

8771 Uppsatser om Gap analysis - Sida 46 av 585

Mellan klass och kön : En analys av det socialdemokratiska kvinnofo?rbundets aktionsprogram 1972 - 1993

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the conceptualisation of the social relations of class and gender within the Social Democratic Women?s Association during the period 1972 ? 1993, on the basis of their programmes for action. The analysis of the concepts is based on an ideology critical study focusing on the manifest ideology.The study is based upon the theoretical concepts of class and gender,  The class analysis is based upon the broadened concepts of class by Erik Olin Wright and Ira Katznelson. The gender analysis is mainly based upon a Marxist understanding and a critical point of view of Marxism and feminism in the context of patriarchy and capitalism.The period of the study is where the social democracy is challenged, both by radical socialism and feminist ideology and the economic crisis during the 1980?s, as well as the possible threat of an organised women?s party in Sweden.

Analysverktyg för webbsidor med JavaScript

New technological innovations like tablets and smartphones have a taken significant market share on the web and puts new demands on webpages, the user interface and compatibility among different client devices. The full test of a web-based system prior to the publication is often regarded as an important part of the process to create a complete and successful website. This bachelor thesis investigates the possibility to analyze mobile-adapted web sites using a system that first records the visitor's activities and then replays them for an expert analyst to provide valuable information to developers about how their site can be improved.The essay begins with a litterature study on today's most common web development tools and then examines the possibility to apply them during the development of the analysis tool. The work also describes two methods, pair programming and waterfall method used during the project. Three different evaluation methods are presented and one of the models is applied on the finished system.The project results in a web-based analysis tool written mainly in JavaScript using the jQuery library.

Budgetstyrning och Balanserat styrkort : i form av en kombinationsmodell

Traditional financial management has lately been criticized, since it gives inadequate and unilateral information for decisions and strategy of the operation. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if a balanced scorecard is able to work together with a budget and become a stronger control system for the management. Essential theory underlies the gathering of data as well as the analysis, and the empirical investigation is based on personal interviews. The conclusions drawn from my analysis are that two parallel control systems could complement each other?s weaknesses.

Pedagogisk lek i förskolan : En samtalsanalytisk studie av pedagogens roll i olika lekaktiviteter

Play is an important part of children´s everyday life, it is through play children develop. Play occurs a lot in kindergarten and in this study, the aim is to examine how play activities play is used in preschool teaching and the role of the teacher´s in the play. Video recordings of play activities done and qualitative methods (conversation analysis) has been used to analyze the video recordings. The results of this study show that play are widely used as a pedagogical tool in preschool. It is through play children develop.

Vuxenvärlden i böckerna om LasseMajas detektivbyrå!

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the adult world is produced in the books of Martin Widmark about LasseMajas detektivbyrå from a gender perspective.I wanted to answer questions concerning the appearance, personal characteristics, occupations and activities, and the relationship between children and adults to do my analysis.I decided to make a qualitative content analysis to answer my questions.I used the gender theories that describe how stereotypes excel. I related these gender theories to the books that I have studied.I also used previous research on gender roles in other children's books to compare their results with mine.After reading, analyzing and comparing the books I have come to the conclusion that gender roles in books about LasseMajas detektivbyrå is very gender stereotyped..

Islam i skolan : En studie om framställningen av muslimer i läromedel

This essay is a study of  textbooks in religious education for middle school. Textbooks are for many, the first contact with religion and they contain a shorter description of different religions. The study is supported by theories of 'Islamofobi' by Mattias Gardell as well as oriental studies by Edward W. Said. The purpose of the study is to examine how textbooks describe islam and muslims' situation in Sweden.

En conjoint analys av förpackningsattribut.

Abstract Title: A conjoint analysis of packaging attributes. How can the attributes of a product?s packaging best look like to attract the consumer? Authors: Linda Granberg & Helena Niklasson Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits Purpose: The purpose is to find out how visual and technical attributes on product packaging affects the consumers tendency to want to buy the product. Method: Conjoint analysis and a quantitative survey. Results: When developing a package for a food product we?ve reached the conclusion that it is most important to have clear product information on it. The consumer wants it to be simple and easy to use, the people under time pressure seeks product with new technology which can save them time..

Talet om informationskompetens: Implikationer för relationen mellan bibliotekarier och användare

The purpose of this Master thesis is to investigate how the relation between users and librarians is affected by higher education librarians? talk about information literacy. The thesis uses Norman Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis in analysing four articles written by Swedish higher education librarians and in answering how information literacy, users and librarians are constituted. The analysis indicate that the questions have no distinct answers, there are discrepancies between, as well as within the texts.

Samtalsanalys som intervention med en ungdom som använder bliss

 Conversation Analysis (CA) is a tool to facilitate analysis of everyday conversations. A small number of studies have used CA as an intervention for people with aphasia and have seen positive effects as an outcome of the intervention. The authors of the present study have not found any other studies where CA was used as an intervention in other target groups. The purpose of this study was to investigate if CA may be used in intervention with an adolescent who uses Bliss. The main participants in the present study, which the intervention was based upon, were a sixteen year old girl who communicates through Bliss, and her assistant.

Flykten från landsbygden ? en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av mångfalden i det lokala nyhetsmaterialet i Arbetarbladet och Gefle Dagblad

Title: A Rural Pluralism Abandoned ? A quantitative analysis of the diversity in the local news content in Arbetarbladet and Gefle DagbladAuthors: Kalle Berg, Viktor Johansson och Francisco Ramirez Franzén.Subject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism,media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg UniversityTerm: Autumn 2013Supervisor: Jonas Ohlsson, JMG, Gothenburg University.Pages: 47Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine how diversity in the news content changes when two competitive newspapers, in this case Gefle Dagblad and Arbetarbladet, is brought in to the same media company.Method: Quantitative content analysis.Procedure: 4 930 articles from a study period of three weeks during the years of 2001,2004, 2008 and 2012 has been coded into different variables and analysed from the perspective of diversity and media ownership concentration.Results: The main result is that since the two newspapers were incorporated in to the same media company there has been a change in the diversity of the news content. The aspect of which geographical regions, covered by the liberal newspaper Gefle Dagblad, show a tendency that Gefle Dagblad concentrate their news coverage to the main region, the municipal of Gävle..

Ämnen och dominans i ett samtal mellan terapeut och klient : En samtalsanalytisk jämförelse med läkar-patientsamtal

This thesis presents an analysis of a conversation between a therapist and her client. Through a study of the conversation's topics and structure I have been able to draw conclusions on how the therapist governs and steers the session. With the use of certain tools, such as introductions of topics, invitations, paraphrasing and explorative questions, the therapist presents the frames of the conversation. At the same time, though, she invites the client to state her point of view and correct the views imposed on her through, for example, formulations from the therapist. I in my study I have used the methods of Conversational Anlaysis (CA) com-bined with quantitative methods such as calculating the frequency of a phenomenon.Throughout the thesis I have compared my results with the results presented by Ulla Melander Marttala in her dissertation Content and perspective in doctor-patient conversa-tions.

"Idioter", "mörka krafter" och fotboll : en studie av mediers rapportering om fotbollsrelaterat våld

AIMThis thesis purpose is to fill a knowledge gap of research into football-related violence and media. The objective is to create an understanding of how football-related violence is portrayed in the Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen.METHODTo reach the desideratum we used a qualitative content analysis of 198 articles concerning football-related violence. To analyse the results we used theories regarding ?Framing?, ?the three ?I?s and the ?Stigma-theory?.MAIN RESULTSThe result from the initial analysis showed a heavy reliance on ?frames? by media outlets. This tended to make the news seem more sensational, dramatized and subsequently more readable than it otherwise would have been.

Merkel med NSA på andra sidan luren.

Title: Merkel with NSA on the telephoneThe aim of this essay is to study how Angela Merkel is being portrayed in context of NSAs surveillance in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The time period for the study is from the 24th of October to the 7th of November in the autumn of 2013. To concretize the aim three questions was formulated, how Angela Merkel was being portrayed in the material, how NSAs surveillance of Angela Merkel was being portrayed in the material and how different statements for various individuals in the material could affect the truth about the surveillance. The method chosen to study these questions was a discourse analysis, which also would contain parts of a linguistic analysis. The theories to support the method were Laclau & Mouffes discourse theory and Michel Foucault?s genealogical discourse analysis.

Den fördelade makten i vardagsrummet: : En kritisk diskursanalys av PR-konsulters tal om sociala medier som kommunikationskanal.

The purpose of this study was set against the background that social media today are used as an platform for companies to communicate with their customers, as well as communicate their brand. Therefore it was interesting to examine this phenomenenon through a critical point of view and try to put light on the different forms of power that is produced on this arena.The overall aim of this study was to examine how PR-consultants talk about social media as a communication channel. The empirical data consisted of five interviews with PR-consultants on five different PR-agencies. The theoretical framework was based on a social constructional perspective and Foucault?s theory of power.

Högerfeminism : En diskursteoretisk analys

The goal of this essay is to analyse how women belonging to a right wing political discourse talk about feminism and equality. This analysis will be used to determine if right wing feminism exists. The analysis is based on Laclau and Mouffe´s  discourse theory as the primary base. The focus is articulation, antagonism and hegmony; the central terms of Laclau and Moffe´s theroy. The material consists of five interviews with representatives of women wings of liberal political in Sweaden; Liberala kvinnor, Centerkvinnor and Moderatkvinnor.The study shows that there are different opinions regarding feminism in the liberal political discouse, and that those opinions have an antagonistic relationship.

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