close to none existing. By examining the implementation of industrial policy in two Swedish municipalities that differs in location, prosperity and political believes I am putting the theory to the test. If the test were to show that the implementation is rather well executed in these two cases, where the risk of failure is great, the questions about whether the theory is valid or not will rise.By interviewing the two local government employees in charge of the work with industrial policy, and studying their strategic documents I got my answers. This by looking at their work but also their attitudes towards the national policy in terms of understanding the policy, being able to work with it, and wanting to work with it.