

3377 Uppsatser om Gender awareness - Sida 15 av 226

Genus och vetenskaplig kommunikation: en bibliometrisk studie av amerikansk biblioteksforskning

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the relationship between the socially constructed genders is manifested in American library science. To visualize gender, bibliometric analyses of peer reviewed articles published in three core journals of library science between 1980 and 2000 inclusive, are performed. The three journals are: College and Research Libraries, Journal of Academic Librarianship and Library Quarterly. Questions: 1. Does gender affect the publishing process regarding the distribution of female and male authors? 2.

Traditionella könsmänster eller ökad jämställdhet? : Partiernas jämställdhetspolitik under 30 år

AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to investigate how the Swedish political parties have been discussing gender politics since 1970 to nowadays, in order to see which problems and solutions that have been suggested by the parties to increase the representation of women and the equality between the sexes. The theoretical framework is constructed by theories of women´s representation, gender politics and women?s interest.To describe how the discussions about gender politics have been between the different parties, the methodological foundation consists of an ideology critical textual analysis of the political programs from the Swedish parties.The analysis confirms that the discussions about gender politics and the political representation of women increase over time. The most important issue of equality is the lack of women´s rights and possibilities in the labor market as a consequence of women´s responsibility of home and childcare. The analysis also shows that parties which discuss women as a category and the underrepresentation of women also point out the importance to increase equality between men and women..

Om den ofeministiska jämställdheten och den ojämställda feminismen: en diskursteoretisk analys av en feminismskritisk jämställdhetsrörelse verksam på nätet

This essay analyses text written by a gender equality movement critical of feminism. Themovement is active on the Internet and through this essay I would like to show the tensions in contemporary political debates on gender equality and feminism. 350 blogposts have been deconstructed through discourse theoretical method. In the analyses I have shown the discursive struggle that is going on within the movement in giving meaning to concepts as knowledge, society, gender, politics, feminism and gender equality. The movement is using the technical potential in blogs and common Internet forums tocreate a common political we.

Barnbokens kön Genusaspekter i litteratur och hos aktörer på marknaden

This Master's thesis examines some aspects of children's books for 9-12 year olds, and the children's books market, from a gender perspective. The main objective is to make a gender analysis of attitudes among children and other agents in the book market towards children's books of different qualities. Children's reflections on gender roles in the books and the importance of gender aspects for publishers in the field, are investigated. A combination of methods are used, including literary analyses, surveys of publication lists of the BTJ group Bibliotekstjänst interviews with children and questionnaires sent to children as well as to Swedish publishers of children's books. The analysis of children's books clearly shows that images of gender roles vary in different kinds of books which supports theories of gendered literature.

"Det är mycket lättare att lösa konflikter där flickor är inblandade..." : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra förskollärare beskriver könets betydelse i konflikter mellan barnen i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to examine how four teachers in preschool describe their view of conflicts between children from gender perspective. The theories associated with the study conclude that sex can be considered as being either biologically or socially engineered. The study consists of empirical material by the means of qualitative research based on interviews. The results of the study show different views on whether children's gender plays a role in a conflict. Furthermore, I have chosen to find out whether gender plays a role in conflict management as well as in the children's play at preschool, this to come to as qualitative conclusions as possible..

Manliga pedagoger i förskolan : en kvalitativ undersökning om förväntningar på män och deras roll i förskolan

Media brings attention to the concept of preschools being in large need of more male teachers. In order to implement an increase of male teachers, various methods have been employed, most of which are based on the concepts of gender and equality. In question however, are the views of present teachers on the need for male teachers, and their expectations of those men! Or in other terms: What particular type of men are requested? And how does this correspond with the gender patterns induced by male teachers in their daily practical work? The purpose of this survey is to analyze expectations of male teachers and their role in the preschool context, through a gender perspective. I want to shed light on this purpose based on two questions: What ?kind? of men are requested by the present teachers? and Which gender patterns will the men induce to their daily work chores, and to their interaction with the children? The survey was conducted by means of interviews, polls, and observations, and the results were obtained from two preschools of which one in particular has extended focus on gender issues.

Är borderline personlighetsstörning en kvinnlig diagnos? : En kvalitativ studie om borderline personlighetsstörning och könsskillnader

The aim of the study is to investigate how clinicians in psychiatric care for adults consider borderline personality disorder to be manifested in men and women, respectively. Could there be a tendency to over-diagnose women and under-diagnose men? In addition, the purpose of the study is to bring clarity to the reasons for gender differences within borderline personality as perceived by the clinicians. The study is based on an inductive approach, in which interviews have been conducted with twelve clinicians working with borderline personality disorders to gain a deeper understanding of how the clinicians consider the manifestations of gender differences.The clinicians described tendencies for women to deliberate self-harm, have mood swings and problems in relations. Men with borderline personality disorders are described as having a higher degree of e.g.

Gymnasieflickor & idrott och hälsa : Faktorer som påverkar flickors motivation till att delta fysiskt i undervisningen

The aim of this piece of work is to highlight and investigate young female?s motivation in participation of P.E classes and the degree to which the content of classes affect their motivation. To support this piece of work two theories have been utilized, the Self-determination Theory and a gender related perspective theory. The research consists of six qualitative interviews of young females who are perceived to be less motivated. These interviews focus on their views and attitudes in relation to P.E within the Swedish high school setting.

Varning för stereotyper : en studie med syfte att urskilja och diskutera identitet

Through this thesis I aimed to further investigate how we can adapt our western and modern views of masculinity and femininity in an ancient population, here on the Pitted Ware population from Ajvide on Gotland. A questionnaire survey was used to compile the modern view of masculinity and femininity. This modern view was then compared with patterns which had become visible through statistical processing of the burial gifts found on Ajvide. The thesis is mainly focused around the concept of gender, but age and status have also been discussed. Through several performed correspondence analysis, it became clear that the current view of male and female differed from the one that became visible in the archaeological record.

Etisk medvetenhet i systemutveckling. En fallstudie av systemutvecklarens ansvar i systemutvecklingsprojekt

Many professions, such as doctors and psychologists, have a long history of work practice which have resulted that these professions have created their own ethical guidelines. The IT profession, which can be viewed as a relative young and somewhat immature profession, have yet to accommodate any clear guidelines regarding ethics. It?s therefore imperative to create discussions regarding ethical actions to raise the ethical awareness and also create ethical guidelines. The development of the IT profession is moving forward at a quick pace and it?s important to understand that this rapid advancement is not only changing the profession but also changing the society and the environment.

Kvinnliga elitidrottares karriäravslut : - en kvalitativ studie om rollutträdesprocessen

This study used a qualitative interview design to explore the experiences of seven Swedish female elite athletes and their career retirement. The athletes were engaged in three different sports; track and field (athletics), handball and golf and five of them are former professional or semi-professional athletes. The process of their athletic role exit was based on the theoretical findings of Ebaugh (1988) and her four phases: First Doubts, Seeking Alternatives, The Turning Point and Creating the Ex-Role. The findings reveal that for these female former elite athletes Seeking Alternatives already starts before the First Doubts and that possibly the athletes at an early stage have insights of the discontinuity of their athletic career. The importance of transferring their role residual to future paths in life was stressed among the female athletes in order to be able to have a smooth transition process.

Jämställdhetens olika världar : Jämställdheten på ett företag och i det internationella arbetet

The purpose of the essay is to examine how issues concerning gender equality are perceived and to show what areas are defined as problematic in different discourses. It also raises the question of who is defined as responsible for dealing with issues concerning gender equality in these different contexts. Theories used are the gender system and intersectionality. The study builds on a mapping of a company that is active nationally and internationally, with emphasis on the problems that can arise when these two social contexts meet, with a special focus on cathegories such as gender and ?Swedishness?.

"Det sås ett frö där som liksom sakta gror" : Att utveckla ett empatiskt och professionellt förhållningssätt under sjuksköterskeutbildning

In human service organizations it is important to enlighten the significance of human encounters. The aim of this study was to explore nursing students experiences of developing empathy and professional relationship in encounters with patients and next of kin during their education. Interviews with five nursing students were carried out. The method of analysing content analysis was used. One main theme and five subthemes were presented.

Ann-Louise har en jättegullig crosscykel : En analys av Kamratpostens genusdiskurs mellan 1950 och 2010

The aim of this study was to describe how girls and boys have been represented in the Swedish children?s? magazine Kamratposten from 1950 until 2010. Kamratposten was chosen because it has both boys and girls as target audience. Three articles about children from the years 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 were chosen as material of the study.The study is a discourse analysis that deconstruct the gender discourse of Kamratposten. The analysis is done with a gender perspective.

Natur- och miljöarbete inom förskolan : en jämförande studie om två förskolors arbetssätt

Teaching preschool children about the environment. A comparative study of how two preschools work with environmental issues.My investigations are based on qualitative interviews and observations carried out at two preschools, one of which has a nature and environment profile while the other works in traditional ways with these questions. I sought to explore the ways in which pedagogues in each preschool raise environmental awareness and, more generally, awaken an interest in nature in the children. The consequences of methodological similarities and differences will be considered.This term paper concludes that the difference between an environmental profile preschool and a traditional preschool working on environmental awareness is not large. The knowledge gained by children in the latter preschool surpassed that gained in the former.

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