

8771 Uppsatser om Gap analysis - Sida 37 av 585

Data inom den sociala spelmarknaden

The phenomenon of social gaming is essentially an IT-service that people worldwideuses on a daily basis. This particular market is also young and generates tremendousamounts of data, which, from a data managing perspective, makes it naturallyinteresting. Throughout this thesis the social gaming market is described from the datamanaging and different actors perspectives. This is done by using literature reviewing,interviews with companies and analysis based on that information. The thesis initiallypresents important and central terms as well as different techniques.

Inventering och riskanalys av skolskjutshållplatser : kvalitetsäkring med avseende på trafiksäkerhet

In Trollhättan municipality approximately 700 school bus stops are in service. To ensure high quality of the performance of school bus operations, with focus on traffic safety, it was decided to conduct a survey of bus stops including assessments of risks.This master thesis aims to identify the factors affecting road safety at bus stops and pedestrian connections, and to conduct an inventory and analysis of selected sites in Trollhättan municipality. The work also aims to show examples of how risk assessment should be performed in future studies. A risk analysis model provided by the Swedish Transport Administration is supplemented and used in a field study. The risk assessment is based on, inter alia, traffic flow, visibility distance, lighting, speed of traffic and the presence of bus shelter.

"Efter nu aktuell händelse så upplever hon stor skuld och skam"- Konstruktionen av den kvinnliga rattfylleristen i frivårdens personutredningar

Every year, approximately 17 500 drunk drivers are sued in Sweden. Of these, only 10 percent are women. The women are therefore considered a minority. In this study, I have taken interest in how the female drunk driver is constructed implemented by the probation service. By using critical discourse analysis I have found that the woman in these investigations is contributed the role of a deviant in two senses.

Kommunala kulturmiljöprogram : strategiska planeringsunderlag för landskapsanalys, kulturhistorisk värdering och utveckling av kulturmiljöer

In 1999 the Swedish Parliament decided about 15 environmental goals aimed to be achieved in time for the next generation. For example physical social planning must be based on programs and strategies how cultural-historical values has been attended, so called programs of cultural heritage. By law the Swedish municipalities are responsible for reaching these goals by creating program of cultural heritage. But only a few of the municipalities have these programs, meaning that many municipalities need to create programs of cultural heritage in the next five years.The aim of this report is to present a model of analysis on programs of cultural heritage in municipalities for preservation and development of cultural environments. By testing the model on the municipalities of Osby and Tomelilla methods on how to create a new program of cultural heritage or how to complete existing documents are formulated.One of the conclusions is that one document, program of cultural heritage, functions as landscape analysis, model of cultural valuation and strategy of developing cultural values.

Vem håller i taktpinnen i krisberedskapsarbetet? - En studie av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyserna i länsstyrelserna

Crisis management planning is a relatively new policy area in the European countries. It has materialized since the fall of the iron curtain and because of the increased interest to prevent wide-ranging national emergencies. In Sweden, the county administrative board has a key obligation to perform risk analysis guidelines. This assessment involves identifying crisis, planning response to the crisis and, if necessary, confronting and resolving the crisis in the geographic area of the region. The purpose of my thesis is to examine if there are any differences in crisis management planning between the county administrative boards? risk analysis guidelines.

Kontroll för ökad kvalitet - mallar för kontrollplan-PBL, egenkontroll samt riskanalys

There are problems with poor quality, poor scheduling and poor working climate in the Swedish construction industry. Many parts have been involved, trying to solve the problem.This spring a new planning and building-law becomes final. In this law, the requirements set on the controls are greater. Hopefully this will lead to fewer construction errors. The requirements set on the working environment have also increased, forcing consultants and contractors to focus on safe workplaces.For each project requiring a building permit, an inspection plan has to been drawn.

Att utforma den perfekta skandalen : En studie av hur Expressen rapporterade  om SD-skandalen i november 2012

Title: How to Construct the Perfect Scandal ? a study of the news reported by Expressen concerning the SD-scandalAuthor: Linnea IvarssonThis C-paper presents the incident concerning the political party Sverigedemokraterna in Expressen in November 2012. The newspaper was the main source of the news reporting with the mobile phone camera film from the occurance and led the way of the news reporting in Sweden about three party members.The paper investigates how the story telling of the so called SD-scandal was constructed, using Critical Discourse Analysis as the analysis method combined with selected parts from the analysis method of critical linguistics. The theories that have been used to establish the results of the analysis are Critical Discourse as a theory based on Norman Fairclough and Teun A. van Dijks theoretical keystones combined with Sigurd Allerns and Ester Pollacks theories and schematic point of view on the constructions of political scandals in media.With the theories and analysis methods above mentioned the results turned out to confirm the theory about how political scandals in media are constructed and designed with certain strategies and agenda.

Vad håller vi egentligen på med? : en studie som granskar användandet av pedagogisk dokumentation utifrån förskolans uppdrag

In this study, we aim to analyze how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation respectively are portrayed in the curriculum (skolverket 2010) as well as in the curriculum complementary material (skolverket 2012). The analysis is performed by use of critical discourse analysis. We used published research as a theoretical base to analyze the empirical data against. Our aim is to increase the understanding of how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation are used in the various policy documents and what messages these documents relay concerning the aforementioned terms.We aim to give some answers to the following questions:How to interpret the term documentation in relation to the term pedagogical documentation.How to interpret the ways the terms are promoted in the policy documents. We conclude that the term documentation is vastly more open to interpretation than the term pedagogical documentation. We note that the curriculum exclusively use the term documentation and stress the importance of using a variety of documentation forms.

Utbildningskvalitet : En undersökning av synen på utbildningskvalitet hos säljare och kunder av företagsutbildning

The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI..

Demokrati och lagprövning - Om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning som institution i demokratin

This essay concerns the issue of democracy and judicial review. The main focus is on the justification of both a positive and a negative attitude towards judicial review, and the values these justifications are based on. The analysis is made by textual analysis of four authors with different opinions of the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who has a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who are positive about it. In the analysis an analytic frame is used which consists of different dimensions and aspects of the problem of democracy and judicial review. The study shows that there are important differences in democratic values between a positive and a negative justification of judicial review.

"Alla lika olika" : En diskursanalys av mångkulturalism i den svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiken

The aim of this paper is to study how multiculturalism is expressed in the Swedish labour market policy. The method used for the investigation is a discourse analysis which study social and political processes in the society as created through language. The perspective of the discourse analysis is a social construction that considers that language is a social production created in a discursive way. It produces and reflects social process in the language.By using theories of national identity and multiculturalism we aim to investigate how multiculturalism is expressed in the labour market policy. With this method we aim to analyze the discourse of a political report made 2008 by the current government about integration strategies in Sweden.

Att lova guld och grön energi : En diskursanalys av svenska energibolags CSR-rapporter

The environmental situation is becoming increasingly critical. The energy sector and other industries have a big impact on our climate and the public is raising their voice for companies to admit their responsibility towards the environment and society. Companies engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and happily disclose their responsible performance in annual reports. But what messages are they conveying in their CSR-reporting, and what attitudes towards CSR can be found underneath the explicit content? The aim of this study is to discover which discourses exist in CSR-reports from Swedish energy companies, and how these discourses operate.

Vikingatiden i svenska och brittiska läromedel : En läromedelsanalys

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the Viking age is described in textbooks and teaching aids in the countries Sweden and Great Britain. The examination is done through a text analysis, specifically called textbook or teaching aid analysis, where the content of the teaching aid is examined.                      A literature survey with thoughts and statements regarding the Viking age of writers and experts, from both countries, are included.                       This examine is also to answer the question whether the teaching aids are typical or infrequent in relation to each other inside the explicit country, but also between the countries.   The result shows that the teaching aids in the main are typical in relation to each other. Some differences do exist and shows themselves in the choices of dispositions and layout, also in a few numbers of cases in the content. .

Att skildra De Andra : om rasism och elitens användande av etnicitet i svensk massmediediskurs

The essay, which is solely theoretical to its form, presents a critical view upon the unproblematized usage of the concept of ethnicity in the Swedish mass media discourse. Theories of critical discourse analysis and post colonial nature is applied to and used to analyze what ethnicity really means. The essay also provides an insight in the functions and power of mass media in Sweden today to understand why ethnicity is so widely used, and what consequences it may bring upon the systematically excluded "other" and the society as a whole..

Noble Operations: En studie av Stadshuskällarens processflöden

The aim of this thesis is to study Stadshuskällaren?s operational processe flow and identify their operational characteristics. The uniqueness of Stadshuskällaren is that they are breaking the law of trade-offs regarding volume/variety, much like Toyota managed to do ? which spawned the entire field of research of the ?Lean Philosophy?. In the thesis the characteristics we identify through analysis, which enables Stadshuskällaren to break the trade-off, are compared with the principles of Lean service theory, which ultimately stem from Toyota.

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