

9695 Uppsatser om Gate-control theory - Sida 18 av 647

Analys och utveckling av boggi till ramstyrd dumper

Volvo Construction Equipment is one of the worlds largest manufacturer of heavymachinery. In Braås, Sweden, they develop and manufacture articulated haulers inseveral sizes. The biggest, the A40, is capable of loading almost 40 metric tonnes.These haulers have a bogie to distribute the forces of the load evenly onto the two axlesand there wheels. The bogie is constructed using a rigid balance beam on each side ofthe frame connecting the axles or an independent solution using hydropneumatics.An analysis has been made in order to establish the forces created during corneringand through the theory, an estimation of the extensive tyre wear and extra fuelconsumption has been made. All due to the effects of the tyres not being inline with thecornering radius.

Ung och arbetslös idag : Några arbetslösa ungdomars upplevelse av arbetslöshet

Syftet med föreliggande undersökning är att få kunskap om hur några arbetslösa ungdomar upplever sin situation som arbetslös, vilket studeras med fokus på framtidstro, sin egen förmåga/kompetens till att påverka möjligheterna att få jobb samt vilka faktorer de upplever är viktiga när det gäller att få ett jobb inom en snar framtid. Detta studeras utifrån teorierna om locus of control och self-efficacy. Två tjejer och fem killar i åldrarna 16-24 år, samtliga arbetslösa och inskrivna på Ungdomskraft, deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av ungdomarna har en hög tilltro till sina egna resurser och upplever att de själva har kontroll över sin situation som arbetslös. Vidare visade resultaten på ett mönster mellan intern locus of control och hög self-efficacy i samband med en positiv framtidstro med avseende på att få ett jobb..

Underlag för bedömning av energibrunnar inom vattenskyddsområde

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med utvecklingen av en ny modell för kaplanturbiner. Utvecklingen bygger på två kopplade differentialekvationer som under arbetets gång anpassats och implementerats i turbinmodellen.Modellen beskriver hur vattenflöde och turbinmoment påverkas av avvikelsen från den optimala kombineringskurvan för vinklarna på turbinens ledskena och löphjul, och är anpassad för ett referensaggregat med tillgängliga provdata. Även övriga enheter i vattenkraftaggregatet modelleras och sätts samman med frekvensregulator och elnät för att simulera aggregatets reglerstabilitet i önätsdrift.Verifieringen av turbinmodellen sker genom försök att återskapa de befintliga verkningsgradskurvorna med hjälp av modellen. Resultatet visar en god följning av de verkliga kurvformerna, dock med något lägre maximal verkningsgrad.Verifieringen av önätmodellen sker genom att prova stabiliteten i nätfrekvens och turbineffekt vid stegpålastningar. Resultatet ger en stabilare reglerstabilitet än i verkligheten, men uppfyller ändå förväntningarna på en fungerande modell.This report describes the development of a new kaplan turbine model.

Att leda det oförutsedda: en studie av fyra ledares uppfattning om sin situation, sitt ledarskap och behov av stöd i en kris

The aim of the study is to get a better understanding of leader's reactions in a crisis situation, and to examine whether locus of control and coping strategies can be related to leaders need for social support. The role of a leader in a crisis situation is complex and includes several aspects which must be illustrated to understand the leader's situation. Four leaders have participated in the study. The methods that have been used are questionnaires for measuring locus of control and coping and semi-structured interviews. The results show that search for social support cannot be seen as an outcome of a specific locus of control or coping strategy.


The aim of this thesis is to examine what factors that influences the management control in a family business operating in a sector in which they are under-represented. We have therefore conducted a case study of a family business in the finance sector, E. Öhman J: or Fondkommission AB (Öhman). The first conclusion is that the management control in Öhman is influenced by the environment and the increasing size of the company. We have found, however, that it is to an even larger extent affected by the fact that it is a family business even though the company is operating in a sector in which family businesses are not the norm.

Ekonomistyrning i primärvården - En jämförelse mellan privata och offentliga utförare

The aim of this thesis is to analyze and explain the similarities and differences in management control between a private and a public primary care company. A comparative case study was developed based on one public and one private primary care company in Stockholm County Council. The framework of Otley (1999) was used to define and limit the area of management control systems, according to his five factors. For the analysis of the empirical results Hood's (1995) seven doctrines of New Public Management was applied, and customized to fit the purpose of the study. The results indicate that the differences between the two organizations are very limited.

?Alla vill ju att ett barn ska växa upp i en familj?- en kvalitativ studie om familjenormer inom familjehemsvården

Placing children in foster care is today considered the best alternative for children unable to stay in their biological environment. A nuclear family consisting of a father, a mother and a child is the most common family structure within foster care today. The purpose of this thesis is to gain insight on the family norms that control the foster care system. It's a qualitative study based on interviews with six professional social workers within the field of foster care. This method gave us empirical material, that was later analyzed from two main theories and one theoretical concept.

Locus of Control och arbetstillfredsställelse hos män och kvinnor i privat och offentlig sektor

Syftet med undersökningen var att se om det fanns någon skillnad i Locus of Control och arbetstillfredsställelse hos män och kvinnor i privat och offentlig sektor. Antal deltagare i undersökningen var 60 där två urvalsgrupper använts bestående av privat (n = 30) och offentlig (n = 30) sektor i Blekinge och Skåne län. Mätinstrumenten som användes var ett arbetstillfredsställelseformulär och ett Locus of Control formulär. T- test, korrelationsanalys, multipel regression och tvåvägs-ANOVA användes för beräkning av data i SPSS. Slutsatser som kunde dras var att män generellt sett är mer tillfredsställda än kvinnor och att offentliganställda är mer tillfredsställda än privatanställda.

Arbetsrelaterad stress inom äldrevården - Anställdas upplevelser enligt Theorells krav - kontrollmodell

Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate if and how the employees in elderly care experience stress and which underlying causes they understand to be important in their work situation. The purpose was also to investigate whether Karaseks and Theorells demands and control models could be used to explain the employees feelings of stress and to see in which categories the participants are in. Furthermore, the purpose was also to understand the participants work situation and to describe the factors and remedies the employees perceive to contribute to the stress levels at their workplace. 81 questionnaires were distributed at three different locations, two of which were in Ronneby and one in Örebro. 56 people answered the questionnaires. The result yielded that 80% of the participants felt stress during their working hours the last few years. The results are in agreement with the demands and control models which showed that people with high demands and low control experienced a higher degree of stress than people with lower demands and higher control, which corroborates the hypothesis 1.1..

Outcome expectancy i arbetslivet : Predicerar work locus of control, work self efficacy och collective efficacy outcome expectancy?

Bandura definierar (1997) outcome expectancy som individens skattning av sannolikheten att ett beteende ska leda till ett specifikt utfall. Utöver individens skattning av sitt eget beteendes följder (individual outcome expectancy), är hennes bedömning av sin grupps möjlighet att nå ett specifikt utfall (collective outcome expectancy) en del av begreppet (Riggs & Knight, 1994). Studien syftar till att undersöka huruvida arbetsrelaterad- self efficacy, locus of control och collective efficacy predicerar outcome expectancy. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 102 deltagare från olika yrkesgrupper. Resultatet visade att arbetsrelaterad- self efficacy och locus of control samvarierade med individual outcome expectancy och att collective efficacy predicerade collective outcome expectancy.

Att vara partner eller kontrollant. En studie av Sidas uppföljningskrav

External forces have significant impact on organisations. This study analyzes the implications of one type of external forces in aid-focused NGOs through two qualitative case studies where it is investigated if Sida?s reporting requirements have the intended effects: learning and control using a theoretical framework where it is recognised that the requirements may also result in dysfunctional behaviour: decoupling and colonisation. The study shows that when the demands are the result of institutional pressure rather than an ambition to generate learning and control, the demands tend to be unrealistic and the NGOs therefore decouple the formal fulfilment of the demands from the actual activities. It is argued that a partnership, which incorporates trust and dialogue, is a prerequisite, not only for learning, but also control.

Att vara partner eller kontrollant. En studie av Sidas uppföljningskrav:

External forces have significant impact on organisations. This study analyzes the implications of one type of external forces in aid-focused NGOs through two qualitative case studies where it is investigated if Sida?s reporting requirements have the intended effects: learning and control using a theoretical framework where it is recognised that the requirements may also result in dysfunctional behaviour: decoupling and colonisation. The study shows that when the demands are the result of institutional pressure rather than an ambition to generate learning and control, the demands tend to be unrealistic and the NGOs therefore decouple the formal fulfilment of the demands from the actual activities. It is argued that a partnership, which incorporates trust and dialogue, is a prerequisite, not only for learning, but also control.

Kontraktsstyrning och kvalitetsindikatorers utformning vid kommunal upphandling : En flerfallsstudie

Management by contract is nowadays a common method within the public sector since the NPM overtook as paradigm with its mechanisms of control inspired by the private sector. The public agency is foremost a service provider where they interact with citizens in the service process. Swedish eldercare has significantly increased its expose to competition which means that eldercare can be executed not only by the municipalities own provider. Such an adaption increases the requirements to inspect quality and how the purchasers assure goal achievement by control. The outmost liability stays with the municipality to ensure that the service produces god care since their position as the service purchaser implies the responsibility to plan, precise and evaluate the required work that the executor has to accomplish.

Locus of Control och arbetstillfredsställelse hos män och kvinnor i privat och offentlig sektor

Syftet med undersökningen var att se om det fanns någon skillnad i Locus of Control och arbetstillfredsställelse hos män och kvinnor i privat och offentlig sektor. Antal deltagare i undersökningen var 60 där två urvalsgrupper använts bestående av privat (n = 30) och offentlig (n = 30) sektor i Blekinge och Skåne län. Mätinstrumenten som användes var ett arbetstillfredsställelseformulär och ett Locus of Control formulär. T- test, korrelationsanalys, multipel regression och tvåvägs-ANOVA användes för beräkning av data i SPSS. Slutsatser som kunde dras var att män generellt sett är mer tillfredsställda än kvinnor och att offentliganställda är mer tillfredsställda än privatanställda.

Hur påverkar kvalitetskontroller revisorers arbetsrutiner?

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how auditors are affected by quality controls and if audit practice changes because of quality controls. To fulfill the purpose of this study there has been interviews made with five auditors. The conclusion by this study is that the interviewed auditors work practices are affected by quality controls and that the extent and effect depends on the auditor and the office that the auditor works in. The auditors who worked as quality reviewers at the agencies where they are employed at, we felt that they were more secured in the response towards quality controls. This may be because they are quality reviewers themselves and they know what the quality control requires and what must be met to be approved.

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