2617 Uppsatser om Gender bias - Sida 41 av 175
Ansiktsigenkänning inom Wechsler Memory Scales - påverkas prestation av kön och etnicitet?
I samband med att Wechsler Memory Scales-III översatts och utprovats för svenska och norska förhållanden har deltestet Ansikten analyserats med avseende på fenomen som sedan tidigare är kända kring ansiktsigenkänning. Med hjälp av signaldetektionsteori har den eventuella förekomsten av own race bias och könsskillnader undersökts samt kontrollerats för ålder och utbildning. Slutsatsen är att varken kön eller etnicitet har någon avgörande påverkan på testresultatet och de behöver därför inte särskilt beaktas när personer liknande de som ingår i utprövningsgruppen testas med WMS-III. Förslag ges på fortsatt forskning kring deltestet Ansikten i Sverige..
Kan saffran f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos? En systematisk ?versikt bland vuxna diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2.
Syfte: Syftet med denna ?versiktsartikel ?r att unders?ka det vetenskapliga underlaget kring
om ett intag av saffran kan f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos hos vuxna personer ? 18
?r diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2, j?mf?rt med placebo.
Metod: Litteraturs?kningen genomf?rdes i databaserna PubMed och Scopus. S?kningen
gjordes den 240323 och innfattade ord som "saffron?,? crocus?, "diabetes mellitus,
type 2" och ?random*?. Artikelselektionen utf?rdes systematiskt med hj?lp av en
avgr?nsad fr?gest?llning samt inklusions- och exklusionkriterier, d?r
inklusionskriterier var RCT-studier, gjorda p? vuxna personer diagnosticerade med
Diabetes Mellitus typ 2 d?r interventionen skulle f? supplementering av saffran, och
kontrollen skulle f? placebo.
Manligt och kvinnligt enligt kvinnor och män : En kvalitativ undersökning av ledarna i fyra livsstilsmagasin
The purpose of this thesis is to study how femininity and masculinity is portraited in theeditorials of four Swedish lifestyle magazines; Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Moore and Slitz. Themain questions we based our study on are: What kind of relationship does the editor in chiefcreate with the intended reader? What conception of the world does the editor in chief createin the editorials? How does the editor in chief portray masculinity and femininity?In order to answer the questions above we performed a qualitative analysis of the editorials offour lifestyle magazines published during 2007. We used a discourse analysis with emphasison gender and how the editorials constructed masculinity and femininity and its stereotypicaltraits.Furthermore we based our results on a theory of the socially constructed gender. According tothis theory gender is constructed during our childhood and adolescense by the individuals andthe society surrounding us.
Dans är inte idrott! : En kvalitativ studie om elevers attityder till dans
AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.
Han och hon möter vi och dom ? den universella välfärdspolitikens akilleshäl : En studie av kön och ras i svensk förvaltning
Gender politics in Sweden is considered unique because gender policies (jämställdhet) are integrated into national politics and politicised both in the public and the private sphere. The Swedish case is therefore considered a role model by many feminist scholars.This view has been criticised by both post modern feminists and public administration scholars. Critics imply that the increased immigration and more heterogeneous population have led to a new challenge for state institutions. The Swedish model, with its universal welfare solutions, lacks the ability to recognise differences within groups. Universal solutions that treat everyone the same is no longer the most just way to treat people.The growing use of goal orientation in Swedish public administration has increased the civil servants discretion in the implementation process, and thereby the space for differentiated treatment.
Kan intag av brunalger s?nka LDL-kolesterolet? En systematisk ?versiktsartikel om brunalgers effekt p? LDL-kolesterol hos vuxna med dyslipidemi
Syftet med den systematiska ?versiktsartikeln var att unders?ka det vetenskapliga underlaget kring huruvida ett intag av brunalger kan p?verka LDL-kolesterol hos vuxna med dyslipidemi
Litteraturinsamlingen gjordes genom s?kningar i databaserna Scopus och PubMed fram till den 23 januari 2023. S?kningarna gjordes i block om tre d?r s?kblock ett riktade sig mot alger, s?kblock tv? mot dyslipidemi och s?kblock tre mot RCT. Inkluderade s?kord var bland andra ?seaweed?, ?dyslipidemi? och ?RCT? Endast RCT med interventioner p? minst ?tta veckor inkluderades.
Om textval och genus : Textval med ett genusperspektiv i gymnasieskolans svenskundervisning
The thesis of this essay is how literary texts are selected in the teaching of Swedish in upper secondary school, and how teachers reflect upon gender in these selections. To answer the thesis question three methods have been used. Firstly interviews were held with five teachers of Swedish, which have been the primary source for the essay. In addition to the interviews, I have examined two literary anthologies used as teaching aid in the teaching of Swedish and lastly I analyzed the literature and authors that the teachers explicitly express that they use in their tutoring. The secondary sources of this thesis contain research on selections of fictional texts, literary canon and students? re-production of gender.
"En människa är det". En queerdidaktisk analys av Jessica Schiefauers "Pojkarna" och dess möjligheter för arbete med likabehandling i skolan
This text aims to examine how teaching in literature can contribute to the schools work with creating an antidiscriminating environment. When it comes to the Swedish schools antidiscrimination plans, this essay focuses especially on those sections that concerns pupils and student right to their own gender identity and expression.The main theories in this examination are Judith Butler?s theory on gender and performativity, queer theory defined by Fanny Ambjörnsson and theories concerning adolescent psychology with focus on the adolescent identity and it?s forming. Together with Mikhail Bakhtin?s carnival theory the text examines how Jessica Schiefauer?s novel Pojkarna (The Boys; 2012) describes a young adolescent girl?s journey to finding and forming her own gender and sexual identity.
Fjortisgrubbel och tonårskärlek : ? en genusstudie av två svenska ungdomsfilmer gjorda med 35 års mellanrum
AbstractHeadline: Young trouble and teenage love (Fjortisgrubbel och tonårskärlek)Number of pages: 37Author: Annika IlmoniTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and communication CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: The purpose of the work was to produce a comparing study of two Swedish teenage films from different periods of time, 1970 and 2005. An analysis was to be made of how love between teenagers as well as the heterosexual relationship in general was depicted in each of the films and further investigate the gender construction in both films.Material/method: With the intention of narrowing down the complexity and make the evaluation more lucid 5 scenes from each film were used for comparison, these were chosen through the Anglo Saxon dramaturgy. To make the scenes more comparable 4 factors were used for analysis in each scene, these were: clothes, recreational activities, behaviour and environment. Beside the above given factors the heterosexual relationship were analysed and compared in each of the scenes through the theory of dominance in dialogue.Main results: The gender construction occurs obliviously in the older film from 1970 while taking place in a more conscious way in the film from 2005. Further on the heterosexual relationship is perpetually depicted in the 70?s film with a submissive girl and predominant boy, the same dominance is easily seen in the more recent film but with a higher rate of equality as the girl is portrayed as the dominant character in almost half of all scenes.
Att prissätta efter kundupplevt värde : En studie kring prissättningsproblematiken hos Iggesund Tools Europa
AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.
Världens mest jämställda sport? : En studie av hur kvinnliga och manliga dressyrryttare omtalas av expertkommentatorer i tävlingssammanhang
In all equestrian sports except for individual voltige, men and women compete on equal terms, which otherwise is very rare in sports. This study examines from a gender perspective how female and male riders are reffered to by expert commentators in competitions. The aim is to see if there are differences in how the riders are depicted and mentioned based on gender. The material consists of comments about eight rides, four performed by female riders and four by male riders, from two large international world cup competitions in dressage, broadcasted on SVT in 2012 and 2013. The material has been transcribed and then analyzed using content analytic method with a quantitative and a qualitative part.
Biografier om gangsters och åldrande rockstjärnor som snortar myror : en diskursanalytisk undersökning av litteraturförmedling i livsstilsmagasin för män
The aim of this thesis is to examine men's attitudes towards literature, and how social norms affect their book reading, in order to contribute to the knowledge of why men's book reading is decreasing. This is realized through a discourse analysis of literature recommendations in men's lifestyle magazines.Two magazines, King of Sweden and Magazine Café, are examined through critical discourse analysis. Theories of discourse are combined with theories of gender to explore how gender stereotypes affect men's reading habits.The analysis shows that ideals of masculinity have a great influence on the book recommendations. Social norms, associated with gender, also seem to have significance to whether or not a book is considered suitable for men to read. These are, inter alia, norms of heterosexuality and violence.
Bland hjältar och julstök : En genusanalys av tio julkalendrar från fem årtionden
Each December thousands of Swedish families sit down to watch the annual "Christmas calendar", a series containing 24 episodes. Since the start in 1960, the Swedish public service television company, Sveriges Television, have broadcast a Christmas calendar every year, and is now seen as a firm tradition, attracting audiences of all ages, though the main audience is children. Research has shown that children?s television programs to a certain extent have the same function as news journalism has in agenda setting. Media, together with feedback and interaction with other individuals, plays a big role in the process of socialization.
Bland ölmagar och spiror En studie av 1960- och 2000-talets detektivromaner ur ett genusperspektiv.
The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how the gender structure appears in detective novels and in the society during the 1960s and 2000s. We have a pre-understanding that the gender structure is more distinct in the earlier books and we will investigate this by looking at the two aspects occupation and family role. We find this to be an important question to notice because society today isnt equal between the sexes. Our study is based on a theory of Yvonne Hirdmans, she claims that the man is the dominant part and the woman is in an inferior position. We apply a stereotype model she has conceived and we try to categorize the characters in the books we have analysed into this model.
Den dubbla avvikaren : En kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers konstruktioner av kvinnor som begår brott
The purpose of this study has been to examine how female probation officers construct the concept of women who commit crime. This have been done by examining how the probation officers describe the phenomenon from their own point of view, how they perceive society's view of the phenomenon, how they describe the women's self-images and how their own perceptions affect the treatment of these women. To fulfill this aim the study is based on qualitative interviews with five female probation officers. We analyzed their statements by using Gender theory, Goffmans stigma term and Beckers deviant term. The result of this study shows that women who commit crime are described more as victims than offenders and that they are constructed as deviant in two ways; both in relation to the law but also in relation to their gender.