

3377 Uppsatser om Gender awareness - Sida 48 av 226

Könsneutralt bemötande? : En studie av kommunala inspektörers kundbemötande, ur ett genusperspektiv

Forskning har visat att det förekommer skillnader i bemötandet av kvinnor och män, men att det ofta sker omedvetet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kommunala inspektörers genusmedvetenhet och könsdifferentiering i bemötandet av sina kunder. Genom intervjuer med fem inspektörer fann vi att deras allmänna kunskap och medvetenhet om genus var begränsad. Vi använde även observationer för att undersöka skillnader i inspektörernas bemötande av sina kunder beroende på kön. Resultatet visade att manliga kunder fick större uppmärksamhet, fler öppna frågor och mer beröm från inspektörerna än kvinnliga kunder.

IT-stöd för Balanserade styrkort : ? en studie av Försvarsmaktens behov

New forms of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become more influential in development contexts. The concept of ?The Digital Divide? points at a large division between rich and poor countries regarding access to ICTs. Critics say that the debate concerning this topic for far too long has focused mainly on the technology itself rather than social factors which impact social inclusion and development. Scholars agree that ICTs holds a tremendous potential, but how is this implemented in development contexts and how can it be used with more sensitivity towards local preconditions and social aspects?This paper aims to examine how ICTs are being used in the context of development within an India based organisation for women called SEWA (Self Employed Women?s Association).

Hör du vad jag ser? -Kommunikation för koordination av skadeplatsarbete genom awareness

Skadeplatsarbete är en arbetsform med en speciell karaktär. Det som formar denna karaktär är dess uppkomst genom inträffandet av en olycka av något slag. Detta medför att olika aktörer och aktörsgrupper temporärt stålar samman och genomför ett samarbete med utgångspunkt från platsen för det inträffade. Ambulans, brandkår, polis och SOS Alarm AB är de vanligaste aktörsgrupperna på en skadeplats. Att rädda liv är ett samarbete mellan olika aktörsgruppers på en skadeplats. För att detta skall möjliggöras ställs det höga krav på både deltagande aktörer och de kommunikationsartefakter som används.

Kvinnor, datorspel och identifikation : en genusanalys av två datorspel och två kvinnors datorspelande

This essay covers computer gaming as seen from a perspective of gender theory. The main purpose of the essay is to examine women?s relationship to computer games, and more specifically women?s attitudes to the games they play. The theoretical basis for this essay is sprung from a hermeneutic perspective. The empirical basis for analysis consists of two in depth interviews and game analysis of the two computer games Counter Strike and Final Fantasy XI.

Tysta skrik, krig eller kamp? : Islam och sexualitet i dokumentärfilmen A Jihad for Love analyserat utifrån ett intersektionellt genusperspektiv.

In this thesis I have done a discourse analysis of the documentary movie A Jihad for Love. A Jihad for Love came out 2007 and is directed by Parvez Sharma. The documentary movie is about homosexual Muslims and their jihad, struggle, for love and to be accepted in a world where they are barely recognized as a group. My aim of the thesis was to see how the movie portrays the persons who are in the film and their relationship to Islam and who gets access to the religion. I have also analyzed if Islam can be used to strengthen the sexual identity or if it works in the opposite way.

Stress, self-efficacy och livstillfredsställelse : Finns det köns och åldersskillnader

ABSTRACTThe aim of this quantitative study was to investigate if stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction varied with gender and age. The sample was selectively chosen in the municipality, country council, private sector and in the trade business. 237 participants were included in the study, of which 94 were men and 143 were women. Age was split in two categories: younger adults (18-40 years) and older adults (41-65 years). The results showed that there were correlations between the dependent variables: stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction.

Utformning och utprovning av ett fonologiskt baserat stavningstest

The literature on spelling and spelling development suggests there is a strong relationship between spelling and phonology (Bruck & Treiman, 1990; Caravolas, Hulme & Snowling, 2001; Craig, 2006; Gindri, Keske-Soares & Mota, 2007). Spelling, however, is considerably less researched than reading (Caravolas, Humle & Snowling, 2001). Spelling difficulties are known to be more persistent in people with reading and writing disabilities, even when their reading has become acceptable (Høien & Lundberg, 1999) but more research is needed in this area. Assessment and detailed knowledge of the difficulties is of great importance in order to provide the appropriate help for children with reading and writing disabilities (Frisk, 2010; Magnusson, Nauclér, & Reuterskiöld, 2008). The purpose of the present study was to develop and try out a phonologically based spelling test for children, with focus on medial phonemes.

Cause-related marketing - Välgörande för varumärket? : En studie i hur konsumenter uppfattar CRM i en kritiserad bransch

Background: Increasing globalization has changed the business environment and also resulted in increased awareness of the consumers and demand for higher standards of social responsibility. The companies brand strategies has gain in importance in order to strengthen their brands. A part of a company's CSR, CRM, cause-related marketing, which is a relatively new marketing strategy and created when companies choose to partner with charities and market it. Garment/clothing industry has as many others come to be shaped by the effects of globalization, but has also endured heavy criticism over the years. This criticism is largely because of the outside world's reaction to the exploitation of developing countries.

Är prostitution ett uttryck för brist på jämställdhet? : En studie av den unika sexköpslagen

Our purpose with this essay is to find explanations to the genesis of the Swedish law against prostitution now in power, known as Sexköpslagen 1998:408. We enter deeply into the official reports behind the law. This Swedish law implies that in a sex trade a crime is committed only by the consumer, and not by the seller. Our essay will result in an analysis of what sexköpslagen is an expression for. Our assumption is that the so called ideology of (gender) equality in Sweden might be a part of the explanation to the genesis of sexköpslagen.

En insyn i waldorfskolan : en kvalitativ studie av fyra lärares syn på sin egen undervisning

Background: The Waldorf school was founded by Rudolf Steiner during the early nineties in Austria. The pedagogy is established in the antrophosofical sight of humanity, which contains focus on three watchwords when it comes to teaching. These are the will, the feeling and the thought. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers in three Waldorf schools are working during to the curriculum and to bring out the differences and the similarities with the municipal school. This essay is focusing on four themes and theories; artistic learning processes, gender, multimedia and environment.Method: In order to investigate this kind of teaching I choose interviewing as a method, specifically semi structured interviews. Four teachers at three different schools in Stockholm county was interviewed.

Vem är kvinnan i ELLE? : En kvantitativ studie av hur kvinnan framställs i ELLE Sverige (2013). 

Who is the most typical woman in ELLE Sweden (2013)? In this study we investigated the typical woman represented in the Swedish fashion magazine ELLE (2013) for women. Does a typical woman exist in the magazine at all and if so ? in what words and roles is she described in? How is this woman perceived in relation to the male gender? Based on the theory of constructionism; that the gender (i.e. What is female versus male) is constructed in the society and that media has an affect on our physical and psychological well being as well as our behavior and thoughts, the investigation of the female gender representation in women magazines, was of great importance to us.

Mest utlånade bilderböcker utifrån genusperspektiv

The society in which we live is controlled by various kinds of rules, both written and unwritten. These rules tell us not only how we should act as humans but also how we should act as women and men. Adults teach their children the rules of the society in various ways, but they also act as model figures. Children are influenced by conscious and unconscious actions and also by activities performed by the adults. Furthermore, adults write children?s books which bring the essential content into children?s lives.

English as a foreign language - a study through the perspective of gender

Denna uppsats behandlar engelska som främmande språk och vilken roll genus kan spela för elevers lärande av språket. Genom observationer och enkäter i år 5 och år 6 har vi undersökt hur aktiva eleverna är under lektionsförloppen och vilken inställning de har till engelska som ämne. Undersökningen visar att pojkar och flickor har skilda intressen och detta kan påverka språkinlärningen. Pojkarna tog överlag större plats i klassrummet än flickorna gjorde. Pojkarna var mer aktiva under talövningarna medan flickorna var mer koncentrerade vid självständigt arbete och fokuserade på lärandet.

Vem syns i rutan? : En studie över SVT:s och TV4:s sportsändningar ur ett genusperspektiv

This report is an analysis from a gender perspective of more than three hundred minutes in sports broadcasting on SVT and TV4. The study explains how air time is divided between male and female athletes as well as which sports, male or female, get the most air time. The sports are also categorized according to attitudes about the sports being masculine, feminine or neutral. In this way the study also shows the categories of sports that are given the most airtime.Our view before the study was that from a media perspective, the Swedish sports world was very male dominated. The results show that male athletes get more exposure than female athletes on both channels, this despite the fact that the membership of the Swedish sports clubs is fairly evenly divided between men and women. .

Ungdomars uppfattning om sambandet mellan cybermobbning och självbild

A study has been conducted with the aim to investigate young people's perception of the relationship between cyber bullying and self-image and their perception of which role gender plays in this relationship. Three focus group interviews were conducted with six to seven participants in each. The majority (16/19) of participants were women. A thematic analysis was used in which five themes were identified. The results show that there is a perception of a link between cyber bullying and self-image in which people who become cyber bullied have lower self-image and poor self-image can contribute to the experience of feeling cyber bullied.

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